Joey Stryker (oc) - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Joey and Daniel in a snowball fight:

*Daniel and Joey are in a snowball fight*

Joey: we need a plan of attack

Daniel: I have a plan, ATTACK

*He ran into the battle, snowballs in hand*

Joey: *sighs* Why do I even try

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2 years ago

I will drive over and smack you:

Daniel: see, see, one day you're gonna look back on this and laugh

Joey: I assure you, for the rest of my life every time I look back on this I will personally drive over to your house and smack you

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2 years ago

When Wrecker babysits the Stryker twins:

*Wrecker is babysitting the Stryker boys *

Wrecker: *carrying Joey and Daniel* okay kids, let's go blow some stuff up

Joey and Daniel: *excited as hell to blow stuff up with Wrecker*

Cobalt: *watching from afar and facepalming already regretting his decision*

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2 years ago

Put on my tombstone, I regret nothing:

*one April's fools Day Anthony and his friends, Nathan, Archie and Alfie are running around pranking the bad batch*

*Hunter eventually catches them and starts scolding them*

Nathan: *hiding a paint launcher behind his back and whispering* this is so tempting

Anthony: *whispering back* don't do it Nathan, do you want DEATH

*Suddenly a balloon of flour lands on Hunter's head after Daniel throws it at him*

Anthony, Nathan, Alfie and Archie: our hero

Daniel: *running from a very angry Hunter* Joey put on my tombstone that I REGRET NOTHING

*Joey facepalms and sighs long-sufferingly while next to him James giggles*

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2 years ago

Where's Daniel:

*Cobalt, Winston and Joey were preparing for dinner*

*Cobalt was about to tuck in when Martha slapped his hand*

Martha: ah ah, aren't we forgetting something

Cobalt: yeah, I'd better wash my hands before we eat, sorry honey

*He went over to the sink and started washing his hands*

Martha: Cobalt, where's Daniel

Cobalt: *looking out the window seeing Daniel in the delorean* I believe he's in the car about to...CRASH INTO THE HOUSE

*He dived on the floor holding his hands over his head*

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2 years ago

I'll make you all disappear:

Daniel: *wandering around the kitchen in the dark trying to get a glass of water*

*He accidentally bumped into the fridge making wobble*

Daniel: *pleading* don't fall over, don't fall over

Joey: *on the stairs also going to get a drink* a ghost

Boba: (who's with him) *sarcastically* yeah Joey, it's a ghost

Joey: I heard they take people away to their hideouts and they disappear forever

Cobalt: *woken up the noise* go back to sleep or I'll make you all disappear

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1 year ago

Breakfast buffet:

*Cobalt and Martha are heading on a trip together*

Martha: I've heard this hotel is meant to be pretty nice

Cobalt: yep, there's a king size bed, an indoor pool, a nice breakfast buffet and a lovely gym I'm going to walk right past on my way to the buffet

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1 year ago

Out of taffy:

*Joey and Daniel are arguing*

Daniel: honestly Joey, I told what you wanted to know, and I told you some interesting plane facts, I just don't know what you what

Joey: right now i just want you to be quiet, but I'm all out of taffy

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1 year ago


*Joey and Daniel both woke up after passing out at a new year's day party at town hall*

Joey: *groaning and lying under a table* where are we

Daniel: *lying on top of said table* I seem to be lying on a dining room table, I can see cutlery, I've either died and come back as a succulent pig, or we're still at town hall...what can you see

Joey: nothing, I think I've gone blind *he sat up and hit his head on the table* OW

Daniel: heck of a party *he rolled onto his side and fell onto the floor with a thud

*the two sat together*

Joey: heck of a party

Daniel: yeah

Joey: you remember anything that happened last night

Daniel: no idea, everything went dark around the commissioner's speech, the last thing I remember is my head in the cold, unforgiving lavatory bowl

