bubbleteatae - 제시카

Jess | 28 | aussie | blog dedicated to reading + writing about 7 South Korean boys (although you can probably tell who my bias is..) | Masterlist

55 posts

Puppy Love - Part 1

Puppy Love - Part 1

pairing: idol!Taehyung x female reader

warnings: none.


I had grown up in the same place my whole life, and over time it felt less like a small, humble country town, and more like being sealed inside a giant wall. As I grew older, I knew that if I didn’t leave that comfort and see the world, my life would stay exactly as it was.

It took me years, and even more courage, but the day finally came when I took that leap of faith (others might say ludicrous) and moved across the ocean to a new country where I knew nobody. Ensuring that I had a place to live, and a business to work in, I purchased a one-way ticket for myself South Korea, my best buddy(and dog), Kanna by my side. Thankfully, working for a large animal welfare company back home allowed me to apply for positions offered in other countries, South Korea included. 

I went to see if I could set up my own life there. Something for myself.


A month had gone by before I started to feel that this could be home. I had made friends in my apartment building, and the feeling of longing for my old town had settled.

I tried to make the most of my days off by getting out of my apartment and appreciating my new city. I was sitting outside a cafe, sipping on a warm latte with my head in my phone, Kanna sitting nicely as always by my side.

Suddenly she started pinning and began furiously wagging her tail as a small black and brown dog appeared under our table. Neither dogs looked threatening towards each other, both seeming like they wanted to play.

“Hey there little guy, where did you come from” I asked, holding out my hand to the small dog.

I looked up as a young man appeared in front of me. I immediately noticed how well dressed he was in a grey turtle neck, hidden under a large brown coat. As if it were some form of disguise, he removed his sunglasses and black facemask, bowing his head and frantically speaking in Korean.

“Mianhajiman hangug-eoleul jal moshaeyo. Yeong-eo.” I smiled apologetically. (I’m sorry, but I don’t speak Korean well. English.)

The young man smiled in return “Oh! I also speak a little English” his accent immediately charming me. “I am so sorry about my dog! We were walking by and he must have been interested in your dog and he jumped out of my arms before I could even react! I hope we didn’t startle you..”

“Oh no no, it’s fine! Kanna is more than happy to make new friends, she is very good” I smiled, rubbing her back as she continued to sniff at the her new friend.

“Kanna, what a sweet name. What type of dog is she?”

“She’s a Japanese Akita”

“May I?” He asked, holding his hand towards her.

“Of course! She’s very friendly”

As the young man knelt down to say hello to my dog I came to notice just how handsome he really was. His dark, wavy hair, fell around his face and framed his soft, yet masculine features. The way his ears showed from under his hair, multiple earrings catching the sun’s rays (were they Chanel?) His lips curving into a boxy smile that spread across his face, and the way his eyes scrunched as Kanna licked his caramel skin.

I only realised I was staring when he looked up at me laughing, and I was met with his dark brown eyes. I couldn’t help but notice how kind they were.

I was snapped back into reality when his own dog yelped out playfully.

“Yeontan, don’t be rude!” They young man laughed, ruffling the fur of his small dog.

“Aw hello Yeontan” I cooed, allowing him to sniff my hand.

“He’s a bit of an attention seeker. Especially around pretty girls” he laughed, and I couldn’t help but notice he seemed more nervous.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and immediately tried to change the subject. “He’s a pomeranian?”

He nodded, before raising his eyebrows “how rude of me, I haven’t even asked your name!”

“I’m Y/N” I smiled.

The young man held out his large hand, his wrist decorated with simple bracelets and two small rings on his fingers.

“I’m Taehyung”

His hand was instantly warm to touch, and completely enveloped my own.

“Your accent? Is that Y/Country?” He asked.

“It is!” I beamed “I actually just moved here about a month ago. New scenery, you know?”

Taehyung opened his mouth to answer, but something across the street had caught his eye, and I turned to see a group of people muttering among themselves in his direction, causing him to shift his weight uncomfortably. 

He looked at the silver watch on his left wrist “Ah! I’m sorry, but I have to get going.”

A wave of sadness washed over me and I mentally slapped myself out of it - I hadn’t known this guy for more than five minutes.

