Conrad Fisher X Reader - Tumblr Posts
think about you.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad gets jealous upon hearing rumors that you and jeremiah are hooking up.

warnings. foul language, underage drinking, writing is complete ass
ricky rocks. it’s kind of hard for me to pin point conrad’s personality, so this may be far off.
“oh fuck.”
con since when are you fucking my brother
you stare at your phone with a sinking feeling beginning to take over your stomach. you swallowed harshly, clasping your forehead as the cold sweat already began to take over and your mind begun bouncing all over the walls.
you couldn’t even think of a text in reply before another message popped up on your screen.
con where are u??
“god, fuck me,” you shook your head.
“you good?”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you brushed your friend off as you now maneuvered your body away from her and the crowd, thinking frantically of what to say.
y/n what do you mean?
great response. he’s really going to like that one.
con stop fucking around y/n
your phone lights up with his caller id just barely before you read his text and the stomach feeling only got worse, “hello?”
conrad clenched his jaw, finding it hard not to roll his eyes at the innocent sound of your voice, acting naïve to his insinuations, “you’re at that party, aren’t you?”
“that’s what i told you.”
“is my brother there?”
“conrad, what do you think? he was my ride.”
“i want to see you.”
you shook your head, “you didn’t want to see me earlier today.”
“yeah, well, i changed my mind. i want to see you.”
“yeah, whatever. come and find me if you really want to see me, bud,” you rolled your eyes hanging up the phone. if he really wanted to see you, it wouldn’t be too hard to find you, but you doubt he’d put in anymore effort than that phone call.
he usually never did.
but you underestimated conrad, you really did because you didn’t think he would care enough to actually show up. no, because he wasn’t like that.
but you guessed wrong, because there he was standing right across from you holding a beer. he had his eyebrows raised as if questioning you what are you doing?
“looks like your knight and shining armour is here,” your friend whispered in your ear before giving you a sympathetic smile, wishing you good luck.
right as she walked away, he replaced her, “where’s jere?”
“i don’t know,” you shrugged, “probably off playing pong.”
“surprised you’re not with him.”
“why?” you frowned, completely disregarding why conrad was here in the first place.
he quirked a brow, his head tipping as a cocky expression came across his face, “i mean seeming you two are fucking, i’d assume you two would be attached to the hip.”
“since when do you care,” you narrowed your brows at his hostile insinuation, “it’s not even like that anyways, connie.”
“and if it was?” he says, “i mean, if you were fucking him, what does that mean.. about us?”
“you know what, conrad? i can’t even talk to you right now,” you roll your eyes, tipping on the back of your heal, now going to walk away. “you’re ruining my mood.”
“jesus, y/n,” he rolls his eyes, putting his beer down before grasping your bicep, pulling you his way before you could get too far. “i didn’t drive all the way out here just for you to walk off.”
“i didn’t ask you to drive all the way out here,” you retaliated, trying your best to restrain against his grip that was pulling you to what you didn’t know.
“i distinctly remember you asking me to come and find you, so here i am y/n,” he finally pulls you into a bathroom before locking the door. his arms now slightly raising in expression, “found you.”
you couldn’t argue with him, because you did say that and deep down, you meant it too. part of you honestly didn’t think conrad would come down, because lately he never really cared enough to put effort into showing his attentiveness. i mean what reason did he have to do so? you guys weren’t even dating.
“so,” he leaned against the sink counter, crossing his arms with a serious look on his face that hadn’t faltered since you first saw him. “please, enlighten me, sweetheart; why are you so interested in my brother?”
you scoffed, taking a seat on the toilet before rubbing your eyes, preparing yourself for the argument that you knew was coming, “connie, enlighten me, because where did you hear that from?”
“steven,” you blink, slowly say his name, hoping to annunciate and have conrad actually think about it. “steven told you.”
“you know how dumb that sounds? it’s steven.”
you can tell by the way he shifts on his feet and repositions himself against the counter that he does really think about it now and it does sound slightly ridiculous. you both knew steven wasn’t always the most honest and he was a sucker for causing trouble.
“why would it matter anyway, connie,” you arch a brow, “i’ve barely seen you all summer and when i do, you barely talk to me.”
“it’s kinda hard to talk to you when you are actually always around my brother when i do see you. so, forgive me, y/n, for believing steven,” he gives you a pointed look.
“you know what, whatever,” you stand, “if you’re not going to give me a straight answer, i’m leaving.”
“sit down,” he’s reflexive and pushes you back to sit down on the toilet, the look on his face hardens, “we’re not done talking.”
“then answer my question, conrad. why do you care?”
he thinks. he thinks and you can tell whatever he has to say, he restrain himself from saying. you couldn’t even guess what it would be, but likewise, he was always like this. always so puzzling, hidden from questioning eyes, quiet, and not begging, wishing, or asking for any attention. and yet he still got it.
“i don’t stop thinking about you, y/n,” he stares at his feet, thinking hard about how he can lay this out for you without damaging his self-esteem too much. “even if i don’t see you, even if you don’t talk to me, i still think about you.”
you and conrad had known each other for a long time, but never had you two ever been any closer than just being acquaintances. until last summer when you both hooked up.
you immediately found it a mistake because conrad was a hard person to communicate with in general, but to then have a sort of attachment to one another—gets difficult, hurts feelings, and causes situations like the one you are in right now.
“conrad,” you exhale, “who am i to you?”
oh, he hates that question.
“what do you mean?”
“you think about me, why don’t you show me? who am i?”
your questions stump him—no, they don’t, he just doesn’t want to think too hard and answer, “i need a beer.”
“con,” you groan as you watch him unlock the bathroom door and step back into the party. “this is why i don’t like talking to you.”
“i like you, y/n. i think about you. i don’t understand why you need more than that,” he pauses a moment, looking back at you, “just let me… fucking drink.”
“jesus,” you press your hand against your forehead in stress. “maybe i should fuck your brother.”
he turns right back around on his heal, “that’s not even funny.”
“yeah, whatever.”
“yeah, whatever,” he mocks you, his hand snaking around your wrist, “i don’t even want a drink anymore, we’re leaving.”
“lead the way, sunshine.”
“can’t believe you even like my brother,” jeremiah stared at you, almost looking disgusted as he poured a bowl of fruits into the blender. “he’s a douche, y/n.”
“yeah, but he’s pretty.”
“he’s brooding,” he gave you a pointed look, correcting you, “you deserve better than someone who sleeps in till 2 and smokes like there’s no tomorrow. you should have someone who actually gets up in the morning and is productive.”
“what, so someone like you?” you say sarcastically.
“sure,” jeremiah tries hard not to perk up at the suggestion. “i mean, that’d be a start and far better.”
“i’m sure connie wouldn’t appreciate you trashing him like this,” you rested your chin in the palm of your hand, giving him a pointed look that was still light hearted.
“yeah, i don’t,” conrad rounds into the kitchen, catching both of you by surprise. he looks at jeremiah out of the corner of his eye, looking annoyed. it makes you hold back a laugh as the younger boys cheeks go slightly red and gives you a look of ‘yeesh’. you shake your head in reply.
“surprised you’re up.”
“yeah, i figured,” connie’s standing by you now, his arm snaked around your waist as you both stare at jeremiah now—not helping his case of embarrassment.
“let’s go talk,” you lean away from the counter, now pulling at conrad’s arm to lead him outside and away from his heinous stare that he was keeping on jere. “c’mon sunshine.”
he slowly pulls away from the situation before finally allowing you to pull him out to the back patio.
“i think he likes you.”
“don’t start.”
“what?” his voice is sunken in innocences as he looks at you, making you roll your eyes.
“i’m not trying to relive last night.”
“why not?” he grins, leaning down to press his lips against yours. “i think we had fun.”
“i’m talking about the part before we got home.”
you can’t tell if he winces as you say this, but his face goes immediately blank as he leans back up to his full height, “yeah.”
“yeah,” your lips press into a thin line as you speak his words back to him. “now that i’m not slightly drunk, can we rewind?”
“rewind?” he narrows his brows before taking a seat in one of the chairs sat by the pool. he slightly pulls on your arm, sitting you on his lap.
“i think about you a lot, too,” you mumble, your fingers beginning to loop with his as you stare at them nervously, “and i want you, connie, but i don’t want to press you into a relationship just because...”
conrad finds himself shaking his head as your voice fades out of speaking. he doesn’t know how to feel about where this conversation is going.
“y/n, look at me,” his finger unlaces from yours, now tapping your chin to look at him. “i like you, i want you, but i don’t want to rush it because… i think last night is a fair example as to why.. i shouldn’t be in a relationship.”
conrad was impulsive and sometimes only ran on anger and vexation. he was possessive and sometimes got in over his head when he thought about you and other boys. he was like this with any girl he really cared about.
“you don’t want to date me, sweetheart,” his fingers tap against your thigh, still holding you close. “you know that, but that doesn’t mean i don’t want you.”
“right,” your teeth bite at your bottom lip as you think at his words. he was right, but you didn’t like it. “but what does that mean?”
“it means i owe you for putting up with me waking up past 2 everyday.”

i literally jumped out of my seat when i saw this on my fyp 😭😭😭 i’ll write more tonight
find me when you know.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad is confusing, you hope to never see him again... but to also kiss him.

