67 posts
Bunnyb-ee - Bunnybee - Tumblr Blog
I love dadneto (as we all do) but I think it's unrealistic that Magda (Peter's mum) would just willingly let Erik be around Peter and let him be a parent after abandoning her for 20 years.
I just need more fics where Magda confronts Erik and stands her ground on the fact that Peter is HER SON and Erik just happens to biologically be his father
Here comes the long awaited dadneto fic:
"This day couldn't get any worse. Except for the fact it keeps repeating. When will this stop?"
Peter is stuck in a time loop and the only thing that will get him out is telling Erik he is his son.
(let's pretend i posted it yesterday)
BELOVED i am requesting backstory for your FAVORITE dadneto fic you have ever written
AHHH MY BELOVED!! Thank you for giving me a chance to ramble about ✨them✨
But oh boy, picking a favourite story is so hard!! I supposed out of my finished works, ‘The Hardest Part is Leaving You’ would be one of my top picks!
As you know, that fic started as just little chunks of writing which showed how Peter added something to Erik’s house in Genosha every time he visited, but then of course I had to explain why Peter was visiting him which is how I came up with the idea for the government liaison! It was such a blast to write, and then as it kept going I reached a point where I realised there would have to be a reveal otherwise we’d all feel robbed of a happy ending 🤣
I remember those last two scenes (Erik finding out and Peter telling him) being the hardest parts to write. I’d never done a reveal at that point so it was a struggle trying to find the perfect way for it all to come together, and I’m so proud of how it turned out!
And of course, who could forget the iconic pun at the end that gives me life to this day 🤣
But you already knew all that beloved! So instead I’ll ramble a bit about the sequel I never ended up writing for the Genosha fic!
The idea was that it would be a Dark Phoenix fix it of sorts, with Jean’s Phoenix powers going out of control and the X-Men trying to capture her like in the movie. Peter would get severely injured in the fight though and a dismayed Erik would take him to Genosha to recover. The story was heavily focused around Peter’s relationship with Wanda and how much Jean reminded him of his twin, considering they both suffered from powers that were beyond their control. It was also about Erik’s struggle over trying to protect his son, and how he eventually had to forgive Jean and choose to help her despite the anger he felt over Peter’s near death.
In the end, Peter was going to be a key player in bringing Jean back to a stable place along with the other X-Men, and after spending many months with his father, ends up deciding to stay on Genosha permanently. He’d later set up a school in his sister’s name and adopt Mr Dibbles, making Erik a proud grandfather.
Most of the elements of this story have been repurposed for other upcoming fics in the Outsider POV, such as finding Mr Dibbles on Genosha, the Phoenix plot line in a Jean POV, and a reverse of Peter getting drawn to Genosha from a traumatic event in the Fabian POV. So though we will probably never see a sequel to the Genosha fic, the ideas will live on in other ones!!
Thanks for letting me ramble! Love you dearest!! 💛💛💛
Send me an ask about the backstory of any of my fics and I’ll ramble!! ✨
talk dirty to me (tell me about your current dadneto wip 🔪 )
Well since you asked so nicely ;)
The WIP I’m supposed to be working on is the second chapter of One Son’s Worth (over 5k already!!) but I got distracted a few days ago by working on a completely self-indulgent drabble set in my dark DOFP timeline! Everybody thank @it-meant-nothing for reigniting my love of this AU haha!
The fic is centred around Erik being extremely touch starved after his 24 year imprisonment while Pietro is completely touch averse from his own life on the run from sentinels and how they navigate that. It’s set very early on in their relationship and follows how that bond develops through trust and understanding, and I just love it SO MUCH it’s not even funny.
There’s something about the tension of Pietro and Erik caring about each other so deeply but being separated by this massive rift in their experiences that makes me feral. Of course Erik fully respects Pietro’s boundaries and refrains from physical affection even though it KILLS him inside, and while Pietro may hate being touched, he grows to love his dad enough to make an exception for Erik.
Here’s a segment from the fic, if you’d like a preview!
Erik started to forget that touch could mean something other than suffering.
And then Pietro came along, shattering not only his cell but his very reality in the process. A hand on his arm. Another curled up in his hair. A touch that didn’t carry pain, but hope, and freedom, and something that felt dangerously close to safety. Erik’s skin tingled long after Pietro had pulled his hands away, and it wasn’t long after that Erik realised how deeply he had missed such gentle contact.
He learnt very quickly, however, that Pietro did not feel the same.
Thanks for allowing me to ramble dearest!!
Send me an ask about the backstory of any of my fics and I’ll ramble!! ✨
hm so you'll ramble about the wips that won't even be complete in 5+ years but you won't finish the luna fic? okay worm (I'm a hypocrite)
Me tryna find the third chapter of fault lines like:

