Strangers Again
strangers again
pairing: steve rogers x black!reader
summary: you and steve had a lot of changes in your relationship but you never intended to end up at square one again.
warnings: strangers to lovers and lovers to strangers trope, injury and memory loss.
a/n: y’all probably hate me for all of the sad ass content i have been writing lately but i swear i’m just trying to get all of the ideas out of my head while they are still there.
to join my taglist message me :)

strangers to friends
“do you mind if i sit here” i looked up from my computer to see a man with beautiful blue eyes looking at me. “sure” i smile at him and he takes the seat across front me.
“so what brings you here captain” i smile as he chuckles “just wanted some coffee before going back to my superhero duties” i laugh at his response before really talking a good look at him, he’s beautiful, his jawline is perfect, eyes a beautiful blue, and his lips full and soft.
“did anyone ever tell you about stranger danger?” his question makes me laugh “yes but you are a stranger who looks like he doesn’t mean any harm” he smiles at my respose “and besides you aren’t really a stranger to me if anything you should be worried about me, i could be a supervillain just waiting to kill you” he raises an eyebrow with a small smile “and are you” he asks “oh absolutely not” we share a laugh.
we had been talk for what felt like hours, he was incredibly funny and kind. he told some amazing stories but also listened to mine, i could tell he wanted to have a conversation on anything other than aliens and saving the world.
his phone went and his smile slowly disappeared “duty calls” i nod as he gets his things together. “before i go is it ok if i get your number” i smile and nods before writing my name and number down on a napkin, i hand him the napkins with a smile. “good luck cap” he smiles and nods before walking out of the coffee shop.
friends into lovers
i walked throughout the hospital look for steve’s room, sam had called me telling me that he had a fight and that he got beat up pretty bad. i look around until i found the number and walked into the room quietly, i saw steve laying in the hospital bed unconscious.
i closed the door behind me before looking over at sam “how is he” i ask as fear spread through my chest. “he’ll be alright he’s just unconscious right now” i nod before walking over the other side of his bed.
after a while sam left and i was still in the room, the nurse brought me a blanket and some snacks for the night. i eventually got tired so i laid my head on the side of his bed and drifted off to sleep.
i felt a hand shake me gently and i whined before pushing it away, i heard a chuckle i recognized and opened my eyes. i turned my head and saw steve smiling at me “morning sleeping beauty” i smile as he chuckles.
i hesitantly put my had on his face and rub his cheek gently “you alright” i ask and he nods “i’m fine sweetheart” he asssures and i nod as the tears i had been holding in fell. “hey hey don’t cry” i wipe my tears before sniffling “i’m sorry i just thought i was going to lose you an-“ before i could finish he kissed me, the kiss was gently and passionate.
we pulled away in need of some air, we smile at each other before giggling like little kids. “i’ve been meaning to do that for a long time” i smiles as he touches my cheek and rubs it.
“i love you y/n”
“i love you too steve”
my phone rang as i was driving, i was at a red light so i picked it up and saw tony calling me. i answered it and put it on speaker “hello” i pressed the gas pedal as the light turned green “y/n we need you to get back to the compound now it’s steve”
without saying a word i turned around in the middle of the street and made my way to the compound, i broke about every traffic law there was to get to the compound.
when i got there i didn’t even bother to park right, i got out of the car and ran towards the medical ward. when i got there i walked into the room and saw everyone surrounding the bed steve way laying in, i walked towards him and saw that he was beaten pretty badly.
everyone moved out of my way and i sat down in the chair next to the bed like i had done many times before, i held his hand and rubbed it with my thumb. he looked over at me and i smiled as a tear of relief fell down my face.
he pulled his hand way from mine and my smile dropped, i look at him with a confused expression “who are you ?”
and strangers again
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More Posts from Bri3ll3
Am I the only one who wonders why there isn’t more black oc or black!reader fics for peter Parker. It’s obvious what his type is! So why are most of them made for white girls?

I just really need Casey to know what a fish is by the amazingly talented raychelwho on instagram
(Reposted with permission)
favorite crime
pairing: steve rogers x black!reader
summary: steve never knew but he was your favorite crime
warning: cheating??
a/n: this is a rewrite of one of my old one shots that i accidentally deleted.