Joey: Danny, that wasn't the lavatory was the punch bowl

*Daniel's eyes widened in horror and he facepalmed*

Daniel: hark Mr memory man

*Joey yawned and suddenly noticed something red on his hand*

Joey: oh my god...I'm bleeding

Daniel: no you aren't, that's just red lipstick

Joey: oh...Danny why am I wearing red lipstick

Daniel: cause maroon would have clashed with your eyeshadow

*Joey rubbed his eyes and noticed it, gasping in horror he wiped it off*

Daniel: *shaking his head with a grin* you should know better than to pass out unconscious while I'm still awake

*Joey nodded*

Daniel: you know, last night I think we made  one or two, teensy little mistakes, starting with a few drinks of juice, great, a few glasses of milkshake, lovely, but the soda and lemonade drinking race...that may have been a bridge too far...and our second mistake, was letting Boba convince us that you could mix a nice cold coke, with a bit of redbull

Daniel: and our third, final...crowning mistake *Daniel suddenly screamed in horror* something horrible is coming back to me

Joey: *turning pale* and me, Where's that punch bowl

*Daniel jumped up and frantically searched his suit pockets and trousers, he found a a bit of paper and stared at it in horror*

Daniel: it's true

Joey: Danny, while your up there get me the punch howl

Daniel: well thats it *he sank down next to Joey* I might as well leave town, my life's over, it was very nice knowing you were hanging from the light fitting, Zander was having a lie down in the cold buffet...and I was dancing the lambada with the daughter of the commissioner of the metropolitan police...commissioner Boyle's daughter

Joey: how'd I get onto the ceiling

Daniel: me and the others formed a human pryamid, but that is not the point...I did the lambada with the commissioner's daughter...I took her out to the cloakroom...*looking ready to cry* JOEY, I SNOGGED HER

*he looked at the paper again*

Daniel: *gasps* I've got her telephone number

Joey: *confused* 999

Daniel: that's her emergency number, her regular number's on the back

Joey: you sure it was the commissioner's daughter

Daniel: yeah, I remember it clearly, our age, white dress, green eyes, blond hair, kept smiling at me half the party

Joey: and that was her

Daniel: *groans* Joey Joey Joey

Joey: *groans* Danny Danny Danny


Joey: okay, what are we doing now

Daniel: I just want to grab a few things, I wrote  it all down here *he hands Joey the paper*

Joey: *reading it* to the naughtiest young man I ever met, kiss kiss heart heart, all my love and hair ruffles, Lilac

Daniel: underneath that, what's underneath that

Joey: PS, call me Friday, misery guts is at a conference


*Joey covered his mouth trying hard not to laugh*

Joey: oh Danny, you are in trouble

Daniel: you think I didn't know that

*later Joey and Daniel are approached by a very angry Cobalt*

Joey and Daniel: oh hi dad

Cobalt: dont you, oh hi dad me, do you two have any idea who I've just been talking to on the phone

*the boys shook their heads*

Joey: no dad

Cobalt: commissioner Boyle

*the boys gulp nervously*

Cobalt: apparently the commissioner's beloved daughter Lilac woke up this morning with a smile on her face...smiling and whispering the same name over and over, Joey she kept saying, Joey, Joey, Joey...Joey Stryker

Daniel: *in shock* Joey

Cobalt: yes Daniel, but from what I hear you're both as bad as each other, first you lambarded her down to the the cloakroom...and then Joey dropped down on her from a chandelier...she hasn't been the same since *looking at Joey* APPARENTLY SHE COMPARED YOU TO ERRROL FLYNN

*he sighed and rubbed his eyes*

Cobalt: look, I know what these parties are like, we all have one or two too many, even I've done that myself when I was younger, I did some fairly dumb things too, but I didn't start swinging from the lightbulbs and kissing women I barely even know, THE COMMISSIONER WAS ALMOST IN TEARS

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1 year ago

Joey and Daniel birdwatching

*out in the countryside Joey and Daniel were watching a nest of rare birds eggs*

*an Owl hooted in the distance*

Daniel: unless I'm very much mistaken, that is a short eared owl

*he pulls out a bird book Joey got him for his birthday*

Daniel: *reading it*, here we are, this is the call of the  short eared owl, *imitating the owl* ooooo, oooooo

