Understanding - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

People: get stuck on The Picture of Dorian Gray chapter 11 because it's too slow-paced/too much theory/too much description/too hard to read/not really interesting to them

Me: gets stuck on The Picture of Dorian Gray chapter 11 because I gotta look up every word I don't understand which subsequently leads to a further research as the word brings me to one curious topic after another and/or the thoughts in the text send me rolling ass over teakettle into a myriad of connections that open into enlightenments and realisations which I gotta contemplate and write down and process, and the chapter is full of those, and so I read a half a paragraph and for the next hour+ go down the rabbit hole, you see my problem

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4 years ago

Why I Do Spellwork

I am not new to the world of magick and have been practicing spellcasting for nearly 6 years now, refining my skills in rituals and spellcasting. I never could be religious about my beliefs although I have tried in the past and found that I use magick best as a mental strategy to manage feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Why I Do Spellwork

Everyone is different when it comes to their reasons to begin their spiritual journey into witchcraft and although it sounds like a religion it can be as religious as it can be nonreligious. I tend to practice on the nonreligious side. Sure I like hearing the stories that come with deities, Gods, Goddesses, etc. I find them to be something quite interesting and all have morals. One could always learn from tales of old. Their symbolism means a lot to me when it comes to spell crafting and although I may not worship them, I see them as spiritual guides. 

I am no master at the craft, I am always learning more each day I study. Each day I learn something new about myself and what materials and symbols mean for my spells. I enjoy learning. I feel like the mind becomes more and more aware with the knowledge that fills it. 

I use my studies not only for me but I find it useful to help others who ask for it. I always focus on the positive outlook of spellwork, I work to achieve happiness, luck, protection, etc. If someone came to me for a protective spell or charm I would put my little heart and soul into it to help them. I sometimes think that I worry too much for others and I care too deeply (that’s usually what gets me hurt), but the feeling of helping others is too good for me to stop.

Overall, spellwork and rituals really help influence the energy around me. Whether it is to help my mental state or to help protect my home from negative forces. Spellworking is a gift and a spiritual guide to the unknown and to understand better yourself and the others around you.

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3 years ago

This blog, like it’s maker, gives me a lot of peace.

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1 year ago

the continuous art of understanding oneself

40 Examples of Self Abandonment 🤕👎💭💔

Self-abandonment means not taking care of yourself, your needs, and your feelings. It's like ignoring what's good for you and not being kind to yourself normally in a way that benefits everyone but you.

Not eating well or exercising.

Pretending to be happy when you're not.

Working too much without breaks.

Staying in a bad relationship.

Letting people use you.

Forgetting about things you enjoy.

Not saying what you want.

Always doing things for others.

Not asking for help when you're sad or stressed.

Being alone when you need friends.

Saying mean things to yourself in your head.

Giving up your dreams for others.

Avoiding problems instead of solving them.

Never taking time to relax.

Ignoring how you look or feel.

Not asking for help when things are too hard.

Trying to be perfect all the time.

Doing things that hurt you, like drugs or danger.

Changing who you are to fit in.

Not being yourself and doing what others want.

Ignoring your body when it needs rest or sleep.

Letting others make decisions for you all the time.

Keeping your feelings bottled up inside.

Surrounding yourself with people who bring you down.

Not pursuing your interests or hobbies.

Saying "yes" to everything, even when you're overwhelmed.

Putting up with disrespect or mistreatment from others.

Not giving yourself credit for your accomplishments.

Skipping important appointments or check-ups.

Holding onto grudges and negative emotions.

Comparing yourself unfavorably to others.

Not taking breaks when you're stressed.

Neglecting your financial well-being and overspending.

Ignoring signs of burnout or exhaustion.

Avoiding seeking help for mental health struggles.

Ignoring your own intuition and gut feelings.

Overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.

Constantly seeking validation from others.

Letting fear hold you back from trying new things.

Dwelling on past mistakes and not forgiving yourself.