You’re on THIN ice bestie, but I’ll never refuse a chance to ramble haha, especially if it’s about the Outsider POV!!
‘It’s A Quiet Starry Place’ is by far my favourite AU from all the dadneto fics I’ve written! It kills me that I haven’t been able to work on it lately because there is just so much to dig into with this concept, especially in regards to Luna! Like where do I even begin?
I knew from the start that Laura and Luna’s dynamic was going to be a core part of this story, and getting to explore the world through their eyes is as fascinating as it is challenging. Logan (the film not the character lol) did such a good job at showing Laura as this highly competent and dangerous mutant but also as an innocent, learning child. It’s an interesting balance, and trying to figure out what they do and don’t understand because of their upbringing is something I have to ask myself almost every moment while writing the fic (which is why it takes so long to write too XD).
And of course, it wouldn’t be one of my fics if dadneto and quickson wasn’t the star of the show! I think Luna’s POV provides one of the most interesting, layered and complex perspectives of Erik and Peter that I’m probably ever going to have to tackle in this AU. Not only does this installment hint to a lot of events that have happened in their past, but Luna’s introduction is one of the most contentious points in their whole relationship. It’s easy to see that Peter accepts her as his own daughter almost immediately, but there’s still so much guilt and shame there for not knowing and not being able to protect her that weighs on him. And when all Peter needs is support, Erik is too busy struggling with his own thoughts, because how could the humans have gotten their hands on their son’s DNA? How could a violation like that have happened without any of them knowing? Erik’s protectiveness over Peter blinds him to realising that Peter has willingly taken on the role as a father himself, and in response, Peter’s protectiveness over Luna bites back, putting them at odds. It’s such an interesting dynamic, and it’s the plotline I’m most looking forward to writing in the coming chapters (because they are coming, I promise- I PROMISE OKAY?!?!)!
Some other elements that I love to think about but don’t always get to touch on because it’s from Luna’s POV is how the other X-Men and Brotherhood members are feeling over having clone children, most of which died before even knowing they existed. Some are quick to consider them their child, like Avalanche and Jean, who clearly took it hard learning that their respective kids had died without ever getting to meet them. Others have more complicated feelings about it, like Sabretooth and Gambit, which we’ll get a glimpse of in the next chapter. Sabretooth especially is interesting I think, because given the chance, I think he would have tried to be a decent father, if only to say he was better at it than Logan hah. Since he never had that opportunity though, he finds it easier to pretend he never cared about his kid instead of admitting that he might be mad at himself for not saving them in time.
If any of you are wondering how much I’ve thought about this AU, there’s a 12 page document dedicated just to the timeline, and I also have a list of all 23 children in the X23 program and who they belonged to lol. So yes, this AU lives in my head rent free and refuses to get evicted hahah!
Thanks for letting me ramble about this AU on top of all the other times I’ve rotted to you about it bestie, I love you!
Send me an ask about the backstory of any of my fics and I’ll ramble!! ✨
BESTIE!!!! Tell me all about Rest Now, My Child (The Day is Over)! What inspired this idea? Were there any other details you thought about including but didn’t? LOVE YOU!!’
AHHHH BESTIEEEEE!!! I would absolutely LOVE to talk about Rest Now My Child because I think it’s some of the best angst/comfort I’ve ever written in a while!!
To be honest, it was shamelessly inspired by an Irondad and Spiderson fic of the same concept where Peter P. arrived at Stark Tower covered in blood and Tony helped him clean it up. I can’t remember if it ever explained how it happened in that fic, but I’m pretty sure I saw it on Tumblr, so if anyone knows which one it is please let me know and I’ll credit the author and fic!
I absolutely loved writing it though, because it’s protective Erik but in a very gentle way. It’s not covering Peter in a magnetic shield in the middle of battle but taking on the task that Peter is too broken to do on his own. It’s protecting him from having to keep living in the trauma and the shame and reassuring him through one of the hardest trials of his life. There's nothing worse than not being able to help those you love, and we really see that struggle with Erik as he wrestles with how he can help his son, not realising he's already doing everything he can 😭
And ooo that's an interesting question. Before I had Erik stepping out to clean up Peter's room, I was originally going to have Erik sort of guide Peter to sit on the bed and talk about what happened, before embracing Peter until he fell asleep after crying it out for a while. In the end I decided it was more haunting to have Peter be the one to openly tell Erik the truth, ready to finally say it to the one person he trusts the most.
Thank you so much for letting me ramble, and AHH I LOVE YOU TOO BESTIE!!! 💕💕💕
Send me an ask about the backstory of any of my fics and I’ll ramble!! ✨
There so cute and this is how I imagined them(●♡∀♡)
Love your art!! I don’t know if you take requests, but if you do, could you draw Peter and Erik together?? Love the way you draw those two!!
Thank you so much!! I am so slow at checking my inbox but here u go <3 Erik is tired from being a dad and it shows.

