Camera flashes, welcome bashes

19 posts

Jump Then Fall Into Me!

Jump Then Fall Into Me!
Jump Then Fall Into Me!
Jump Then Fall Into Me!

Jump then fall into me!

JJ Maybank x fem! Oc

Summery; a girl who's always been cautious and focused on her goals, is friends with JJ Maybank. Despite his flirtatious reputation, he starts showing a different side around her, and she begins to fall for him, their contrasting personalities lead to unexpected discoveries about themselves and each other. opposites attracting and finding love in unexpected places.

A/n: idk what this is I’m bored :(

The screen light of the TV shined down on her face as she sat in bed, summer had just started and here she was sitting her bed 3:00am, watching TV in her bed. It was dark outside making everything a little more scary that it usually is at 3pm.

A light knock on her window startled her, she sat up on her bed, her eyebrows furrowing. Must’ve been the wind? Maybe? Her heart was pounding against her chest as she paused her television, knock knock, holy crap who the hell is outside.

She sat froze in her bed as the wind blew her curtains slightly, she jumped as her phone buzzed what the fuck?

JJ 💞💞

Open your window dipshit

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

Why are you outside my window Maybank?

JJ 💞💞


Just open your window, I’m about to fall

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

It’s 3 o’clock in the morning Maybank

Can’t you go to Kies or any other girl you hook up with?

JJ 💞💞

Y/n just please open the window

Y/n 💃🕺🏻


A sigh escaped her lips, as she pushed herself out of her bed as her sock clad feet took her over to her large window unlocking the handle “you do know I have a door. Right?” Her eyebrows raised as she took the boys hand helping in her room.

He dusted himself off and towered over her. The moonlight shined on the boy a purpley blue bruise appearing over his eye, and a bloody nose

“Oh my god. JJ?” A face turned to a worried expression “the hell? Are you okay” she placed her hands on his face “I’m fine. It’s nothing” he sighed sitting down on her bed “no, JJ. No you don’t come here begging me to open my window and not tell me what happened” she whisper-yelled

“My dad! Okay it was my dad!” He whisper yelled back, she had heard about his dad before, always beating him when he was drunk, John B had told her while they were in the chateau.

“C’mere” she took his hand taking him into the bathroom that was in her room. Taking a damp cloth dabbing it over his bloody nose “hold this” she said referring to the cloth, he obliged.

“I can’t do much with the bruise JJ, it’ll get worse before it gets better, okay?” She smiled slightly as the sun kissed boy sat down on her toilet “why did you come here JJ?” She said leaning against her counter “no one else was up” he mumbled “oh” a frown over took her face.

“I’m sorry” she frowned again “for what? It wasn’t your fault” he dryly said getting up from his spot on the toilet “yeah but-.” She said “no, y/n it’s none of your business what goes on in my life. You don’t need to be so involved all the time. Okay? Just leave it” he spat throwing the bloodied rag into the sink and walking out her toilet.

“But JJ-.” Her lips trembled as he reached her window “Where are you going?” She asked her feet moving quickly towards the boy “to the chateau” he said as one foot was already out the window “you can stay here J. It’s not biggie” she shrugged “no. Y/n- I.. I can’t” he trembled before leaving her room.

She reached out shutting her window with a sigh, slowly walking back to her bed. Nothing but silence. Her TV was now playing whatever cartoon was on at this time, while she continually checked her phone.

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

I love you J stay safe alright?

Read 3:45am

Sunlight shined through her curtain window, the window JJ had crawled through the night before, she laid there staring at the celling as her phone decided to buzz on her bedside counter, groaning she reached over taking it out of charge

Poguies ☀️🤟🤙🏻

John bee 😎‼️🤙🏻

First day of summer!! Boat day? Anyone?


I’m down 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

Pope 🍃🍁

Same here 🙋🙋

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

How dare y’all awake me from my beauty sleep 😒😒

But yeah I’m down

Sarah 💕

We’re so very sorry y/n 😔😔

Count me in aswell ‼️

John beee 😎‼️🤙🏻

Be ready in ten. All of you. (Mostly directed towards y/n😝.)

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

First of all RUDE ‼️‼️

Second of all I’m not even out of my bed

John bee 😎‼️🤙🏻

Better get a move on y/l/n 🫡🫡

Getting in the boat rn.