warnings. foul language, underage drinking
ricky rocks. i love writing melo asshole!conrad. i also could have gone a lot worse with this, but i don't think that's how conrad genuinely is... but who knows, maybe i'll change my mind.
the first time you had ever met conrad, you had nearly fallen straight through a wall at a party thrown to celebrate the end of the school year.
you weren’t drunk. you had barely even been there for more than ten minutes as you were walking through the home of the mutual who invited you, looking for friends, when you tripped over a pair of shoes, landing you no longer on stable feet, but stumbling toward the wall behind you.
if it weren’t for conrad, you probably would have gone straight through the brand new dry wall of the fresh new home built on cousins beach—a whole other reason the party was being thrown; to sport the large new house off to all of you.
“careful, sweetheart, that walls worth more than your whole life.”
his hand was wrapped around your wrist and he smiled at you with something that was goofy and almost cocky as he pulled you back to your feet. you remember being half shocked as you looked at him, almost not believing that just happened—and he just stared back, analyzing you.
“well thanks. you are my knight and shining armor,” this made him smirk, finally letting go of your wrist at your implication and a returning look that was equally amused. “don’t know what i would have done without you.”
that was it. his bright eyes pierced yours and his soft upside down smile sent you off with a nod as if it was a mutual understanding that there was quite literally nothing else to say.
you had forgotten about this. this encounter must have been shoved all the way in the back of your head where the rest of your memories from house parties were—meant to be forgotten just so you wouldn’t feel the regret from any chance of an embarrassing moment being there.
you had forgotten this… until you once again found conrad right in front of your face, but not to save you.
“hey,” his head tipped to the side, surprised to see you as he sipped his beer. his face was soft looking beneath the light of the bonfire that was the center of the current party.
“i’m y/n.”
“i know,” he smiles, looking at you like you’re silly for saying. his cheeks are red from the slight exhilaration from drinking, but he was calm and still held himself high, like it was another saturday talking to you. “we’ve met before.”
“yes,” you nod, but not understanding how he got your name from just you falling. “i remember.“
“i don’t think you do,” conrad quirks a brow, the bottle of beer he held teasing his lips as he was still in between sips. he was looking you up and down slowly, determining whether or not you had anything to drink and what state you were in exactly. “you remember my name?”
you scoff, “you’re a fisher boy.”
“can you tell me which one?” his brow raised further, dropping the bottle from his face so you can fully see his challenging look.
“there’s more than one?” you joke, smiling, but he can’t tell if it is. he’s still trying to figure your current state out, and you almost seem a bit tipsy. “conrad.”
“right,” he nods slowly, turning on his feet now. “gold star.”
strange. he was very strange, but in a way that made you want more. conrad was no one to you, it was proved right there—first name basis. you had no reason to follow him, or continue to talk to him, but something was pulling you to do so.
“why do you sound so disappointed?” you fell in close behind him.
“i never see you at parties that much, why’s that?” he ignores your question, raising his own as he grabs another bottle, pulling the cap off with his teeth before turning to face you once more.
“uh,” you’re almost taken aback, almost finding it a strange question. “not a big partier?”
he nods. you could tell he didn’t really care for the answer, “you’re a junior next year?”
“oh,” he scratches the back of his neck and you can’t tell if the expression that has came over his face is a good or bad one. you guess it’s bad by the way his eyes don’t meet yours, but rather anything else.
you can tell the gears in his head are turning, but you’re confused, squinting at him like you didn’t get him and there was a sudden frustration taking over your chest.
“i’ll see you later, y/n,” he waves at you, waves you away as he turns on his heal to get away from you. “try not to trip on anything.”
you laugh dryly, looking at the sand in almost helplessness until he finally dispersed. what a fucking dickhead.
you didn’t see conrad much after that but when you did, you never approached him. the previous atmosphere created between the two of you in such short time was turned sour after you last saw him and you felt no need to turn it any worse. it was odd, and you weren't sure how it even happened, or even if it was just in your head, but you were upset at the possibility that he didn't like just because of you being a junior.
it was a stupid reason, but why did you care? you didn't even know each other that well in the first place.
it was probably best you didn't. you heard things about him. things you didn't particularly care for because you hadn't ever known him before the end of the school year party.
a lot of people didn't like him because he just didn't care what people thought of him. he didn't care for people's feelings, didn't care where they stood, didn't care how much money was in their pocket, didn't care if they were in a relationship, or just who they were.
he was in his own world and the only time people would see him in theirs, it would be to fuck around, drink, smoke, and fuck.
maybe it was a blessing he didn't want anything to do with you.
"y/n knows conrad, right y/n?"
you raised your head to meet your friends eyes as she was motioning to you. you frowned, focusing on her red face and blood shot eyes, then to who she was talking to; jeremiah fisher. you frowned even harder, slightly shaking your head.
oh dear god.
the boy with bright blue eyes smiled to you with his perfect white teeth, a look of clarity arising, like he recognized you, or you looked even more familiar just because you knew his brother. you shied away to his exuberant aura. he barely moved, but just the look on his face—you knew you were in for it.
jeremiah was in your grade and he had to of been one of the nicest people you had met. he got around, which made sense because you can't get around as much as he did without being as friendly as he was. you unfortunately didn't have the pleasure of being on that list.
"that's great," his arm extended out your way, "i actually think he's mentioned you before, which is not like connie at all."
"really?" your brows quirked, not believing this at all. "conrad didn't exactly give me the impression that i was that memorable."
"strange," jeremiah agrees, leaning against the wall, "never know what goes through his head. when's the last time you talked with him?"
"last month."
"you're kidding," he looked like he didn't believe you, both of his brows raising as well as his body from the wall and back to its full posture. "he just mentioned you the other day."
you frowned, your head tipping at this new piece of information. this was real fucking strange.
"asked me about you, i swear. and he never talks to me about girls."
you glanced to your friend who looked just as shocked as you did before giving you a knowing look, like she had an idea, "well, jere, i think you should approach conrad about this issue."
oh, jesus.
"that's a fucking fantastic idea," no it wasn't, he knew it, you knew it, your friend knew it. this just could make a boring-usual night a lot more fun... for certain people, "lets go y/n," he yanked on your arm, brining you to your feet.
"jeremiah, i uh, don't think this is a good idea."
"why not?" he wasn't listening to you or your protests. not when this could be good.
"i just think that conrad... he's not someone who would appreciate me cock blocking him at this party or like ever, so maybe lets leave this for another time, you know? one where i'm like a lot more wasted than i am right now."
"oh you'll want to sober up for this, y/n," and there you were, standing right before conrad who noticed the two of you right away. "con, you remember y/n."
fuck, fuck, fuck.
"how could i forget," he mumbles, glancing between the two of you, not looking even remotely surprised. "i'll talk to you guys later," he doesn't even look to the two other guys he was previously talking to, only you.
they walk away and he seems to sigh, raising a brow, "y/n."
"oh this is great," jeremiah looks between the two of you, "but i think, conrad, you should tell y/n what we were talking about this morning, alone."
"yeah, whatever."
he walks away, winking at you and you felt already absolutely miserable.
"your brother's charming."
"yeah, i'm sure," he coughs awkwardly, holding his bottle of beer tightly.
"i hear you talk about me," you rock on your feet. this was risky, but you still look up at him with sudden amusement because what's the worse that could happen now?
he swallows harshly, his eyes going to the ceiling, mentally cursing himself as well his brother for putting him into a position like this. he was unsure about you originally because he knew nothing about you and he almost didn't want to know anything about you. knowing things about people, knowing what they were like and how they perceived things always made things like relationships and hookups more difficult.
you were pretty and a new face. the idea of something new would be good for him. good and easy. but with the fact that word got around fast, no matter how secret and you being a junior, being in the same year as jeremiah would make things far more complicated than they needed to be and cause things to be far from easy.
it all automatically ruled you untouchable.
but he screwed that up himself, didn't he?
"i asked about you, yes."
"why do you think?" his head tipped to the side when he finally looked back down at you and you couldn't tell if he was taunting you or not.
"i'm bad at these kinds of things, conrad, why did you ask about me?"
"was wondering if you were worth my time. it's easier to learn about people through other people than to do it yourself," conrad bit down on his cheek immediately, he knew the moment it came out of his mouth it was fucked. he looked down at you, expecting you to backhand him, to be mad at his response, but what he saw from your face was confusion.
you didn't know what to say to that. your face was scrunched as you thought, your mouth opening to speak, but you said nothing, therefore closing it once more. it had to of been one of the most douchebag things you had ever heard, but you were still very confused and the only reason you didn't walk away was because it was conrad.
you were still very intrigued and this moment was only pushing this interest further.
"is this you trying to tell me that i'm not worth your time..?"
he frowns, thinking, "no."
but it was him trying to figure out whether or not you were worth it.
"i don't know what to say," you mumble, "to be honest, what you just said was fucking weird and rude, but i'm too buzzed to care."
his lips almost twitch into a smile as he watched you.
"conrad, i want to kiss you, but i also want to not see you for a long time."
he actually laughs at this, shaking his head before lightly grabbing onto your bicep, "think about it, y/n," he leans toward you, pressing his lips to the side of your cheek. "think about how you feel about me, then come find me."
take care of you.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad tries to get to the bottom as to why you were ditched to soak in the rain.

warnings. foul language
ricky rocks. hey requesters :):):):):):):):)
oh, fuck me.
conrad internally swore at the sound of your sweet voice dipped in distress and pain. he could already so clearly hear it with the sound of his name, he can feel it.
conrad sits himself down at the edge of his bed, almost as if preparing himself for this conversation, “what’s wrong, y/n/n?”
you close your eyes tightly at his hard but concerned voice, almost regretting making this call, but you push the lump in your throat, speaking, “i-uh, can you come pick me up?”
“why can’t you have steven or jere-“
“i don’t-i can’t. i’m not around them right now, connie,” you anxiously clutched the front fabric of your sundress, completely soaked in lake water as well as the on coming rain that was slowly setting in, painting your skin even colder. “please, conrad.”
he agreed, of course he agreed. it’s just, would he be in such an agreeing mood when he realized how wet it was outside, or how drenched you were?
he was, he felt absolutely horrible for you; seeing you left practically stranded on the side of the road with your hair clinging to the side of your face as well as your clothes sticking to your like glue as more and more rain poured down on you.
“where is jeremiah and steven?” his voice was stern as he looked you over again and again, still not getting over what a sad puppy you looked like. it didn’t sit well in his stomach, not at all, whatever was going on, it upset him a lot.
“it doesn’t matter, conrad,” you clutched yourself, trying to gather warmth as you were now sat in his passenger seat with the heat on high, “let’s just go.”
he looked at you, not convinced. it took everything in him not to pry, thinking it over and over, wondering how could they just ditch you in the pouring rain all by yourself practically in the middle of fucking no where. how?
he had to let it go. but it was still all he could think about.
“we need to get you out of those clothes,” first thing he said once you got home and you shamefully followed him to his room where he was quick to dig in his drawers for spare clothes he could give you—even as your room was just down the hall.
“connie,” he tossed you one of his tee shirts and a pair of stripped boxer shorts, not listening to your sounds of protests. “i’m alright now.”
he doesn’t believe it. he watches you carefully as you hold the clothes in a ball to your chest, starring back at him, and he just doesn’t believe it. your eyes were sad to the core and your whole body language screamed distraught. you weren’t alright.
“just change, unless you want me to do it for you.”
your body heats up at his words. he doesn’t even seem fazed, but you don’t expected anything less from him.
after you exit his room to the bathroom, connie falls on his bed, sighing as he thinks about the next morning and how he will be scolding, if not beating the fuck out of steven and jeremiah if they don’t have a good excuse.
this was the exact reason why conrad didn’t enjoy you going out alone or even without him to watch—as much as he hated to say that. he hated to care so much, but it was hard not to.
“you gonna tell me what happened tonight?”
“wrong answer.”
you winced but still slowly made your way to the other side of conrad’s bed, slipping into it beside him as he still stared at the ceiling thinking. you hated doing this to him, being such a general burden on him, but he was honestly one of the only people you knew who would show up for you.
he would always show up, no matter the circumstance.
“jere and steven thought it’d be a fun idea to meet up with some guys that they had met before at a party and to just fuck around up at the lake… which was fine, i didn’t really care,” you paused, clasping the back of your neck while staring at your lap from the crisscross sitting position you were in on his bed. he watched you, sitting up straight now on the edge of the bed, waiting for your to continue.
“it was fun, fine, until we were on the dock and um, one of them ended up pushing me in and they were all laughing and y’know…” you coughed awkwardly and conrad frowned hard, the image of it playing in his head. “they ditched me after i guess, convinced steven and jeremiah that i wasn’t any fun, so they just left.”
what the fuck.
he continued to stare at the side of your face as your eyes were perfectly trained on his white sheets, not saying anything, letting the story sink in. you waited for him to say something, but you weren’t surprised when he didn’t.
that was one of the dumbest things conrad had probably heard. with the whole thing could have been easily avoided if his brother wasn’t such a dumbass and used basic sensibility—conrad cut his thoughts off, rubbing his face before moving fully onto his bed, his arm pulling on yours to lay down next to him.
he didn’t know what to say—he didn’t know what to say without sounding over aggressive or like an asshole, so he kept his mouth shut and let the only sound of your breathing fill the air.
you found it unbearable. always.
“are you mad that i called you?”
he looked over to you, narrowing his brows, confused on why you would ask, “why?”
“you wanted to stay in tonight,” you rolled to your side, looking up to him as you were still pressed very closely to him. “i feel bad-“
“don’t,” he shook his head, confused as to why you would feel bad in this situation. “you had a long night, y/n. you shouldn’t feel sorry about anything.”
you didn’t say anything more. there wasn’t anything more to say and you almost felt content enough as you pressed yourself further into conrad’s side, allowing his warmth to consume your body. he pursed his lips, not feeling content at all, but allowing this moment to be enough.
he allowed himself to let sleep come upon him with you pulled close to his side, and even if he wasn’t content with the outcomes of the night, he was satisfied that you were finally safe with him.
instagram au.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
ricky rocks. lol i was bored

different ― c. fisher

SUMMARY: For your entire life you'd been hoping that one day, somehow, Conrad Fisher would look at you as more than just a friend. Who knew all it would take was a shiny piece of metal through the side of your nose?
PAIRING: conrad fisher x fem!reader WARNINGS: mentions of piercings and blood.

