Candle Magic - Tumblr Posts

🤩The Peace candle is made with herbs and oils such as chamomile, lavender and cascarilla. 🕯️Infuse the candle with your own energy and intention and enjoy! 🎁Each purchase comes with a fun free gift!
😃The 25% Sale is still on :)

I am so proud of how these came out. Love these!
Kudamon’s “Cool Under Fire” Spell
“ It has a calm, cool, and collected personality, conducting a precise assessment of the situation even in combat, and attaining the advantage in battle.”
A Kudamon inspired spell to help one remain calm and concentrated during stressful times.

You Will Need:
Tiger’s Eye
White Candle
Cleanse yourself and the area before starting this spell
Encircle your white candle with the amber, citrine and tiger’s eye. Light your candle
Close your eyes an feel the energy of the candle and stones radiating and entering your body. Feel it relax your nerves and help push the worries back a little. Take deep breaths in your nose and out your mouth. Continue this until calmer
Open your eyes and look at your candle flame, watch it and focus on it knowing that you have work to do but its okay. You will be able to do it and you can handle it.
Once you feel prepared blow or snuff out the candle and begin your work. Carry around the crystals for added effects if needed
Give Heart (Ni No Kuni Inspired)
A spell to uplift the spirits of a friend and help improve their day.

You Will Need:
💛 A piece of Paper 💛 Pen 💛 Yellow Candle 💛 Open Window 💛 Fire Safe Dish or Bowl 💛 Rune for spell from game

💛 Clear your space and if needed cleanse it and yourself and light your candle.
💛 On your piece of paper on one side draw the rune for the spell and then on the other side write your friend’s name. Fold up the piece of paper if needed
💛 Focus on your desire to bring your friend positive sunny yellow energy to brighten their day. “(name), I send you joy” Repeat as many times as you desire while carefully lighting your paper on fire via the yellow candle
💛 Carefully put the paper onto the dish to burn to ash
💛 Once it has burned out take your candle and blow it out, making sure the smoke goes towards and out the window, imagine this being you sending the spell out to your friend. Dispose of ash properly.
Fairy Aura (Pokemon Inspired)
A spell to bring out your inner beauty to the surface.

You Will Need:
💝 Lilac Incense (or any other flower incense) 💝 Pink Candles 💝 White Candles 💝 Mirror 💝 Lotion, Moisturizer or other skin product
💝 In a quiet room, light your white and pink candles near the mirror and light your incense. Turn off the lights in the room and if you can, close the door.
💝 Using the light of your candles look in the mirror and visualize your desire to bring out your inner beauty to the surface
💝 Take your lotion and apply it to your skin and face in clockwise circles envisioning it is glowing and sparkling. Continue visualizing and focusing your intent while looking in the mirror.
💝 Let the lotion air dry
💝 Once the lotion has dried blow out or snuff out your candles and turn on the lights, finishing the spell
“Silver Sun” Self-Confidence Spell

a ritual on days you feel you really need that extra burst of confidence and be more outspoken. silver is the color of victory as well, so this a well-titled spell
☀️ gather: silver marker, yellow candle (use white you don’t have a yellow candle), thyme, cinnamon, green tea leaf ☀️ time of day required: morning or noontime sun
☀️ take your marker and draw a sigil for for ‘confidence that burns bright like the sun’
☀️ leave your candle in a window to absorb solar energy for 30 minutes to an hour depending on how hot the day is for maximum potency
☀️ light candle and sprinkle the thyme (courage), cinnamon (power), and green tea leaf (passion, new energies) in the flame and let the candle burn through the sigil while supervised
☀️ absorb the energy released from the candle until satisfied