Y/n 💃🕺🏻

Okay! Okay! I’m getting out of bed now ‼️

Black bikini and white shorts, is what she chose from her closet and light make up as in mascara and lipgloss. She quickly grabbed her tote as she made her way downstairs to her back lawn, walking down the dock. She was early for once. As she stood there she couldn’t help but thinking about JJ. Why wasn’t he texting on the group chat? Is he okay? Where did he go last night?

The boat had pulled up as she snapped out of her thoughts, her eyes landed on JJ sitting at the end of the boat back facing her. “I can’t believe y/l/n is early. Oh my god” John B gasped making the girl laugh as she stepped onto the “I am” she giggled “and you took longer than ten minutes so.. it’s you that’s late for once”

Her eyes landed on JJ once again, he always done this. Something happens people try to help he shuts them out and pushes them away, as if they’ll leave if they see the true him. She wanted JJ to open up to her. She wanted to love him. Tell him she loved him every single day.

John B had picked the rest of the group up including his girlfriend, music softly played in the back around, beers were shared and it was all over just a good vibe.

“What’s up with him?” Kiara whispered in her ear “I don’t know” she shrugged “go talk to him y/n/n” kiara nudged her shoulder “why?” She turned her head facing Kie.

“He’s not talked to anyone all day, surely the one person he’ll talk to is the girl he’s in love with” Sarah butt in making her turn her head “Sarah don’t be ridiculous” she shook her head

“I’m going for a swim! Who wants to come with me?” Sarah announced suddenly as pope and John B agreed along with Kiara as the dove into the water, leaving her alone with JJ.

He still sat at the edge of the boat, feeling dangling into the water as the sun gleamed off of his sun kissed skin.

“I’m sorry about last night” she spoke up making the boy lift his head up “why are you sorry” he dryly said “because I shouldn’t have pushed you to open up like that”

“It was my fault for coming to you” he said “im sorry” he finished “how’s that eye” the girl said walking over to him sitting down next to him, he turned his head looking at her.

“Told ya, gets worse before it gets better” she mumbled shrugging turning back to the rippling water “you were my first option” he blurted out “sorry?” She said eyebrows raising “yesterday. When I said no one was awake. I just came to you. I never checked.” she was taken aback “whoa calm down Maybank” she chuckled “I’ll talk to you later okay? I’m gonna ask John B to take me home” she gave him a smile.

After her extremely long shower, after sweating all day, it was nice. She turned the warm water off wrapping a towel around her body glancing in tue mirror before brushing her teeth, and doing her skincare routine before giving her hair a squeeze getting all the water out.

The tank top and shorts was a good option since it was meant to be a hot outerbanks night, which was normal in these months.

Her hair was still wet as she walked out of her bathroom, noticing her window was wide open and her curtains were pushed to the side, her eyebrows raised at the thought of someone breaking into her house while her parents were out of town. She quickly shut it before turning around and spotting a familiar boy sitting on her bed.

“JJ!” She gasped taken aback by the boy “why- why are you here?” She asked “I came here to.. to” he cut himself off “I never got to properly apologies today for last night” he scratched behind his head “you did. It’s not your fault JJ” she shrugged as he stood up “no I mean-.” He said “let me just show you” he said walking closer to her “huh?” She raised her brows before his mouth was on hers kissing her passionately placing his hands behind her head.

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More Posts from Callitwh4ty0uwant

1 year ago

Who is he ?

Who Is He ?

Pairing- JJ maybank x fem! Reader

Synopsis - Kiara sets her up on a date but JJ just so happens to be working the night of..

Warnings - idk like kissing ? Well A kiss

Who Is He ?

The moonlight shone down on her, as she stood outside the country club waiting for the date Kiara set her up with, to get over the maybank boy she was lucky to call her best friend. She was hopelessly devoted obviously.

She repeatedly kept checking her phone as time went on she gave in and texted Kiara. *are you sure he’s coming? You said eight right? Am I here to early?* a moment later a ding ! Came from her phone *yes, y/n. I promise, you do realise it’s 7:50 right ?* the girl sighed *all right let you know how it goes?* she replied *yes of course now go enjoy yourself and DON’T think about JJ* she chuckled to herself before another message came through *love you !!!*

8:00 is what her phone read she was getting worried, but a car pulled into one of the many car spaces that were empty. The engine was turned off and the nerves were making her feel like she was about to Puke. A figure was walking up to her, oh god.