You had been going to the beach house at Cousins your entire life. Your mom, Laurel, and Beck had been a trio ever since they were nine years old. They'd dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls, Donna and The Dynamos, and every possible trio costume you could imagine throughout the years. They went their separate ways, had kids, and lived their separate lives. But every summer they all found their way back to Cousins. You found your way back. To the beach, to the house, to your best friend Belly, and to the boys.
Steven was Belly's older brother ― smart and annoying as all get out. And then there was Jeremiah the jester. He was a sunbeam in human form the way he was always laughing and smiling and being the life of the party. To be around Jeremiah was to be happy. And finally there was Conrad. Not much to be said there; but, somehow, also everything.
Conrad was the oldest, and the only one younger than you was Belly ― and that was only by less than a year. But because of that, Conrad only ever looked at you like a little sister. And as you two got older, that label started to bother you. Maybe because you stopped seeing him as an older brother. Maybe even more than a friend. And that was the issue ― his perspective never changed.
But you didn't need to worry about that. Summers in Cousins were about having fun. And that's exactly what you were here to do.
Your mom's car pulled into the driveway, giving you the first chance to breathe in the salty beach air. You found yourself smiling ― real smiling. The kind you don't notice until it's already there.
The front door opened and Susannah stepped out, a giddy smile on her face. "You're here!" she shouted, throwing her arms out. Things like that were very Susannah. She was theatrical and fun and sweet. That was what everyone loved about her ― especially you.
She wrapped you up in a hug the moment you stepped out of the car. "Oh, sweetheart, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed, holding you tightly.
"It's good to see you too." you responded, smiling and taking a deep inhale. She always smelled like Chanel perfume, the kind you always begged your mom to get you. She always said no and told you you'd never use it, which you had to admit was true; it was Susannah's trademark.
You looked over Susannah's shoulder and saw that everyone had already gotten there ― Steven, Belly, and Laurel stood on the porch by the stairs. Jeremiah appeared in the doorway a second later, a smile stretching onto his face as he bolted down the stairs to you.
You laughed at his enthusiasm and let go of Susannah so she could hug your mom. The moment you did he scooped you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. "You're back, loser!" he shouted, almost like he was letting the entire neighborhood know.
"I can see that." you said with a laugh.
He set you back down, scanned your face, and frowned. He had found the nose piercing you had gotten over Christmas break. "Oh my God. What is this?" Jeremiah exclaimed, messing with the shiny object.
You laughed and cringed away. "Hey, stop! You're going to get it infected."
"I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out a little here," he laughed, "You look like a badass."
"I bet you cried like a baby while you got it though," Steven said, appearing at Jeremiah's side to pull you into a hug.
"Yeah, and it gushed blood like a fountain," you said, making a silly face and mimicked your nose pouring blood. Steven cringed away in disgust while Jeremiah laughed at him.
"You do look cool though," Belly said, giving you a hug too.
Belly let you go and, all of a sudden, there he was. Conrad stood a few feet behind the group in a hoodie and shorts. Same old Conrad. For a moment, the breath caught in your throat and time seemed to slow as you waited for him to say something.
But, as usual, Jeremiah beat him to it. He grabbed you by the shoulders as if to present you to Conrad. "Look at this! Our little Y/n is growing up so fast." he said, faking a sob. You elbowed him lightly in the gut, rolling your eyes at his antics. Now is not the time to be reinforcing the concept of 'little Y/n.'
Conrad's head tilted as he noticed the piercing. "It looks like you got a shiny piece of metal stuck to your face."
Very anti-climactic. So you just shrugged and played it off with another laugh. "Sounds weird when you put it like that, but, yeah, sure."
Another moment of awkward silence. You fiddled with the hem of your shorts.
"Aaaaaaand she looks amazing! Now that we've got that covered, let's get you guys settled in." Jeremiah said, taking a suitcase from your mom and pecking her on the cheek. Classic Jeremiah. He disappeared into the house with your stuff and you followed, not noticing as Conrad Fisher's eyes followed you through the doorway.
It had been a few days and Conrad had yet to say a word to you. Jeremiah had warned you over text that he had been especially moody the last couple of months, but you hadn't been expecting total radio silence. It was off-putting. When you were younger, you and Conrad would spend the entirety of dinner kicking each other under the table while the moms yelled at you to stop. Now he just stared down at his plate and didn't speak unless spoken to.
You would have been angry if you weren't worried. He'd quit football, something that he was really good at, and he seemed not to take interest in anything anymore. You'd walk into a room and he'd walk out, like he couldn't stand being around you anymore. It stung.
That night you laid starfish on your bed, staring up at the ceiling, running through the same monologue you had been repeating to yourself the whole week: what did I do wrong? With a huff, you got up, forcing yourself out of the spiral and into the closet, where you rummaged through your drawer of swimsuits until you found your favorite polka-dotted one. You traded them for your pajamas, grabbed a towel, and headed downstairs.
And, as you headed into the backyard for a late night wade through the pool, you discovered you weren't the only one with the same idea. Conrad sat at the edge of the pool, holding a smoking joint between two fingers. You both paused, noticing each other at the same time.
Then, you spoke. "Probably smart not to smoke in the house," you said, heading towards the pool, "although Laurel could probably catch you through the window."
He didn't respond, but he didn't protest as you sat down next to him. "And hey, what's this whole tough guy act you have going on, huh?" you continued.
"You know, the whole brooding, emo thing you have going on. Where you don't talk to anyone and act like everything is a waste of your time," you said. "I still remember the Conrad that taught me how to add fractions and how to skateboard without breaking an ankle."
He blew out a puff of smoke. "That was years ago, Y/n."
"I know," you nodded. "I just wanted to remind you that you were nice once. And fun, too. And now you're like this whole other person that ― "
"This is about me being different?" Conrad asked, his voice rising slightly. "You're the one who showed up with dyed hair and a nose piercing."
Your eyebrows raised, an involuntary scoff escaping your lips before you could stop it. "Seriously? This is about my nose piercing? Look, if it makes you feel any better, I got it while I was drunk at a party in my friend's bathroom. Does that make you feel better, Conrad?"
"That's it, though. It feels like last summer you were putting seaweed in your hair and calling yourself George Washington. And now you're getting drunk at parties and piercing your nose?" he paused, his voice suddenly becoming solemn. "I always knew that things would change. I just never guessed it would be you."
You paused. This wasn't at all what you were expecting. But he was right ― you had changed, whether you noticed it or not. "Okay, so I've changed. Why does that give you an excuse to avoid me like the plague?"
"It doesn't. I'm sorry," he said, and you believed him. "I've just spent my whole life looking at you little Y/n, the kid who dives for hermit crabs and makes kingdoms out of sand castles. And now you're different."
You hadn't noticed your breathing quicken, or your hands starting to shake. "Good different?" you asked, feeling your heart start to pound in your chest.
Conrad turned to you, his hand reaching up to the side of your face, his thumb reaching up to brush over the piercing on the side of your nose. "Yeah," he said quietly. "Good different."

requests are open!! (no smut please!)
who i write for:
lando norris, charles leclerc, chris sturniolo, matt sturniolo, theodore nott, tasm, conrad fisher + more, just request!
stan list/fandoms:
lana del rey, f1, ferrari, friends, 1d, gracie abrams, sturniolo triplets, phoebe bridgers, deb smikle, frank ocean, harry potter, gilmore girls, brooklyn nine-nine, mclaren

theodore nott
conrad fisher

conrad fisher: tsitp
1999: part one
1999: part two
1999: part three
1999: part four - final
1999, part one
ok. this is my very first fic and the first time ive done any creative writing that isnt for a gcse english writing exam. this is part one of a mini series called "1999" (inspired by beabadoobee's song). im literally making it up as i go😍🙏.
please lmk what you think: should i scrap it or keep going? anything i should change?
and maybe repost if you feel extra generous :))
warnings: none!
conrad fisher masterlist

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Summer had always been a time Belly, Steven and I had looked forward to. Sure Christmas and Easter were beautiful and memorable, but there was something about spending our summer at Cousins Beach. We'd been doing it ever since we can remember. For a whole three months, the Conklins and the Fishers did everything together. It was like while the rest of our year was shit, summer was always there to turn it around. We watched fireworks together, surfed, barbequed, and pulled all-nighters out in the backyard in tents pretending we were far away from our parents in some other country when in reality they were only a few feet away drinking wine and talking. We spent every waking hour together for those three months. And now that we’re all older, we party together.
After Belly and I turned sixteen we started seeing the boys in a different light. It was like they were the same boys we’ve known all our lives but somehow different.
Steven would make fun of us for what seemed like years on the car ride to Cousins whenever he heard us giggling and whispering about how Belly and Jeremiah were destined to be since he posted a reel with her favourite song (he can't even remember her favourite colour for the life of him). But whenever she’d ask me about Conrad I’d shake my head and blush trying to convince her I didn’t like him like that.
Conrad was…complicated. He was gorgeous and tall and perfect and way out of my league. Hell, he probably saw me as a sister to him and nothing more. I had seen him go through girls year after next and had slowly started to lose hope of there being an ‘us’ anyway.
My thoughts get interrupted by yet another loud sigh by Steven. I swear if I don't end up strangling him by the time we get there…
“I’m boredddd”, Steven sighs.
“Steven that's your tenth consecutive ‘I’m bored’ in a row, can’t you think of anything else to say?” Belly all but yells at him.
He lets out another sigh before I wack the side of his head from the backseat.
“Hey!” he yells out trying to get me back from the passenger seat while Belly laughs and starts recording the moment on her phone.
“Alright, kids can we dial down on the domestic abuse, please? I’d like to go at least a few hours before having to swallow another paracetamol from your headaches.”, Mom says obviously getting fed up with us.
Instead of arguing back I try and shut Steven up by asking him questions.
“So Stevie,” I start, giggling as he annoyingly groans at the nickname Belly, Taylor and I made up for him, “what are you…most excited for this summer?” I ask making up the question off the top of my head.
Steven thinks for a minute before answering, “Surfing for sure.” He nods.
“Drinking wine with Susannah.”, says Mom smiling at the thought of her best friend.
“Fourth of July.”, says Belly.
“You sure you’re not most excited to see Jere?” I nudge her with my elbow as she squeals and looks away.
“What about you honey, what are you most excited for?” Mom asks, looking at me through her rearview mirror.
“The bonfire.” I say, smiling.
I’ve always loved the bonfire. Everything about it, it's always such a vibe. The kegs, the fire, the songs, the smores. It's always been my favourite part of the summer.
Until this summer, when I brought my boyfriend to Cousins.
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“You guys ready for the bonfire, should we go down?” Conrad asks as he enters the living room. I look up at him from my position with Belly on the couch. God, I’d forgotten how pretty he was.
Conrad comes behind the couch and wraps his arms around my neck giving me a slight hug before pulling away, “I missed you.” he says looking down at me.
Before I can reply Steven speaks up, “Aw Connie, no worries man I’m here now,” he says smiling enthusiastically as he pulls Conrad towards the door by his shoulders while everyone laughs at his misunderstanding.
Conrad looks at me expectantly and takes out a small box from his pocket.
“Let's go, man,” Steven says to Conrad before pulling on him again, “I wanna show you this really cool trick I learned the other day…” He drones on as Conrad’s eyebrows furrow and he looks back at me, “Aren’t you coming?” he asks pointing at me questioningly.
I give him a sad smile before responding, “I’ll join you guys later, I’m gonna wait here for Dean he should be here soon.”
Just when I thought they couldn’t, Conrad’s eyebrows furrowed deeper.
“Who’s Dean?”
“Oh didn’t we tell you?,” Belly responds, “Y/n has a boyfriend.”
Conrad and Jeremiah’s faces were a sight to see. Eyes wide, mouths agape and eyebrows straight up, staring at me as if I had told them I got my eyeballs tattooed.
“Okay, you don't have to be that surprised…ouch.” I wince.
Conrad and Jeremiah straighten up and Jeremiah looks at me and smiles before saying, “No, no that’s…uhm that’s great Y/n.” He looks at Conrad halfway through his sentence as Conrad looks down at his feet and puts the box he was holding, in his pocket before turning to Steven and talking to him about setting the keg up for the bonfire and walking out the door without sparing a glance to me.
“That was weird.” I say to Belly as she leans in to give me a hug,
“Totally. What’s his deal?” she responds.
“Beats me.” I shrug before yelling “Have fun! Use protection!” out behind her and Jeremiah before Belly turns her head around and flips me off which just makes me and Jeremiah laugh harder.
I sigh and turn the tv on. With Mom, Susanna and everyone going out, I was the only one left to wait for Dean. I wonder how long he’ll be, I can’t wait to go to the bonfire. Luckily I got a text from him just as I decided on watching Gilmore Girls.
'hey, i'll be there in five :)'
whew that’s part one done! here’s part two!!
1999, part two
1999, part two
oh my gosh this ones a long one im sorry💀💀
i hope you like it and lmk if i should change anything/parts you liked!!
warnings: swearing, shitty boyfriends, angst
conrad fisher masterlist

