bubbleteatae - 제시카

Jess | 28 | aussie | blog dedicated to reading + writing about 7 South Korean boys (although you can probably tell who my bias is..) | Masterlist

55 posts

25 Days Of Christmas Challenge - Update!

25 Days of Christmas Challenge - Update!

Firstly I just wanted to thank everyone who has read my work so far! I know it’s not perfect, and some have been better than others - but this is the first I’ve gotten back into writing after many years, so I do hope you have enjoyed my Christmas stories with Taehyung 😊

I know I have been behind on the days, and I’ve been doing my best to do at least write something each day. I also decided to combine some days as some of the prompts are very similar and I felt I could write one scenario with them, rather than similar stories. It also makes it easier to get more days out 😂

Finally, it’s a couple of days before Christmas and I still have a few prompts to write. I’m not sure how many I will get out before the 25th, as I’m organising a lot for Christmas, plus I may not be able to do much after. However, all the prompts should *hopefully* be out not long after!! So I will still be finishing the challenge (I’m determined!), it just might be a little late.

Thank you for welcoming me into the BTS writing community, for following this new blog, and for @writerofbts including me in this challenge!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday/December 🥰💜🎄

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5 years ago

I Love You most through 2am tears

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 5 - Christmas Argument

Warnings - language



“Tae..?” I softy opened the door to his studio seeing he was still hunched over his computer, working on lyrics. It was nearly 11pm, and he had been working all day, only taking a break for dinner - which he ate quickly without saying much, in order to return to his desk. 

“Tae” I repeated “it’s getting late, why don’t you come to bed and rest.”

He threw his head back, groaning “I can’t Y/N, this needs to be done!”

“But you might feel more refreshed tomorrow” I pushed.

“Management needs them by the end of the week and I barely have anything good” he complained, obviously stressed.

“I’m sure what you’ve got is fine, you’re just stressed and overworked. I really thin-”

Taehyung cut me off “I’m stressed because you keep pushing me to come to bed when I’m trying to work!” Annoyance in his voice.

“I’m only pushing because I care about you, and your health” my own voice starting to raise at him.

“If you cared so much about me you’d leave me alone to get this fucking work done then!” 

Taehyung and I had our fair share of couple disputes, but they were usually about trivial things, easily solved with a quick apology and a good cuddle session.

“Maybe if you stop acting like a spoiled brat! You’ve done nothing to help all day!”

“No, I’m just trying to earn money so you can have a good Christmas!” he yelled.

“Which I chose to spend with you, Taehyung! Over my family.”

“Fuck Y/N, then go and spend Christmas with your family! I couldn’t care less.” 

Taehyung’s eyes widened, immediately regretting the words leaving his lips, but the damage was done. Tears began to form in my eyes, and to avoid him seeing me cry I stormed out of his studio, shouting how self-absorbed he was. One part of me wanted to embrace him and help him de-stress, but that was overpowered by how frustrated I was with him. This was the first he had ever really hurt me, and I couldn’t even stand to look at him right now. I eventually fell asleep on top of the bed covers, my eyes heavy from crying. 


I awoke a few hours later to find that I had been covered with a blanket. I turned to find no Taehyung next to me, but could hear muffled crying downstairs. I swung my legs out of bed, pulling down Taehyung’s shirt, which sat much larger on me. As my bare feet pressed against the carpet, I found him sitting in the lounge, his head in his hands. I sat down next to him, enveloping him into a hug, his head pressed above my chest. 

“I’m sorry jaji” he sniffled, defeated. “You know I didn’t mean a word of what I said.”

“It’s fine baby, we both said things we didn’t mean”

“You know I wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with any one else. I regretted those words as soon as I said them” he sighed. 

“It did really hurt me” I said, causing Taehyung to hang his head, ashamed of what he had said. “But I know you were just frustrated” I soothed, rubbing his arm. 

“It was no excuse for yelling at you though, you only wanted what was best for me. And I knew that”

“I did. But I also shouldn’t have been so insistive when I knew you were stressed. I’m sorry I made it worse. Do you feel any better” I asked 

He nodded “I’m sorry I made you cry yourself to sleep as well. I hate that I was the reason for that.” 

I kissed his tear stained cheek. “If you feel like you’ve got too much pressure on you, you should speak to someone. At least talk to me. Please?” 