Joey: *groaning and rubbing his neck which was stiff*

Daniel: no Joey, it's not uuugghhh, its OOOOOOOH, OOOOOOOH

*soon it was getting late*

Joey: *yawning*: I don't know about you, but I could really do with a nap about now

Daniel: hear hear, but one of us needs to keep watch, I'll keep watch till 4, you can do 4 till 9

*soon Joey was asleep and a bored Daniel pulled out his bird book*

Daniel: *reading it* well well well, good golly, *clicking his tongue* that is truly incredible

Joey: *extremely annoyed and trying to sleep* Daniel shut up

Daniel: sorry, it's just i never realised the rich diversity of bird life you can see on this planet, if you go to Waverly for example you're likely to see the ice-winged Eagle, head down to Cardiff and you stand a chance of seeing the extremely elusive gold chested Hawk

Joey: *absolutely done* and if you walk down our road, take a left into Briggshire Street, you're guaranteed to see the extremely common KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN...NOW SHUT UP

Daniel: *ignoring him* well I never did, you know the gold chested Hawk is honestly one of my favourite birds to exist Joey, they're just so majestic the way they glide throughthe air, you ever seen one before Joey

Joey: *under his breath* yeah, it was chasing you across naboo with a lightsaber

Daniel: I'd love to see one myself, I'd call it Cardiff, you know after the town, good town Cardiff, and seeing a gold chested Hawk would definitely be worth the trip, not to mention the actual train ride, you know, its a really scenic route by rail

Joey: Daniel

Daniel: what


*Daniel put the book aside and sat quietly, however he kept making bird noises every now and then*

*Joey buried his head in his blanket trying to drown him out*

*outside an owl listened to them curious*


*Daniel was checking the time, a few seconds later it chimed 4 O'clock*

Daniel: *clinking a cup and spoon together* RISE AND SHINE, TIME TO WAKE UP JOEY

*Joey awoke suprised*

Daniel: *smirking* alright you, come on, it's my turn for a nap

*Joey nodded and got out the sleeping bag*

*Daniel crawled into his sleeping bag and promptly fell asleep*

Joey: *picking up the bird book and opening it* Right

*he picked a page in the book*


*Daniel didn't even stir at the noise*


*Daniel didn't wake up, still deeply asleep*

*Joey went to a new page and began reading it*


*Daniel shifted slightly in his sleep but didn't wake*

*outside an owl hooted*

*Joey looked at the entrance confused for a moment before repeating the call again*


*there was the sounds of wings as the owl flew away, Joey shot the entrance flap an offended look*

*Joey sighed and put the book aside*

Joey: *looking at Daniel who was still fast asleep* there's just no waking you is there, *looking at the bird book* there's a birthday present I regret getting you now

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1 year ago


*a couple of police men were visiting Naboo elementary*

*Joey, Daniel, Rowan and James were looking at a police horse*

Elderly Policeman: hello boys, nice to meet you

Joey: you too sir

*he shook the policeman's robotic hand*

Policeman: beautiful horse isn't she

Daniel: *nodding* she's lovely

Policeman: how many hands do you reckon

Joey: *confused* hands

Policeman: just by looking how many hands

Daniel: *confused* what, you or the horse

*the others laughed while the Policeman rolled his eyes*

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1 year ago

12 days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas and the bad batch gave to me

The havoc Marauder

Ont the second day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the third day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the Fourth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the fifth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the sixth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the seventh day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the eighth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Eight Phees liberating

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the ninth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Nine Boba's hunting

Eight Phees liberating

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the tenth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Ten Strykers brothers pranking

Nine Boba's hunting

Eight Phees liberating

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the eleventh day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Eleven Howzer's fighting

