Regina Janis
Some biting
Silly, sleepy, little goose.
Summary: Rejanis cuddles. Warning: fluff, some swearing. Pairings: Regina + Janis

Janis was watching a movie with hooded eyes, starting at the screen trying not to fall asleep. She hadn’t slept much the last few days and was hanging on by a string, buts he wanted to finish this movie with her girl.
Curled up at Regina’s side while she played with Janis’s hair mindlessly.
She let out a yawn, rubbed her head on the blondes shoulder in a nuzzling movement.
“You’re so cute when you’re tired.” Regina said teasingly. Janis never liked being called cute, found it embarrassing. She wasn’t cute she was dangerous,
“Ah, shut up.” She muttered, looking back at the screen with tired eyes.
“So cute.” She went to tap Janis nose but she snapped her teeth and she pulled it away.
“Don’t try and bite me, weirdo!” Regina laughed, going to tap her nose again. Janis did the same exact thing, smirking.
“You’re annoying.” Regina scoffed, pulling down the beanie Janis had on over her eyes, Janis pushed it back up.
“Thanks, I strive to be.” She batted her eyes at her and laid her head back on her shoulder, Regina wrapped her arm around her tight.
Janis pretended to be interest in whatever the fuck they were watching, her foggy mind hadn’t really been following the plot line.
They were quiet for a moment longer till Regina pulled out her phone and shifted, removing her arm form around Janis.
“No,” Janis whined, pushing it away, “put it away, I was comfy.” “One seconded, geez!” Regina rolled her eyes, and continued typing. Janis pouted.
Regina side-eyed her, “Go to sleep, I know you’re tired.” She looked back at her screen, tapping away.
“Blah blah blah!” Janis mocked and turned the other way, scooting away from her, pretending to be upset and grabbing her own phone.
“Dramatic ass,” Regina laughed and set down her phone, throwing the couch pillow at the other girl. Janis gasped, setting her own phone down and throwing it right back.
“Go back on your phone, in fact, you should marry it! Cutest couple around, a blondie and her phone.” Janis said, holding back a laugh at the blondes expression.
“Oh, stop,” she pulled Janis back to her, wrapping both arm around the smaller girl. Janis allowed it, relaxing in her touch.
“I can love you both.” The blonde added. The brunette gasped once again, pushing Regina off her and rolling off the couch.
Regina burst out laughing at the girls reaction.
“You actually cheated on me? With a phone? I’m repulsed!” Janis joked from the floor, pointing an accusing finger at her.
“Get up, I’ll stop,” Regina drawled after she stopped laughing.
Janis did just that, curling up with Regina comfortably, “No more phone.” She added once more, flipping off the inanimate objects.
“You’re dumb.” Regina said affectionately. “You’re dumber.” Janis muttered sleepily, closing her eyes and feeling the tension in her head leave as she did so.
“Power couple.” Regina joked as the brunette rested her eyes, making them both giggle. Scratching her head soothingly.
Janis peeked open one eyes, peering up at her briefly, sticking out her tongue, “Silly, sleepy, little goose.” Regina muttered warmly, rolling her eyes.
She closed her eyes again, “Absolutely.” Was the last thing Janis mumbled before she drifted to sleep.

Lil Drabble because I got bored. Enjoy this shitty little thing.
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More Posts from Cheesysoup-arlo
Same 💞
What are your Rejanis headcannons?
I got two request for this so I’ll write twice the headcanons
Rejanis Headcanons!
Competitive as shit. Will fight over who loves who more which everyone in their friend group finds sickeningly sweet and extremely annoying at the same time
Both big on PDA, Janis being affectionate in general and Regina being pretty much only affectionate with Regina.
Janis eyes her hair tips pink for Regina at one point as a surprise, she got lots of kisses for it (and maybe more)
Janis likes to show off to Regina whenever she can and Regina fine it extremely cute. It also boost Janis pride (something she cherishes)
Janis gets her way very quickly, bat those doe eyes of her and Regina will cave. (Regina will never admit that she has the biggest soft stop for the brunette)
Janis I’ll shamelessly use Regina as a pillow whenever she feelings like it. Regina will use her as a head rest, which annoys the shit out of Janis but she’s hot so it’s fine.
They listen to Sapphic music together and often end up making out. (By often I mean every single time)
Also Regina tops.
Janis likes to style Regina hair, Regina actually adores it.
