Icanteven - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

I don't understand. I clearly see a blue dress with black lacy stuff.  But half my friends said they see white and gold.  SCIENCE SIDE OF TUMBLR, WE NEED YOU!

Guys Please Help Me - Is This Dress White And Gold, Or Blue And Black? Me And My Friends Cant Agree And

guys please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black? Me and my friends can’t agree and we are freaking the fuck out

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9 years ago
This Song Started Playing On My ITunes Radio And I Just I Love It

This song started playing on my iTunes Radio and I just I love it

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10 years ago
PRINCE ROBOT NO WTF ARE YOU DOING ON SEXTILLION DAMMIT?! You're Supposed To Be Recuperating After Getting

PRINCE ROBOT NO WTF ARE YOU DOING ON SEXTILLION DAMMIT?! You're supposed to be recuperating after getting fritzed back on Quietus! Get away from those filthy whores and go back home because your PRINCESS WIFE just gave birth to YOUR SON, the future heir to the Robot Kingdom throne! God, all these fucking feels in "Saga" right now like I can't even. #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumefour #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples #sagacharacters #princerobotiv #nopenopenopenope #shitjustgotreal #allthegraphicnovelfeels #icanteven

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11 years ago
And The Most Random Display Image Award Goes To... THIS MESS! The Fact That It's Blurry Just Completely

And the most random display image award goes to... THIS MESS! The fact that it's blurry just completely seals the deal.

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