💸 lucky penny spell 💸
you’ll need -
candle (preferably green)
financial boost sigil
optional -
pyrite (money associations)
runes dagaz and wunjo
cinnamon (financial associations)
strawberry or patchouli incense (finance, success)
ace of pentacles tarot card (material/financial success)
to cast -
if you cleanse your space and invoke/call upon deities or elements, do this now. do what you usually do at the start of each spell you cast!
then, carve your sigil into the candle (or draw it on with pencil). you can put the ingredients pretty much anywhere you like, but surround the candle with them. make sure the penny is under the candle. if you have more, place them around. if you’re using cinnamon, sprinkle it on the candle and your spellworking space.
light the incense, and here you can either say a chant or meditate on what you want - in this case, a cash boost. once you’ve done this, light your candle and leave for as long as you like.
after this, and once you feel you’ve done all you can, the penny under the candle will be a ‘lucky’ penny. carry it around with you while you work for some extra tips, or pass it along to someone you think might need it! this spell is meant to be customizable - if something doesnt resonate with you, don’t do it.
if you want to help my spell work, and help me stay in a safe place, click here and you’ll be taken to Pleiadic Tarot, where i offer cheap, in depth tarot readings, custom sigils, and handmade tarot bags and patches. thankyou for your support!
Unsolicited Witch Tip #4
Dealing with gossip? Dress a red candle with whole cloves and burn to stop gossip and slander.

Confidence Transformation Ritual

Today I'm tapping into Saturday's transformative energy by looking into my own life and figuring out what areas I need a spark in. For me, my confidence needs a little boost, so I set up a simple ritual with herbs, a candle, bay leaf manifestation, the Queen of Wands whose energy I'd like to channel, a red jasper stone, and a special tea blend I crafted for my intention.

For the tea-
Equal parts lemon balm (focus) and peppermint (energy)
Pinch of rose (love)
Pinch of hibiscus (confidence)
Orange peels (joy)
Prosperity Bath
I am a firm believer that a nice bath in and of itself is a special sort of magic. My one complaint about my new apartment is that it's shower-only, so I am trying to find a way to modify my old baths to suit my present needs. Until then, have a little bath formula to help draw in the energy of prosperity.
Items needed
Green aventurine (known as the stone of opportunity, and it's used to attract prosperity, opportunity, etc)
Green candles (as many as you'd like)
For the bath
Salt of your choice (I prefer coarse sea salt)
Lemongrass (optional, but I love adding it to things because it is so good for removing obstacles)
You can either use fresh or dried herbal items, or diluted essential oils
Mix your ingredients together with the salt and add to a hot bath. Inhale the steam, inviting prosperity and success into your life. Set up your green candles and aventurine to your liking. As you light the candles, say an affirmation or whatever comes to your heart. My personal favorite is, "I have all that I need, and the universe provides."
Enjoy your bath, focusing on your intention.
A candle spell for job hunters
Finding a job since moving has been a thorn in my side, honestly. So I've decided to weave a little magic into my efforts.