“Hey y/n right? I’m Liam. Sorry I’m late” he said pulling her in for a hug, “yeah nice to meet you” her voice came out stuttered, but she flashed him a smile “Kiaras friend ? She’s told me a lot about you” he put a hand on her lower back she winced at the action, that’s what JJ does. as he guided her into the restaurant.

“I have to say y/n your even more prettier in person, than what Kiara showed me” the small tint on her cheeks was noticeable now since the bright light that came from the celling was now shining down on her

Her lips were pulled into a smile, until a tall figure appeared at the table for two, she looked up a small frown appearing on her face as she saw the one person she didn’t want to see…at all.

“Hi I’m JJ..” he trailed as he made eye contact with her smirking down “and I’ll be your server tonight..can I get you any drinks?” He asked pulling out the note book “I’ll have a water” she smiled up at the boy acting as if she never blinked an eye his way

“I’ll take a-.” JJ cut Liam off “woah, Woah, Woah, y/n” She glanced at Liam who pulled a confused face “you know this guy?” Liam asked her “yes she does” JJ said “who’s he ?” JJ looked at you “my date” she looked forward playing with her fingers.

“Your on a date?” The sound of JJs voice dropping was obvious but she kept her composure “yeah” she nodded.

“Dude, this is confusing. You guys seem as if yous have some unspoken love story, I’m going to leave” Liam stood up she sent him a sympathetic face as he left “you know what I’m going to leave aswell, thanks for ruining my date, maybank” tears were threatening to spill as she stormed out of the country club.

But she knew JJ was right behind her. as she was texting Kiara to come pick her up JJ placed a hand on her “look y/n, I’m sorry” he said “JJ that’s not the point i kinda liked him. Seriously kie set me up with him so I’d get over you, now I’m starting to think why I ever liked you” she rambled not even realising what she confessed out loud with JJ “I’m texting kie to come pick me up”

“Y/n, what?” His shocked face was confusing as she looked up at the boy “what?” She furrowed her brows “what did you just say?” He said “I’m texting kie to come pick me up?” She raised one brow

“No before that” he raised a Brow, oh shit what has she done. “I that I can’t believe I ever liked you?” Her lip quivered “you liked me?..” he asked, she slowly nodded.

Before she had time to react JJ’s lips were smashed onto hers.

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8 months ago
Summer Nights!
Summer Nights!
Summer Nights!

Summer nights!

Summary; Y/n discovers that her family has offered her and the Pogues the summer at the beach house… and of course the group had to accept that offer.

Florida!!! Masterlist: Summer masterlist!

jj Maybank x fem! Reader

Warnings - smoking, feelings, JJ being an asshole, sexual innuendos, swearing, alcohol, unestablished relationship, angst, fluff.

Outerbanks was beautiful to say the least, she had a beautiful house, amazing friends and an amazing view to look at, no she didn’t mean the sunset and sunrise she saw ever morning she meant JJ Maybank, gorgeous, dumb blonde, flirt, and amazing abs.

But it was days like these she loved seeing JJ shirtless out on his board surfing, with John B, the girl had some news to share, but she could not Keep her eyes off of the blonde boy that was walking out from the water towards her, Sarah, pope and Kiara.

“Okay so..uh.. I..” she trailed on as the boy sat down beside her “my dad says, he can’t make it this year so my family isn’t going, but he offered us to go to our beach house in Florida this year for the full summer” she said making the two girls eyes go wide as the jumped up im excitement “so what do you say!” She asked making the girls nod in agreement.

“Yes!” The two girls brought the girl into a hug squeezing her “when do we leave!” Sarah asked “Sunday” she spoke making the girls squeal in excitement.

But Sunday came quicker than expected, she wasn’t complaining though, she loved her friends and that beach house with her whole heart.

The suitcases were tough to fit in, as the group piled into her car the airport was the next stop as it was 4:35am in the morning and she was tired as hell to drive all that way to Florida.

The plane ride journey was rough JJ had insisted to sit next to her, which was odd cuz he had never shown that much interest in her before. Turns out the big tough guy he claimed to be was scared of flying, she talked him through it though.

“I need to piss, and a coffee” she said as the group got off the plane and made their way to baggage claim “brb” she said after spotting the toilets.

