cc-cobalt-1043 - CC-Cobalt-1043

201 posts

Joey And Daniel In A Snowball Fight:

Joey and Daniel in a snowball fight:

*Daniel and Joey are in a snowball fight*

Joey: we need a plan of attack

Daniel: I have a plan, ATTACK

*He ran into the battle, snowballs in hand*

Joey: *sighs* Why do I even try

  • howthekriffdidigethere
    howthekriffdidigethere liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Cc-cobalt-1043

2 years ago

Omega's bedtime:

*Tech is reading a story to Omega*

Hunter: okay Omega, time for bed

Omega: but it was just getting good

Hunter: it's past your bedtime

Omega: since when did I have a bedtime

Hunter: since now

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2 years ago

Crosshair cried over lost toothpicks:

*Cobalt was playing with his pet frog Packwa*

*Crosshair came over*

Crosshair: what are you doing

Cobalt: playing with Packwa

Crosshair: and also watching Thomas the tank engine, aren't you a little old for that

Cobalt: says the one who cried for twenty minutes straight cause he lost his toothpicks

Crosshair:............ sometimes I really hate you

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2 years ago

Tech and Scorch:

Tech: *reading a datapad* I've read studies that suggest that the type of weather actually makes the day last longer

Scorch: *bored out of his mind* there must be a hell of a storm somewhere

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2 years ago

Tech's new weapon:

Hunter: so what does Tech's new weapon do

Trix: I don't know, it was hard to follow inbetween the evil cackling and talking about science triumphing over God

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2 years ago

Hugs from Crosshair:

Crosshair: given you are injured I will allow you to hug me for four to five seconds


Crosshair: *quickly* no no, I said four to-

*Cobalt quickly hugs him*

Cobalt: too late

*Crosshsir just sighed and patted Cobalt's head awkwardly*

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