Beautifulday - Tumblr Posts

"Sólo la falsedad premeditada puede aspirar a dar la idea de perfección; es propio de la sinceridad el presentar, junto a las cualidades, muchos defectos y deficiencias."
Alberto Moravia

Hace mucho que no salía a ver el amanecer, pero gracias a eso se he podido apreciar la magnificencia de este ✨

I’ve spent a lot, and I do mean A LOT of time inside during 2020. It was nice to get out today and go for a bike ride. 22.5 mile ride through the nature preserve was just what I needed. Together we have accomplished so much, together we have supported each other so much, quarantine has made us stronger, moving into an open country has made us dependent on each other, and together we are stronger.

“if you look close enough, you can see people sat by the river“ in Paris
photo by @alice-apsx

“Chose one way, and make it yours!"
photo by @alice-apsx

“I love this kind of sunset!”
photo by @alice-apsx

“first official Eiffel Tower picture!”
photo by @alice-apsx

“Imagine how amazing it would be if we could fly...”
photo by @alice-apsx

“And when I thought this couldn't be more perfect, I had a surprise, it was snowing!”
photo by @alice-apsx

"Your life is a result of the choices you make... If you don't like your life it's time to start making better choices." 😉
photo by @alice-apsx

“weekend road trip in Normandy, France“
first pic
photo by @alice-apsx

“weekend road trip in Normandy, France“
forth pic
photo by @alice-apsx

“There's so much to talk but nothing to listen...“
photo by @alice-apsx

“It’s easy to forget how effervescent and free we all felt that summer - Anna Godbersen“
“Sweet Summertime...” first pic
photo by @alice-apsx

“Sweet Summertime...”
third pic
photo by @alice-apsx

Summer in Spain
second pic
photo by @alice-apsx

Summer in Spain
forth pic
photo by @alice-apsx