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*ding dong*
I hopped up off the couch with a huge grin on my face and rushed to the door.
“Hey!” Dean laughed as I all but jumped on him laughing myself, “Hey, I’ve missed you!” I say.
Dean has been a family friend for a decade now at least. We've always been best friends and mostly everyone at school thought that we were dating long before we actually were which is why it was strange that my family would find me and Dean dating, ‘a joke’. I remember when I had first told them and they straight up laughed in my face. After that interesting conversation, Belly and I had another one in our room.
“Are you sure about him? I mean Dean’s nice but…”
“But what?” I asked
“But he's just not… I don't know I wouldn't have expected you to go after some perfect guy like Dean, I didn't think that was your type.”
What Belly had said had me thinking and overthinking for weeks after.
“M’sorry I’m late…” Dean smiled apologetically at me, “Traffic was shitty.”
“No worries, you made it just in time for the bonfire. Belly and the boys already left to set it up about an hour ago so it should be in full swing by now.” I smiled up at him with my arms wrapped around his neck as he pecked my nose and muttered a simple “okay.”.
We make our way to the beach in Dean’s jeep and arrive at the bonfire in about fifteen minutes.
“Can you see them anywhere?” I ask Dean as we look out at the huge group of tipsy teenagers trying to make out any figures that we recognise.
“Uhmm…yeah, right there!” he says pointing far off in the distance to what looks Belly and Steven, already fighting.
We make our way down and meet Belly and Steven focused on a game of beer pong. God, I haven't seen them that focused since…to be honest I don't think I've ever seen them this focused.
“Huge bets must be on the table otherwise there's no way these two crackheads would be this focused,” I say to Dean. His reply gets cut short by a voice saying,
“Sure as hell are, they’re debating what we all should do tomorrow; surfing or shopping”.
“Oh! Dean this is Thérèse! And this is Jere” I say smiling at my childhood friends.
After a couple of ‘hey how’s it going’s are exchanged, they all end up joining Steven and Belly’s surf or shop debate. Thérèse doesn’t even look at me when I try talking to her and I only get one-word sentences as answers.
Thérèse and I have been friends almost as long as Belly and Taylor. We were really close as children but grew apart as she lived here in Cousins and Belly, Taylor and I didn't. We still kept in touch and tried to call each other as often as we could, she knew everything about me. Things got weird when I told her about me and Dean. She didn't call me, left me on delivered or read and just stopped talking to me altogether.
I hang around them for a bit until I get uncomfortable and decide to take a walk.
“Hey I’m gonna go for a walk, okay?” I say to the group.
A couple of ‘yeah sure have fun’s are heard until Dean speaks up.
“What? Why would you wanna do that?” he runs a hand through his hair but refuses to look at me and focuses on the beer pong instead.
“I don't know I'm bored I wanna go for a walk?” I say back, surprised at his weird behaviour.
He looks at me as if I just grew two heads and says, “Well then if you didn't want to spend time with me why did you invite me here in the first place?”
“Dean calm down it's not that big of a deal it's just a walk,” I say raising my arms up in defence.
Why was he being so weird?
“Dean it's okay just let her go.” Thérèse smiles at Dean.
“Fine. Whatever. Do whatever you want.” he runs a hand through his brown hair again and focuses on his beer pong shot again.
Belly, Jere and I share confused looks before I turn around to walk, Steven being too occupied cracking jokes with Dean and some girls around them to notice a thing.
I need to clear my head.
I walk until I'm far from anyone at the party and sit down on the sand, looking out at the sea.
It starts to get windy so I tuck my knees against my chest and stare out to the ocean, trying not to think of anything, or anyone for that matter.
But trying not to think about it just makes me think harder.
Why was Dean being like this?
All weird and controlling…
And what’s up with Thérèse?
I've apologised countless times and I don't even know what I did wrong…
“Here.” A voice breaks the soft gusts of wind and soothing crashes of the water against the sand. And my thoughts.
I look up and see Conrad looking down at me with his hand stretched out in offer of the faded red zip-up he's holding.
I tilt my head to him in question.
“You look cold.” he says looking at my arms covered in goosebumps.
“Oh…thanks.” I laugh softly accepting the hoodie and putting it on being engulfed in his cologne. I pat the sand next to me and offer for him to sit.
He sits next to me in silence as I put my head on his shoulder, both of us staring out to the water.
“How’s Susannah? I didn't get to talk to her much before mom stole her away.”
Conrad and I softly laugh as he says, “She's doing good. Cancer’s almost gone.” he says, putting a smile on both our faces.
We sit there for a while in silence, letting the crashes of the waves and the gentle breeze of the wind calm us down from all the commotion going on in the distance.
“Hey Con?” I ask softly.
“Hm?” he gently hums back.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
There's a short pause before Conrad takes a breath in and says “Yes, Of course. I'm fine.” he says with a smile, but the shakiness in his exhale tells me otherwise.
“Are you sure?” I press on trying to get him to break so he can tell me what's wrong.
Another pause.
He turns to me and smiles and says, “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
Before I can respond, he reaches his hand out, tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and looks at my eyes.
Some say the eyes are the windows to the soul. In Conrad’s case, they might as well be holding up big bright signs that say how he's really feeling.
Conrad might be able to put up a happy façade in front of anyone but three people.
My mom
If his body language doesn't say anything then his eyes do, they always do.
And right now his eyes looked glassy. Soft. Hurt.
“Con…” I start to say until my voice gets interrupted by another much deeper and louder one.
“Y/N!!” Steven runs up to us, “Oh hey Conrad good thing you’re here too, GUESS WHAT?”, he screams in front of us.
“Ugh, Steven stop screaming my head hurts.” I mumble as Conrad asks “What?”
“WE’RE SURFING TOMORROW YEAHHH!!” he roars happily
“I’m guessing you won beer pong?” I say.
“Hell yeah, Belly and Dean ate my dust!” he boasts
Jeremiah and Belly had caught up with him now and sat alongside Conrad and me as Steven tried reenacting his win.
“So how’d he actually win? He couldn’t have done it himself, guys drunk as shit.”, Conrad says laughing along with us as Steven trips over his own feet.
“I helped him.” Jere says in a low voice not to take Stevens's joy of his delusions away.
“Hey where’s Dean?” I ask Belly as Steven finishes his (horrible) acting and sits with us exchanging embarrassing stories of me and Belly with Conrad and Jeremiah.
“Uhm, I’m not too sure I think he said he was going to go look for you after we finished. Thérèse said she’d help.”
Thats weird.
Steven had already found me and he could’ve just called me if he was worried?
And why would Thérèse want to help? last I checked she hates me.
“I’m gonna go find him.” I said, getting up and brushing the sand off my legs.
Conrad looks up at me as I leave. His eyes don’t leave my back as I walk away and I can feel them slowly burning a hole through my back to my heart.
I take my phone out of my back pocket and call Dean.
One ring.
Two rings.
I hang up.
I try calling him again.
I see Dean’s jeep in the distance and what looks like to be him in it. I keep trying to call him to see if he’ll pick up.
I run to the car, open the door and say, “Hey why aren’t you-”
I get cut off as tears fill my eyes and hurt fills my heart.
Dean’s phone is on the passenger seat constantly vibrating as he’s in the driver making out with Thérèse.
“What the fuck Dean?!” I shout as Dean and Thérèse finally break away from eating each other's faces.
“Oh! Uhm…hey babe! Thérèse and I were just talking…” he slurs as Thérèse puts her arms around him and starts kissing his neck.
“Thérèse what the fuck get off him!” I say blinking back my tears refusing to cry in front of them.
“Why should I? I’m a better kisser anyway. Did you really think Dean came all the way down to Cousins to visit you?” she says with a sick smile as she spreads her lipstick around Dean’s neck and collar.
“You know what forget it. You two assholes deserve each other. Don’t bother to come back in the house to get all your stuff Dean, it’ll be out on the front yard.
I turn away before they get a chance to see my tears and walk down to Conrad’s car.
I take my phone in my hand and shakily call Conrad after blocking Dean and Thérèse off everything.
“Hey where are you?” he answers.
“Connie can you…can you drive me home please?” I say sniffling.
“What? Where are you? What’s wrong” he says in an alarmed voice and I can hear him getting off the sand and telling the others he was going to take me home.
“Just…Please drive me home Con…” I say desperately.
“Okay yeah sure, where are you y/n?” he asks in a more controlled voice.
“I’m next to your car.” I say sniffling again.
“Alright y/n/n I’m nearly there, don’t go anywhere okay?”
Two minutes later and Conrad finds me leaning on his car. He comes up to me and immerses me in his arms, softly shushing me as I sob in his chest.
“Shhh.” he tries to soothe me and runs his hands through my hair.
“Come on. Let’s go home.” he kisses the top of my head as my cries die down and opens the car door for me.
The drive home is almost silent except for the faint noise of the radio playing and my sniffles. Conrad reaches out and holds my hand in a red light. I look at him and he softly smiles in assurance.
When we finally reach home I go straight to my room ignoring Mom and Susannah’s calls of worry. I sob into my pillows as I hear them knocking on the door.
“Y/n honey? What’s wrong can we come in?” they ask. I love them to death but I don't want them right now.
I want Conrad. I need Conrad. I always have.
It's as if they can hear my thoughts because in two seconds Conrad opens the door, comes straight in and sits on my bed next to me.
He doesn’t say anything but brushes the hair out of my face looking at me sadly.
“Wanna tell me what's wrong now? Laurel and Mom are worried sick, they might tear my head off if I go back out there without an answer.” he says quietly making me laugh a bit.
He wipes away my tears with his thumbs and says, “Hey where’s boy toy?”
I look up at him questioning, “Boy toy?”
“Yeah, that boyfriend of yours. Jere called him Boytoy he said he was kinda weird. Did he do something to you?”
I sniffle and silently pray that my voice doesn't give out as I speak, “He uhm…I went looking for him and I saw him with Thérèse they were uhm. They were making out in his car.” I tell him everything, how I found them, what I said, what they said, all while trying to blink back more tears and clearing my throat so it doesn't break anymore.
“That's fucked up I’m so sorry Y/n.” he says softly.
“Wait hang on, Thérèse? Wasn't she your best friend?” he looks at me with furrowed brows.
“I mean I thought she was but after I told her about Dean she just… I don't know she just switched up.”
“Doesn't matter about her she was always a toxic friend anyway. And this Dean seems like a pussy too. I’m sorry but I'm glad things are over with you two, Jere told me how he shouted at you on the beach earlier.”
“Yeah he was really insecure,” I laugh with Conrad. “He said he was jealous of you and Jere when I saw him the other day.”
“Then why are you crying lovie?” he says so softly I barely hear him.
“I don't know, I guess I'm not crying over him… I think I'm crying over the fact that no one really cares. I don't know it’s stupid.” I stare down at my hands, embarrassed by my choice of words.
Hold me close and say you care
‘Cause I'm in love with your brown hair
Conrad wraps his arms around me and puts one of his hands under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.
“I care.” he simply says. The look in his eyes could make my knees give out in a second if I wasn't already sitting down. I take a deep breath and try to brush his comment away. There's no way he can just
come back and say he cares when he hasn't bothered to answer my calls or read my texts in almost a year. There's no way I'm doing this again with him.
I try changing the subject by bringing my hand up to his hair and running my fingers through it.
“I love your hair Con.”
He gently takes my hand away from his hair and repeats himself.
“I care Y/n.” he says staring into my eyes. He lets go of my hand and brings his to the back of my neck leaning in close.
The way you touch me is a curse
And I'm not willing to let it all
His lips brush against mine sending electric shocks through my body but I refuse to let it go any further. He doesn't get to do this.
I pull away from him as fast as I can and make distance between us.
Physical distance. Since he has the emotional distance covered I might as well take over and finish it with physical.
“No don’t do this Con.” I say shaking my head as I pace around the room blinking away more tears.
“Don’t do what?” he says confused by my actions.
“Don’t play dumb Conrad you know what I mean.”
“Y/n what are you talking about? I-I'm sorry I kissed you I just… I thought you liked me.”
“No Conrad don't.” I say looking up at him through glassy eyes, trying to shake away the anxiety slowly creeping up at me.
“Don't what?! Are you even going to tell me what I did wrong, can you just talk to me?!” he says angrily, standing up from the bed too now so we're both staring at each other from the ends of this room. This God-forsaken tiny room with the walls closing in.
“Can I talk to you?! Oh Conrad that's rich coming from you.” I sneer angrily at him.
How can he of all people say that to me?
“What the fuck are you talking about, what did I do?” he says, his voice growing louder with every word.
“What did you do?” I laugh, “No Conrad let's talk about what you didn’t do. You didn't answer my calls for a whole year, you didn't answer my texts for a whole year, you weren’t there when I needed you Con, you weren't there when mom and dad got divorced like you said you’d be, you completely ignored me for a whole fucking year Con you can't just make it all up by saying you care and kissing me, you can't do that Con not when I've always been there for you, not when I've always cared for you and loved you for this long Con you can’t, you can’t, you can’t!” I finish, out of breath as Conrad looks at me with a hurt expression on his face.
“I…” he starts off but I hold my hand up to him to tell him to stop talking.
I don't want to hear what he has to say, I can't. I close my eyes and say “Please just go away Conrad.”.
When I open my eyes again he's nodding, trying to hold back tears in his gorgeous blue eyes. I look away before a tear can fall from them.
One tear from his eyes, one word from his mouth and I know I’ll go running back to him. But I can't, I refuse to after how he hurt me.
Watch your mouth and wash with soap
'Cause I just hate the way you spoke
Green eyes make everything feel numb
And I'm not willing to give it all up
He closes the door silently behind him and I crash into my bed, sobbing into the jacket he gave me.
And I'm not wasting time again
Closure instead of sex
And I'm not wasting time again
You said I fucked up and ruined your life
But little did you know you ruined mine
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well that was a journey🤡🤡
lmk what you think and please feel free to request anything on my bio even things for part three!! (no smut please)
real footage of me drafting 1999 part three at 4am last night:

