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477 posts
WIP Of Some Of The Gang.

WIP of some of the gang.
BTW: for anyone interested in this Taleblr rewrite, it’s called The Adventures of Ash Hunter (don’t look anything up yet we just now starting posting stuff about it). We’re debating about posting it solely in that tag or also posting it to the taleblr tag as well. Thoughts?
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Us: *Scrolling through email*
*Notice fic we’ve been reading got updated*
Blue🍓 and Simon📖: 👀
Me🧡🐍: Guess we’re stopping everything we’re doing to read it huh…
Blue🍓: Yes
Me🧡🐍: *sigh* *clears whatever schedule we had*
As I too am the creative type, all I gotta say is:
I’ve got plans for a Miraculous AU where this Chat Noir is actually very active in the story, and the season 5 finale plays out so much differently (and better imo).
Like… this Chat Noir idea of mine (no he’s not Adrien. Different person all together) is so attached to the Miraculous and is draining himself by remaining transformed for weeks on end and making his own physical health worse because his life is so just much better when he’s transformed. His wish is very self-centered, wanting something for himself that the Miraculous gives him when he’s transformed. He’s actually paralyzed from the waist down, and when he’s transformed he has the use of his legs again.
BUT THEN he unexpectedly falls in love with Ladybug (who is not Marinette btw. Completely different person again). And Ladybug finds out his secret identity through him telling her because he’s grown attached to her. He never tells her the reason why he remains as Chat Noir (or in this case Black Cat since it’s kinda taking place in a mostly English speaking country instead of Paris) but then they face Hawkmoth (who still has a connection with Black Cat because he has become a major fatherly figure to him. He’s a therapist who actually uses his patients to akumatize in order to save his daughter.)
But then, during the final battle, Ladybug is killed by Hawkmoth. Black Cat takes her miraculous, and then uses it to summon Gimmi. He can now make his wish. Gimmi is convinced he’s going to wish for the use of his legs again. But he doesn’t.
I have two ideas for his wish.
He either wishes the Miraculous never existed. Because then none of this would have ever happened. Gimmi warns him about this wish. They warn him that this will cause major changes. How so much will change now. And how for the miraculous not to exist, then something else would need to exist to take their place. So he says that then the kwamis can then exist as people in the world around them instead of being tied to a magical jewel.
Or he wishes for Ladybug to live again, and sacrifices himself for her because he’s seen her in action. He’s seen how much better she makes the lives of others. How she helps everyone around her, and how much she cares. If this is the case, then Ladybug will remember this world, and mourn the loss of Black Cat. She would be extremely heartbroken, because of how much she cared for him. If this is the case as well then she’d eventually find out she’s pregnant with Black Cat’s daughter and the story would end with her finding out about her father from Hawkmoth, who saw what he had done and seen how Ladybug moved on to realize that he should also move on and actually help his patients instead of using them all for his own selfish gain.
I like both endings. I’m not very happy ending centered am I…?
Also Ladybug and Black Cat are adults in college throughout this entire thing. They’re not underaged so… yeah.
Ok. As much as I love Blue🍓, it can be so annoying when she refuses to be selfish.
To anyone who hates Blue🍓, fuck all of you because this bitch is 100% aware of how much I love them but then stops sometimes and asks if I would be happier with Sophie🐹 and I gotta stop and think and just be like “No. I’m happy with you. I’m glad you love me enough to think purely of my own happiness, truly I am. I’m very happy to know that’s how much you love me. However, I want you to know that I love you a lot and enough that I too care a lot about your happiness too. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because you being here with me is one of my biggest reasons for staying alive. I literally asked you to marry me. Please for the love of whatever runs the universe, be selfish with me. Please. I want you to be selfish.”
Like… they care a lot about others. More than they care about themself. So those who hate them can fuck right off because they’re the sweetest person in the fucking world.
And it’s hard because they have been used and abused by so many people because they refuse to be selfish.
I want them to be selfish. I want them to care only about their own happiness. I want them to chase what they want and not what others want or step aside because someone else wants that same thing. Because they need to be selfish. I can’t always be there for them. I can’t protect them. But I never want them to go through that again. I never want anyone else to use them. I never want to see them hurt again.
Sophie🐹 note: Proof Simon📖 is so fucking in love with Blue because everyone else they’ve dated only cared about what they can do for them and Simon📖 is over here like “Well what can I do for you?” I saw Blue🍓 fucking short circuit when Simon📖 finally said “Be selfish. What do you want to do?” So… yeah. These two are such fucking dorks -🐹
Not me trying to get Simon📖 to publish Cry of Evil on AO3 because it’s actually pretty good and I want him to share it because he is now my bestie for being engaged to my bestie-