First and foremost, before we get into it: candles become more of a fire hazard after they've been dressed. Please practice fire safety!
That being said...
Yellow candle (success, strengthens focus)
Peppermint (prosperity)
Cinnamon (prosperity, success)
Bay leaf [crumbled as fine as you can] (manifestation)
Catnip (attraction, in conjunction with everything else, specifically attracting employment
Anointing oil of your choosing (I tend to use just olive oil, but decided to use a prosperity oil a friend made)
Green aventurine (opportunity)
Citrine (luck and abundance)
Tigers eye (courage to put yourself out there and get what you aim for)
(Optional) oracle or tarot card that reflects your intention
Start by dressing your candle with your oil. To draw something to you, dress from the bottom of the candle, moving upward to the center. Add your herbs, focusing on the intention. Arrange your crystals as desired, as well as your card if you want to include it. Light your candle, holding your intention in your mind. I also put the leftover herb mixture around the candle, but that's because I am prone to prepping too much.
Herb and stone and candle's flame
You can simply focus on your intention, or you can say something aloud. For this, I said this little incantation
"Herb and stone and candle's flame
Open roads for employment gain.
Guide my feet and ready my hand
Brave my soul to trust the plan."
Let the candle burn out.
Attraction Tea (to aid in love magic)
This is a tea I would make to enhance any love magic I performed. Hell, you can even set your intention to be all about self-love too. It's versatile enough.
I don't have proportions because this was a fave during my more chaotic and less organized days of practice, but I prefer it with more emphasis on the rose, and then using the rest to your preference.
Rose petals
A little honey as desired
Mix your ingredients(except for honey!) together and put in a tea infuser, bag, etc. Prepare your tea. As it steeps, breathe in it's steam and hold your intention in your mind as you exhale.
This can be done on its own or in conjunction with a more elaborate working. If, while enjoying this by itself, you want to add a little atmosphere, light pink candles and incorporate rose quartz for a softer vibe, or opt for red candles and carnelian for something a little more passionate.
Motivation Spell Bag
I know I've found myself stuck in a rut more often than I'd like to admit. When you need that extra little witchy boost, this bag comes in handy.
Ground coffee
Black pepper
Add everything to a red bag. If you want to include candle magic to this, inscribe a sigil or your intention into the candle, add any oils that fit your intention, and light the candle. Hold the completed bag in your hand and say "Motivation flows through me. I call my energy back, so shall it be."
Unsolicited Witch Tip 19
If you're working a spell to help relieve something rough or angry in your life (sickness, storms, etc), dress a candle with butter to soften and smooth out those intense energies.
Sunday Witchcraft- Bath Spell for Creativity
I am once again finding myself missing having a proper bathtub in the apartment. Showers are nice and all, but baths have their own sort of magic in and of themselves. But for those who can enjoy ritual baths, I present you this: a bath spell to enhance your creativity.
I love doing this working on Sundays because it's a way to honor Apollo, but you can do it whatever day fits your need and invoke any deities (or none at all, if that's how you roll).
First and foremost, draw a bath as hot as you like it. To the water add salt (for cleansing negative energy), lemongrass (to remove obstacles), orange slices (to inspire joy in all that you do), lavender (to ease anxiety that comes with creative endeavors), and rose petals (to open your heart).
While the bath is running, prepare a cup of tea. I prefer something mint for this, as it helps clear my mind, and a minty green tea is ideal for the added boost to focus.
Light orange candles to promote creativity (if you want to design a sigil for creativity, carve it into the candle before lighting it). If you're working with the energy of the sun or with a sun deity, light a yellow one as well.
Relax in the tub. Drink your tea. For the first few minutes, don't do anything except allow yourself to unwind and relax. Breathe. Taking the time to focus on yourself is so important, and the creative juices won't start flowing if you're too tense.
Focus on what you want to accomplish, your chosen medium of expression, anything specific you're working on, etc
When you're ready, say aloud, "Open heart and open mind, I ask the guidance of the divine. Let the energy flow so that I may create." If you're invoking a deity and wish to follow this with a prayer to that deity, this is the perfect time to do so.
Remain there as long as you need. Do anything that helps stimulate your creativity.
Thank the deities, spirits, universe, etc, and end the ritual once you're ready by simply getting out of the bath and carrying on with your day and pursuing your chosen creative endeavor.
Unsolicited Witch Tip 20-
On days when you need a little witchy boost in achieving your goals, sprinkle a little cinnamon on a candle and light it.
Kitchen Witch Tea Spell- Find Yourself
For those days when you feel stuck and like you don't even know who you are anymore, this tea ritual might come in handy. It isn't a great big cure-all that will fix everything, but it definitely helps me to not feel like I'm floating away.
Tea Ingredients
1 part lemon balm (tranquility)
1/2 part rose (love)
1/4 part lemongrass (remove blocks)
1/4 nettle leaf (courage, healing)
Prepare tea to your liking. I prefer adding a little honey to sweeten the mood. Light two candles, one black to banish the negativity that clouds you, one white for cleansing your energy.
Sit quietly, channeling your intention into the tea. Say:
"My energy wanes, but now it grows,
I search my heart by candle's glow.
Chaos and clutter, I dismiss from here
I call myself home and banish doubt and fear."
Drink your tea. Take the time to do whatever spiritual work calls to you as the candles burn. I prefer working with Hestia, as domestic work feels very grounding. But you do whatever feels right for you.
When you're ready, say a little word of gratitude to the universe and carry on.
100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days!
Day 10 - Pairing Crystals With Candle Magic