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4 years ago

took me a while to understand that you need more than love to be in a relationship

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7 months ago

Hey guys , i just uploaded a video , which explains everything about my personality , i want to post it for everyone who are asking questions about my mbti my enneagram , to name just a few !!!! Unfortunately you can't send me messages , because i can't anwer them and it's not because I'm rude and i do not share my care for you , but my Tumblr profile , doesn't allow me to answer messages , due to my email address and settings , so i suggest to all of you to watch this video and the answers are all in this video i uploaded !!! I also wanna say thank you for all the support and hope you're days are going smoothly !!!!

Kisses : 3




19 years old

An intuitive, feeling , planning extrovert

Love you all <3 <3 <3

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9 months ago


To be honest, I really struggle with self-doubt sometimes. And because of that, I’m always searching for some sort of praise to lift my spirits, even if it’s just for a minute. Because if I don’t, my criticism and thoughts slow me down, until I’ve dug a grave of negativity that I lay in, usually for weeks. And it’s just as hard to get out of that pit as it is to get your grades back up. And even though I get all this love and support from my family and you guys, most times, I distort those words of love into something that makes me think that I could have done better. I wholeheartedly believe that this message applies to most people, because it is only human that we put ourselves down, so that we can improve. And it’s inevitable. We can’t help it, we’re just wired that way.

Recently, I’ve really tried to let go of my perfectionism, and it’s been a struggle. For these things that I’ve been telling myself for years have been permanently cemented into my day to day thought process.

But it all leads to growth.

In some way or another, you and I will improve and change drastically. Albeit, a very long and slow process, if you’re able to look back today, and just take a moment, take a breath, and just think of all the things you’ve done, all the beautiful people you’ve met, all the culture you’ve witnessed….Though you may not think it, or feel it (I know I don’t), we are amazing. Truly graceful in what we are passionate about, and what we’re capable of doing well. Please, take this message and remind yourself as much as you can, that you actually are enough. You’re right where you need to be.

You are right where you need to be.

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4 years ago

this sort of kind of reminds me of this class i had a few years ago where we talked about boundaries, how to keep them, and how to make sure people near you are safe too. probably because i think about it most of the time lol

the instructor was this big tall kind of imposing man who commented on how this exercise was one of the only times he thought that was a good thing. he asked for a volunteer and had them stand a few feet away from the wall on one end of the classroom while he walked over to the one opposite them. it was a big room so he was pretty far away

“i’m going to walk towards you and talk to you about my son,” he explained, in a totally friendly and disarming way. “im just going to talk and maybe gesture a little and walk towards you, just talking! and when i get too close, all you have to do is tell me to stop and i’ll stop. its ok! really! i wont be upset at all and this is just a class, i’ll stop on a dime!”

and then he did exactly what he said he was going to, but very loud and walking kind of fast. the room echoed and everyone was watching. he hadn’t lied at all, but it was just kind of a lot. the volunteer immediately took a step back and looked more guarded but didn’t say anything until he was basically on top of her. 

he stopped, and then he asked her “when did you WANT me to stop?”

she admitted that she was a little uncomfortable about how fast he was moving from the start, but halfway across the room is when she really didnt want him closer.

“yeah, i know! i was paying attention. i saw your nonverbal cues right away, but a lot of people who preface their actions with a speech like mine won’t. by constantly reassuring someone they can tell you to stop, the responsibility falls on YOU instead, in their eyes, and also makes you second guess using that to begin with! because you knew i didnt want to hurt you, or thought you knew that, the idea of telling me to stop, of suggesting i wasn’t safe, made you second guess your gut and worry about my feelings. it’s good to check in like i did, but it doesn’t mean you can stop being perceptive, and you have to keep in mind that just because you give them this tool doesn’t mean they’ll feel comfortable using it. once you understand that, there will be a lot fewer cases of people “blowing up” at you”