“i made some calls back in russia and this is all i could get for you” nat says handing me the files and i smile. “thank you so much” she smiles before hugging me, i hug her back tight before pulling away.
“you really care about him don’t you” she asks and i nod “good because he really needs someone like you in his life” i smile at her before hugging her again.
i was sitting in my cell staring at the blank wall in front of me as tears fell down my face, i felt like a fucking idiot but steve got his bestfriend back.
“y/n” i hear from beside me, i look over and tony looking at me sadly. “hey” i greet as i stand up to walk towards the glass that’s separating us.
“i’m so sorry tony” more tears fall down my face as i apologize to him, he shakes his head “love makes you do some stupid shit i would know” i nod as give me a small smile.
“he’s going to come back for you don’t worry, he loves you too”
“miss y/l/n i am not letting you help an enemy of the state back into the country” ross says and i huff in annoyance. “this threat is beyond the government ross, this is half of all life we are talking about not just earth but every other planet in the universe” i reason and he sighs.
“y/n you have been romantic with mr. rogers i have no reason but to believe that you have a certain opinion on him” he says and i roll my eyes “this has nothing to do with what happened between me and rogers two years ago this is about the state of the universe so either you let me do it your way or i do it my way” i warn.
“fine” he sighs and i smile “thank you so much general”
“y/n i’m not doing this i’m sorry” tony says and i nod as morgan plays with one of my braids. “i know tony you’ve got everything you want now and i’m not trying to ruin that all i’m asking you to do is think about it” he sighs before nodding.
“i see he finally did it” he says nodding towards my hand that has a ring on it “yeah i really wanted you to be there but you had your reasons” he nods before smiling at me.
“if he fucks up you let me know alright” i laugh at tony’s warning and soon he joins in too.
steve fucked up and he fucked up big time and tony wasn’t here to fuck him up.
i looked at the bench where an older steve sat staring off into the distance, his hair was now a silver instead of a blond and his physique has changed a lot but most of all he has a band on his hand.
i knew exactly what he did and my heart broke, more like shattered. bucky pulled me into him and rubbed my back gently as sam talked to steve, i clung onto bucky like my life depended on it as i felt my knees get weak.
i felt a tap on my shoulder and i looked over my shoulder and see same nodding at me, i nod back before wiping my tears and letting go of bucky.
i took a deep breath before walking over to the bench that steve was sitting on, i sat down next to him and stared of into the distance.
as we sit in silence i think of every happy memory we shared and how he probably wasn’t happy, instead thinking of what his life would be like with peggy and i just being there to fill the empty space for a while.
i shed a few tears as i take the ring off of my finger before placing it in the space between us, i get up and walk away from him leaving him alone.

What if...? (2021- ) // Episode 2
Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa aka Star-Lord
ways writers can be inclusive 101
“my cheeks turned pink in embarrassment” → “my cheeks heated in embarrassment”
“his hand ran through my hair” → “his hand ran over my head/hair”
“her bright pink pussy” → literally anything else
stop using mood boards of only white couples/children (heavy on this one)
using children names like eveleigh ann (do i need to explain..)
her hair was put in a messy bun/her long silky hair…
Respectfully, I know it’s just fanfiction, but if you’re going to write reader insert fics then do the bare minimum of making sure it’s actually inclusive and not white coded. Many of us shouldn’t read an x reader fic and imagine a white woman every single time. Stop taking criticism from bipocs, saying your writing is not inclusive, as hate. Let go of the mindset that having a bipoc in your writing means they have to go through some racial struggle or you must talk about their culture (a lot of bipocs don’t know their culture/where they came from). It shouldn’t make you uncomfortable to write them in your stories, we’re normal people too. If it does maybe a reflection is meant to be had. Like i said, it’s just fanfiction and it’s supposed to be fun, but some of y’all are purposefully exclusive and still tag your writing wrong.
And if you can’t handle it, tag ur fic as an oc or white!reader. Because it’s not right for writers to attack people asking for inclusivity and playing victim bc they know they can.