ps: it’s halfway done🙌🙌
1999 part three
another long one LMAO SORRY💀💀
this one’s a trip so get ur snacks, drinks and one direction pillows and blankets from 2014 because this one’s a trip🤭🤭
lmk how we feel abt this part and ur fav moments, enjoy!!
warnings: angst, blood, underage drinking, violence, swearing
conrad fisher masterlist

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Conrads pov
I clench my hands into fists to stop them from shaking. I shut my eyes as tight as I can to stop the tears from flowing out.
Calm down Conrad.
she’s upset, she’s tired. it’s fine.
no, it’s not, you did this to her, you’re the problem here. you made her cry. you might as well be like that guy she was with.
That guy.
I slowly shut Y/n’s door behind me and race to my car, ignoring Mom and Laurel’s worried exclamations.
“Everything’s fine, she’s okay, she’s sleeping right now. I just- I need to do something. I’ll be back soon.” I assure them quickly before grabbing my car keys and making my way outside.
calm down Conrad.
the only person who could calm me down right now is Y/n. I smile softly as she enters my thoughts but that smile quickly drops as I think of how she was crying tonight.
My hands clench the steering wheel until my knuckles turn white.
She wouldn’t want you to do anything.
But the way she was sobbing in my arms…
Fuck this.
I turn the ignition on and start reversing to the main road before my car even has a chance to warm up. I drive for what seems like seconds and go to the place where Jere told me he saw Dean last after I drove Y/n home.
It feels like my entire body and mind are on autopilot. I don't even realise what I'm doing before Dean opens Thérèse’s house’s door and my fist connects with his jaw. I don't realise how much anger I had in myself until he falls backwards and I don't give him a chance to get up. I keep punching him again, and again, and again. I don't stop until the blood from his nose is dripping to his white tee, until it's all disfigured and there's more bruises on his face than the hickeys on his neck.
“You ever lay your filthy hands on her again and I’ll make sure you wish you were never born asshole.”
I keep walking to my car as Dean and Thérèse scream threats back at me and flip them off as I get inside and drive back home.
I make it back home and immediately go to Y/n’s room to check if she’s asleep yet.
God, I'll never forgive myself for hurting her like that.
I gently cover her with the duvet on the end of her bed and kiss her softly on the top of her head.
When I make my way out of her room and quietly shut her door behind me walking to the living room, mom and laurel are already waiting for me. I don't say anything as they take me in their comforting arms and hold me. It feels like they're holding me up as my body racks with sobs, threatening to give out at any second.
“I just…I just didn't want to hurt her I didn't know what to do I-” My sentence gets broken off as another sob escapes me and Laurel kisses the top of my head. “I didn't know what to do after you got sick and it got worse I’m sorry I'm so-” I say to Mom struggling to breathe as she shushes me and wipes my tears away.
‘I’ll be okay Connie, I’ll be alright.” she whispers smiling softly but the tears in her eyes tell me otherwise.
They hold me, letting me cry for what feels like hours until their words of sweet nothings and assurances blur out and my eyes get heavy.
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Y/n’s pov
“No, it’s not Jere you don't need the cover that's just for decoration. No trust me I know Bels, I've seen Gordon Ramsey do this like a thousand times on tv.”
Stevens's earsplitting voice breaks me out of the trance of sleep.
How can he be this loud so early?
What time is it?
I pull the blanket off me and start making my way to the kitchen where all the voices seem to be coming from.
Wait…blanket? I don't remember putting one on after Conrad left.
My heart drops to my stomach as I think of him.
My thoughts spiral my mind starting to overwhelm me until Stevens's voice pushes them away. Thank God for his optimism.
“Alright you guys ready?” he says optimistically at the two unsure teenagers next to him, “Stop looking at me like that Jere. Okay, 3…2…..1!” he shouts as he presses ‘blend’ on the blender without a lid and just as he does, all the ingredients in the blender splatter all over the kitchen walls.
Jere and Belly shout at Steven as he looks around in a worried state at the mess he's made in the kitchen.
“Hey, what are you guys doing?” I laugh as I take a seat at the kitchen island.
“We were trying to make my legendary miracle hangover smoothies but since Steve-o here wanted to be a masterchef so bad he can take over and clean while Belly and I do it properly.” Jeremiah says as he throws Steven a kitchen towel and starts getting more ingredients out to make the smoothie again.
Belly comes up behind me at the kitchen counter and hugs me tightly, “Hey, we heard about what happened with Dean. I’m so sorry, he was a rat anyways. And Thérèse too.”
“Yeah, totally he was a dick.” Jeremiah agrees as he hugs me after Belly. “You deserve better Y/n.”
“God, when Mom told us I was ready to break all this guy's bones for messing with my baby sister and I swear I would’ve if Conrad hadn’t already beat me to it.” Steven says as he bins a chunk of fruit.
I laugh until I fully process what he’s said, “Wait what? Conrad did what?” I exclaim as worry starts to creep up on me and I get off the stool to find Conrad.
“Oh yeah, you didn't know? He's in the living room!” Jere shouts after me and I mumble a ‘thanks’ in response, too distracted trying to find Conrad.
I find Conrad fast asleep on the couch with his hair in his eyes. I sit next to him and brush the hair away from his face. I notice his knuckles peeking out from under the throw and I pull it away to show the entirety of his cut up hands. I gasp as I see them and hold them immediately examining them closely to see how deep the cuts are.
“M’fine I swear. You should see the other guy.” A raspy voice interrupts my thoughts and I look up to see Conrad looking at me sleepily.
“You didn't have to do this Connie.” I say, upset that he hurt himself over me.
“What, you think I’m gonna let the guy who hurt my girl walk around all fine? Had to fuck him up a little at least.” he smiles with his eyes closed.
I blush at him calling me ‘his girl’ although the words make my chest feel heavier.
Why wasn’t I his girl before?
I push the anxious thoughts away as he speaks to me.
“I’m really sorry about yesterday Y/n, I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you after you broke up it was shitty I’m sorry.” he says regretfully.
“It’s okay Connie don't worry about that right now,” I smile at him, “how much do your hands hurt?”
“Not that much. I could use a kiss though.” he smiles playfully.
I laugh and peck his knuckles carefully. One, two, three, fou-
Conrad lets out a loud hiss and furrows his brows in pain. Worry runs through my entire body as I ask him if I hurt him frantically. He bursts out in laughter at my reaction and tries to get off the couch.
“Oh, you dick.” I say as I push him down the couch and smile to myself as I walk away.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Come back baby!” he shouts behind me in laughter.
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timeskip to the beach
“Whoo! Yeah, let’s go Jere!” Steven shouts as he pushes his wet hair out his face and grabs his surfboard, getting in the water again.
“STEVEN! PUT YOUR SUNSREEN ON!” I shout at him knowing it's pointless and he’s just going to ignore me and get sunburnt again. Every year, I smile to myself rubbing sunscreen on my arms.
I look out into the distance and see Belly trying to surf but drastically failing, Jeremiah trying to help her and Steven trying to get Jere to watch his ‘new cool trick’.
Poor Belly. She’ll never get a moment alone with Jere at this rate.
“You’re not going to surf?” Conrad says as he comes up next to me.
“I don’t know, I’m not really feeling like surfing today, might just sit here and read.” I say smiling up at him trying not to look down at his naked chest.
He nods and puts a cigarette in his mouth, reaching into his pocket to light it up.
“You’re gonna slowly kill your kidneys like that Con” I say as I look in disgust at the thing in his mouth.
He smiles down at me as he goes to light it up but stops and takes the cigarette out of his mouth before putting it back in his pocket. “Well good thing I only need one kidney to survive.”
“I’d prefer if you had two.”
He laughs at me before making his way to the waves with his board.
“CON!” I yell after him.
He turns back and looks at me questioningly as I hold up the sunscreen in my hand.
He trudges back to me complaining about the smell and slightly sticky feeling of it as I rub it all over his back and chest trying not to blush.
I make my way up his collarbones, to his neck and finish with his face. I brush his hair out his face before smiling and whispering saying, “There. All done.”
He stares down at my lips and I stare at his as we lean closer, my heart beat speeding up by the second. His hand comes up behind my neck inching our faces closer and closer-
“Hey Con you coming?!”
ugh. Steven.
Conrad and I break away quickly before Steven has a chance to see anything and I awkwardly pat him on the back. “Yep. All done.”
“Did I interrupt something?” Steven asks, sensing the tension around us.
“Nope. Not at all.” I smile at Steven and see Conrad glare at Steven out of the corner of my eye. If looks could kill…
I stifle a laugh as I see Belly giggling at the scene.
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timeskip to car
We’re driving home with “Keep Driving” playing on the radio and Conrad’s hand holding mine.
Holding each other's hands like this has been a habit of ours for years, it’s just a comfort thing.
“Hey have you guys heard about that party going down tonight at Emmy’s house?” Jere says looking at his phone from the backseat.
A couple of no’s are heard from almost everyone until Belly says, “Should we go?”
“We don’t really have anything better to do” shrugs Jeremiah.
“Alright then. It’s a plan.” Belly smiles before we all start screaming the bridge in ‘Keep Driving’.
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at the party
Conrad and I walk in together hand in hand and go to sit on one of the couches after meeting Emmy.
We talk for a bit until we decide to get some drinks in the kitchen. We’ve never really been “party people” unlike Jere, Steven and Belly, so Conrad and I always stuck together in these things. We’d just stand or sit in some corner (with a pet if there were any) and we’d talk about anything and everything while enjoying the free alcohol.
“Thank you my good sir.” I joke, accepting the drink Conrad gave me as we make our way back to our couch. “Hey you know what we should do?” I say enthusiastically smiling at him.
“Uh-oh. What?” he says taking a sip of his drink.
“We should get tattoos. You and me. Matching ones. Emmy’s cousins upstairs and she’s got a tattoo gun, Belly was telling me.” I grin.
“For real?” Conrad asks.
“Yes Connie, I mean we promised we’d get our first tattoos with each other when we were younger so why not right now?” I ask standing up and downing my drink, holding my hand out expectingly.
There’s a pause before Conrad says, “Our moms would kill us.”
“Who says they have to know?” I smile mischievously at him as he says “Fuck it.” and grabs my hand pulling me upstairs, our drinks and couch long forgotten.
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“Holy shit this is badass!” I gasp as I see the two tiny ivy leaves on the side of my ribcage. “I’m so glad I wasn’t one of those people who cry when they get their tattoos.” I said to Conrad who was getting his matching leaves on his left shoulder. “Please, you didn’t cry but you sure as hell crushed my hand.” he says, shaking his hand around before I grab them and kiss them.
“I’m gonna go put a little lotion on this it’s starting to sting, will you be okay here?” I say to Conrad and go to the bathroom across the hall after he nods.
I put some lotion on the tattoo and immediately feel better until someone barges in.
Thérèse. Of course.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” I say, trying to turn away from her but she stops me.
“We need to talk Y/n.”
“Excuse me? No way Thérèse. No fucking way.” I say trying to open the door behind her but she’s too quick and locks it before standing in front.
“Thérèse what the fuck?!” I exclaim, starting to get mad now.
“Just hear me out. Give me five minutes to explain myself. Please Y/n.” she says and I can feel the guilt and regret seeping out of her.
I don’t want to hear a single word from her no matter what she has to say but if listening to hers my only way out of this bathroom then…
“Fine. Two minutes.” I say and immediately see the relief on her face.
“I want you to know how sorry I am. I got jealous of you and Dean like insanely jealous and I…I guess I just wanted to be with him and I didn’t think you were good enough for him and I know how stupid this sounds but I swear I’ve ended things with him and I just want our friendship back Y/n. I’m so sorry.” she says and when she finishes, she looks like she’s on the verge of tears.
I repress the small part of me that wants to take her back and be friends again out of pure respect for myself.
“I feel sorry for you Thérèse, I really do but no. I’m sorry but no, I don’t need shitty friends like you. If you liked Dean before we started dating you should’ve told me rather than making out with him and being a bitch to me when I saw you. Like I said the other night, you two assholes deserve each other. Now move.”
I’m walking back to the room Conrad was in trying to forget the interaction with Thérèse, trying to focus on just having fun with my friends and Con until a tall figure stands in my way.
No fucking way. What is everyone’s obsession with getting in my way tonight?
“Get the fuck away from me Dean.” I spit his name out.
“Babe I’m sorry, I fucked up please just-“ he tries to grab my hands and I immediately stomp on his feet.
“I said get the fuck away from me asshole!” I scream in his face before he stops wincing and quickly grabs me and pins me on the wall.
He looks at me with pure anger and possession in his eyes, scaring me to the bone.
What he says next has my fist flying straight into Dean’s jaw.
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Conrad’s pov
I step out of the room as soon as my tattoos done to show Y/n before I see her pinned against a wall by…Dean.
Anger rises in my body until I can’t think straight but before I can say a single word Y/n’s fist connects with Dean’s.
A chill runs down my spine and I swallow back the acid that crawls up my throat at her cry.
He tests his jaw, rubbing at the place she hit him. “You fucking…”
I see red as I lunge for Dean, but my attention shifts when Y/n lets out a whimper.
“Ow.” A single year runs down her face as she checks her fist.
I don't think as I jump into action. She hisses at me when I try to assess her hand, all while she swipes the tears off her face with her non-injured hand. Something definitely doesn't look right with her pinkie, and she winces as I lightly run my finger over it.
"That doesn't feel too good-" Y/n curses as she brushes her thumb across her knuckles.
"That's what you get for thinking you could lay a hand on me."
I swear this guy has a death wish.
"Oh, I'd like to lay more than a hand on you, you evil fucker.”
Y/n tries to step around me, but I block her path.
"I'll handle this." I give her other hand a reassuring squeeze.
Her brows pull together as she shuts her mouth.
"I was coming here to check in on her and see how she was holding up after seeing me and Thérèse. I'm sure it can't be easy seeing how she’s never going to be good enough for anyon-"
Bone crunches beneath my fist as I slam it straight into Dean’s nose. A deep sense of satisfaction fills me as his head rears back, rolling with the momentum of my punch. Blood gushes down his face and drips onto the carpet.
He tries to staunch the bleeding, but nothing seems to work.
“Call me when you get bored of him Y/n." Dean laughs.
Something dark takes over me. "Get out!" I roar as I lunge at him. My fingers grip onto air as he stumbles backward, tripping over his shoes as he holds his head back.
The pressure in my chest doesn't lessen as he disappears through the double doors. Hopefully he returns to whatever corner of hell he crawled out of before I have a chance to get my hands on him again.
Y/n huffs. "Well, that didn't go exactly as expected." I turn around, finding her hand clutched to her chest. Her twisted expression has my blood rushing to my ears.
I shake my head at her and say, “You’re mad." I laugh softly.
She laughs before wincing at the hand pressed against her chest. "Ouch."
"Let me have a better look." My pulse quickens as I assess her injury. I'm careful not to touch the skin near her knuckles,keeping mind of the swelling. It doesn't look like an open fracture so at least that is good news.
"You're insane. There's no other explanation for why you would punch someone in the face without knowing how."
"I thought it would be like the movies." She finches as she checks out the damage.
"We need to get you to the hospital to have it checked out" I choke on the words, unable to process the reason I decide to make that call. I fucking hate hospitals.
"No! I'm fine. See!" She wiggles her fingers and recoils.
I'm hit with the urge to go find Dean but hold back.
"Why would you punch him?"
Her jaw locks together, and she looks down at her vans.
I lift her chin with my finger. "Tell me."
She sighs, and it takes an exorbitant amount of effort not to shake the answers out of her.
"Promise not to do anything illegal if I tell you?"
Her head drops. "You're not going to be happy."
"I'm never happy." Except for rare occasions. All of which she is a part of.
She looks back up at me. Her eyes have a sheen to them that has nothing to do with her injured hand.
“He told me to…”
"To what?" Every muscle in my body tenses.
"to be with him or he’d make me regret it." She looks away as if she can hide the way her face is a wreck of emotions.
I'm already halfway down the stairs, body hot to the touch and my head empty of any thoughts besides finding Dean and pummeling him into the ground.
I should have known he would try to pull off a stunt like this. Part of me had stupidly hoped he would have some sense of decency left, but it seems he doesn't have a moral bone left in his body. I underestimated just how far he would go to retain her.
Y/n grips onto my arm and tugs me back. "Wait!"
"I can't talk to you right now.”
I can't talk to anyone, let alone her.
You're the one who brought her into this mess. What did you expect? You could’ve just told her how you felt last summer and prevented her getting with Dean in the first place.
Blood heats beneath my skin. I try to shake her off, but her hold only grows more desperate.
"I need you to take me to the hospital."
I pause, seeing through the cloud of red haze blocking my decision-making. "What?"
Her misty eyes lock onto mine. "I'm in a lot of pain."
Fuck. I release a ragged breath and shut my eyes. "Jere will take you."
"Connie, I need you there. Please." Her plea is my undoing.
My plan to send Dean into a coma slips away as I shut my eyes and nod my head. "Fine. Let's get you to a doctor.”
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part three done!!
side note: i wanted them to get matching ivy leaf tattoos bc they reminded me of taylor swifts song ivy🍂🍂
again pls lmk what you think of this part and have a good day/night!!
also pls reblog bc these take me ten years to write and my friend decided to torture me by reading them out loud in a long call about aubergines🤡🤡