I love crystals, and I always have. My father and I used to have a huge collection together and we still do to this day. Over this past week I've been learning a lot more about crystal magic. Now that I'm a little more knowledgeable on the subject I can start using it with other kinds of magic like candles. As I've mentioned previously, crystals can amplify energies. Candle magic is one of the topics I have a lot of experience with. Candle magic channels the energy of fire towards your desired intent. They symbolize transformation, life, and spirit. I've learned recently that when you use crystals and candles together can amplify the intent more so then it could alone.
Choosing Your Candle
Candles come in many colors and those colors come with correspondences. You'll want to pick a candle who's color matches your intent There's many correspondences so I'll be condensing it down to the most notable to keep this short.
Red: Passion, Courage, Business, Creativity, Energy, Strength, Love, Loyalty, Motivation, Romance, Change, Enthusiasm, Overcoming obstacles, Power
Orange: Confidence, Abundance, Success, Ambition, Creativity, Courage, Discipline, Energy, Independence, Justice, Money, Positivity, Strength
Yellow: Action, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Communication, Learning new skills, Business, Happiness, Intellect, Inspiration, Knowledge, Wisdom
Green: Abundance, Prosperity, Luck, Beauty, Change, Creativity, Fertility, Healing, Longevity, Nurturing, Partnerships
Blue: Sleep, Dreamwork, Serenity, Peace, Honesty, Healing, Patience, Trust, Wisdom, Leadership, Justice, Career, Marriage, Communication
Purple: Spiritual Development, Psychic Protection, Spirituality, Meditation, Influence, Authority, Power, Truth, Wisdom
Pink: Love, Compassion, Kindness, Affection, Beauty, Healing, Family, Friendship, Passion, Sensuality
Brown: Stability, Grounding, Endurance, Hard Work, Balance, Courage, Material Protection
Black: Strength, Self Control, Negativity, Banishing, Binding, Protection, Death, Break Hexes, Patience, Persistence, Rebirth, Spirituality
White: Protection, Truth, Purity, Purification, Cleansing, Balancing, Divination, Grounding, Healing, Higher Self, Innocence, Spirituality, Truth, Will Power
Silver: Awareness, Psychic Powers, Healing, Intuition, Divination, Money, Fertility, Purification, Hidden Potential, Stability, Success
Gold: Success, Achievement, Abundance, Money, Positivity, Happiness, Divination, Power, Influence, Luxury
Common Pairings
White Candle + Selenite - White candles are linked to purification and spirituality while selenite is known to enhance spiritual communication. This pairing is used for spiritual guidance, cleansing, and clarity.
Black Candle + Black Tourmaline - Black candles are linked to protection and banishing while black tourmaline is known as a grounding stone that shields against negativity. This pairing is used for protection, grounding, and banishment.
Red Candle + Garnet - Red candles are linked with energy and passion while garnet is known to enhance courage, vitality, and power. This pairing is used for passion, strength, and courage.
Green Candle + Aventurine - Green candles are linked with abundance and prosperity while aventurine is known for its ability to attract luck and new opportunities. This pairing is used for prosperity, growth, and opportunity.
Pink Candle + Rose Quartz - Pink candles are linked with emotional healing and love while rose quartz is known for attracting unconditional love and compassion. This pairing is used for love, self care, and emotional healing.
Purple Candle + Amethyst - Purple candles are linked with spirituality and spiritual development while amethyst is known to enhance intuition and spiritual growth. This pairing is used for intuition, spiritual development, and wisdom.
Yellow Candle + Tiger's Eye - Yellow candles are linked with wisdom and action while tiger's eye is known for attracting strength, and protecting against negativity. This pairing is used for confidence, mental clarity, and protection.
Additional Tips
Add herbs that match with your intention to even further enhance your spell or ritual.
Anoint your candle with wax of another color to make a multipurpose candle that covers a wider range of intents.
When the candle burns out save the leftover wax and use empty tealight candle containers to make mini candles.
If you want to find more of these entries use the hashtag #100 Witchcraft Tips in 100 Days!