“That’s okay” I nodded “Um.. it was nice to meet you and Yeontan” I gave his small dog a scratch under the chin as Taehyung scooped him up in his arm.

“Maybe we could meet up again..?” He quietly asked, quickly to add “I’m sure the dogs would love to have a proper play!”

“That sounds really nice.”

I exchanged numbers with Taehyung, something I probably would never had done back home, and we said our goodbyes.

As I watched his tall figure walk away, I looked down to my dog and smiled, giving her a pat on the head and feeling very glad she was with me today. 

And I could have sworn I heard him say “good job, Tannie.”

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More Posts from Bubbleteatae

4 years ago

Hello lovelies! An update to say I’ve finally finished the 25 Days of Christmas Challenge (yes.. it’s March 😳)

I was a little behind during December, but it’s taken me awhile to get this last piece out 😂

Thank you to everyone who’s read and responded to my first collection of work on here, it truly means a lot.

And thank you to @writerofbts for creating and tagging me in this challenge.

You can read my challenge, ‘Christmas with Taehyung’ here 😊💜

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5 years ago

The First Day of Christmas

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 1 - Opening the first door of the Advent Calendar

Authors Note - so I haven’t written anything in years, plus this is my first BTS oneshot. @writerofbts​ tagged me in this festive challenge, which inspired me to get back into writing :) I’ll do my best to keep up with the days, although some may be a little late. I hope you enjoy day one x



“Babe..” I whispered to the sleeping body next to me “are you awake?” The morning sun beamed through the white curtains into our shared room, and as much as I didn’t want to leave my warm, cozy bed and face the first day of winter, it was also the first day of December! Nothing made me more excited than the festive season. 

I snuggled into my warm boyfriend, causing him to stir and open his eyes slowly and groan, still riddled with sleep. He smiled sleepily, “morning” he spoke lower and croakier than usual. His morning voice always made my heart flutter. 

“Good morning” I smiled back “happy first of December!”

“We can open our advent calendars today” Taehyung grinned, stretching his arms above his head before sitting up and ruffling his messy bed hair. I sat up next to him, groaning as I stretched, only to yelp out when I felt his fingers poke into my side, a cheeky smile plastered on his face. 

We made our way downstairs to our living room, turning on the light to reveal the decorations occupying the space. The main feature, a large Christmas tree next to the window covered with warm lights and a combination of classic and rustic decorations. We both agreed on a simple, yet elegant theme for the tree for our Christmas together. 

“Do you want day 1″ I asked him, as I picked up the advent calendar off the shelf. Taehyung came up behind me, wrapping his bare arms around my waist. 

“Here” he reached around and opened the door for day 1, fumbling to get the chocolate out. He held it up inspecting the shape of a snowflake molded into the small piece. Taehyung then allowed me to take a bite, before placing the rest in his own mouth. 

“Yum” he smiled, before placing a sweet kiss against my lips. 

“I was just thinking that..”

“We should open the other one now” he beamed, shaking me from the daze he left me in.

I loved treating and surprising people at Christmas, and had previously told Taehyung about the idea of a homemade advent calendar. Each day you would give the person a small gift, whether it’s something Chrismassy or even a joke present. Taehyung loved the idea, and suggested the two of us do it for each other throughout December. 

“Ooo let me go first” I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the garland I had put up in the hallway while he was in bed last night.

“What’s this” he laughed, inspecting a row of festive themed pegs, a number from 1 to 24 written on each. Every peg was holding a small card.

“Open it” I smiled, giddy with excitement. 

Taehyung pulled the card from the peg marked number 1, and began reading outloud “You gift for day one is hidden in the cupboard where we keep our fun”

Taehyung looked at me in surprise “you made me a treasure hunt?! And for twenty-four days?”

“Do you like it?” I asked shyly. 

“I love it” he smiled, pulling me in to his broad chest and kissing the top of my head. 

“The cupboard where we have fun..” he repeated, turning his mouth to the side as he thought where his gift could be. He suddenly turned without saying a word, and ran towards the cupboard in the living room stacked with our video and board games. Moving things around until I heard him shout “Ah-ha!”

I laughed at his boyish behaviour, watching as he began unwrapping his gift. 

“Oh my god Y/N, you know me too well!” He laughed, holding up a packet containing novelty Christmas face masks.