“I put the pressure on myself. I wanted these lyrics done before Friday because.. I’ve had flights book for Saturday morning..” 

“To where? What for?” 



“I’m happy we get to spend Christmas with my family, but I also want us to spend time with your family. Maybe have an early Christmas Day with them.” he smiled. “What I said earlier about not caring couldn’t be less true.”

“I can’t believe you did this” I could feel the tears forming in my eyes once again, but this time out of happiness.

“This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell you. It was suppose to be an early Christmas present” he laughed, sighing. “Your parents helped me organise it. We’re staying with them for a week.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you” unable to wipe the smile off my face “you truly are the most thoughtful person.” 

Taehyung pulled me onto his lap, and I brushed his wavy hair away from his eyes. He softly pressed his lips against my own. We didn’t need a passionate make out session, we just needed to feel the other person, to know we were there for each other. 

I rested against Taehyung’s chest, as he laid back on the couch. Silence enveloping us in the dimly lit room, allowing us to just be there together.

“Did you finish the lyrics” I asked softly after a while.

“I did actually” he laughed “I think all the emotions I was feeling inspired some creative flow or something.”

“What’s the song about?”

“Us” he smiled.

I didn’t answer, worried our fight had led him to write something negative.

“It’s about how much I hate fighting with you and how depressed I feel when we’re not talking.”

“Can I hear it” I quietly asked.

He grabbed a small pile of paper from the coffee table, I could see areas had been crossed out and written over until the perfect lyric was found. He quietly sang in his soft, deep voice, exactly how he felt, fully vulnerable in front of me. 

I didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love with him, but here we were on the couch at 2am, the only light coming from the lamp behind us. Both our eyes red from crying, and I had never loved him as much as I did in this moment. 

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5 years ago

Our own separate, little Christmas

25 Days of Christmas Challenge 

Prompt: Day 13 - Writing Christmas Cards Together Day 16 - Wrapping Presents Day 22 - Exchanging Presents with the Boys

Authors note - this ended up being more about writing cards than exchanging gifts, I think my inspiration has been running a bit on the last couple of drabbles. I have one more to write for this series, which might take a while to be out as I’m hoping it’s the longest (and one of the more detailed drabbles)



We’ve got these presents to wrap for the boys, plus four for your family” I announced to Taehyung as I sat crossed-legged on the floor surrounded by wrapping paper, decorations, cards and a stack of presents. “Plus a card for everyone on this list.”

“I’ll get started on writing the cards, if you want to wrap?” Taehyung suggested, grabbing the Christmas card list I passed him.

I nodded, passing Taehyung the pile of cards as he sat in front of the coffee table.

The Grinch played on the TV as I wrapped and decorated the gifts we had bought for our family and friends. Taehyung occasionally asked for my input on a card, and read each one aloud to ensure it said everything we wanted it to. Once each gift was wrapped, I tied it with ribbon and added a small decoration of a mini bauble or fake holly. Then finally finishing with a large, festive tag, with love from Y/N and Taehyung written neatly.

I shuffled on my knees over to where he was sitting when it came to writing cards to both our parents. Family was a huge thing for both Taehyung and I, so each of us took the time to write how thankful we were to them, and how much we cared for them. As I finished writing my message to Taehyung’s parents, I turned to catch him reading over my shoulder, smiling.


“Can’t I read it?” he smiled, innocently.

“Well, yeah I guess. It’s just kinda embarrassing..”

Taehyung squeezed my knee, before picking the card up.

Dear Mr and Mrs. Kim,

Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas, and wonderful new year. Thank you for inviting me to spend Christmas in your home, and for welcoming me into your family - I have always felt as at home as I do with my own family. I want to thank you for raising such a kind, caring and loving son. Taehyung is nothing but a gentleman, and always goes out of his way to make me feel loved. I know you’re just as proud of him as I am.

Looking forward to spending a Korean Christmas with you!

All my love, Y/N xxx

Taehyung finished reading the card, and looked up at me, fondness in his eyes. “Do you know how much they love you” he smiled.

I smiled back shyly, “okay, it’s only fair if I read what you wrote to my parents now.”

“Fair” he agreed, passing me the Christmas card.

Dear Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N,

메리 크리스마스  - Merry Christmas! Thank you for welcoming me so easily into your family. Y/N and I had a wonderful time visiting you earlier in the month, and getting to celebrate an additional Christmas! I know I do not need to tell you how amazing your daughter is. I love her with my whole heart, and would do anything for her. She is my entire world, and I want to thank you for allowing me to meet the love of my life.