1999 - final part…

1999, part four - final part!
oh my gosh. final part and what a surprise, she's a long one again💀💀ive loved writing this silly little series so so much and i love all of you very very much🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽please give me requests on what to write next bc my mind is completely blank rn, all i can think of is the cold war and bolsheviks from my history revison and i dont think they would make v good fics🤡🤡
lmk what you think of this part and your fav moments, enjoy!!
warnings: tiny angst, mostly fluff, swearing
conrad fisher masterlist

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conrad’s pov
Since Y/n is unable to hold a phone herself, I'm tasked with a lot, but I didn't fully realize the worry of her family until she had me working through each task with her.
No wonder she’s overwhelmed. The number of texts from Laurel, Mom, Belly, Jere and Steven she has to sift through in a given hour would drive anyone insane.
Or maybe I'm just going crazy by sitting this close to her. The smell of her coconut soap is permanently ingrained into my memory as she sits flush against me, pointing at different texts with her uninjured hand.
I can tell her nerves grow stronger as the Uber near the hospital.
Her knees bounce up and down as she dictates message after message I need to send, confusing me more and more with every word.
The work doesn't stop there. After we check in, a nurse hands us a clipboard filled with pages of information that need to be filled out. Y/n stares at it like it might catch on fire at any moment.
"Here." I pass it to her.
Her eyes shift toward the exit. "Will you help me please? I can't write like this." Her voice drops to a barely audible whisper.
"Okay. Tell me your answers and I'll write them down."
Her throat bobs as she scans the first line. It takes her far longer than necessary to read the first question.
"Do you mind reading the questions aloud for me? I'm too stressed to concentrate right now." Her overcompensating smile irritates me.
"Are you sure? Some of the questions are probably personal."
Don't be a dick. Just do what she says.
"I don't care.”
The rigid way she sits in her chair says the complete opposite.
She seems to be one minute away from breaking down, so I concede. I sigh as I grab the pen and get started on the first question. The paperwork doesn't take us as long as I anticipated, so Y/n and I sit together in silence. She stares at the exit longingly.
The way her eyes dart around the room as she gnaws on her bottom lip makes me feel merciful enough to save her from the anxiety eating her up inside.
“If it's any consolation, I hate hospitals too."
Her head swings toward the direction of my voice.
I nod. "Haven't been to one since…"
"I know." she says as she sees my chest heaves as I remember the millions of times we’ve been here before.
I keep my eyes focused on the soundless television playing in one corner.
Her good hand clasps onto mine and gives it a squeeze. I'm grateful she understands me enough not to ask any other questions. The idea of offering another raw part of myself feels like a betrayal of the years I've spent carefully developing a certain kind of persona.
"I hate them too." Her voice cracks.
She stares down at her swollen hand. “My dad…” She pauses, and I give her hand a reassuring squeeze like she gave me. "Let's just say mom ended up in the ER a couple of times for being clumsy."
I take a deep breath to stave off the anger bubbling beneath the surface. "And did you have issues with being clumsy?" If she says yes, I swear to God two men will end up floating in the Chicago River tonight.
She shakes her head rather aggressively. "No. No." My rapid heart rate can be heard through my ears. "If you were, you can tell me." While I can't promise I won't do anything about it, I can promise to make him hurt. A lot. With sulfuric acid or something, those pre-med studies are starting to come in handy now.
The overwhelming sense of protectiveness hits me hard, and I don't shy away from it. There is nothing I hate more than men who use their fists against innocent women and children.
"It never got to that point. Suze made sure of it." she says with a small smile.
"She caught onto the signs and interfered before things got bad. Used her savings from my grandpa's life insurance policy to help Mom get a divorce and start a new life." A tear slips down her face, and I can't stand the sight of it.
I brush it away with the pad of my thumb, but the damp trail still lingers. A driving force inside of me wants to erase the sad look on her face. "Did her plan also happen to include a jug of sulfuric acid?"
She forces out a laugh. "I think concrete shoes were more in style back then."
I fake shudder. "Remind me to never make mom angry again."
"Forget her, you'd have to deal with me." She holds up her injured hand like a war trophy.
"I'm absolutely terrified."
"Miss Y/n?" a nurse calls out.
Y/n doesn't move at the sound of her name.
"That's you." I place my hand on her thigh and give it a squeeze.
She sucks in a deep breath as she stares down at my hand.
Her chair nearly tumbles behind her as she bolts out of the seat, throwing her one good hand up in the air. "I'm here!"
The nurse leads us through the emergency room bay.
Individual beds line the wall, each area divided by a paper curtain.
The empty bed meant for Y/n is unacceptable. Between the person retching behind one partition and the individual on the other side hacking up their lung, I refuse to let her be seen here.
"I'd like my…my friend, to be taken care of in a private suite," I speak up. I know I sound snotty right now but honestly, I’ll be damned if I let her already horrible hospital experience get any worse.
The nurse grimaces as her gaze licks across my body. "This is a hospital. Not the Ritz. Take a seat and wait for the doctor like everyone else."
Y/n hops on the bed without any complaint, and I'm tempted to grab her and go elsewhere. The nurse doesn't seem the least bit bothered by all the noise happening around us as she checks Y/n’s vitals and asks some routine questions.
Y/n answers each one while chewing her bottom lip raw. This atmosphere couldn't put anyone at ease, least of all her.
The nurse hangs the clipboard at the foot of the bed, and I decide to try again.
"I'll pay whatever it takes to have her seen somewhere quieter. Money is no object."
The nurse only replies by shutting the paper curtain in my face.
Y/n laughs while I stare at the curtain, dumbfounded to be treated like this.
"You find this funny?"
She nods, her eyes alight for the first time all night. "Did you see her face when you said money is no object? I think if she didn't put the clipboard away, she would have slapped your face with it."
"It's not my fault she isn't accustomed to how things are done in the real world."
"Wake up baby. You're living in the real world." She waves around our room.
"It's terrifying." I say, looking away so she couldn’t see the blush that appeared on my face at the nickname.
"Come here. I'II make it better." Y/n pats the bed.
Doubtful, but I'm a glutton for giving her what she wants lately. Paper crinkles as I sit next to her. I take up most of the bed, giving her little room to get away from me. My thigh brushes against hers. She tries to scoot away, but there isn't enough space.
“Isn’t this cozy?" she quips.
I give her a small smile before she asks, “Hey! Let me see your tattoo.”
God I’d forgotten all about them. I move the collar of my shirt to show the two small ivy leaves we’d gotten. She gasps and gently touches my skin, “Oh my gosh it’s so pretty Connie.” she stares at it for a moment before I ask to see hers.
She lifts up her shirt on the side, exposing her ribcage and the two matching leaves.
“I can’t believe you agreed to get a Taylor Swift referenced tattoo with me Con.” she says as I admire the tattoo for a bit.
I smile until saying, “Hey I might be quiet and mopey but at least I have good taste in music.”
She softly smiles at me before eyeing the IV bag with horror before checking out the exit.
"What’s wrong?”
She leans closer to me and whispers, "Is now a bad time to admit I pass out whenever someone tries to stick a needle in me?"
My lips lift at the corners. I don't know why I find the idea hilarious, given her ability to watch eight consecutive hours of true crime documentaries without so much as flinching.
"You're afraid of needles?"
She sputters. "No. I'm not afraid. It just happens to be a bodily reaction I can't control."
“That's good then because the nurse needs to set you up with that IV when she comes back."
“No! Don't tell me that! I thought she was one of the good ones.”
I nod, pressing my lips together to prevent myself from laughing.
"She lied to me!" She bolts from the seat and would have tripped over her own heels if I didn't reach out and catch her.
*Careful." I place her back on the bed and decide to stand guard in case she gets any ideas to flee the scene.
Her eyes fit from me to the gap between two curtains, as if she is thinking how she can get past me.
"I'm joking.”
She scans my face for the truth before she slaps my shoulder with her good hand. "Asshole! I believed you!"
Laughter explodes out of me like a bomb, stunning her.
“Did you just laugh?”
“Yes." Someone calls out from the other side of the curtain.
“Now, do you mind shutting up? Some of us are trying to get some sleep over here after having our stomach pumped."
Fuck this place and the people in here. "We're leaving."
"Not so fast. You can't leave before I check you out." The doctor strolls in and points at the bed with his clipboard.
Y/n remains tight-lipped as the doctor checks her chart. He asks her some questions about how she got hurt, all while staring me up and down like I'm the person she was trying to injure. She is taken away for a few scans, and my breathing doesn't return to normal until the nurse brings her back.
That should be my first sign that things are getting out of hand on my end. I'm inching closer to an emotional minefield without any kind of map, only one wrong step away from exploding.
The doctor checks the scans. "It looks like you have a boxer's fracture."
Her face brightens. "That sounds badass."
I glare at her. "Calm down, Muhammad Ali. I wouldn't count today as a victory by any means."
The doctor's eyes lighten. "Next time, avoid any initial contact on the fourth and fifth knuckles."
"Please don't encourage her."
The doctor shakes his head with a laugh before giving Y/n a detailed set of instructions regarding the healing time. I'm skeptical about the whole visit and, given the setting, doubtful about the level of care. I'll be damned if Y/n sustains permanent injuries because of Dean. My chest tightens at the idea.
“Great Thanks, Doc!" She hops off the bed, but I hold my arm out, stopping her
"I’d like a second opinion." The command bursts out of me without any rhyme or reason. Deep down, I know a boxer's fracture isn't the worst thing that could have happened. But things aren't right in my head where Y/n is concerned. At least not anymore.
Both of the doctor's eyebrows arch. "For a small fracture?"
"Don't mind him. He tends to be a bit overbearing." She shoots me a look as if I'm the crazy one out of the two of us.
"Okay..." the doctor says.
Maybe I am losing it because why else would I care?
You hate it when she cries.
You wouldn't mind murdering someone who hurt her.
You took her to the hospital even though you despise them with every fibre of your being.
The signs all point to one thing: our situation is quickly crumbling, and I'm the only one to blame.
Y/n interrupts my thoughts. "I'll be sure to wear the brace for a few weeks and avoid any kind of activities that could aggravate the injury."
"Perfect. And don't forget to schedule a follow-up visit with your physician. "The doctor gives me one last look before handing Y/n the discharge paperwork. "Nice meeting you."