“I thought you’d want to keep your skin healthy during the colder season. Plus I think they’ll look really good on you” I teased “especially the elf!” 

“Thank you Y/N. Okay! My turn!” he said suddenly, running into his studio across the hall. He returned thirty seconds later with a medium size present wrapped neatly (Taehyung always took pride in his gift wrapping). He smiled at me, handing over the gift. 

Carefully unwrapping it, smiling when I got a glimpse of the gift inside and pulling out a pair of incredibly festive pyjamas!

“Tae! I love them!”

“Wait that’s not all!”

“Wha-” I started, but he had already made his way back into his studio.

“Stay there!” he shouted from the other side of the door. Minutes later he returned, wearing a pair of pajamas matching the ones he just gave me! 

“Oh my god..” I laughed

“Now we can match for all of December” he beamed, posing in his new sleepwear.

“You truly know what a girl wants for Christmas, Kim Taehyung” 

“Someone to do sickly couply things with, like dressing up in matching pjs” he teased, taking my hands in his own.


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5 years ago

Something Sweet

25 Days of Christmas Challenge 

Prompt: Day 6 - Christmas Baking

Authors note - does anyone else hear couple baking one shot and immediately think fluff and flirting 🥰😂



It was a lazy December morning as Taehyung and I were sitting on the couch, a bowl of oats in hand.

“Taehyung, I’m begging you, please just pick a channel” I whined as he surfed through countless channels while we ate breakfast.

He sighed “there is literally nothing on today.”

“Ooo there’s a Christmas special, leave it on that” I pleaded, causing Taehyung to shake his head laughing, knowing how obsessed I was with anything festive. 

So we sat there watching lifestyle program, finishing our meal when they advertised after the commercial that they would be showing how to make gingerbread houses. 

“Oh my god Tae, we should totally make a gingerbread house today!” I beamed, looking over to my boyfriend.

“Okay.. that actually sounds super fun!” he smirked, always on board to do anything creative. 

“Come one! We’ll go get dressed and drive to the shops and get ingredients!”


Taehyung followed closely behind me, carrying a basket full of spices for the gingerbread and an array of lollies and chocolates for decoration, probably more than we needed. It was difficult going out to places such as supermarkets, with the risk of Taehyung being noticed. This was one of the difficult things about dating an idol, and something that I always sympathised with Taehyung about. It was hard to go out and do everyday tasks, and Taehyung often wore his facial mask and a cap to hide his face, which thankfully, was not that unusual in Seoul. 

After spending way too much money on this gingerbread house, Taehyung and I made our way back to his car, each carrying a bag of ingredients and junk food, and chucking them in the back seat. It didn’t take us long to get back home, our apartment only a ten-fifteen minute drive from the shops. 

                                            Taehyung turned his keys in the front door, and we rushed into our kitchen, pulling out all the ingredients.

“Okay!” He announced, “what first”. He began looking through all the decorative foods.

“First we actually need to make the gingerbread.” I was definitely the baker in our home. Taehyung was always happy to cook a beautiful meal for dinner (including a few experimental dishes..), but I was always the one creating something sweet and less healthy. I asked him to get out a few bowls and utensils while I started pulling out the ingredients. 

I stood up on my tippy-toes in order to grab the flour from the top shelf, suddenly jumping when I felt a hand against my behind, a small pinch causing me to yelp! 

“Ow!” I turned around to be met with a cheeky, boxy smile, giggling back at me.

“Stop being a perve and help me with the flour” I teased, hitting his arm. 

“Alright, come here” Taehyung smiled, before wrapping his arms around my legs, and lifting me up in order to reach the flour. 

Propping up one of my festive cookbooks, I talked through each step, Taehyung and I working together to make the dough for the gingerbread. It wasn’t long before it was ready to go in the oven, giving us time to wait for it to bake and cool before putting it all together. 

While we waited, we began cleaning up, dancing and singing around the kitchen as we played Christmas carols in the background. 

“Wanna help me put this flour away” I asked, picking the jar up from the kitchen counter. 

“It would be my pleasure” he smiled, picking me up against him as I placed it back in the cupboard. As he let me down, I felt Taehyung’s hand brush up along my thighs and across my hips. Someone was feeling extra flirty today.