새해 복 많이 받으세요 - Happy New Year!

Kim Tae-Hyung.

It wasn’t until I stopped that I realised tears had begun to form in my eyes. I looked up at my boyfriend as he spoke.

“Is it too personal?” he asked.

I shook my head quickly. “You’re going to make them cry, you know that?” I laughed.

“I just spoke what I felt” he smiled.

“I love you too” I said, pulling him in for a kiss.

Our moment was then interrupted by the ring of our apartment doorbell, indicating the boys had arrived for our gift exchange.                                        

I placed a quick peck to Taehyung’s lips, as I stood up to answer the door, Taehyung packing up and quickly placing the boys gifts under the tree.

“Y/N!” Hoseok shouted as I opened the door to the six boys and Jimin, Jin and Namjoon’s girlfriends.

“Hobi!” I smiled, as he pulled me in for a hug.

I greeted the others one by one, letting them through our front door and hearing the yelling from the lounge room as Taehyung greeted his friends. The girls and I rolling our eyes at each other, laughing at how child-like our grown boyfriends behave when they’re in the same room.

While everyone made themselves comfortable in the lounge, placing their own gifts under the tree, Taehyung helped me carry out drinks and snacks to share, placing them on the coffee table and joining the rest of the group. Taehyung took the empty arm chair, immediately pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me. His friends still cooed and whistled at their younger brother, even after the two years we had been together. While it still caused my cheeks to heat up, Taehyung had come to ignore it.

“Shall we start handing out presents?” Jin asked excitedly, receiving a joyful agreement from Hoseok.

I could’t wipe the smile off my face, watching the boys open their gifts from Taehyung and I, with Tae always giving me a slight squeeze in excitement when someone would start unwrapping one of our gifts. It made me even happier seeing Taehyung’s reaction to opening a gift for us (which he couldn’t help but assist me with the unwrapping!) His eyes would always widen in wonder, as he initially tried to work out what the gift was, to which he would then turn to me and discuss where we could put it, or what we would do with it, his face scrunched up into a smile.  

Afternoon turned into evening, the group of us having a wonderful time exchanging Christmas gifts, laughing, drinking and stuffing our faces - our own separate, little Christmas.

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5 years ago

That’s the Alcohol Talking

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 4 - The Last BTS Show Before Christmas



I was sat side stage at the last BTS show of the tour, my boyfriend and his band performing their final song to the Seoul crowd. The audience cheered as the boys said their thank yous and goodbyes, embracing each other as they came off stage. Myself and a few other girlfriends clapped for the talented group, beaming at how proud we all were.

Once they had finished congratulating each other I ran over to Taehyung and embraced him in hug, not caring how sweaty he was!

“Do I even have to tell you how amazing you were, and how proud I am of you” I said, placing a kiss on his lips.

“Yes, because I never tire of hearing you say it” he smiled, his cheeks still flushed from performing. “Sorry I’m so sweaty by the way.” He said, causing me to hug him tighter.


“Management has organised a meal to celebrate?” Namjoon informed the group.

“Sounds good!” Hoseok replied, as we all followed each other back to their dressing room for the boys to freshen up.

I sat down, talking to Taehyung while he got changed “how do you feel that another tour is over?”

“It’s always a little sad, but it will be nice to finally have a break for a bit” he replied, unbuttoning his white shirt and slipping it off. I couldn’t help looking down at his fit, caramel figure, even after two years of dating. He didn’t have the six pack that most girls would drool over, but he was perfect to me. If he noticed me staring he didn’t say anything, spraying himself before slipping a simple white shirt over his head. 

“Everyone ready?” Hoseok asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder, a mumble of ‘yes’es from the boys. I stood up, grabbing my own bag from the table as Taehyung did the same. As we started walking he slipped his hand in my own, giving me a small smile as we headed out to the vans.


Their management had hired out a function room at a very expensive restaurant in the city, kindly supplying a meal for the band, their girlfriends, management and the tour crew. Everyone was enjoying a couple of drinks, following the very filling meal. I was sat catching up with Jimin’s girlfriend, when I felt the couch dip next to me and a head resting on my shoulder.

“I should probably go and see where Jimin is at” she said looking at Taehyung and then back at me, smiling, before standing up to find her boyfriend.