They’re dressed formal and Pietro still wears the goggles anyway.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: X-Men (Movieverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr & Pietro Maximoff, Erik Lehnsherr & Peter Maximoff (X-Men Alternate Timeline Movies), Pietro Maximoff & Charles Xavier Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Pietro Maximoff, Charles Xavier, Hank McCoy, Raven | Mystique, Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe, Jubilation Lee, Jean Grey Additional Tags: Whumptober 2024, Protective Erik Lehnsherr, Good Parent Erik Lehnsherr, Erik Lehnsherr Knows Peter Maximoff is His Child (X-Men Alternate Timeline Movies), Hurt Pietro Maximoff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Abduction, Aftermath of Torture, Canon-Typical Violence, Pietro Maximoff-centric, Mutant Husbands | Married Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier, Whump, Charles Xavier Loves Erik Lehnsherr, Erik Lehnsherr Loves Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr Has Feelings, Jewish Erik Lehnsherr, Yiddish, First Aid, Stitches, Carrying, BAMF Erik Lehnsherr, Interfaith Cherik, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Good Parent Charles Xavier, Protective Charles Xavier, Post-Movie: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016), Charles Xavier is Pietro’s Adoptive Father, Because he and Erik are married, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Peter’s step-dad to be specific, Forehead Kisses Summary:
“They have Peter,” Erik’s voice is breaking. “They have our son.”
The teacup Charles was holding shatters on the floor. “What happened?”
Erik’s trembling hands produce the package that had been dropped on the mansion’s doorstep. A tuft of silver hair spills onto Charles’ desk, along with a typed letter and a polaroid.
“They said they want information about Cerebro. They know I helped you build it. And I – I put Peter in danger, taking him in. This is my fault.” Erik all but collapses into Charles. “He doesn’t know anything about Cerebro, but they don’t know that. They’re hurting him, Charles.”
Charles Xavier is not a vengeful person. But one look at the Polaroid on his desk fills him with an unusual rage. Peter’s kidnappers had cut his hair – and scalp in some places – and there were bruises flowering across his face. There’s no telling what damage has been done to the rest of his body.
“Erik,” Charles whispers, rubbing his husband’s shaking shoulders. “We’re going to get him back. No matter what it takes. We’re going to bring our son home.” *** Whumptober prompts fulfilled: search party, wound cleaning, stitches, team as family
OMG it so GOOD!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter seven is up!
Magneto's Kids incorrect quotes
Peter getting a small injury
Peter:"I'm dying"
Pietro:"No you're not"
Peter:"Every things getting dark"
Pietro:"It's night you moron"
Peter getting a serious injury
Peter:"It's fine I'll just walk it off"
Wanda:"There's a freak sword going through your stomach"
Peter:"Yeah...You think I can keep it?"
Why can't the x man fandom make happy fanfiction cay can't peter maximoff / Pietro maximoff be happy what must you kill wand and make his dad not want to be his dad do you enjoy making me suffer do you enjoy me working on my au in My head and me being delusional do you feel good do you do you (sobs delusionally)