“If you can’t keep your hands to yourself, Kim Taehyung..” I smirked up at him.

“You’ll what..?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at me. We had been dating for two years yet this boy still managed to call upon kaleidoscope of butterflies to gather inside me.  I could feel his warm breath brush against my lips, his dark eyes darting between my own and down to my lips.

We both jumped as his phone alarm went off, indicating that the gingerbread would be cool enough to assemble. Taehyung smiled at me, pressing a quick peck against my cheek. I smiled, rolling my eyes as he dragged me to our kitchen table where we had set up all the decorations, he got distracted so easily.

Putting the house together was definitely the hard part! Both our hands were covered in icing as we tried to stick roof to wall and wall to wall, shouting and laughing in frustration every time it collapsed. Taehyung cheered triumphantly when it finally stayed put, only to be shooshed by me, worried that his loud voice would cause another casualty.

Taehyung was completely focused on the task of decorating, loving any activity that allowed him to be creative. I watched as his brows fused together in concentration, his eyes completely fixed on his decorations. 

Once all the lollies had been glued with icing to the gingerbread (roughly half consumed through the process), Taehyung and I stepped back to admire our creation! 

“I think this is definitely worthy of being featured on that show earlier” he announced.

“If not better than theirs” I agreed, turning to notice how much icing had actually ended up on his face, laughing at how cute he looked.

“What?” He asked.

“You covered in icing” I giggled, as I began trying to brush the set icing from his soft cheeks. 

“Don’t you talk” he laughed “you’ve got icing sugar all over you!” I looked down to see my clothes dusted with what we used as snow. 

I began to brush it off when Taehyung grabbed a hold of me, finally pressing his lips to my own. I smiled against the kiss “you taste sweet”

“So do you.” He pulled away, a playfulness evident within his eyes. “We can clean up this mess later. I feel like something sweet, and I’m not talking about the gingerbread house..”

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5 years ago

25 Days of Christmas Challenge - Update!

Firstly I just wanted to thank everyone who has read my work so far! I know it’s not perfect, and some have been better than others - but this is the first I’ve gotten back into writing after many years, so I do hope you have enjoyed my Christmas stories with Taehyung 😊

I know I have been behind on the days, and I’ve been doing my best to do at least write something each day. I also decided to combine some days as some of the prompts are very similar and I felt I could write one scenario with them, rather than similar stories. It also makes it easier to get more days out 😂

Finally, it’s a couple of days before Christmas and I still have a few prompts to write. I’m not sure how many I will get out before the 25th, as I’m organising a lot for Christmas, plus I may not be able to do much after. However, all the prompts should *hopefully* be out not long after!! So I will still be finishing the challenge (I’m determined!), it just might be a little late.

Thank you for welcoming me into the BTS writing community, for following this new blog, and for @writerofbts including me in this challenge!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas/Holiday/December 🥰💜🎄

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4 years ago

Puppy Love - Part 3

Read previous parts here

pairing: idol!Taehyung x female reader 

warnings: none.



I ran over to my apartment intercom, pressing the speaker.

“Y/N! Are you ready for dinner?” Taehyung announced through the machine.

“Hi Taehyung! I’ll let you up.” 

I felt nervous around Taehyung before because he was a cute guy showing me affection, but now that I knew what a big name he was, my nerves skyrocketed as he approached my apartment. I just hoped he told me soon, because I hated the thought of keeping it from him that I knew.

He had messaged me a few days earlier to say the restaurant we were going to was quite prestigious, and suggested I should wear my best dress (it was a polite way of warning me that I wouldn’t want to show up in the wrong dress code!) After many outfit crises, I went for a laced lilac bodycon dress, with a square shoe-string strap top. I also went to the extra effort to loosely curl my hair. I sat down to put on my sensible, but classy, heels and waited for Taehyung to arrive. 

Even the knock at my door matched his cool demeanour. As I opened it, I was amazed by how many times this guy could wow me with his fashion. He wore black pants and black slip-on dress shoes with gold trimming. Tucked into his belt was a subtle floral button up shirt, and I didn’t miss that the top button was undone.

“You look.. stunning” he exclaimed, as I noticed his eyes grazed up and down my figure, before quickly darting to my eyes as he smiled.

