The hell did Inuyasha do to my brain? Whatever this blog's just the result | she/her | '93 | Jaken supremacy | fav ship inukag sessnara
693 posts
Thing Is How Can Anyone Praise Kikyo When She Was A Covert Racist Spewing Shit Like Human=pure, Yokai=impure/evil,
Thing is… how can anyone praise Kikyo when she was a covert racist spewing shit like “human=pure, yokai=impure/evil”, asking a BIRACIAL outcast to get rid of half of his identity. Not only she tried to manipulate a vulnerable biracial orphan to make an AWFUL wish, she kept insisting HE DID IT because she knew to some extent that the jewel was shady and unreliable and it could backfire. If she was OH SO GOOD and “wuved” him so much as some claimed, she would have wished for discrimination to end. But no, she wanted his “tainted” blood gone.
First of all I want to make it clear that I have yet to read the manga and some passage from the anime regarding inukik relationship has points I don't get entirely, I should rewatch the show at least twice more, so take my opinion for what it is.
That being said, alright, let's do this.
You'll never see me try to excuse Kikyo for her shits or make her appear as a saint, of course she's not. Though, unlike Kagome whose mind is free from certain prejudices, Kikyo, as a miko living in a world so cruel and full of uncertainties for most people, has a huge responsability over her village as only reference point and is taught to fear and distrust demons and half-demons alike. In addition she's by nature wary, reserved, rigid and proud. It takes her a lot of effort to disclose her heart to Inuyasha and it's not that they'd had that much time truly, so even letting him go upon their very first encounter is something unexpected of her. Perhaps had she had more time to understand Inuyasha's nature things could have been different. People tend to say that Inuyasha and Kikyo were two broken souls in search of shelter from their solitude and I think so it is to a certain degree, so that perhaps they would not stay together forever anyway, but it doesn't matter, love is love no matter if it does manage to live forever or not and after all they did do some good to each other, although that doesn't erase the harm she's done. (Well, yeah, at the very end they are finally able to heal all of their wounds but still).
Don't misjudge what I'm trying to say, I'm very very very VERY happy that Kagome came into Inuyasha's life, he really deserved nothing less and they are such a good match, I can't imagine Kagome with anyone but Inuyasha and same goes the other way around.
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Mitaka Shun
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The handsome tennis coach and his gleaming grin made their debut ✨✨✨
(Maison Ikkoku Episode 9)

It's been a while since I announced it but here we are: smug Sesshomaru smirking, THE compilation
My first try with the soundtrack was his own theme by Kaoru Wada but for some unknown reason it didn't sound as right as expected, that wasn't quite the right mood, so I've been short of better choices for a bit, then this afternoon I had the idea: "OF COURSE, Annie Lennox is what it takes!"
Hope you like it

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inukag shippers sometime are a bit harsh towards Kikyo and while i can understand their points against inukik shippers speaking badly about inukag and Kagome mainly, how heartless you are to say "Kikyo smelling like dead and poor Inuyasha had to suffer to kiss her", for the Gods, do you really think of him so lowly? Could you mind of the smell of someone dear to you dying, however keen your nose? There's no need to be so cruel on purpose only to protect your ship, inukag is already a thing, the facts speak for themselves, but, I promise you, saying that Kikyo too was important to Inuyasha doesn't diminish his love for Kagome.