brother-fishbait - Welcome to the Belly of the Beast
Welcome to the Belly of the Beast

There are worse places to be

110 posts

Be Humble

Be Humble

Said by someone very not humble

More Posts from Brother-fishbait

3 years ago

I was reading in the book of Moroni and where it talks all about Faith, hope and charity. And I feel I learned a lot about it faith and hope.

Hope might be something you have an innate disposition towards. But really I feel like hope has more to do with knowledge and understanding. Understanding that the way things are don't have to remain. That things can be better.

Faith is described as a "hope of things not seen." But I don't think that means we are going into things blind. I know and understand that God even if he can't be seen will still help us and how he, with unseen power, can help us. He gives strength as we put in effort.

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3 years ago

Current mood:

Shooting myself in the foot repeatedly with an automatic weapon while my expression remains unchanged.

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3 years ago

I should post more


things or pictures on my feed so it is easier to scroll through and not get lost.

3 years ago

Dude I freaking loved my little pony. And I finally figured out why. It was good. The philosophies of the show were "friendship equals good," and I love that. That simple philosophy of this thing even if it isn't easy to execute is simply good. That kindness is not a shade of gray, it is good. That goodness isn't a shade of gray, it is white.

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3 years ago

Shout out to my grandma that said something really racist and then immediately said:

"Oh, that's really racist, I'll need to change that"

Improvement > pride

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