brentofthefabulouswild - Brent Of The Fabulous Wild
Brent Of The Fabulous Wild

Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.

1481 posts

LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad

LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Pop Squad

LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS • Volume 02 (2021) — Pop Squad

In a future where resources are controlled by the rich, “unregistered offspring” are forbidden by the state. A police officer charged with enforcing population control faces a crisis of conscience.

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The Tribes Of Kumandra
The Tribes Of Kumandra
The Tribes Of Kumandra
The Tribes Of Kumandra
The Tribes Of Kumandra

The Tribes of Kumandra

In Raya And The Last Dragon, the film is set in a fictional fantasy land called Kumandra, inspired by Southeast Asian cultures from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, and the Philippines. The production team traveled to the aforementioned countries in order to gain inspiration and portray these diverse nations respectfully through attention to detail in the design aesthetics of the characters, costumes, architecture, and landscapes.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana • Part 01

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

Spider-Man / Peter Parker

Suspended between spiritual and earthly existence, the beautiful Fool is the newly born soul embarking on a bright adventure. Free, clear-hearted, unformed, and open to discover, he needs the counsel of others and would be wise to listen when it is offered. With limitless possibilities before him, he is anxious with seeking and excited for what life is ready to teach. With an open heart, he is led by the inner voice of his true Self.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

Iron Man / Tony Stark

As the first guide on the journey to enlightenment, the Magician reveals the raw symbols of the tools from which anything can be created. He advises that all new creations, if they are to succeed, require more than just skill: they require faith in the unknowable. The Magician urges you to speak aloud what it is that you want—to will it into existence, releasing it from the world of mere hopes and thoughts.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

The Ancient One

The High Priestess will receive you if your desire is true and you are willing to explore your spirit, free of the need for answers or religion. True wisdom comes from quiet, solitary reflection and trusting your own personal experience of life. The High Priestess is veiled wisdom. She is the space between extremes where ideas and thoughts are uncovered, where they emerge and expand. Those who are brave enough to listen in her stillness will gain the strength and conviction they seek for future actions.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

Queen Ramonda

As the ultimate mother, she will nurture you through the unique moments of each particular stage of growth—through the cycles of life, death, rebirth, creation, and destruction. Relax into the safe glow of her embrace, and begin what is there to begin.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

Black Panther / T'Challa

A symbol of authority, the Emperor stands powerfully on his earthly foundation and uses his intelligence to create order and structure of his surroundings. Grand achievements are not built overnight; they require a mature coordination of foresight, planning, and bold fearlessness. The Emperor declares that now is the time for exerting control over the situation, defining limits, and showing confidence in one's abilities.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana Part 01

Nick Fury

The Hierophant protects the traditions and offers guidance and practical advice to the community. Though they are not his own, they have all been entrusted to him and he shares them freely with anyone who asks. He is the illuminating link between our most cherished beliefs and the actual living of those beliefs in our daily lives. The Hierophant asks you to honestly assess how well your convictions translate into words and actions. He can be a stubborn teacher, but his counsel is worth considering. It will undoubtedly guide you toward inner harmony.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Major Arcana • Part 02



Unlike the title might suggest, the Lovers are not primarily about passion or romance. When these moments of love occur, they are about a choice: follow your head or follow your heart. These moments of love are spiritual, like reuniting with a cosmic twin. The Lovers can restore balance and make us feel very happy. Love is not always convenient, easy, or painless. but the possibilities that arise from saying "Yes" can bring lifelong joy in many areas. Follow your heart and choose love.


Star-Lord / Peter Jason Quill

Surrounded by contradiction, the conquering hero of the Chariot brings focus, unshakable determination, and intense will to harness the host of opposing forces. Propelled by his concentration and protected by his confidence, he will conquer all difficulty; navigating the ruts of complexity and restoring balance.



Above all, Justice is about fairness. She is rational, logical, and objective—concerned only with what is needed right now for your life in reality, not in your mind. The outcome of the present situation may not be to your liking, but it will be fair. Her gaze stares directly through your eyes and into your heart, past the confusion. Examine the motives of your life, identify the raw truths, and find clarity and balance.


Professor Hulk / Bruce Banner

Resolute and fearless, the Hermit searches for the things that hide in the shadows and the crevasses of his ego—the things that don't want to be found. He will, at times, be shocked and disheartened by what he uncovers. But if he truly wants peace, the Hermit must be open to the truth he finds there.


The Infinity Stones + Iron Gauntlet

The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that life is never predictable and that change is inevitable and necessary. It is impersonal: sometimes we are summiting the mountain, and sometimes we are trudging through the valley. Either way, it is simply life. When you encounter the Wheel of Fortune, you are about to have an encounter with chance and the outcome is unknown. Take it for what it is, without judgment or evaluation.


Captain America / Steve Rogers

All humans both have peaceful and fiery energies as part of their design. Left to their own nature, the fiercer qualities can get away from us, creating imbalance in our lives. Strength is not interested in ridding himself of his savage side, but rather in turning in its gaze, gently and with generosity, toward useful partnership. Combined with his peaceful energies, the fiery energies come to his assistance; fueling and propelling his objectives to unexpected heights.


MCU Major Arcana Part 01

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LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice
LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS Volume 02 (2021) Ice

LOVE DEATH + ROBOTS • Volume 02 (2021) — Ice

In a future where many humans are enhanced with extraordinary strength and endurance, the “unmodded” feel left behind. This class conflict drives a rift between two brothers that puts their lives at risk during a dangerous race across the frozen sea of their colony world.

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