cfaria108 - Grateful in Unfolding Phenomena @cfaria108
Grateful in Unfolding Phenomena @cfaria108

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Belgium ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช


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2 years ago

12:19 p.m.

I must stay quiet. Grin.

I come into the apartment and straight into the bathroom to wash my hands. Staring in the mirror, grinning, looking at my giggly, funny, shaved face. Something is different. Still grinning. Pain dropped. Thank you, Lord, for these functional white teeth too. Happy, funny, just thoughts. Observable Silliness, really.

Then, there were a few other thoughts, slightly more complex, that suddenly crossed my mind, but I don't want to mention them yet or discuss these yet. Or should I?

I was tempted to ask her the questions, though, which, I know would hurt feelings and start another row or perhaps a heated discussion... with more hurt feelings, even though the subject matter is absolutely right on and true.

Eg. how can I live in this place freely; I don't restrict any other Being in any way; why haven't they paid me out; why are they causing me existential anxiety; why are they allowed to do so much damage and for so long; why do organizations as legal entities take precedence over human lives;)

"Put gear. Oh," (since I was dictating, I tried to speak in Portuguese to record all of this and it didn't work.)

"That did not go through exactly as I intended. " I thought.

Also, because she asked me not to be named, I'll refer to her as Baby. Wink. Grin.

So, back to the story... "as I'm brushing my teeth, making insightful noises of 'oooh' and 'aaah', as insightful thoughts come and go..."

Baby, asks me, "what are you humming about?" (I know Baby asked me because she probably knew I wanted to say something but held back.) I didn't take the bait. I stayed quiet. 'Hmm. Ah... Aha!'

More thoughts: Why are there silly conditions on love; why are there conditions on simply acting freely, or even within and across societies, even internationally; why do I feel ashamed at times, and feel alone and abstract, having to secretively walk behind stores, through those empty parking lots; why is there much negative stigma attached to these medical issues... Well, the choice is Yours, alone. You are the driver of your own Being and conduct)

I finished brushing my teeth. And then, gargling.

I still said nothing, popping my head through the doorway and into the room for a quick glance at Baby with her innocent glare.

Unable to hold back, I ask the question:

Is this all a joke? Why am I... Why are we all being subjected to living like this?

What an incredibly stupid Reality!

Really... Who is inventing and conjuring this kind of insane storyline?

What kind of thought madness is this???

We have a human consciousness, a prerogative, above any and all groups of people, representing society, that supercedes all of these ridiculous stories.

What kind of mental monstrosity creates these scenarios???

There's something deeply wrong in this apparent flow.

This is not the state of Phenomena that I wish to witness. Not what any of us should observe. Or, Be in attachment.

I Am.

Free and autonomous.

I want different. Definitely not this.

Think better thoughts.

Recreate this flow of Phenomena!

Include improved Loving Kindness and Compassionate Resonant Scenarios.

The prime directive is the success and viability of all life on Earth.

We're missing the mark.

This current program simulation is malfunctioning, incorrect. Mentality gone astray.

Implement correction quickly. Fix asap.

Fix, happens now!

I am. now, divergent in Purpose. No longer responsible... for the mess that you insist to continue to create.

This egoic story has stopped today. There is better.

Now, there is no other option, but better.

Finito. I want out. First, I would like my flight down South, please. Back to quietude. Nature. Simplicity.

Leave this ridiculous demeaning existence, here. I can't believe it! Childlike game of pluses and minuses you have created.

I'm appalled so much time has been wasted away as many beautiful souls, unconsciously still asleep, dying for a better dream.

I've outgrown the sandbox guys and gals, and I have to leave you now, heading towards another tomorrow.

We, including me, are at fault, for this, sadly. We allowed this to happen. Turned a blind eye and swept it all under the rug. Don't tell anyone. Though it is still all in our own home. Don't look or you will find it.

These filthy conjured thoughts and ideas, sad manifestations of creations, transparently apparent, are grossly incorrect.

I don't want this incorrect play or scene anymore.

I choose Peace and well-being.

There is a much better scenarios to create.

Allow me back to my hammock and the beach and the purity of the Sun. Allow me my freedom of Being, please.

Here, there are insane manifestations... Craziness. Killing. Restricting. Violating. Fighting. Antagonizing. Unjustly and dishonorably. Under the guise of discharge for the people but really not so. Heavy, Sad.

Let's spur the economy. Let's regulate. Let's control runaway inflation. Let's stand for Ukraine. Evil China and their quest for global dominance. Evil Russian oligarch, gone sick, egoically mad. Let's watch the destruction from the other side of the pond. Ooh, Obliteration. In shock, our scared leaders just continue to watch on! Here, Mr Z, please have another antitank missile with your tea. Show that Disgusting Monster, show the world of your strength! And, Die with Honor and waste this Life. Bon chance, mon ami.

Let's tell women that she has no say in her reproductive, biological role, and, definitely no control of her own body. It must be a tasteless tangential game in illusory form. Autonomy of Being always supercedes Legal buffoonery. With full respect to your office, your Honor Supreme, wake up, 'cause that's not fresh coffee you're sniffing.

Let's control Environmental Protection Agency, of course, always for the people's protection, benefit and wellbeing. Wink, wink. Yes, they all must also be regulated and under control. More to manifest.

Let's endorse big business and it's ties to deforestation, on an unimaginable, an unfathomable scale. Proven via satellite imagery. Hey, Jair, wink, wink. Presidential elections, huh? Boa bicho, vai nessa mesmo, nรฉ? However, alternatively, the historic chief thief, Lula, and his cast of masked bandits, lurkingly await another incredulous opportunity to grab at the voiceless, muted citizen's purse strings. (Ooh, apparently another repeat saga brewing.)

Let's support global commercialization. Let's restart the coal plants in Germany too as a counter solution to the off position of Russian gas taps (and don't worry, the carbon footprints either, for will be regulated and so will the effects on environment...)

Let's create more and more plastic layers. So thick, we can use them as new lenses to colorfully obscure our view of the damage to our only home, planet Earth, and its fragile, off balance, environment. While were at it... Let's assimilate plastics into our organic tissues, and hooray, pass it onto our unborn voiceless children. Prick 'em with that vaccine too, while they're small as they come out into the open! They'll never see it coming. It's for their protection anyway and that of this herd. "Aaaahhhh! Meehhhh! Baaaaahh!" they say, unicellularly.

Let's create more economic incentives and development because planet Earth just could not exist without the coordinated economic efforts of central banks. Did I say banks? Oh, I meant humans... Wink wink.

Destroy and abuse our planet.

Our Oceans.

Our Air.

Our Earth.

Reconfigure and change our Homes and Lives.

Destroy and abuse our entire Humanity.

Do you care? Do you really care? Do you? Does any of this matter to you?

This charade is not acceptable any longer.

Not to me, not to many.

Justin, Chrystia, Melanie, Joe, Antonio, Boris, Ursula, Vladimir, Emmanuel, Kristalina, Xi (yes, you too), Narendra, Olaf, Mohammed, Mohammad, Bill, Melinda, Richard, Elon, Jeff, Warren, Christiane, Albert, Jens, Elizabeth, Charles, Will, Harry, Naruhito, Mario and Sergio, Marcelo e Pedro, Graรงa, Hina, Mary, Gro Harlem, Ricardo, Ernesto, Ban, Ellen, Juan Manuel and Zeid. Many others intended...

Honourable, respected, representatives and leaders of the world,

I call upon you, by legal name, as conscious co-creating human beings, with choice and power in our collective...

The current scenario is very poor.

We need a new Reality.

Happy Canada Day. ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿ‘

(Only 155 years young!)


Prayer and supplication:

My Lord, Supreme Source Energy, Universal Creator, Infinite Ruler of All, we humbly prostrate and bow at your feet. Please release us all from this suffering, this bondage. Stop this craze. Please allow us clear thoughts, Freedom, Love so pure, and Peace.

In Christ, our Lord and Saviour ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

Mohammed the Honorable Prophet ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

YHVH, Supreme Lord Creator ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

Aum Gum Ganapathaye Namaha! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

Aum Nama Shivaya! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

Aum Mata Kali! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’๐ŸŽ†

May All Sentient Beings be free from suffering.

๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜‡

Namaste ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’โค๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

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cfaria108 - Grateful in Unfolding Phenomena @cfaria108