Cady Heron - Tumblr Posts
one degree of separation
Fandom: Mean Girls
Pairing: Cady/Regina
Rating: Teen
Words: 5,731
Summary: “I thought Regina was dating Shane Oman, anyway,” Damian comments absently.
“Not anymore, I guess,” Cady says bitterly.
Suddenly, Janis’s eyes get big, like she’s just remembered she forgot to turn the oven off before she left the house.
“You can take him,” Janis says, as if she’s having an epiphany.
“What?” Cady asks. “Take who?”
Janis leans forward and grips Cady’s shoulders, shaking her a little. “Shane.”
Regina takes Aaron, so Cady takes Shane.
Read on AO3
Get in, Loser! We're going... to fall in love?
I posted chapter 26 on ao3 on Saturday night but forgot to post about it here, so... if you haven't read it yet, here it is!
“So, what do you want to do first?” Regina asks as they walk away from the counter, her arm still wrapped around Cady.
“Kiss you again,” Cady says, mostly on accident.
(If you're interested in more gay, please read the chapter and let me know what you think! Thanks!)
Cady: I’m Bisexual and confused.
Cady: Not at the fact that I’m a Bisexual, I just never know what the HECK is going on.

she had an ego and a temper and a wandering eye
You know, a lot of Mean Girls could've been avoided if Cady and Regina just dated eachother

me because freaky friday AND mean girls is stuck in my head …
Cady: Regina. My love. Sweetheart. Light of my life.
Regina: You're angry with me, aren't you?
Cady, smiling: Livid.
Janis: Why aren't koalas considered bears?
Cady: Because they're marsupials
Janis, mocking: bEcAuSe tHey'Re mArSUpialS
Janis: No! It's because they don't have the right koala-fication!

that kiss meme but it's mean girls 2024.. i loved karen and gretchen sm too

messy little drawing brought to you by my obsession with may flower atm

cadina digi cam!!! also my bday, had tons of fun this weekend c:

MEAN GIRLS (2004) dir. Mark Waters
How did we know that this plan would work?
We had a spy on the inside, that's right
Cady Heron !
A tailor spyin' on Regina's government!
A take Gretchen's informations and then I smuggle Them !
To my Friends revolutionary covenant
I'm destroy Regina George and I am lovin' it!
See, that's what happens when you are a sneaky Bi***
You should have though of this, before you kissd Aaron
CADY HERON, I need no introduction
When you knock me down I get the fuck back up again!
Incase Nobody Has Told You….
Your reminder that I’m proud of you and you should be too!!

I’m so proud of you!! I’m so proud of your accomplishments and soon to be successes. I’m so proud of you for taking care of yourself. Even if it’s the littlest thing, it made a difference. I’m so proud of you for being here today. I’m so proud of you for fueling yourself. Whether it was with food, water, love, etc. You deserved it! You deserve to be happy everyday. You deserve to have a great day/night. You deserve to have a good life. You deserve to celebrate yourself. You deserve to give yourself a little treat. You deserve to have a break. You deserve a pat on the back from yourself. I know you will get all your desires. I know you will be your dream self. I know you will work hard to achieve what you want. I know you will find that special someone. I know you will find true happiness. I know you will learn how to heal and love yourself. I know you will stop covering up yourself someday. I know you were meant to be here for a reason. Your hard work will pay off. Your healing time will pay off. All your desires will come to you. All that pain, abuse, and suffering will come to an end. All those negative thoughts and people will disappear from your life. All that self-sabotage will stop soon. All those people doubting you, will be proved wrong. All those fake friends will find their way out of your life soon. All your dreams will soon become reality. I love your lacks. I love your “flaws.” I love how you laugh. I love how you smile. I love the way you talk with passion in your eyes. I love your nose. I love your beautiful eyes. I love your eyebrows. I love your facial structure. I love how you dress. I love how you act. I love your fabulous personality. I love how you care about others around you. I love your everything.
Now read that again, but in the mirror. Take care dolls!! I hope you overcome whatever you are struggling with 💗
God loves you!! God bless you 💗💗💗
Pinterest: Arielleslipgloss

Mean Girls 2004 | dir. Mark Waters