cerise-lockwood - Cerise Lockwood
Cerise Lockwood

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." -Albert Schweitzer

246 posts

Reporter: What Is The Best Thing Your Girlfriend Has Asked You To Buy For Her?

Reporter: What is the best thing your girlfriend has asked you to buy for her?

Flynn Rider: A FRYING PAN!

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Flynn Rider: Best investment I've ever made.

Reporter: What Is The Best Thing Your Girlfriend Has Asked You To Buy For Her?
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More Posts from Cerise-lockwood

1 year ago

For the People and Furries that get barked at: Here are some Responses you can use!

"Ooh, a doggy!"

If there are others there "Can I pet your dog?"

"Kinky..." or "That's kinky..."

"Can you not do your weird fetishes in public, please?"

"I just wanted to let you know that it's okay that I (or he or they or she or entity) can pull more bitches/hoes than you and your small dick."

If you have someone else with you, turn to them and say loudly but subtly "Freaks..."

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1 year ago

For the People, Entities, and Furries that get barked at! Here are some responses you can use!

If there is someone with the person barking: "Oooh, can I pet your dog?!"

If you are with someone: mutter "Freaks..." to each other.

If you are a male entity of sorts: SAY SYMIPATHEDICALY "It's okay I know it's hard when I can pull more bitches than you and your small dick."

Stay Petty, Stay Savage, and Stay Safe guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

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1 year ago
dazai | which bsd character are you?
you're like the mysterious mentor figure, yet you're also the clown in your friend group at times. you have one or two people that you can trust, because you're afraid to keep people close to you in case they betray you/leave you. you're an ambivert, you can be loud yet quiet at times. the people you keep close to your heart mean alot to you, and i'm sure they feel the same way about you too. you ...

How do they do it...?

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