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13 years ago


I discovered a photograph in my wallet, it was shoved in there with a few other things from years ago. I was about 13 or so, my brother and sister (both older than me) were in the front.  It was taken in one of those photo booths at the mall. They had their heads together and in the opening between their neck and shoulders you could see my chin and mouth. I remember that moment. My mouth had a smile. But I remember their heads coming in front of mine. Forgotten I was there. The little sister.... It bothered me then but I had gotten used to it.  They aged earlier than I did, so I lost my playmates early, they hung on tight together. I used to beg them to play with me, do things with me, but they wouldn't. I had always wished the roles would switch because I would always play with my little siblings, I'd take care of them because I know how important it was. But we're not kids anymore and once I got older, they noticed me because they had too, but that same distance is between us. I'm still the one standing alone. It's what I've become used to and it's what they still do not understand. But what I've learned is how important one person can be, I didn't have friends then either so siblings was all I had. I didn't get that after while either. One day I will have a family of my own, and if I have children which I most likely will, that is one of the major lessons I will teach them. To have empathy, kindness, compassion, understanding for their siblings and anyone else that comes in their path. As the last thing I want them to feel is this...alone.

Sequoia Red (via Sequoia Red)

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7 years ago

“An Accolade To My Existence And To The Rest Of Humanity.”

Blog by: Gevex Gendric T. Dispo

Inspired from my previous blog:

“A Tribute to this child who (Died) has Cancer.”

With the Acknowledgment of Philosophical and Biology Lectures From:

Dr. Joseph Jovellanos Ph.D

Prof. Michael Zacarias

Dr. Richard Dawkins (Biologists)

Photo Credits go to their respective sources as the user deemed the necessity of the images as Supplementary Visual Aids Only. For Other Viewers who might find a hard time reciprocating/comprehending the story.


Is it just the mere existence of life, that bothers me? or the pursuit of having to find the meaning out of it? Such questions were evident as I frequently ask more and more questions out of it. 

All I knew so far is that I’m more Ignorant than I ever was. And if in my state, I am. Then how much more for the others out there who are lacking in knowledge to even realize the basics of what I’m having trouble with. Will they be contented on just living a “normal” life the way it is?  

Such reason of being contented on life life the way it is, resonates deeper ignorance which implicates a tremendous insult to the mind. But knowing my place, it is not my job to laugh at, and dismiss at something as meaningless, to something which seeks meaning. No! for I have nothing to hide but to show the nakedness of my mind to the very ideals of my existence. But the persistence of having to move onwards on a common goal instead of living a life centered on oneself, centered on the ambition of one’s self. Is greater than actually playing the gutter game of who’s life had turned out to be better.


There is a saying: “I SEE HUMANS BUT NO HUMANITY.”

I do not entirely agree with that. But on a collective purpose, it varies from time to time. Again, I do not want to play this gutter game of lashing out rhetorics, but at the very least positive thing, as a continuity of my casuistry, I will make a blog out of acknowledgement. A chef d’evour of my persistent passion of making a difference, bridging the gaps and bring us all a little bit closer together.

We (mankind) the privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred.


We Are Going To Die, and that makes us the lucky ones.

Most people aren’t going to die because they’ll never going to be born.


The potential people who could’ve been here in my place, but who will in fact never see the light of day, outnumber the sand grains of Sahara.


Certainly, those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats,


Scientists greater than Newton.

We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA, so massively outnumbers the set of actual people.

In the teeth of these stupefying odds, it is You and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. 


We live in a planet that is all but perfect for our kind of life. Not too warm and not too cold, basking in kindly sunshine, softly watered; a gently spinning, green and gold festival of a planet.

Yes and Alas, there are deserts and slums, there is starvation and racking misery to be found. But take a look at the competition.

Compared with most planets this is paradise, and parts of Earth are still paradise by any standards.


What are the odds that a planet picked at random will have these complaisant properties? Even the most optimistic calculation will put it at less than one in a million.


Imagine a spaceship full of sleeping explorers, deep - frozen would be colonists of some distant world. Perhaps the ship is on a forlorn mission to save the species before an unstoppable comet like the one that killed the dinosaurs, hits the home planet.

