Incorrect Quote - Tumblr Posts
Ace: I can explain.
Riddle: Can you?
Ace: Only if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
Yuu: I have a bad feelings about this.
Grim: What do you mean?
Yuu: Don’t you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if something is going to get you in trouble?
Grim: No
Yuu: That…..explains so much…..not for just you but for a majority of the people here.
Trey: Cater! We have to go! There’s another overbolt!! Come out Now!!!
Cater: IM GAY!!
Trey: Not what I meant but I support you!!!
Barbatos, drunk and crying: I just want Lord Diavolo to be happy. His mother died and his father treated him horribly. It's my job to spoil him after I adopted him.
Lucifer: You didn't adopt him.
Barbatos: Yes I did. Here are the papers.
Lucifer: It's a drawing Diavolo made for you when he was a child.
Barbatos: That's when I decided he was my son.
Incorrect Quote
The Prophet/Prophetess: Ever since this journey started I have not stopped finding new and increasingly terrifying reasons to say that, in fact, I have never been less ready for anything before in my life.
- " How Long They Choose To Love You Will Never Be Your Decision 💙
gwyn: he fell from her favour
zero, gleefully: and the window!
Gina: This drama is too much for me.
*comes back with popcorn*
Gina: Continue.
Kidnapper (on phone): We have your son.
Amy: Actually, I’m holding my son.
Kidnapper (getting frustrated): then who the heck just asked for chocolate with a straw and made us cut the crust off of his PB&J?
Amy: Oh god.
Kidnapper: What?
Amy: You have my husband.
Teo @any gold who isnt Niya : and on behalf of the church i now pronounce you BLOCKED AND DELETED, YOU MAY NOW KISS MY ASS-
Draco: What the fuck is wrong with you?! Harry: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'. Draco: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
"It's hard to love someone who doesn't love you back"
— My friend a while ago while we were in a middle of a conversation about love
"I don't want a New Year's kiss this New Year's Eve — what I want is to be better than I was last year. That's my New Year's Eve wish."
— New Year feels
"It feels weird to know that a decade has passed, that we're saying goodbye to 10 years of our life just like that. But it isn't really goodbye, isn't it? I like to think so. But maybe that's just the child in me that's talking. The child in me that's not yet ready to let go of her childhood so easily..."
— New Decade feels
"Don't ever think that you're not good enough because you are good enough. You just don't see it yet."
— To a person who needs to realize that they're more than enough
The Pain That Was Hidden
To be my friend, you must first know how I came to be
And in doing so, you’ll find that there is more to see
To this persona I built, hidden is a call for plea
After all, I, too, am a human wanting to be free
So ask yourselves, how much do you really know me?
You see how I laugh with tears in my eyes
Yet not how I cry as I fall from the sky
Don’t you notice how my mouth feeds you lies?
Or do you only see how high I can fly?
Don’t you realize how hard it is to rise?
I wonder if you notice the sadness in my smile
How about my tears? My struggle? Is it worth your while?
You must understand that I, too, am under trial
Or you do realize that but are in denial
After all, how can I, of all people, be so fragile?
One day you’ll realize that I am only mortal
Under pain just like you, don’t be fooled by my chortle
But today is not that day as you go about your way
But do not worry for I promise I shall be okay
After all, one day this will become my yesterday
I will fight until I can no longer, to you I vow
For I am a Queen and my pain is my crown
I shall keep on fighting this war much like how I fight now
After all, I can fight even with a gown
So chin up young one, make them all bow
"I continue write because I write for myself, not for anyone else."
— One of my Life quotes as an author
"Every once in a while, I feel sad that no one cares about what I write then I channel that sadness into motivation and continue writing."
— Life as an author
"THE WORLD EXPECTED HER TO BE THE DAMSEL, so she went up and showed them how to be a Queen."
— A woman's motto
"I'm sorry for not being who you thought I'd be."
— Random Quotes