After finishing her business she walked back out spotting the group, with her bags and drinks “for you m’lady” JJ said handing her the coffee with a smile on his face “thank you kind sir” she laughed putting on a British accent that was half-assed

After getting the car that was already pre-booked for the summer they made their way to the beach house, she was so excited to show her friends her happy place, if someone asked what she thought was home? She would always go back to this place in her mind, even when she was sad or upset.

“Home sweet home” she said as she pulled up into the driveway. They got out of the BMW the Pogues stood infront of it admiring the big house that stood in front of them “and why didn’t you invite us sooner?” John B exclaimed as he took the multiple suitcases out of the trunk.

“Never crossed my mind” she shrugged pulling on her suitcases to the front porch “we’re gonna have to double up by the way not enough rooms, it looks gigantic but there’s only three bedrooms upstairs” she spoke as the Pogues came up behind her as she unlocked the door.

“I call my parents bedroom!” She yelled as they rushed upstairs noticing JJ standing behind her “guess I’m stuck with you then.. huh?” She laughed as he followed up upstairs “what do you mean stuck with me” he laughed placing his hand on his chest in offence as he opened the double bedroom doors that led to her parents bedroom.

“God y/n this is room is bigger than my house” he mumbled as he threw himself on the California king bed “my parents like treat themselves when their on vacation, I have king bed” she said tiredly copying JJ as she left the suitcases at the door.

“This room makes the house look bigger than it actually is, it was so expensive for only three bedrooms” she groaned pulling herself up “and I swear to god JJ if you pull any of your shenanigans” she pulled her self up from the bed removing the pillow from behind his head “I will make you sleep on the couch” she said while smacking his face with the soft fabric.

“Now I’m gonna go get a bikini on while you unpack your shit okay?” She said as he gave her one of his charming smiles as she dragged her suitcases to the bathroom, a funny warm feeling over taking her body as she laid the suitcase out.


“KIE, SARAH, WE HAVE TO GO TO THE STORE TO GET FOOD!” The girl said poking her head out the bedroom making the girls groan as the jet-lag was taking over all of them “c’mon!” She yelled as they followed her downstairs and back into the car.

The drive was short to the nearest Walmart picking out alcohol, and whatever junk food they could find, making sure to pick up sunscreen, and more cosmetics products. Not that they needed anymore anyways, their cart was full as they pushed it to check-out.

Five bags, is what they left with “I think we left with more than what we needed” she laughed as they pulled up back to the beach house “time to get this par-ty started!” Sarah jumped as they made their way inside spotting the boys lounging on the sofa.

The boys had jumped as soon as they saw the six-packs of beer being took out the bag and placed on the kitchen island.

The bathing suit she had put on before the girls left was handy as she slid her shorts off, she could a familiar pair of eyes on her as she slid the glass door open the warm air hitting her body as she looking around the familiar scenery.

She took a deep breath smelling the fresh salty air as she heard John B jump into the pool, pope jumping in next, she shook her head a smile appearing on her face as she was next to jump in.

“I hate saying this, but I can’t believe how much I missed this place” she said swimming over to the clear glass edge of the pool that looked out onto the beach “this place is so beautiful” Kiara said making the other Pogues agree.


THE NIGHT HAD SLOWLY CAME AND THE SUN WAS SETTING AS THE POGUES LOUNGED IN THE HOT TUB laughing at whatever joke john B had made, the group was drunk but she wasn’t to drunk to notice JJ’s lingering gaze on her as he made his was closer to her everytime he got back into the hot tub after going out to get another beer.

“I genuinely can’t believe you ever complained about this place y/n” pope said making the girl roll her eyes “it’s even worse with family, believe me” her head falling back “anyways” she sleepily said “im gon’ call it a night” she said standing up almost falling over in the process, JJ’s hand catching hers as she got out.

“Me too, this one’s heavily intoxicated” he laughed “so are you” she hit his bare chest as she got out “let’s get you to bed” he said pulling her inside “ ‘m too sleepy” she slurred as she made her way upstairs.

“How am I more drunk than you?” She drunkenly laughed as she opened the door to the bedroom “‘m going for a shower” she huffed making her away into bathroom “g’night Jay” she slurred.



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11 months ago
Call It What You Want, Call It What You Want Too.
Call It What You Want, Call It What You Want Too.
Call It What You Want, Call It What You Want Too.

Call it what you want, call it what you want too.