The voyagers go into the deep freeze soberly reckoning the odds against their spaceship ever chancing upon a planet friendly to life.

If one in a million planet is suitable at best, and it takes centuries to travel from each star to the next, the spaceship is pathetically unlikely to find a tolerable, let alone safe haven, for its sleeping cargo. 

But imagine that the ship’s robot pilot turns out to be unthinkably lucky. After millions of years, the ship’s robot pilot does find a planet capable of sustaining life. A planet of equable temperature, bathed in warm star shine, refreshed by oxygen and water.


The passengers, RIP VAN WINKLES, wake up stumbling into the light. After a million years of sleep, here is a whole new fertile globe. A lush planet of warm pastures, sparkling streams and waterfalls, a world bountiful with creatures, darting through alien green felicity. 

Our travellers walk entranced, stupefied, unable to believe their unaccostomed senses or their luck. The story asks for too much luck; it would never happen.

And yet, isn't it what has happened to each one of us? WE HAVE WOKEN after hundred of millions asleep, defying astronomical odds. Admittedly, we didn't arrived by spaceships, we arrived by being born. And we didn't burst conscious into the world but accumulated awareness gradually through babyhood.

The fact that we gradually apprehend our world, rather than suddenly discovering it, should not substract from its wonder. It is no accident that our kind of life finds itself on a planet whose temperature, rainfall, and everything else are exactly right.

If the planet were suitable for another kind of life, it is that other kind of life that would have evolved here. But we as individuals, are still hugely blessed, privileged, and not just privileged to enjoy out planet. More, we're granted the opportunity to understand why our eyes are open, and why they see what they do.

In the short time, before they close,


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1 year ago

Echoes of Understanding

In the quiet solitude of my room, I sat, my thoughts swirling like leaves caught in a gust of wind. I longed for someone to truly understand me, to see beyond the surface and grasp the complexities of my soul.

As I scrolled through my phone, I couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that seemed to cling to me like a shadow. I craved connection, the kind that went beyond mere words or superficial exchanges.

Closing my eyes, I imagined a world where I could be completely myself, where my deepest fears and desires were met with empathy and understanding. I yearned for someone to look into my eyes and see the chaos within, to hold my hand and say, "I understand."

But as the night stretched on, I realized that perhaps the key to being understood wasn't in finding someone else, but in learning to understand myself. And so, with a renewed sense of determination, I set out on a journey of self-discovery, knowing that true understanding would come from within.

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1 year ago

The Wisdom of Serenity

In a charming neighborhood nestled between rolling hills, there lived two dogs: Rufus and Bella. Rufus was a lively and exuberant pup, always seeking attention and affection from anyone who crossed his path. Bella, on the other hand, was a serene and composed dog, content to bask in the warmth of the sun and the gentle breeze that rustled through the trees.

Every day, Rufus would bound up to passersby, wagging his tail eagerly and nudging them with his nose, hoping for a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. "Love me! Love me!" he seemed to say with his enthusiastic demeanor.

Meanwhile, Bella would simply sit by the garden gate, her wise eyes watching the world go by. She exuded a quiet confidence, knowing that love would come to her in its own time and in its own way.

At first, many people were drawn to Rufus's playful antics. They would laugh and smile at his enthusiasm, giving him the attention he craved. But over time, they began to feel overwhelmed by his constant demands for affection. Some would gently push him away, while others would simply ignore him, their attention captured instead by Bella's serene presence.

As days turned into weeks, Rufus grew increasingly frustrated. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to win the affection he so desperately sought. He would bark louder, jump higher, and wag his tail faster, but still, people seemed to gravitate towards Bella, drawn to her quiet grace and inner peace.

One day, as Rufus lay dejectedly in the shade, watching Bella receive yet another pat on the head from a passerby, he realized something important. Love, he realized, couldn't be forced. It couldn't be demanded or commanded. It had to be given freely, without expectation or agenda.