Ten Stryker brothers pranking

Nine Boba's hunting

Eight Phees liberating

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

On the twelfth day of Christmas the bad batch gave to me

Twelve Cobalts flying

Eleven Howzer's fighting

Ten Stryker brothers pranking

Nine Boba's hunting

Eight Phees liberating

Seven Trix's sighing

Six Hunter's brooding

Five Techs typing

Four Crosshairs sniping

Three Wrecker's wrecking

Two Omega's smiling

And the Havoc Marauder

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9 months ago

Clone rebellion headcannons:

Rex is the main leader of the network with Cody, Howzer, Hunter, Trix and Cobalt being some of the highest ranked, however rank is rarely thrown around, when they aren't on duty everyone is one of the same abd everyone has the same duties

Fireball and Nemec are two of the youngest clones in the rebellion, both having joined their squad after the clone wars ended, this lead to Howzer becoming protective of the pair

Nemec is the Medic of Rex's squad, Kix helps him when Jiag squad are on Base, however they have different bases so Nemec is mainly responsible

When Kix saw Nemec he was reminded of how Red Alert was when he was much younger, and took it upon himself to mentor the young clone when he does see him

Samson is the groups weapons specialist and is literally armed to the teeth, he can be gruff at times but at others he's one of the most chill clones you'll ever meet

Gregor taught Fireball to cook, he tried to teach Nemec as well but it was an absolute disaster, Gregor left him alone for 2 minutes and suddenly the base was almost burned down, Nemec was screaming, sobbing, just trying to get anyone to help

Nemec and Fireball and twins but Nemec is the baby of the squad (even Fireball gets on on it)

Kirk (the red clone) is a mega sports enthusiast and hooked up the transmitter to the TV networks to allow them to relax whenever they can

Daniel likes to shadow Nemec a lot, the two are both absolute tech geeks and once Rex caught them trying to build a nuclear reactor and had to quickly stop them before they hurt someone

Joey on the other hand prefers to hang around Howzer or Gregor, he's always interested in what stories they have of their time in the clone Wars and gets them to tell the stories to the base

Torch (the orange clone) and Greer are both the squads designated scouts, both have very good eyesight and once they caught Nemec and Daniel sneaking to the kitchen in the middle of the night trying to get at Howzer's not so secret candy stash

Crosshair and Howzer for the most part try to get along with one another, but some days they'll bicker like a pair of angry chickens

Samson once punched a CX clone through a wall (he'd do it again immediately)

Nemec absolutely idolises Rex and tries to copy him at times, nearly giving Rex multiple heart attacks, especially one time when he threw himself off a moving speeder

Samson watches a lot of batman...A LOT, Greer thinks he has a problem

Torch is the security director of the base and more than once has caught the younger clones planning pranks...half the time he doesn't stop them because he enjoys a laugh

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9 months ago

Incorrect Quotes:

Howzer: I'm worried about you Nemec, when was the last time you slept

Nemec: *hasn't slept in weeks and functioning solely on coffee* 5 or 6

Howzer: 5 or 6 what?

Nemec: *confused* 5 or 6


Samson: I'm going to ask Rex if I can use the flamethrower

Nemec: *preparing the medbay* not this shit again


Howzer: *in a good mood for once* this'll be a very good day

Fireball: *about to speak*

Gregor: *shoves a muffin in his mouth*


Nemec: hello, my name is Nemec and I will be your medic for today, just after I have this Capri sun

Nemec: *misses the carton four times, then rips open the carton and drinks it in four gulps*

Shadow: *sweating in sheer terror*


Howzer: look after the others Rex said-

*insert Daniel and Nemec trying to tame a giant robot they created, Fireball and Gregor binge watching Gordon Ramsey at full volume, Torch and Greer wrestling like gorilla's, Joey and Boba sparring with Cobalt and Trix trying to stop them destroying the base and Kirk and Samson passed out after too much coffee*

Howzer: it'd be easy he said


*Howzer and Daniel have the base to themselves, Daniel is cleaning while Howzer is on a computer*

Daniel: when I'm cleaning, you seem to be leaning


Howzer: why did I become a single father of two, what did I get myself into

Nemec and Fireball: curled up on his lap like little kids, fast asleep

Howzer: *shrugs* nevermind, I get it

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7 months ago

A bad batch summer chapter 1


It was a warm summer day on Pabu and several of it's youngest inhabitants Omega, Boba, Cynthia, James, Joey, Daniel, Zander, Kordi, Rowan, Dante, Deke, Stak, Mox, Lyana, Jax, Sami and Eva all stood together down by the small fishing docks on the beach.

