byherbandcandle - the juniper witch
the juniper witch

just an aspiring crone trying to share 19 years of witchcraft

288 posts

Morning Tea Affirmation With The When My Soul Whispered Oracle Deck, And Enjoying The Gentle Nudge From

Morning tea affirmation with the When My Soul Whispered oracle deck, and enjoying the gentle nudge from a nice cup of mint green tea

"Each and every facet of me, even the not-so-shiny ones, bear witness to thr person I am today."

Morning Tea Affirmation With The When My Soul Whispered Oracle Deck, And Enjoying The Gentle Nudge From
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More Posts from Byherbandcandle

1 year ago

Happiness Potion (honey milk tea) 🤎✨

What you need: 

2 tsp honey

½ tsp cinnamon

½ cup boiling water

½ cup milk

What to do:

Mix the honey, cinnamon and water together in a mug until combined.

Froth the milk with a milk frothing tool or by whisking/shaking very violently (Optional)

Add the milk

Garnish with cinnamon


The ratio of boiling water to milk should bring the drink down to the perfect temperature!

With milk, you can add peppermint to soothe the stomach, chamomile to soothe the throat and encourage sleep, ginger to soothe the throat, or cayenne pepper to clear the sinuses.

Without milk, you can add a bit of lemon to boost the immune system.

You can replace the water with a herbal tea of your choices such as lavender or chamomile.

You can replace the milk with almond milk or any milk of choice.


Here’s the explanation for this spell for fellow baby witches

Spells come in many forms, including drinkable ones! You can call them potions if you like. They involve using herbs/flavors/scents etc with specific correspondents to fulfil a specific intention.

Honey signifies happiness and positivity and expels negativity, depression and anxiety.

Cinnamon signifies spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength and prosperity

Milk has correspondents too! Full cream milk signifies prosperity, nurturing, protection, success. Warm milk eases anxiety and anger. Here’s a list of correspondents for non-dairy milk types by @heximari

Citrine is a crystal that boosts joy and optimism, and clear quartz is used for protection and as an amplifier for other crystals.

Sigils are statements of intent drawn up into a little picture which you can write on your skin, on a paper, or in this case, stir into tea, to make a spell work better.

11 months ago

🌾 You are allowed to unlearn parts of you that do not align with who you are now 🌾

💌 You are allowed to re-evaluate your beliefs

🍃 You are allowed to change your mind

🦋 You are allowed to redefine your identity

☀️ You are allowed to let go of behaviors and habits that hinder your growth

11 months ago

Unsolicited Witch Tip #4

Dealing with gossip? Dress a red candle with whole cloves and burn to stop gossip and slander.

Unsolicited Witch Tip #4

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10 months ago

Embracing Change: a Ritual

Today, I decided to tap into the energy of change and transformation that Wednesday can bring. I've felt sort of stuck and in a rut lately. Life just feels stale, my practice has come to a bit of a halt (not alarming, I've been a witch for nearly two decades, and sometimes the spiritual burnout hits hard), so I felt like I needed to do something.

Embracing Change: A Ritual

For this, I don't have any real instructions on how to go about things, and the items used really depend on your intention, but I can offer the bare bones of this spell.

Two candles (one black to represent the aspects of your life that you are letting go of, one white to represent the change you are embracing. If you want to use colors that fit the specific aspects, go right ahead!)

Some sort of imagery to symbolize change and transformation (I chose Death, as this card is a reminder to let go of what no longer serves you)

Herbs for your intention (here I used bay, lemongrass, hibiscus, Angelica root, and dandelion root)

Crystals to match your intention (red aventurine, red howlite, honey calcite)

If you have any special water to use, it can be part of this (I used a cap filled with snow water I collected last winter)

Any oils you may want to use

Set your space up to your liking. Do any cleaning you may do before spellwork. Whatever you need to do to feel in the zone, do it.

When dressing the candles (for this, I just used an all-purpose oil), take the one that represents what you're letting go of and dress it from the top to the bottom. Do the opposite (bottom to the top) with the one representing the change you're embracing. While doing this, focus on your intention. Are there certain areas in your life where you feel stuck? Do you have habits you need to release? Pour those energies into this act. Continue that focus as you add any crystals, herbs, etc. With each one, consider what each one means to you personally, and what its place is within this ritual.

If you plan to call upon deities, do this in whatever way you usually do. Offer libations as needed. So on, so forth. For this, I opted out of deity work (although I've found that when I usually just send intentions out to the universe, a deity I don't expect usually swoops in like, "Nope. You work with me now." [Looking at you, Hera. 💕]).

Speaking your intentions out loud. Address any deities you're speaking with and petition their help, if applicable. Otherwise, just speak. Don't think about what you're saying. Let it come from the heart. Tell the universe your problems. Talk about how you feel stuck, what you want to change, what an ideal outcome would be for you, etc. I feel like there's a special sort of magic just in the cartharsis that comes with giving voice to what you're feeling, especially if you don't have an outlet.

Take all the time you need. If you need to give this more energy, sit there with it. No matter how quick I may be with a ritual, I let the candles burn out completely. I also do this in my living room, so either me or my boyfriend can see the flames at any give time. If fire safety doesn't allow for you to leave it burning while you move about, don't worry. Extinguish the flames as needed. You can return to burn them a little more throughout the day.

I hope the universe reveals this little ritual to anyone who may need it. I send it out into the world with the hope of helping. Have a magical Wednesday, and may the winds of change blow in your direction and lead you to where you need to be.

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