"Will you help me with this?" She holds out the clipboard with her left hand as the doctor leaves.
I grab it from her and fill it out.
She checks the time on her phone. "Well, at least that didn't take as long as I thought it would. I'm sure you're dying to get back home."
That's the scary thing. I didn't think about anything or anyone once during our entire time here because making sure she was taken care of was my only concern. I've spent the past seventeen years of my life thinking solely about my future, and all it took was one girl to make me completely forget about my responsibilities for a few hours.
As if that doesn't scare me enough, it only takes one glance at her makeshift brace to make my blood burn hot under my skin. I know exactly why her injury angers me more than anything else.
It's the same reason I feel the urge to push Jere away from her whenever he gets too close or the way I unexplainably need to see her whenever she is out of my sight for longer than a few hours.
You’re in love with her.
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y/n’s pov
We’re in an Uber on the way home, sitting in comfortable silence until Conrad breaks it.
“Why’d you get with Dean anyway?” My stomach doubles over.
Comfortable silence is so overrated.
I sigh. I’ve been dreading this question for ages now.
“I don’t know.” I answer vaguely.
Conrad gives me a puzzled look, “What do you mean you don't know? You must’ve had a reason.”
His restlessness gets me more agitated.
“I don’t know Conrad. I don’t know why I got with him, I don’t know why I was waiting on you for so long either.” I look out the window as the car stops in front of the house.
“What? What do you mean?” he says as I get out the car and speed up to the front door, taking the keys out of my pocket and refusing to carry on with this conversation anymore.
Conrad keeps yelling after me as he follows me upstairs to my room, both of us trying to ignore everyone else who joined Conrad and are trying to ask their own questions.
I slam my door shut and collapse on my bed hearing Conrad trying to calm everyone down and telling them everything that's happened until he asks them all to give me some space for now.
I cry in the silence as I hear everyone leaving from outside the door until it opens.
Steven. Thank God.
“Steve…” I say sniffling.
He looks at me with a sad smile before sitting on the bed with me and taking me in his arms.
“Con told us everything,” he says after a few minutes of holding me, “did you really get a boxer's fracture?”
I laugh in tears before showing him my hand and saying, “You should see the other guy.”
Steven and I laugh together before going back to the silence as he hugs me.
“He really cares about you, you know.”
“No he doesn’t. He hates me. I yelled at him and now I’m crying here on my bed like an idiot.”
“Did he say anything to you?” Steven looks down at me.
I shake my head before saying, “He asked why I got with Dean.”
“Oh. That’s not too bad.”
“No it’s not.”
“Then why are you so upset?”
“Because I’ve been waiting for Conrad for so long and I’m just sick and tired of always being there to help him get over his breakups when he’d be so much better off with me. I know I sound selfish and none of my reasons are justified but I just thought that after everything we’ve been through together, he’d maybe like me just a little bit.”
Steven hugs me again and softly says, “He does.”
After that almost everyone but Conrad came in to check up on me and make sure I was okay, making me feel even more guilty about being all emotional like this. It’s not until Susannah’s holding me and whispering sweet nothings that my eyes start to feel heavy.
I think I fell asleep after that, I don’t remember much except waking up to the sun shining its very unwelcome face in my eyes.
I step out of my room after freshening up and I’m about to make my way to the kitchen for food until I’m stopped by something in the hallway.
Or should I say someone.
“Conrad,” I bend down and stroke his hair out of his face, “Conrad wake up.” I say gently.
He stirs for a minute before sitting up and taking my hands in his.
“Have you been out here all night?” I ask.
“Yes.” he says in a raspy voice.
God that voice would make my knees give out if I wasn’t already on the floor with him.
“I need to talk to you.”
I sigh before he interrupts me, “Listen, I heard everything you said to Steven last night and I know I shouldn’t have and I was eavesdropping but I’m sorry it was by accident. And I know I don’t deserve any more of your time…I’ve already wasted a lot of it but just hear me out for ten minutes.”
“No.” I try to get out of his grasp.
“Stop fighting and give me ten minutes.”
“No way.”
“Nine then.”
“Eight and a half.”
I pause, knowing that he won’t let me go anywhere before I hear him out.
“You don’t deserve seven seconds, let alone seven minutes of my time.”
“How about seven words then?”
I laugh. “I’d like to see you try.”
“I am falling in love with you.”
I blink up at him. Either I am still sleeping or I must have not heard him correctly because there is no way Conrad Fisher just admitted that he is falling in love with me.
Absolutely no fucking way.
I squeeze my eyes shut as if that can erase the words from my memory.
"You're joking.
"I'm not."
"This is just another part of your game." I try to push him away, but he doesn't budge.
"It stopped being a game for me a long time ago."
"You're lying."
His brows pull together. "Ask me why I hate when people touch my bookshelf."
"Are you serious right now? What does that have to do with any of this?" I think back to his bookshelf he won’t let any of the others go near but loves to let me organise and re-organise each year.
"Because I did it for you."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I read somewhere online that organising objects like books and things is good for people with anxiety, because then they can feel in control of something and know exactly what to expect especially if things are the same as they've predicted all the time. You love reading too, so I changed it. Bought all the books you like to read so that you’d stay and read with me more often. I forced everyone else out of my room and especially away from that bookshelf. All because I wanted to help you."
Emotions clog my throat, preventing my ability to reply.
What can I possibly say that could compare to that?
Conrad doesn't give me an option as he continues. "Want to know why I kept this plant you got me?" he says pointing to the small green cactus with “Don’t be a prick” written on the pot that we could see looking into his room from the hallway.
I nod.
"Because it was the first time someone got me a present that made me laugh."
If hearts could melt into puddles, mine would be liquified right about now.
I take a deep breath.
Remember what he did.
“Con that doesn't change anything you still ignored me for a whole year. Every time I tried to call you or text you, you’d just leave me on read or decline, and now you’re telling me you love me? Who does that?"
"Someone who doesn't understand the first thing about loving someone, but is willing to try if you give me a chance."
"You want me to give you a chance after everything? Do you think I'm stupid?"
He winces, and a bit of my anger fades away at his vulnerability.
"Intelligence has nothing to do with this."
"Easy for you to say when you're not the one who feels like a fool."
"Really? Because based on your reaction today, I'm feeling pretty damn foolish for ever admitting that I'm falling in love with you." He gets up off the floor, leaving me feeling chilled to the bone.
"Con..." I reach out, but he takes a step back.
My eyes sting from his rejection. It hurts.
“I’m not asking you to love me back. I don't expect that and I'm not sure if I ever will because I'm the furthest thing for lovable. I'm selfish, and rude, and don't know the first thing about being in a proper relationship with someone. But that doesn't mean I’m not willing to try for you if you let me."
How am I supposed to be angry at him when he thinks he is unlovable?
A pain rips through my chest at the thought of him talking about himself this way.
I get up off the floor and walk straight into his chest. His arms quickly wrap themselves around my waist, holding me even tighter.
"Just because you make selfish choices doesn't mean you're a selfish person. At least not completely."
This boy had been there for Belly, Steven, me and Jere for years without any kind of payback, especially when Susannah was going through her cancer and despite feeling an immense amount of pain himself, he shoved all his emotions aside so that he could be there for us. For me. If that isn't a selfless sacrifice, I don't know what is.
"Your logic is half-baked at best."
"So is yours, seeing as you called yourself unlovable."
His body tenses. "I'm stating facts."
"I don't know what bullshit your father told you over the years, but it's not true. Your brother loves you."
"He’s obligated to."
"No one is obligated to love someone else. Blood or not."
He takes a deep breath. "You're right."
I smile up at him. "I could get used to hearing those words."
He reaches up and cups my cheek. "Give me a chance and I'll tell you them every single day."
I sigh and look away. "I don't know.”
"Tell me what's stopping you."
"You don't do relationships."
“Good thing our feelings lead us here rather than our minds, and mine are willing to try then."
I avoid his penetrating gaze. "What if my feelings are telling me to run?”
“It's cute you think you can outrun me, but I'll give you a head start just to make things interesting." he smiles down at me.
"Do you always have an answer for everything?"
"Not for the one that matters most." The way he looks at me stirs up something deep inside of me.
Longing. I want to give him a chance, regardless of the potential fallout.
You might get hurt.
I might, but I might miss out on something special because I’m too afraid of the what ifs. I'm done being that person. Even if it means getting hurt, I'd rather try and fail than never try at all.
I stand on the tips of my toes and press my lips against his.
He holds me tight against his chest, as if he is afraid of letting me go.
I pull away, only to clasp onto his chin. "This could be a disaster, but I'm willing to try."
He shuts me up by pushing his lips against mine, sealing our new deal. The way he kisses me is different than any time before. He cups my face with the palms of his hands as his lips mold against mine, teasing me until I feel dizzy. His thumb brushes across my cheek back and forth, and heat rushes down my spine straight to my belly. He makes me feel cherished. Protected.
Loved in a way that makes me never want to come back down to reality.
I could spend forever being kissed like this and still feel like it isn't enough. While Conrad might not be the best with words, his kiss says it all.
He is falling in love with me. And I’m falling in love with him. No translation necessary.
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ahh i cant believe its finished omg😔💔...
anyways, onto the next one😍🙏
again please lmk what you think of this and please give me requests on what to do next!!
Any requests would be appreciated‼️‼️‼️
You can choose a character from here;
Tortured poets department masterlist!
Feel free to request any other characters that should be on the masterlist ‼️‼️💕💕
If you wanted to be added to my tag list
Tap here
hiiiii !!!! I absolutely adore every single thing that you write; you’re incredible !!
i kinda sorta had a request if you don’t mind…
so conrad fisher x reader where they fake date to make belly and Jere jealous (reader has a crush on jere and con on belly obvi ahah) but they end up falling for each other ?
however the plan kinda works as well and now there’s like a lot of angst :0
have a great rest of your day and im soooooo looking forward to reading it if you decide to do so :))<3
Thank you for the request!!!