The group all held several fully filled water guns between them and were discussing what to do.

"So, is everything prepared?" Omega asked.

The kids all nodded.

"So what exactly is it we have do?" Deke asked.

"Well, we're going to split into two teams, and basically all we have to do is run around shooting each other with our water guns." Lyana said.

"What's the point of that?" Daniel asked confused.

"To have fun silly." Lyana giggled.

"Alright, who's leading the teams?" Joey asked.

"How about Omega and Lyana." James suggested.

The others nodded in agreement.

They split into two teams.

Team one consisting of Omega, Stak, Deke, Daniel, Joey, Jax, Zander and Rowan headed to upper Pabu while team two consisting of Lyana, Sami, Eva, Cynthia, Boba, Dante, James, Kordi, and Mox stayed at the docks.

Omega's team began scouring the town trying to find their newest victims.

Daniel, Jax and Deke were patrolling when they saw Wrecker sunbathing, the loud snoring coming from him told them he'd fallen asleep.

"This is just too good." Daniel grinned.

The three kids tiptoed over to Wrecker stifling giggles as they aimed their water blasters at Wrecker.

They aimed their blasters at Wrecker and fired.

There was a loud shriek of surprise as Wrecker awoke to a jet of water soaking him.

This was quickly replaced by a loud shriek of laughter as Wrecker grabbed the three kids and dangled them in the air.

"Okay you lot, what's going on, I was having a great nap, and suddenly it's like I fell in the ocean." Wrecker said.

"Well Wrecker, we're having a water battle, and we just thought." Jax said.

"That you'd give me a soak." Wrecker said finishing Jax's sentence, to which the mirilian nodded.

Wrecker chuckled and set the three down.

"Alright you guys very funny, now go play somewhere else." He said.

"You want to join Wrecker?" Deke asked.

"No thanks Deke, I'm going fishing with Shep, but make sure you get Crosshair for me." Wrecker said winking.

The kids giggled and ran off.

Two hours of fierce waterfighting later, including highlights such as Omega, and Lyana soaking Crosshair to the skin and Sami, Eva and Mox ambushing Tech and Phee from atop the weeping Mys tree resulting in a laughing Phee and a confused Tech the kids met up at the docks once more.

They were all soaking wet and out of breath from running all over the island.

"That was so fun." Eva said as she fought to get her breathing under control.

"Did you see Crosshair's face when we got him." Omega giggled.

"He looked so mad." Lyana said laughing.

"Found them." A voice yelled.

The kids looked and saw the adults behind them, holding water blasters of their own as well as very determined grins.

"What's going on?" Omega asked confused.

"Payback." Crosshair smirked and fired at Omega soaking her with a jet of water.

In peals of laughter the kids ran off followed by the adults determined to show the kids what a real water war looked like.

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7 months ago


Hemlock: *showing Joey his experiments on dead jedi bodies* isnt this exciting Joey, you're a witness to history

Joey: *handcuffed and looking at the bodies horrified* yeah, and I'd give anything for a pair of hands to cover my eyes

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7 months ago


Joey: *to Joey and Daniel* I dare you two to say a sentence with using the letter A

Daniel: well there are many words you can use to make that kind of sentence-

Boba: kriff you

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6 months ago


*Joey and Daniel first meet*

Daniel: sorry for bothering you, I'll just leave

Joey: *already dragging him home* oh no you don't, my parents are going to adopt the hell out of you

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6 months ago

Phee's Advice:

*The batch were preparing for a mission*

Phee: Now Joey what did u tell you about using your lightsaber against stormtroopers

Joey: Dead first, alive if you have to

Phee: *patting his head* good boy

Cobalt: *trying hard not to have a heart attack*

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6 months ago


One summer evening on Pabu The bad batch were heading to Shep's house, he was hosting a barbecue and had invited everyone.

