Agency - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

something I find kinda interesting about radfems is that because they believe that womanhood is characterized by universal experiences of trauma and oppression, and because they believe that only they and people who agree with them correctly understand the nature of this oppression, they end up sounding like they believe that the only reason women would like things that they think are bad is if they're somehow being tricked into liking it

does a woman like wearing makeup or revealing clothes? patriarchal brainwashing. a cis woman who identifies as a lesbian dating a trans woman with a penis? she's doing it out of guilt or pity, or she was pressured into it. afab people coming out as non-binary or trans men? that's just internalized misogyny making them want to escape womanhood. hijabi women keeping their heads covered and dressing modestly? obviously they've been pressured into it by their oppressive islamic upbringing. women who are into kink, particularly if they're submissive? abuse victims who don't realize their male partners are taking advantage of them

women aren't allowed to like things under radical feminism. every aspect of a woman's life is either a political statement or a decision made under duress. women have free will and agency unless they disagree with me, in which case they're helpless victims who can't recognize how oppressed they truly are.

don't get me wrong, I think it's worth examining why you enjoy doing the things you're doing. the modern state of corporatized pop-feminism has found a way to frame nearly every act, regardless of how harmful to one's self or others, as feminist, and that's a trap that you certainly don't want to fall into. but the vision of womanhood that radfems paint is so bleak and joyless that it can never adequately act as an answer to that problem

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10 years ago
Photography Ilija Milosavljevic
Photography Ilija Milosavljevic

Photography  Ilija Milosavljevic

Model  Ivana Stankovic @ Woman Model Management


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Sean Bienvenidos Japonistaarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Actualidad Del Pas Del Sol Naciente. En Este Caso
Sean Bienvenidos Japonistaarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Actualidad Del Pas Del Sol Naciente. En Este Caso
Sean Bienvenidos Japonistaarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Actualidad Del Pas Del Sol Naciente. En Este Caso
Sean Bienvenidos Japonistaarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Actualidad Del Pas Del Sol Naciente. En Este Caso

Sean bienvenidos japonistaarqueológicos, a una nueva actualidad del país del sol naciente. En este caso os comentaré que se han actualizado los datos del número de islas del archipiélago Japonés, dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - La información viene de la agencia Geoespacial de Japón, el número de islas son de 14125 en todo el país, más del doble del número anunciado hasta ahora, en 1987 el cálculo era de 6852 islas. - El número de islas en cada prefectura Nagasaki 1479 Hokkaido 1473 Kagoshima 1256 Iwate 861 Okinawa 691. - ¿Qué opinan al respecto? Espero que tengan una buena semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón - 日出づる国から新しいニュースへようこそ。今回は、日本列島の島の数が更新されたことをお伝えします。 - 国土地理院からの情報ですが、日本全国の島の数は14125で、今まで発表されていた数(1987年は6852島)の2倍以上になっています。 - 各都道府県の島嶼数 長崎県 1479 北海道 1473 鹿児島県 1256 岩手県 861 沖縄県 691 - いかがでしょうか?今週も良い一週間をお過ごしください。また、今後の日本からの投稿でお会いしましょう。 - Welcome to a new update from the land of the rising sun. In this case I will tell you that we have updated the data on the number of islands in the Japanese archipelago, so make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - The information comes from the Geospatial agency of Japan, the number of islands is 14125 in the whole country, more than double the number announced until now, in 1987 the estimate was 6852 islands. - The number of islands in each prefecture Nagasaki 1479 Hokkaido 1473 Kagoshima 1256 Iwate 861 Okinawa 691. - What do you think about it? I hope you have a good week and see you in future posts from Japan.

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3 years ago

there’s something about living life deliberately…wearing clothes that you actually want to and that you feel reflect you and your style not just because you’ve had them for years and don’t know what else you would throw on….listening to songs and creating playlists that excite you and represent your actual mood not just listening to songs that you’ve had downloaded for years that don’t make you feel anything special anymore…it’s VERY easy to stay with what you’re comfortable and it might take a bit of experimenting before you find what feels like a deliberate choice that reflects more of YOU but it’s absolutely worth the leap of faith you may have to convince yourself to make in order to stop feeling like a passenger in your own life

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3 years ago

I don't think omniscience is what makes God perfect. No I think God is perfect because he loves without exception or fault. I think even if we knew every single thing in existence it still wouldn't be enough to MAKE us perfect. We'd still need to figure out why any of it matters.

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1 year ago
Chicago BasementIdeas For A Sizable, Timeless, Travertine-floored Basement Renovation

Chicago Basement Ideas for a sizable, timeless, travertine-floored basement renovation

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9 years ago



  ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ БЮЛЛЕТЕНЬ 20.10.2015 София: рост стоимости жилья и увеличение числа продаж По материалам Полины Стойковой MRICS, Исполнительного директора компании БОЛГАРИАН ПРОПЕРТИС  

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9 years ago

Bulgarian Properties. Новый жилой комплекс Vitosha.

Bulgarian Properties. Новый жилой комплекс Vitosha.

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