Taehyung lifted his head, as I turned to look at him. “Hello you” he smiled, a mixture of sleep and intoxication evident in his eyes.

“Hello there” I smiled. 

“You know something, you’re the most beautiful person in this room” the smell of vodka hinted on his breath.

“I think that’s the alcohol talking” I laughed.

He took my own drink out of my hand and placed it on the table in front of us, grabbing both my hands and shaking his head “No. I could lose my vision tomorrow and you will still be the most beautiful person in any room.”

Before I even had the chance to answer his lips were pressed firmly against my own. Alcohol always seemed to make Taehyung more confident and become overly affectionate in public. Thankfully the room was dimly lit, and everyone else was too invested in their drinks and conversation to even notice us in the corner.

His lips tasted of a mix between the alcohol and the fruity flavoured lip balm he had recently put on. When we pulled away he placed his forehead against my own “I love you, Y/N” he whispered.

“I love you too, Tae.”

He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I looked down at my phone which showed it was 2:30am. “I think it’s time we got you home” which received a sleepy nod in reply. 

We said our goodbyes to the boys and thanked their management for the meal, before quietly slipping out to a waiting taxi. 


It was after 3am when I had finished removing my make up and changed into my pyjamas. I walked out of our en suite to find Taehyung already in bed lightly snoring. I climbed in next to him, turning off the bed side lamp. Without waking up, he wrapped his arm around me as he felt me lie down next to him, always needing something to hold when he slept.

“Goodnight my super star” I whispered, before closing my eyes and snuggling into him.

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5 years ago

You Just Can’t Help Yourself, Can You?

25 Days of Christmas Challenge 

Prompt:  Day 18 - Singing Christmas Songs     Day 21 - Prepping food for Christmas Day



It was late morning, a few days before Christmas, and I was in the kitchen baking a handful of small desserts to take to Taehyung’s family for Christmas Day. Also planning on cooking a dish, Taehyung was currently at the shops picking up some ingredients.

I always needed something playing in the background while I baked, so while I had the house to myself, I decided to blast some Christmas music and sing along. 

“Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree.. for me. I’ve been an awful good girl. Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight..”

I swayed my hips along to the alluring tune, doing a solo performance in the kitchen as the kitchen aid mixed the cake batter. The room was so loud that I failed to hear Taehyung walk through the front door.

“Think of all the fun I've missed.. think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed. Next year I could be just as good, if you'll check off my Christmas list..”

I jumped when an unexpected pair of hands grabbed a hold of my rocking hips, immediately registering the familiar scent of my boyfriend.

Taehyung pressed his body against my back, his fingers gently pressing into my hips, his warm breath against my neck. “Why would you tease me like that jagi..”

His hips were pressed against my own, as he rocked them in time to the suggestive carol. “Oh, I’m the tease am I?” I smirked, a wave of heat and nervousness racing through my body as I felt how turned on he really was.

“Don’t you have some cooking to do?” I questioned, knowing very well I had to get this baking done.

“Mmm. Just dance with me a bit. Please.” I could hear the pout on Taehyung’s face, even when I wasn’t looking at him.

I spun around to face him, as my playlist switched to the next song. Taehyung’s face lit up as a slow version of a All I Want For Christmas Is You came on, he immediately began to sing along.

“I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need.. I don’t care about the presents I underneath the Christmas tree.”

Taehyung’s solid brown eyes bore into my own, a soft smile etched onto his face as he swayed us back and forth around the kitchen. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close, as my own were held around his neck. It wasn’t long before I joined in with his singing.

“Cause I just want you here tonight, holding on to me so tight.. what more can I do. Oh baby, all I want for Christmas is you”

I rested my head against his chest, resulting in him pressing his chin a top my head as he continued to sing. 

“I wish we could just stay like this, forget about the rest of the world” I hummed, as the song came to a finish.

Taehyung pressed a kiss to my hair before tilting my chin up to face him. “Me too, jagi” he smiled, before softly slapping my behind, his smile growing wider.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” I chucked.

“I don’t hear any complaints” he teased. 

“You’re family will complain if we don’t bring any food for Christmas!”

“Ah, good point!” Taehyung turned to grab the grocery bag he left on the table and I slapped his behind, resulting in him to jump forward as he ran into the other room. 

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” he winked.