The kids were practically pulling the adults along in their excitement.

"Cmon dad, we've been walking forever." Joey whined giving Cobalt an almighty tug forward.

"We've been walking for two minutes bud." Cobalt said as he was almost pulled off his feet.

"Yeah, forever, we're gonna be late at this rate." Joey said.

"Relax Joey, we won't." Cobalt said.

Just minutes later they arrived at Shep's where the man greeted them with one of his signature smiles.

"Hello friends, glad you could make it." He said.

Shep looked to the kids.

"Lyana is in the backyard if you want to see here." He added.

Shep quickly stood aside as the kids and Batcher charged through the door.

Laughing heartily the adults followed through the door and went into the garden where the kids and Lyana were already engrossed in conversation.

Soon Wrecker and Shep had gotten the barbecue started and a smoky smell had now enveloped the garden.

Daniel and James were chasing batcher around the garden, Boba, Zander and Rowan were talking with Mox, Stak and Deke about different ships they had seen and flown and Omega, Kordi, Cynthia and Lyana were sitting together having a whispered the silence interrupted by their frequent giggles.

Other guests soon arrived including Rex and several clones from the rebellion, Riyo Chuchi, Emerie, Phee and to everyone's surprise Rampart along with Jax, Sami and Eva.

"Hello Edmon, glad to see you." Shep said.

"It's a pleasure Shep." Rampart nodded before going and sitting next to Emerie while Jax, Sami and Eva went to the other kids.

Soon Shep, Wrecker and Gregor announced that dinner was ready and the kids eagerly ran over, even batcher and Lucky got a plate of food each. After the kids had been served the adults got their share of food and everyone dug in.

"Good as ever Gregor, you continue to impress." Rex said after a mouthful of fried porg.

"Oh Rex you honey dripper Gregor giggled pretending to blush.

Rampart took a bite of a pirg wing and he suddenly started gasping for breath.

"...To hot.." He gasped out.

Crosshair handed him a bottle from the cooler which Rampart took a large drink from.

"Can't handle your spices Edmon." Crosshair teased.

"Usually I can, but that was spicy even by my standards." Rampart said.

"Sorry about that, that must have been one of my fireball wings." Fireball piped up.

"What's the difference?" Rampart asked.

"They're much spicier than normal porg wings, that's how I got my name, cause I love spicy food." Fireball said.

"I see." Rampart nodded taking another drink of water.

Daniel was typing away on his tablet while chewing away at a pork chop with a healthy amount of apple suacce on it.

Nemec sat down next to him.

"Whatcha working on Danny?" He asked.

Daniel swallowed his food and wiped some sauce off his chin before awnsering.

"My own starfighter, I'm hoping to build it one day, once I'm old enough to do so anyways." Daniel said.

"Can I see?" Nemec asked curiously.

Dan nodded and passed Nemec the tablet.

Nemec whistled impressed.

"That's a nice looking fighter, I'd hate to be on the wrong end of that." Nemec said.

Daniel nodded his thanks blushing slightly with pride.

Sunset was approaching and by now the younger kids were getting tuckered out.

Sami, James, Lyana and Omega were passed out against Batcher who was curled up on the grass.

Eva had crawled onto Rampart's lap half an hour ago and was out cold, head resting against her adoptive father's chest.

Rampart was chatting with Martha along with Daniel who was fast asleep on his mother's lap similar to Eva.

Cynthia and Katie were chatting, about something funny, the two giggling on occasion.

Boba, Jax, Zander and the triplets were huddled together talking in low voices while nearby Kordi read a book with Rowan lying across her lap fast asleep.

Meanwhile Tech and Phee reatreted too the roof where the two watched the setting sun.

"It really is beautiful isn't it?" Phee asked.

"It most certainly is." Tech nodded in agreement.

The two shared a kiss together as the sun set and the others had fun.

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