4th of July hangout with the gang
*everyone at Regina’s house*
Cady: THIS IS AWESOME *eating a hotdog*
Janis: *feet in the pool, eating a bag of chips and a hotdog*
Regina: my mom said we can go on the roof and watch fireworks if you guys want
Karen: omg I love your roof
Regina: just please stay away from the edge this time
Gretchen: oh my gosh yeah Karen almost fell off last year
Karen: *remembers then giggles* oh yeah
Aaron: *grilling more hotdogs and hamburgers*
Damian: Gretchen did you hear about *gossiping*
Gretchen: *listening intently*
Janis: cads, you gonna be ok with the fireworks? They’re pretty loud
Cady: oh um I think I’ll be ok
Janis: alright but remember you can always go sit inside if it gets to much
Cady: *nods* I brought my headphones just in case like you told me
Regina: who’s spending the night? I have room for all of you but I like a headcount
*everyone raises their hands*
Regina: D you can take the downstairs guest room, Aaron you can take the pull out bed in the living room, Karen and Gretch you can take the upstairs guest room, Cads you can stay with me and Janis in my room of course
Cady: *ketchup on her face* okie dokie *thumbs up*
Janis: *hugs Cady from behind*
Cady: hi *giggles*
Janis: hey, wanna go back in the pool?
Cady: ooo yes please
*cady and Janis go back in the pool, Damian and Gretchen continue to gossip, Aaron is eating and listening to Karen talk about random things, and Regina is just watching it all*
*this sun begins to set, Regina cleans up a little*
Aaron: should we start heading up to the roof?
Regina: yeah can you help everyone get up there? It’s through the attic
Aaron: yeah of course
*Aaron, Gretchen, Karen, and Damian head up to the roof*
Regina: Cady baby, you gonna be ok?
Cady: *mouth full of chips* mhm
Janis: I’m gonna stay inside, take some videos for me
Regina: of course babe, I know you don’t like the noise, kiss?
Janis: *smiles and kisses Regina* you’re so soft sometimes
Regina: oh shut up *blushing lightly*
Cady: I wanna kiss too please
Janis: aw come here honey *kiss*
Cady: *smiles* I love you
Janis: I love you too, and Regina
Regina: I love you both now let’s head to the roof baby
*regina and Cady get on the roof with the rest of the group while Janis gets out her headphones and her weighted blanket in Regina’s room*
*janis changes into one of Cady’s hoodies and Regina’s sweatpants, sits quietly, eating chips, watching her comfort movie, and sketching*
*the fireworks start*
Cady: *small yelp* woah
Regina: you ok baby? *concerned, wraps her arms around Cady*
Cady: *nods* mhm is it all going to be that loud?
Regina: yeah, do you want me to get your noise canceling headphones? do you wanna go inside?
Cady: headphones please *fidgeting a little*
Regina: ok I’m gonna text J to bring them
-Reggie- hey J can you bring cads headphones up
-J babe- 👍
Janis: *goes to the attic* here *hands Regina Cady’s headphones and comfort weighted lion plush*
Regina: thank you babe *half smiles, quickly going to the slightly panicked Cady*
Cady: *face lights up seeing the plush* Leo! *grabs the lion* thanks
Regina: *puts the headphones on Cady, kissing her forehead and holding her hand*
Cady: *more calmed down, enjoying the colors of the fireworks with out the overstimulation of the noise*
Regina: *recording the fireworks and a little bit of Cady and the group*
*as the fireworks come to an end for the most part, everyone decides to head back inside*
*they all exchange good nights and hugs*
Regina: *opens the door to her room*
Janis: *takes off her headphones* all done?
Regina: *nods*
Janis: *looks over at a very sleepy cady* hi
Cady: *waves* hi
Regina: we’re gonna get changed
Cady: then cuddle?
Regina: yeah baby then cuddle *chuckles lightly*
Janis: I’ll put on a movie for us
Cady: can it be a kids movie?
Janis: lion king?
Cady: *gasps excitedly* yes please
Regina: *laughs a little* get changed out of those outside clothes so we can lay down dork
*Cady and Regina get changed into pajamas, Regina wears a silk pajama set, Cady wears an over sized lion king t-shirt she keeps at Regina’s and some shorts*
*puts on the movie*
Cady: *happy stims* lion king lion king lion king *hugs her lion plush*
Janis: *eating sour gummy worms*
Regina: j babe I don’t like when you eat in my bed
Janis: but the fireworks are scary and I wanna sit with my girlfriends while I eat my gummies *pout*
Regina: ugh fine whatever just share them at least
Janis: yay *shares the gummy worms*
*the three of them enjoy the large bag of sour gummy worms and Lion King, Cady is the first to fall asleep*
Janis: pssst I thinks cads is asleep
Regina: mhm we should go to sleep too
Janis: *yawns* ok
Regina: good night babe
Janis: night night *yawns*
A/N: this writing style was the only way I could motivate myself to write and this took longer than I wanted to write especially given how short it is but I hope you enjoy and I’m really trying to get back into writing lol
Cady headcannons?
Cady headcanons!
Very refined food pallet but doesn’t know how to cook extremely well. She can mange though.
Blue favorite color. Softer blues, she finds them very eyes appealing.
Fidgets with her style frequently, but does prefer comfort of style. Literally everyone forces her to get rid of those shoes though.
Autistic. Ask me too and I will give you so many reasons.
Regina was definitely her bisexual awakening, whether they end up together… eh. Who knows? But girl was simping.
Janis had an influence on her music taste more than Gretchen did, but she loves listening to anything instrumental. Especially drums, she loves the drums.
Really is into mythology for some reason and will info dump that into conversation just like she does regarding animals and nature.
Can not do hair. She can curl and straighten it, or throw it in a pan but that is about it. Even after Janis gives her some tips.
Low key loves armory. She thinks guns are fascinating and likes anything technical. Probably could shoot off a rifle and shoot a bow and arrow.
Friend group mom, she is very caring of others. she mediates many fights and rarely gets in any herself (after the whole ordeal which is the movie.)
arlo, should we make a tag for us?
im thinking cheesywhoreee
or maybe even
Omg I like cheesywhoreee that’s cute
i’m curious about what your Janis headcanons are, sfw & nsfw(if you wanna do those too)
i got fedddd today lmao i love your fics hun🫶🏼
Omg thank you! That mean so much coming from you, you’re such a fantastic writer! 💕✨
Gonna assume it’s Xreader lemme know if you want something else though!
Janis Headcanons
In general:
Janis has ADHD. Obviously in general that comes with a lot of things (I see a lot of symptoms of ADHd in her so…)
Janis’s favorite color is probably either green or purple
Janis’s loves to collect things. Not really horde, but keeps every little gift like it’s treasure.
Janis, while slightly aggressive and hyper, is a great teacher and I always thought she’d be fantastic with children. Super gentle as well, kids love her.
I think Janis is pretty self aware (and knows she isn’t exactly ‘nice’) but can be hypocritical at times.
Takes insults well(ish) and has self deprecating humor. (Which often concerns her friends.)
Caffeine addict. shit sleep schedule. Insomniac to the bone. (Sleep deprived Janis is fun to write)
Adorable but doesn’t know it.
Gets a job at Taco Bell for no reason but me forcing her too. SFW:
Janis is fairly resourceful and you’re constantly in awe of what she can make out of nothing. She’ll also take (with permission) clothes of yours and customize them
Extremely protective. Possessive and will threaten anyone who crosses you (or hits on you).
Janis is an awesome cook and will cook you a meal anytime and enjoys it. Food isn’t necessarily one of her love languages but she love to cook for people.
Cuddly as shit. Love language is physical touch and always has her hands on you (holding hands, clinging to your sleeve, arm wrapped around waist, etc.) (Touch starved angry bean)
Big on PDA but still considers readers feelings and will force you to talk about boundaries because she is the best girlfriend ever.
Said this before but 100% verse switch. Brat when bottoming, service top when topping. (Fairly good at both I might add)
Likes hearing you. Absolutely loves hearing you. Will find every way to make you louder.
Likes light bondage. Giving and receiving. Finds to like the feeling of being secure and likes watching you squirm.
Priorities your pleasure and will take her time. Likes to edge you, does not like being edged (the brat in her).
Very very sweet aftercare. Safe sex is very important to her and loves to cuddle after. Consent is key with her and finds it sexy as shit.
Oral support.
Creative and resourceful in bed as well. Will try almost anything. Very flexible.
wouldn’t call her a masochist but does enjoy (giving or receiving) pain at times (Ex. Hair pulling, spanking, etc.)