28 posts
Headcannon: Garnet Has Slight Control Over Water Since Ruby Has Fire Powers And Sapphire Ice, And Melted
Headcannon: garnet has slight control over water since ruby has fire powers and sapphire ice, and melted ice is essentially just water
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the wiki ships bethory
I HOPE HE DOES .......plus, im a sucker for the achilles-patroclus parallel they got going on
since rick is using the pjo tv show to update the books, what if he makes silena and clarisse a couple
TLDR; i feel like lana del rey has poisoned one of my favorite songs
i feel as if lana del rey has poisoned one of my favorite songs, doin' time. the original is from a band called sublime, and lana was a huge fan of them, so she covered on of their songs. now, there isn't anything inheritably bad about this. you could search any song then put cover behind it and you'll most likely find tons of videos of fans of that song singing it. lana basically did that, but since she's a star, hers got fairly popular.
now, it's not bad to prefer hers, but i feel like she should've done more to accentuate that it wasn't an original song, since i feel that a lot of people assumed it to be an original because i believe the official music video didn't mention the original song. and since reuploads of the songs usually don't credit sublime either, lots of people think it to be hers. genius has proof i feel about why so many think that way; "As explained by Interscope CEO John Janick, Del Rey ended up doing the cover since the label “was involved in executive-producing the documentary… and Lana was talking about how big a fan she was.” After recording the track, “she felt like it fit the aesthetic” of her upcoming record Norman Fucking Rockwell! and decided to include it in the tracklist."
but here's where i feel she poisoned it; lots of fans say sublime version sucks, and lana's is better. and this is an opinion, it's okay to have, but i don't agree with it. one of their reasons i don't like because it doesn't make sense. that opinion is that sublime's song is messier, and well it might be, it's because it's ska. ska is kind of known for being chaotic. not to mention, lana's version is nearly identical to sublime's, 2 key differences though. lana's version is a girl singing, and hers is slower to match her other songs.
another one i don't agree with is the "his voice sounds ai generated." personally, i don't think that. to me his voice doesn't sound that way. he sounds like another person. he sings like a normal guy-singer would to me. this also goes with another argument that says he's just talking over background music, and it's similar to rap that way. this one isn't even subjective, it's plainly just not true. throughout the song, he's singing. talking over instrumental are songs like i fcked ur mom and ITGAMFEANIOP, and songs that are approaching talking over music are songs similar to becky by be your own pet. also not to mention that rap isn't talking over a beat. they need to match the rhythm, like many other genres do, and rhyme, like many other genres do. lana could be classified as rap because she does those two things. and i know that rap is much more than that, but i feel that is kind of the base for what rap is.
i feel like lana has ruined this song in a way because of those reasons. and you don't have to agree with me, i just wanted to get this out somewhere.
okay never considered it but now that i think about it they'd be good girlfriends

to: @bettyweir from: @rbquartz

some hannah price x sarah fox realness!!!
PJO + HOO headcannons (reasonings included!)
percy - bisexual. i know this one is very popular within the fandom, but i feel like he definitely had a crush on luke and beckodorf.
annabeth - bisexual + demisexual. this one is mainly because i like rachabeth and pipabeth, but i still need percabeth to be cannon. she's demi because most of her crushes/people i ship her with are people she has bonds with.
grover - straight ally. i'm not sure why i have this one, i just don't feel like he'd like men, but literally all his friends are gay in some aspect.
thalia - lesbian and asexual. i know she was in love with luke for a long time, but i can't see her as anything but loving girls. i also said asexual because i believe rick had said that all hunters of artemis are on the asexual spectrum.
nico - gay. this one is cannon, and that's basically my reasoning.
bianca - aro/ace. it might be because we didn't see enough of her, but i don't feel like she ever experienced romantic attraction, even before the hunters.
will - bisexual. i'm not sure why but he just gives me bi vibes.
clarisse - lesbian. but like, stereotypical lesbian. i don't think she romantically liked chris, maybe they were close friends, but i headcannon she dated him to get over her crush on silena.
silena - pan. i have a headcannon that most, if not all, of aphrodite's kids are pansexual because they have too much love.
beckondorf - straight ally. idk just can't see him with men.
luke - i have never though about this one before, mainly cuz i hate luke. but i'd say straight.
rachel - pan + asexual. idk why pan but it just fits her, and then asexual because she can't date now that she's the oracle.
drew - omni. she definitely likes all genders, but she prefers men.
piper - bi. like i said, most aphrodite kids are pan. piper is not one of those. but she;s bi since she definitely loved jason, but i feel like she did have a crush on annabeth.
leo - pan. not sure why, but it might be because i find him compatible with many people.
jason - bi + asexual. i feel like the idea of sexual activities make him uncomfortable. and that he's never thought of anyone sexually, and only ever romantically.
heads up! i have not read the rest of heroes of olympus. when i have, i will come back and update it with the headcannons for the other characters!