Pairing - JJ Maybank x fem! Reader

Synopsis - feelings & hot tubs

Warnings - smoking, kissing.

Cruel summer! masterlist

Call It What You Want, Call It What You Want Too.

IT WAS COLD Walking outside with only a small black bikini on, the path to the hot tub was short, but chilly, the light smoke coming from the tub or JJ who was smoking a blunt. “Hey” her voice was quiet unlike the hot tub as she stepped up the small stairs sitting on the side of the tub before lifting her legs over

“Lookin’ good miss Y/L/N” his eyes travelling down her body “thank you mr maybank” she smiled sitting down across from the boy, who passed the blunt to her, she mumbled a quick ‘thanks’ before inhaling the joint.

after she inhaled, she looked up letting the smoke exhale from her mouth her eyes connecting with JJ’s “why are you looking at me like that?” She awkwardly laughed drawing her attention to the fact that it was only her and him in the hot tub.

The rest were asleep or out at the beach doing god knows what “you look pretty” he breathed out still stairing at her lifting his sunglasses up “are you high?” He laughed at her “maybe just a little” he shrugged

She passed the blunt back over to the boy his fingers grazing hers.

“But seriously though” he said looking up from the joint “you seriously think I’m pretty? JJ c’mon I see you with a new girl every week or flirting with one at a party and we’re literally best friends you can’t be serious JJ”

“Just because I do all of that y/n doesn’t mean I can’t think you’re pretty, you’re not like the rest of them… y/n… all of the-… all of them are just meaningless hookups”

“What are you trying to say JJ” she took the blunt back, the silence that came after her saying that wasn’t pretty, he sighed “don’t act so stupid” he looked up at her, with those eyes

“Stupid? Funny JJ real mature” she rolled her eyes “fine. You want me to tell you?” He sat up turning the bubbles off, so she could properly hear him.

“I like you.” He blurted out, her eyes widened, he stood up water dripping from his toned body “all those girls, hook up and shit we’re just meaningless and meant nothing to me y/n I like you.”

“No you know what scratch that I’m in love with you” she sat there dumbfounded as he looked down at her, her mouth agape

“You know what-.” He cut himself off “are you not gonna saying anything?” He said a frown appearing on his face, she was in shock, frozen even.

“You know what-.. y/n.. just forget I said anything” he said turning to get out of the hot tub, she rushed to stand up grabbing his hand “JJ…JJ” he turned back around “I- I don’t know what to say JJ I’ve liked you since the day I met you I-i just didn’t know how to tell you since I saw you with all those girls I never thought you were interested”

“I’m sorry I never said anything sooner.. I just thought that-.” He cut her off pressing his lips against hers lips moving against each other sloppily.

Call It What You Want, Call It What You Want Too.

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9 months ago

hiiiii !!!! I absolutely adore every single thing that you write; you’re incredible !!

i kinda sorta had a request if you don’t mind…

so conrad fisher x reader where they fake date to make belly and Jere jealous (reader has a crush on jere and con on belly obvi ahah) but they end up falling for each other ?

however the plan kinda works as well and now there’s like a lot of angst :0

have a great rest of your day and im soooooo looking forward to reading it if you decide to do so :))<3

Thank you for the request!!!

Hiiiii !!!! I Absolutely Adore Every Single Thing That You Write; Youre Incredible !!
Hiiiii !!!! I Absolutely Adore Every Single Thing That You Write; Youre Incredible !!
Hiiiii !!!! I Absolutely Adore Every Single Thing That You Write; Youre Incredible !!

Stole my tortured heart!

Pairing - Conrad fisher x fem! Reader

Summary; having a crush on Jeremiah isn’t easy when he likes Belly… so when agreeing to fake date with Conrad fisher to make Jeremiah jealous doesn’t go to plan and they end up falling for each other in the process.

A/n; my very first request! Thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful day aswell 💗💗

Pink and purple sky’s is what summer in cousins beach brought. Hot days and cold nights were always perfect, especially getting to see her- all time childhood crush shirtless when swimming at the beach houses pool.

Jeremiah and y/n, were close, but not as close as belly and Jere. So when figuring out he likes her, it came as a shock when he walked into her room, laid down on her bed and confessed that he liked belly, she cried when he left that night. 

Conrad fisher, also likes belly apparently. Which is why she resorted to walking into his room after finding out belly and jere had kissed on the beach the night before.

