brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
Brent Of The Fabulous Wild

Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.

1481 posts

Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": JENNIFER LAWRENCE As DEATH "Death Appears As A Spunky, Attractive,

Fancasting For Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": JENNIFER LAWRENCE As DEATH "Death Appears As A Spunky, Attractive,

Fancasting for Neil Gaiman's "Sandman": JENNIFER LAWRENCE as DEATH "Death appears as a spunky, attractive, and level-headed Goth young woman. She wears a silver ankh representing the afterlife and has a marking similar to the Eye of Horus around her right eye. She prefers to dress and act casually, and is on better terms with Dream than any of the other Endless. Her sigil is her ankh." #neilgaiman #thesandman #sandmanseries #filmadaptation #filmindevelopment #shitjustgotreal #dreamfancasting #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney #shakingandcrying #theendless #preludesandnocturnes #jenniferlawrence #death #theendlessdeath

More Posts from Brentofthefabulouswild

10 years ago
Work Hard, Party Harder! Miss Nine Is Ready To Bring It For LifeDance 2015! Get Your Event Passes Now

Work hard, party harder! Miss Nine is ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #missnine

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10 years ago
From Monarchy To Anarchy... In A Parallel Alternate Universe, The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Would

From monarchy to anarchy... In a parallel alternate universe, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would be super-cool punk rock parents. #princewilliam #katemiddleton #dukeofcambridge #duchessofcambridge #britishroyals #futurekingandqueenofengland #alternateuniverse #punkrockroyals #englishmonarchy #englishanarchy #godsavetheking #godsavethequeen

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10 years ago
Sunrise, Sunrise... Looks Like Morning In My Eyes. #goodmorning #sunrise #brandnewday #walkingonsunshine

Sunrise, sunrise... Looks like morning in my eyes. #goodmorning #sunrise #brandnewday #walkingonsunshine #clearbluesky #nature #todayisagoodday #blessed #beautifulday #thankyou #tropicalcitylife

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10 years ago
"I Don't Care, Go On And Tear Me Apart! I Don't Care If You Do. 'Cause In A Sky, 'cause In A Sky Full

"I don't care, go on and tear me apart! I don't care if you do. 'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars, I think I saw you..." A modern sci-fi/fantasy story filled with drama, intrigue, adventure, and a whole lot of demented crazy stuff set in a bonkers fictional galaxy far, far away: "Saga" by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. #saga #sagacomic #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #alanaandmarko #thewill #lyingcat #thestalk #gwendolyn #sophie #upsheranddoff #princerobotiv #hazel #coldplay #askyfullofstars

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10 years ago
2013 Party Flashback: Moi With MC JOLO. #javesuperclub #professionalpartyphile #partylikearockstar #clublife

2013 party flashback: moi with MC JOLO. #javesuperclub #professionalpartyphile #partylikearockstar #clublife #mcjolo #partyanimals

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