With this newfound understanding, Rufus approached Bella, his tail no longer wagging frantically but swaying gently from side to side. Bella looked at him with a knowing gaze, and without a word, she scooted over to make room for him beside her.

And in that moment, as they sat side by side in the warmth of the afternoon sun, Rufus realized that he didn't need to demand love from others. He just needed to be himself, to embrace the quiet moments of connection, and to trust that love would find its way to him, just as it had found its way to Bella.

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1 year ago

In the pursuit of knowledge, I had unwittingly stumbled upon the philosopher's paradox—the realization that the more we seek to understand, the less we truly know.

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1 year ago

His Love Deception

In the hollow echo of his empty words,

I stand, betrayed, by the lies I've heard.

A man who professed love with a deceitful heart,

Left my soul shattered, torn apart.

His promises, like dust, scattered away,

Leaving me to grapple with dismay.

For in his facade of care, I found despair,

A cruel mockery, too much to bear.

He spoke of devotion, of endless grace,

But his actions spoke of another place.

For in his neglect, a bitter truth unfurled,

No warmth, no solace in this cold world.

I longed to feel his touch, sincere.

To know my worth, to hold me near.

But his affection was a temporary show,

A shallow stream that failed to flow.

Unseen, unheard, I faded away,

Lost in the shadows of his shallow display.

For though he claimed to care, you see,

His love was but a fantasy.

So now I walk this lonely path,

Haunted by the echoes of his shallow wrath.

For in his grasp, I never found,

The love and care that I had drowned.

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11 months ago

As a child, I always felt different. While my peers reveled in the simplicity of childhood, I found myself lost in the maze of my own thoughts. Each day brought with it a new puzzle to unravel, a new mystery to ponder. Little did I know, I was on the cusp of discovering my true nature as both an overthinker and a philosopher.

It began innocently enough, with simple questions that danced on the edges of my consciousness. Why is the sky blue? What lies beyond the stars? But as I delved deeper into the recesses of my mind, I found myself grappling with questions far beyond the scope of my years.

It was on a crisp autumn day, with the leaves crunching beneath my feet, that I first realized the extent of my overactive mind. While my classmates laughed and played, I sat beneath the shade of an old oak tree, lost in thought. Questions swirled around me like leaves caught in a whirlwind—questions about existence and the meaning of life.

As I grew older, my thirst for understanding intensified. I grappled with existential questions that seemed to have no answers. What is reality? Is there a God? Does free will truly exist, or are we all merely pawns in a cosmic game of chance? These questions consumed me, driving me to the brink of madness in my search for understanding. While my peers were content to accept the world at face value, I dared to challenge the status quo, to push the boundaries of what was deemed possible.

My fascination with the mysteries of the universe deepened. My mind became a garden of ideas, each one more vibrant and complex than the last. I basked in the beauty of thought, exploring the depths of philosophy with the innocence of a child and the curiosity of a sage. While others spent their days in pursuit of temporary pleasures, I sought something deeper, something more profound.

At first, I reveled in the challenge, relishing the opportunity to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface of reality. But as time passed, I began to feel the weight of my own thoughts bearing down upon me like a burden too heavy to bear. What if I was wrong? What if I never found the answers I sought?

Unfortunately, with the gift of insight came the burden of overthinking. I became acutely aware of the fragility of existence, the ephemeral nature of time, and the vastness of the unknown. Doubt crept into my mind like a thief in the night, casting shadows upon even the brightest of ideas. Every thought became a rabbit hole, leading me deeper and deeper into the recesses of my own mind.

Nonetheless, I never lost sight of the wisdom I had gained in my youth. For even as the world changed around me, I remained steadfast in my quest for understanding, knowing that in the end, it is not the answers themselves that matter, but the questions we dare to ask.

And so, I continue to journey through life, a philosopher in search of truth amidst the ever-shifting sands of existence. For though the path may be long and the road ahead uncertain, I walk forward with a sense of purpose, knowing that in the pursuit of knowledge lies the true essence of what it means to be human.

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