I shrugged, giggling, as I turned back to my baking. Taehyung soon joined me, the two of us spending the rest of the morning cooking, loudly singing along to Christmas carols, and continuing to flirt with each other. 

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5 years ago

The First Day of Christmas

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 1 - Opening the first door of the Advent Calendar

Authors Note - so I haven’t written anything in years, plus this is my first BTS oneshot. @writerofbts​ tagged me in this festive challenge, which inspired me to get back into writing :) I’ll do my best to keep up with the days, although some may be a little late. I hope you enjoy day one x



“Babe..” I whispered to the sleeping body next to me “are you awake?” The morning sun beamed through the white curtains into our shared room, and as much as I didn’t want to leave my warm, cozy bed and face the first day of winter, it was also the first day of December! Nothing made me more excited than the festive season. 

I snuggled into my warm boyfriend, causing him to stir and open his eyes slowly and groan, still riddled with sleep. He smiled sleepily, “morning” he spoke lower and croakier than usual. His morning voice always made my heart flutter. 

“Good morning” I smiled back “happy first of December!”

“We can open our advent calendars today” Taehyung grinned, stretching his arms above his head before sitting up and ruffling his messy bed hair. I sat up next to him, groaning as I stretched, only to yelp out when I felt his fingers poke into my side, a cheeky smile plastered on his face. 

We made our way downstairs to our living room, turning on the light to reveal the decorations occupying the space. The main feature, a large Christmas tree next to the window covered with warm lights and a combination of classic and rustic decorations. We both agreed on a simple, yet elegant theme for the tree for our Christmas together. 

“Do you want day 1″ I asked him, as I picked up the advent calendar off the shelf. Taehyung came up behind me, wrapping his bare arms around my waist. 

“Here” he reached around and opened the door for day 1, fumbling to get the chocolate out. He held it up inspecting the shape of a snowflake molded into the small piece. Taehyung then allowed me to take a bite, before placing the rest in his own mouth. 

“Yum” he smiled, before placing a sweet kiss against my lips. 

“I was just thinking that..”

“We should open the other one now” he beamed, shaking me from the daze he left me in.

I loved treating and surprising people at Christmas, and had previously told Taehyung about the idea of a homemade advent calendar. Each day you would give the person a small gift, whether it’s something Chrismassy or even a joke present. Taehyung loved the idea, and suggested the two of us do it for each other throughout December. 

“Ooo let me go first” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the garland I had put up in the hallway while he was in bed last night.

“What’s this” he laughed, inspecting a row of festive themed pegs, a number from 1 to 24 written on each. Every peg was holding a small card.

“Open it” I smiled, giddy with excitement. 

Taehyung pulled the card from the peg marked number 1, and began reading outloud “You gift for day one is hidden in the cupboard where we keep our fun”

Taehyung looked at me in surprise “you made me a treasure hunt?! And for twenty-four days?”

“Do you like it?” I asked shyly. 

“I love it” he smiled, pulling me in to his broad chest and kissing the top of my head. 

“The cupboard where we have fun..” he repeated, turning his mouth to the side as he thought where his gift could be. He suddenly turned without saying a word, and ran towards the cupboard in the living room stacked with our video and board games. Moving things around until I heard him shout “Ah-ha!”

I laughed at his boyish behaviour, watching as he began unwrapping his gift. 

“Oh my god Y/N, you know me too well!” He laughed, holding up a packet containing novelty Christmas face masks.

“I thought you’d want to keep your skin healthy during the colder season. Plus I think they’ll look really good on you” I teased “especially the elf!” 

“Thank you Y/N. Okay! My turn!” he said suddenly, running into his studio across the hall. He returned thirty seconds later with a medium size present wrapped neatly (Taehyung always took pride in his gift wrapping). He smiled at me, handing over the gift. 

Carefully unwrapping it, smiling when I got a glimpse of the gift inside and pulling out a pair of incredibly festive pyjamas!

“Tae! I love them!”

“Wait that’s not all!”

“Wha-” I started, but he had already made his way back into his studio.

“Stay there!” he shouted from the other side of the door. Minutes later he returned, wearing a pair of pajamas matching the ones he just gave me! 

“Oh my god..” I laughed

“Now we can match for all of December” he beamed, posing in his new sleepwear.

“You truly know what a girl wants for Christmas, Kim Taehyung” 

“Someone to do sickly couply things with, like dressing up in matching pjs” he teased, taking my hands in his own.


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