Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
PRINCE ROBOT NO WTF ARE YOU DOING ON SEXTILLION DAMMIT?! You're Supposed To Be Recuperating After Getting

PRINCE ROBOT NO WTF ARE YOU DOING ON SEXTILLION DAMMIT?! You're supposed to be recuperating after getting fritzed back on Quietus! Get away from those filthy whores and go back home because your PRINCESS WIFE just gave birth to YOUR SON, the future heir to the Robot Kingdom throne! God, all these fucking feels in "Saga" right now like I can't even. #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #princerobotiv #nopenopenopenope #shitjustgotreal #allthegraphicnovelfeels #icanteven
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"Perhaps the only difference between me and other people was that I've always demanded more from the sunset; more spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. That's perhaps my only sin..." - Charlotte Gainsbourg, 'Nymphomaniac' #sunset #vanillasky #moviequotes #nymphomaniac #larsvontrier #charlottegainsbourg

UHM WHAT THE MOTHERFUCK?! YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO, MR. VAUGHAN AND MS. STAPLES!!! Nooooooooooooo!!! You can't split up my beautiful alien baes Marko and Alana!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HAZEL?! TO ME?! UGH FUCK THIS SHIT. This is what I get for sticking with an emotionally manipulative comic series like "Saga". #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #alanaandmarko #markoandalana #mybeautifulalienbaes #hazel #nopenopenopenope #shitjustgotreal #fuckthisshit #howcouldyoudothistome

Work hard, party harder! Vinai is ready to bring it for LifeDance 2015! Get your event passes now before they run out! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedancecebu #lifedance2015 #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #workhard #partyharder #vinai

Turn up the lights in here, baby! Extra bright, I want y'all to see this! Turn up the lights in here, baby! You know what I need, want you to see everything, want you to see all of the lights...! #javesuperclub #professionalpartyphile #clublife #thefutureisbright #fierceandflawless #partylikearockstar #allofthelights #letmetakeaselfie

GHURRRRRRRRLLLL!!! If this is what a theater stage production looks like on "Saga", then consider me SOLD!!! #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples