Thanksgiving Is The Holiday Equivalent Of The Color Beige.
Thanksgiving is the holiday equivalent of the color beige.

michaelwarming liked this · 3 years ago
More Posts from Brother-fishbait
3 years ago
Million dollar idea:
Towels with different colors on each side. One monogramed, "your face" and the other "your butt."
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million dollar idea
please tell me I'm not the only one to do this
like when you get out of the shower
you don't want to wipe your face and your butt with the same part of the towel
i know im theory it doesn't matter
like after a shower your whole self should be equally clean
but like :(
still no
i should patten this
jk that would require money
3 years ago
Be Humble
Said by someone very not humble
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3 years ago
"What We Did"

Happy very late veterans day!
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I know the US gov really sucks
and our military is pretty bad
but that doesn't change the fact that people choose to die for us
if anything we should pay respect to those boys who fought in WW2
or WW1
or the revelationary war
they don't need to be saints
or martyrs
or heros or paragons
for us to be thankful for what they gave us
flaws and all
veterans day
3 years ago
Through a tragic comedy of errors it has now been over a week since I've been on my anti-depressents. And let me just tell you. WITHDRAWALS ARE REAL. Take your meds, wean yourself off, never go cold turkey, it is a terrible idea.
This was not on purpose.
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take your meds
this has sucked
I've been thinking about getting off my meds for awhile
but this mega sucks
dont do this
dont go
cold turkey
medical withdrawals
I am going to start weaning myself off though
but oof withdrawals suck
such terrible relapses into old habbjts I was happy to not have anymore
Listen to your doctor
also read the perscription bottle before you take the pills
they refilled the wrong drug for me
and I didn't notice
like I said above
not fun
3 years ago
You can only give what you have. So if you're going to love others you need to love yourself first.
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philosophical waxings
something I've thought of
it makes sense to me
though I kind of dislike it
I am preaching something I struggle to practice
but I think the best things to preach
are always hard
the best things always require effort
lots of it
what it means to love
well more like:
in my experience