“They kissed” she stumbled in “what?” He looked up from his phone eyebrows furrowed “Jere and belly” she paused “they kissed” she finished pacing around.

“I know you like belly. Conrad, it’s kinda obvious” she shrugged making the boy climb out his bed and place two hands on each shoulder.

“Calm down” he hushed “I have a plan” she informed sitting down on his bed “plan for what?” Connie raised his brows “to make them jealous duh! But only if you’re up for it” she fell back her head hitting the soft mattress.

“What’s your plan y/n” she sat up at that. “We date” she blurted out making a surprised look “huh?” She stood “we fake date, you know like we have to all the sappy stuff like, hold hands, Kiss-.” He shook his head “maybe kiss” he added “extra” she shrugged “to make them jealous and maybe we’ll just get them”

“Okay, y/l/n, I’m in” he held a hand out for her to shake “perfect” she nodded taking his hand, as noise could be heard from the kitchen “starts now I suppose” she smiled up at him as they clasped their hands together and walked out the room hand-in-hand.

“Hey, guys.” Belly said eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the two of them holding hands “what’s going on here” he motioned between, Conrad and her.

“We’re uh..” she trailed looking up at Conrad “Dating.. we’re dating” he finished for her removing his hand from hers placing it around her shoulder pulling her in closer.

Jealous. Is what was written all over Belly’s face over the next few weeks, nothing over Jeremiah’s he didn’t care, at all.

The next few weeks were also hard to say the least, Conrad’s ‘touches’ had lingered a little too long, throughout the weeks.

For example, she, Conrad, Jeremiah and belly were watching a movie and obviously she sat beside Conrad his arm thrown over her shoulder drawing circles into her shoulder, the two had acting obsessed with each other throughout the weeks, Jeremiah and belly never suspected a thing.

A quick kiss to cheek could be felt as he got up from the couch mumbling something about getting a snack “you want anything.. babe” Babe. a simple pet name, that Conrad had called her.

“M’good” she mumbled “you not gonna offer us anything?” Jeremiah asked “youre not my girlfriend” he shrugged sitting back down beside her, butterflies errupted in her stomach as he caught her lips in a kiss.

She was caught off guard by the action, he had never kissed her before it was unexpected.

“We need to talk” she mumbled in his ear as she took his hand taking him into the separate room “I don’t know if I’m picking up some wrong signals here” she started “but do you like me? Cause you just kissed me and you’ve never done that before” she sighed “yeah- y/n ever since we made that deal after they kissed I couldn’t help it, these past few weeks have been amazing” he confessed.

“You like me?” She asked as he nodded lightly “good cause I was starting to worry” she chuckled walking towards the boy cupping his face in her hands and kissing him.

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8 months ago
Straight From The Tortured Poets Department!
Straight From The Tortured Poets Department!
Straight From The Tortured Poets Department!

Straight from the tortured poets department!

Requests are open!

I !do not! Write smut,

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Straight From The Tortured Poets Department!

Who I write for!


: ̗̀➛ JJ Maybank!

Who is he?

- Kiara sets her up on a date but JJ just so happens to be working the night of..

Sight for sore eyes!

- JJ Maybank was a sight for sore eyes, and y/n has clearly had enough.

Call it what you want, call it what you want too!

- feelings & hot tubs

Guilty as sin!

- - JJ Maybank & y/n had a complicated relationship with is complicated reputation with girls and her little knowledge on boys.

Jump then fall into me!

Mary’s song ( oh my my my )

Florida!!! (Series)

: ̗̀➛ John B routledge!

: ̗̀➛ rafe Cameron!

The summer I turned pretty!

: ̗̀➛ Conrad fisher!

Stole my tortured heart!

Who are we to fight the alchemy!

: ̗̀➛ Jeremiah fisher!

: ̗̀➛ cam Cameron!

Stranger things!

: ̗̀➛ steve harrington!

: ̗̀➛ Billy Hargrove!


: ̗̀➛ Jude Bellingham!

It’s like I’m wasting your honour

I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it

: ̗̀➛ Jack grealish!

Percy Jackson!

: ̗̀➛ Luke castellan


: ̗̀➛ Rudy Pankow

: ̗̀➛ Charlie bushnell

: ̗̀➛ Drew Starkey

Straight From The Tortured Poets Department!

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