“Is it okay to wear?” I asked nervously trying to adjust the dress, unsure sure how to react.

“Definitely” he confidently smirked, heat rushing to my face. “Shall we head off then?”

I nodded happily, grabbing my coat from the couch and locking the door behind us.


We made our way into the notably fancy restaurant, my arm linked around his. A smartly-dressed man bowed as we entered, as Taehyung announced reservations under his name. The man led us past an array of diners until I noticed we were near the back of the restaurant. He stopped us at a table located at a full length corner window showing a stunning view of Seoul’s lights at night, and trees strung with warm fairy lights. The table was lined with a few candles, highlighting a place card reading VIP Only. 

After thanking the employee, Taehyung walked over to one of the chairs, pulling it out and gesturing me to sit. Before I did, he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently removed my coat. I couldn’t help but notice his warm hands slightly brushing against my bare shoulders.

He smiled brightly as he sat down opposite me “are you comfortable?” 

“Yes, thank you! It’s a beautiful spot” I said, looking out over the city.

A waiter appeared at our table, handing us each a menu and pouring us each a glass of wine. Taehyung prompted me to have a read of the menu. I must not have hidden my worried face after looking at the prices of each dish, because he was quick to comment. “My shout, Y/N.”

“I don’t expect you..” I argued, but he cut me off by shaking his head.

“It’s fine, I want to” he smiled. “Although, I guess you are wondering how I can afford a place like this..” he began tracing around the bottom of his wine glass. 


Taehyung looked up at me. I smiled guiltily, causing him to chuckle. “I thought you might figure it out.”

“I was curious about your music..” I said, laughing in defence.

“It’s fine” Taehyung laughed “So? Do you like it?”

I nodded frantically “you’re incredibly talented! All of you.”

“Thank you” his boxy grin spreading across his face “you probably know the story of BTS now?”

“I’d much rather hear it from you than a bunch of internet articles” I smiled, taking a sip of wine.


“Can I ask you a question?” I said quietly, after hearing how Taehyung became such a successful idol. He simply nodded. “Why me?” I asked.

Taehyung looked at me, ever so slightly tilting his head to the side, unsure of what I meant.

“I mean, why did you talk to me that day? And choose to take me out to a place like this?”

He shrugged his shoulders, but smiled sweetly “I don’t know?”

Not really the answer I was wanting to hear..

“Sorry! I don’t mean that in a bad way! It’s just.. there was something about you. The way you showed love to your dog, I could see how caring you are. And that’s something I’ll always look for in a friend.”

I felt my heart drop into my stomach as that last word left Taehyung’s lips. I wanted to sink down into my chair and disappear, cursing myself for thinking he was actually interested in anything more. My eyes met Taehyung’s and he smiled, clearly unaware I was expecting him to say anything else. 

“Plus it was refreshing meeting someone who didn’t know who I was” he said lightly, before looking down at his food “sometimes it’s hard to know who is your friend because of you or because of your fame.”

I could see the sadness behind his eyes.

“That is.. if you still want to be friends?” He continued. “I understand if this world is all a bit much.” 

I was quick to shake my head “of course I do Taehyung, you’re a good friend and I’m glad I met you” I smiled, trying to hide my disappointment. “Plus, I don’t think Tannie and Kanna would be very happy!” I laughed, Taehyung agreeing as he laughed too.

“So.. what about Taehyung away from BTS? How do you enjoy to spend your free time?” I asked, still wanting to know more about Taehyung the person, not the idol.

“I like photography. And art” he smiled fondly. “I also like to learn the occasional instrument.”

“Wow, you certainly keep yourself busy. What sort of photos do you take?”

“Anything really. I like to capture things I love. Whether that’s scenery or people. I just really like having a snapshot of something beautiful.” He spoke so passionately, I could listen to him speak all day.

A main course, dessert and a whole bottle of wine later we decided it was time to call it a night.

“Thank you for dinner, Taehyung. I had a wonderful time” I said as we got out of his car at the front of my apartment building.

“Thank you for spending time with me tonight” he smiled softly, pulling me in for hug. “Let’s catch up again soon.”

“I’d love that” I agreed, slightly disappointed to know that this hug was only one shared between friends. 

But a friend I was happy to have. 

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