Peter & Erik marker coloring practice
-Still waiting for the dadneto spinoff that is not just a false hope
I wrote my first fic, and it had to be a dadneto reveal fic. I took a little divergence from the Dark Phoenix movie canon because my main focus is Peter and Erik’s relationship. Might lack proof reading and a whole lot of stuff, but I’m tired and just happy ‘cause Peter’s happy in this little world (albeit hurt) :)
The Eagle and the Hummingbird
Things Peter Maximoff Probably Shocks His Team Mates With
• That he has a teaching degree (it’s been ten years since he finished school and his mum made him pick one before she did for him) • That he can play music not just listen to it • That he has a sister, and that she is ten years younger than him • That he is great with kids in general • When Peter’s style keeps changing and getting a little more stylish as well with his hair, they find out Jubilee has been styling him • That he gets along with Charles especially when talking about math or science • They don’t realise just how fast Peter is until it looks like he teleported • Getting the children who have closed themselves off to talk and smile • How he doesn’t have any non-band t-shirts • How much he can eat • How Erik is his father • Just how many goggles he has • How quick he is, but takes a couple years when going to the shops • That he can cook, and cook well • How dedicated he gets on Mother’s Day • How competitive he gets and how bad he is at hiding it • How strong he is, once when Charles wheel chair got stuck in a wedge he just picked up the entire thing without trying. Or the other time where he easily picked up two kids who had been fighting with their mutations • What wasn’t surprising to them, was that he wasn’t fire resistant

A dadneto art gift for @fouraligments based on the fic <Hanetz Hachamah>! I considered drawing a scene but decided to try capturing the spirit instead. The historical & cultural premises of the story is great and it's just-tooth rotting sweetness & father-son bonding overload. Truly one of my favorite fanfics.
It was fun making this so I might just start drawing fanarts for fanfics because Mr. Boner doesn't deserve it at the moment. Anyways what I need right now is an angry Jewish magnet man protecting his tiny son.

…..some white hair magnus and a dadneto

Posting snipets from my AU for archival purposes because my folder is a mess

‘X Men Apocalypse’ Group Therapy Session - MTV After Hours (2016) —> Wandavision (2021)
What if Peter was in the middle of saying Erik that he's his son, and he just went *poof*
Like, after a half an hour of talking with no absolute sense he went like "so, listen. I'm your--"