Stole my tortured heart!
Pairing - Conrad fisher x fem! Reader
Summary; having a crush on Jeremiah isn’t easy when he likes Belly… so when agreeing to fake date with Conrad fisher to make Jeremiah jealous doesn’t go to plan and they end up falling for each other in the process.
A/n; my very first request! Thank you so much I hope you have a wonderful day aswell 💗💗
Pink and purple sky’s is what summer in cousins beach brought. Hot days and cold nights were always perfect, especially getting to see her- all time childhood crush shirtless when swimming at the beach houses pool.
Jeremiah and y/n, were close, but not as close as belly and Jere. So when figuring out he likes her, it came as a shock when he walked into her room, laid down on her bed and confessed that he liked belly, she cried when he left that night. 
Conrad fisher, also likes belly apparently. Which is why she resorted to walking into his room after finding out belly and jere had kissed on the beach the night before.
“They kissed” she stumbled in “what?” He looked up from his phone eyebrows furrowed “Jere and belly” she paused “they kissed” she finished pacing around.
“I know you like belly. Conrad, it’s kinda obvious” she shrugged making the boy climb out his bed and place two hands on each shoulder.
“Calm down” he hushed “I have a plan” she informed sitting down on his bed “plan for what?” Connie raised his brows “to make them jealous duh! But only if you’re up for it” she fell back her head hitting the soft mattress.
“What’s your plan y/n” she sat up at that. “We date” she blurted out making a surprised look “huh?” She stood “we fake date, you know like we have to all the sappy stuff like, hold hands, Kiss-.” He shook his head “maybe kiss” he added “extra” she shrugged “to make them jealous and maybe we’ll just get them”
“Okay, y/l/n, I’m in” he held a hand out for her to shake “perfect” she nodded taking his hand, as noise could be heard from the kitchen “starts now I suppose” she smiled up at him as they clasped their hands together and walked out the room hand-in-hand.
“Hey, guys.” Belly said eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the two of them holding hands “what’s going on here” he motioned between, Conrad and her.
“We’re uh..” she trailed looking up at Conrad “Dating.. we’re dating” he finished for her removing his hand from hers placing it around her shoulder pulling her in closer.
Jealous. Is what was written all over Belly’s face over the next few weeks, nothing over Jeremiah’s he didn’t care, at all.
The next few weeks were also hard to say the least, Conrad’s ‘touches’ had lingered a little too long, throughout the weeks.
For example, she, Conrad, Jeremiah and belly were watching a movie and obviously she sat beside Conrad his arm thrown over her shoulder drawing circles into her shoulder, the two had acting obsessed with each other throughout the weeks, Jeremiah and belly never suspected a thing.
A quick kiss to cheek could be felt as he got up from the couch mumbling something about getting a snack “you want anything.. babe” Babe. a simple pet name, that Conrad had called her.
“M’good” she mumbled “you not gonna offer us anything?” Jeremiah asked “youre not my girlfriend” he shrugged sitting back down beside her, butterflies errupted in her stomach as he caught her lips in a kiss.
She was caught off guard by the action, he had never kissed her before it was unexpected.
“We need to talk” she mumbled in his ear as she took his hand taking him into the separate room “I don’t know if I’m picking up some wrong signals here” she started “but do you like me? Cause you just kissed me and you’ve never done that before” she sighed “yeah- y/n ever since we made that deal after they kissed I couldn’t help it, these past few weeks have been amazing” he confessed.
“You like me?” She asked as he nodded lightly “good cause I was starting to worry” she chuckled walking towards the boy cupping his face in her hands and kissing him.

Straight from the tortured poets department!
Requests are open!
I !do not! Write smut,
Tag list here; tag list

Who I write for!
: ̗̀➛ JJ Maybank!
Who is he?
- Kiara sets her up on a date but JJ just so happens to be working the night of..
Sight for sore eyes!
- JJ Maybank was a sight for sore eyes, and y/n has clearly had enough.
Call it what you want, call it what you want too!
- feelings & hot tubs
Guilty as sin!
- - JJ Maybank & y/n had a complicated relationship with is complicated reputation with girls and her little knowledge on boys.
Jump then fall into me!
Mary’s song ( oh my my my )
Florida!!! (Series)
: ̗̀➛ John B routledge!
: ̗̀➛ rafe Cameron!
The summer I turned pretty!
: ̗̀➛ Conrad fisher!
Stole my tortured heart!
Who are we to fight the alchemy!
: ̗̀➛ Jeremiah fisher!
: ̗̀➛ cam Cameron!
Stranger things!
: ̗̀➛ steve harrington!
: ̗̀➛ Billy Hargrove!
: ̗̀➛ Jude Bellingham!
It’s like I’m wasting your honour
I know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it
: ̗̀➛ Jack grealish!
Percy Jackson!
: ̗̀➛ Luke castellan
: ̗̀➛ Rudy Pankow
: ̗̀➛ Charlie bushnell
: ̗̀➛ Drew Starkey

Conrad Fisher x Fem! Reader Request. Based on the song The Alchemy by Taylor Swift where Conrad has to pick between the reader and belly. Belly gets really jealous and is kinda of a b!tch to the reader?
Or where the reader and Conrad are dating and belly think he’s going to choose/come back to her but he goes/ends up with the reader instead?
“Where’s the trophy? He just comes running over to me..”

Who are we to fight the alchemy!
Pairing - Conrad fisher x fem! Reader
Summary; after rejecting belly, and choosing the girl of his dreams, belly becomes a bitch, and the reader and Conrad are endgame
Warnings - swearing, smoking.
A/n: thank you so much for the request!! Feel free to request more I love doing these! It’s so fun!! 💖 if you want to be added to my tag list tap this; tag list!

The light pink hue of the sky was pretty, as the beach walk enrolled, the conklin/fisher/y/l/n family usually took a nice relaxing stroll on the beach at the start of the summer.
Conrad and y/n were close, like very close the too befriended each other quite fast when the first met, at the beach house around 12 years ago.
Recently, the two discovered that they felt something more than just friends and they explored this and became a thing. But there was downsides to this.
Belly conklin, didn’t approve. Her childhood crush on the boy seemingly increase as time went on, but when Conrad and y/n showed up to the annual beach house trip hand-in-hand, the hatred for the y/l/n girl increased.
First it was the, laughing and giggling whenever one of them said something, or whispered something in each others ears.
Or it was the kissing, and the fact that belly could hear them giggling while they made out in her room disgusted her. It wasn’t fair, what it y/n have that she didn’t.
Next it was the fact she’d sit on his lap, on the couch, on the beach while they were sitting on a floaty, or they would always choose each other for chicken in the pool, when belly was gonna go for Conrad.
Being a bitch to y/n was not on her bingo card for this year, she liked the girl, not a lot, but she still put up with her so when belly snapped at the couple one day after they came in from the pool giggling about whatever they had done outside, she snapped.
“Could you guys be anymore cliche?” She spat standing up from the sofa “what?” Y/n’s smile dropped turning her attention from Conrad to belly “seriously, why do you guys have to be kissing, and touching each other all the goddamn time” she huffed crossing her arms over her chest.
“We don’t do it all the time” Conrad’s brows raised as he wrapped and arm around y/n “you do!” She spat “I’m done watching it happen, it’s me or her.” She stood her ground looking between the couple “what?” Conrad furrowed her brows looking at the 16 year old.
“Me or her, choose.” She repeated “no? Belly what the fuck? You’re my best friend” he said belly’s heart just breaking a little as the word best friend came out his mouth, but she kept her composure.
“I don’t care, choose” her face was showing no emotion as she glanced between the two.
“Fine” he looked between the two girls and sighed “if you insist” he huffed “I choose y/n” he said belly’s face dropped and her arms fell as he walked away with y/n.
❛ Where’s the trophy, He just comes running over to me ❜

Hiii if anyone wants added to my tag list please tap this;
Tap here Who I write for!
Thank you all for the love requests are not required but appreciated it’s fun looking at your ideas!! 💖💖