Welcome To My Blog
Hi, I am FourAligments and again welcome to my blog. I mainly focus on Dadneto, Peter Maximoff, and Star Trek.
What is Dadneto?
Dadneto is the relationship between Erik Lehnsherr and Peter Maximoff and by extension Wanda, Nina, and Lorna Dane. Which gained massive popularity after X-Men: Days of Future Past , where Michael Fassbender’s Erik Lehnsherr and Evan Peters’s Peter Maximoff had a interesting conversion in the Pentagon Breakout scene. Peter was a breakout character in DOFP with his Time in Bottle sequence with its Steller use of superspeed. Hinting at the possibility of Peter reeving that he is in fact Magneto’s son in later installments. However, that storyline never came to be, so fandom writers took upon themselves to fill that void.
Why is Dadneto So Popular? (LINK)
I Am Pro-Think (LINK)
I am one of those writers. I would characterize my writing style as very descriptive and emotional and more family focused. I pride myself on doing research and incorporating it into my writing. I enjoy worldbuilding.
But, I also write headcanon, metas, and fics about X-Men that are all scattered throughout my blogsphere. I’m putting all them in one place, so rather your an old or someone new to my blog it will be easier to find my content.
X-Men Fics
Mir Veln Zey Iberlebn (LINK)
Hanetz Hachamah (LINK)
Spring Flowers Bring Forth A Worried Father (LINK)
Of Jet Fuel, Self Doubt, and Fatherhood (LINK)
Vati, Please Make It Back Safe (LINK)
The God and The Thief (LINK)
Metas and Commentary On X-Men Films
Erik Actually Being Jewish™ (LINK)
Erik Lehnsherr Does Not Have a Bad Fashion Sense (LINK)
More About Erik’s Fashion Sense (LINK)
My Thoughts on Cherik: How the Pairing Relates to Dadneto (LINK)
DOFP Makes Erik’s Journey in First Class Even More Tragic (LINK)
Why Erik Lehnsherr Speaks Polish in X-Men: Apocalypse (LINK)
Why X-Men: First Class Means so much to Me as Queer Individual (LINK)
Mystique, Body Image, and Apocalypse (LINK)
Peter and Rediscovering His Heritage (LINK)
A Midnight Rant (LINK)
Another Dark Phoenix Rant (LINK)
Why the X-Men: Dark Phoenix Uniforms Are Atrocious (LINK)
Just Black Leather? (LINK)
X-Men: Apocalypse: Things That I Enjoyed About the Movie (LINK)
X-Men Apocalypse: Things That I Dislike About the Movie (LINK)
Dadneto & Pietro Headcanon
Dadneto, Challah, and Babka (LINK)
Dadneto and Languages (LINK)
Dadneto does, What Dadneto Has to Protect his Own (LINK)
More Dadneto/Pietro Headcanon! (LINK)
Pietro and more Hair related Headcanons! (LINK)
Erik, Pietro and Lawrence of Arabia (the film) and of course Dadneto (LINK)
Erik taking pictures of what’s important to him (LINK)
Who Needs Heating Blanket, When you are Heating Blanket! (LINK)
Mutant vs Food: Dadneto Edition (LINK)
Swimming, Pietro, and Dadneto Pt. 1 (LINK)
Swimming, Pietro, and Dadneto Pt. 2 (LINK)
Swimming, Pietro, and Dadneto Pt. 3 (LINK)
EPIC Sweet Dreams Music (not a Meta) (LINK)
Peter Lives on Genosha With His Two Dads (LINK)
Other Headcanon
Charles, Pietro, and Tea (LINK)
Peter, ADHD, and SPD (LINK)
Charles and Gray Hair (LINK)
Erik Lehnsherr: Demisexual? (LINK)
Imagine This
Dark Phoenix scene On Genosha (LINK)
Genosha Spring Day (LINK)
Dadneto Proud of His Quickson in School (LINK)
The Light Between The Ocean (LINK)
Dadneto and Teaching Pietro To Drive (LINK)
Erik Taking Care of Luna, While Pietro is Away (LINK)
Erik’s Arrest for JFK (LINK)
Not My Metas, But informative Reads, Headcanons and Videos
On Suspenders (LINK)
Club Outfits (LINK)
Prodigious (LINK)
Erik Lehnsherr can relate to Judaism besides just celebrating Chanukah (LINK)
Pietro and Fasting (LINK)
Erik, Charles, Cuba, and a Bullet (LINK)
Erik and Charles As Children Analysis (LINK)
One X-Cellent Scene (LINK)
X-Men as an Allegory for Disabilities (LINK)
Bullet Scene Analysis (LINK)
Charles’s Powers are Scary (LINK)
Star Trek: Enterprise Metas
Why I Ship ArmorEngineer (LINK)
The next chapter is up :D
If Peter is in pain am I the villain.. Makes me think. Anyways I like the idea of Peter and Erik getting familiar with each other.

Only one chapter to go! Time goes by so quickly :/

charles, buddy, you ain’t ready for this one
~The final chapter is posted~
I don't know why but I was so tense while posting this. In retrospect I didn't know it will take this long and yet time went so fast. :( I'm gonna take a short rest now... I hope the ending makes sense.

(I feel you Peter 😢)