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Okay so people are acting like Sessrin happening is totally okay as if that isn’t Literal Pedophilia.
Let’s do some smashing of their arguments!
1. “The age of consent in Japan is 13!!” Okay... no, not in the way you’re thinking. A thirteen year old can consent to another thirteen year old. A thirteen year old cannot consent to someone, say, 19 years old. This is not even factoring in that, just like the Untied States have different consent laws in different states, Japan has different consent laws in different prefectures.
2. “It’s the Fedual Era!! People had families young all the time!!!!” Again.... no. That was done in noble families, and only done in extreme cases. Do you want to know why? Because a fourteen year old girl rarely, in *our modern times* can carry a baby, a SINGLE baby to term. Either the girl will die, the baby will die in the womb, the baby will be born prematurely and risk extreme health problems, or the baby AND girl will die.
Why is that the case? Periods are a sign of puberty. It means that the body is undergoing the changes to become a fully formed adult. Periods are a early-to-mid sign of puberty. Yes, she has eggs and can be impregnated, but a good portion of her body isn’t ready in the same way as her reproductive system. Puberty ends around the age of 16 for girls.
“Oh so it’s okay if Rin gets pregnant at 16?” No! Because mentally, the brain doesn’t mature until the age 25.
“Then why can people do x at 18?!” Because the government decided they could. 18 usually signals that the body has matured, and matured bodies are GREAT for war. The general idea is ‘if we can go to war at 18, why can’t we do x?’ Even then, there are some things, like Alcohol, that require being aged 21 (in the United States).
3. “Rin wanted this!!” Yeah, and you know what else kids want at her age? To play and have fun. Think about what YOU were doing at age 13. Were you having sex with a man way older than you? If you were, I’m incredibly sorry for you and your experiences.
But let’s explore how Rin “wanted this”. Sesshomaru saved her life. He was a driving factor in how she overcame her trauma. He had /power/ over her. If he told her to walk off a cliff, she would. Why? Because she absolutely trusts him. She would never question why he’s telling her to walk off a cliff, because it never crosses her mind that he might want to hurt her.
“That’s not the same thing” it’s an allegory.
Now, oftentimes pedophiles will go into positions of power where they have unrestricted access to young children, and where they’re unlikely to be questioned. Boy/Girl Scout leaders. Youth Ministers. Priests. Police. Teaching. Am I saying that everyone who takes up this role is a pedophile? No! Absolutely not! BUT. These are some of the most common positions infiltrated by pedophiles because it makes children trust them, it makes parents less likely to scrutinize their actions, and they’re normally well liked by the community.
So. Sesshomaru was her caretaker. She trusts him absolutely. What he says must be right and okay. After all, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, right?
Why are you putting the responsibiliy of the relationship on RIN? Why aren’t you asking WHY Sesshomaru wanted this? Why are you bending over backwards to justify this?
Thank you. Now I just NEED this.

Hogoshamaru Week Day 2 : Modern AU
of course I had to make it a yakuza au and add some sesskagu lol
sesskagu+rin as spy x family

it’s still a messy sketch but can’t YOU GUYS SEE IT

Inktober day 4! Prompt: knot
Just Sesshoumaru and Rin doing each other's hair :3 (Don't tag this as SessRin pls thx)
[ID: two images of an Indian ink and watercolour drawing of Sesshoumaru and Rin from InuYasha. The second image is a close up of the first. It shows Sesshoumaru kneeling in the midst of a little clearing in a forest. Rin in standing behind him and is currently attempting to gather Sesshoumaru's hair into a top knot. Sesshoumaru is glaring at her from the corner of his eye, but does nothing to dissuade her. Rin's hair is already tied up in a bun on the back of her head, with a few flowers added for decoration. She wears a flowery orange kimono with a green obi. /End ID]

Under the Ginkgo tree IG: @sayuri.watanabe_ DA: sayuri94watanabe https://twitter.com/sayuriwatanabe7 if you’d like to support me patreon.com/sayuriwatanabe or buy me a coffee ko-fi.com/sayurianb

Shhh you’ll wake the baby
originally made for hogoshamaru week but I forgot to post it here!

Currently thinking about demon slayer Rin that doesn’t actually slay demons only befriends them

shippou, rin, moroha, setsuna, and towa. wow kagome is such a busy mom

So their “Rin was 18” bullshit wasn’t enough and they’ll try anything to justify their sick sessrin portrayal even if it means justifying pedophilia, huh?

Seriously Sunrise… They just won’t learn, won’t they?
【TRUTH】Yashahime’s Director States Sessrin Has NEVER Been Approved by Rumiko Takahashi
(Translation of 海豹肉丸/北斗七星绅攻豹‘s article 2021-11-28)
We all know Sessrins love showing off Takahashi’s “favour” to their ship, although Takahshi politely denies it again and again. In fact, according to a recent Yashahime review, not only Rumiko herself, but also the the very director of Yashahime, Teruo Sato, openly declares that Sesshomoru and Rin are never a ship in Rumiko Takahashi’s work.

(From: https://weibo.com/ttarticle/p/show?id=2309404708526944551169 Image link: https://wx2.sinaimg.cn/large/9c4a32f5gy1gwuvoamt4tj21o0190qfo.jpg)
It is clear that to Sato, “SessRin” is a thing never exsits in Rumiko Takahashi’s work. Here he is worried that even though Yashahime is not Rumiko’s work, some fans may well feel “uncomfurtable” about this ship. (Which is, of course.)
Yashahime is a fanwork of the Inuyasha Anime. Inuyasha anime is adapted from Inuyasha manga. The commerical part of its copyright belongs to Sunrise, but the canon is always what Rumiko Takahashi has drawn.
You know what's funny? Someone in the pro Sesshrin community seriously thinks there aren't many anti's.
You know, cause it's only about the vocal minority that they see.
Oooh no no nooo!

You see, thanks to Hanyou no Yashahime, there are many more anti's who are not particularly vocal, but they effect Sessrin and in turn Yashahime in far more devastating ways.
By tuning out of the show when they discover that Hisui who was a baby at the beginning of the series along with Rin who was a very young girl, is later standing next to Setsuna and realizing they are both teenagers.
By avoiding the merch because seeing Sesshoumaru standing next to 8 year old Rin makes them feel queasy.
Then there are the ones who bury the show and everything thing to do with it and move on, never talking about it to thier friends and followers because it's gross and not worth mentioning.
They're not vocal, but they sure as hell make an impact. One that can't be measured by Twitter or Reddit or any other social media. You can thank Sumisawa and Sunrise for not only ruining sessrin, but for allowing this pedo written ship to burn down the franchise.

I think I need to adjust the composition on this one but I'm not sure how far I'm gonna with it.
Spooky Papa Sesshoumaru being over protective in an AU where he meets and kinda adopts Rin in the modern era and initially sees Kagome as a threat. (That's the back of Kagome's head at the bottom)
First time starting a piece in Clip Studio Paint. You can watch me draw it here.

I posted 1,762 times in 2021
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I added 682 tags in 2021
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#undertale - 112 posts
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#dunking on yashahime with memes - 79 posts
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#yashahime: princess half demon - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i don’t know enough about that mangaka to really actually know but my trust is starting to run thin when it comes to some japanese creators
My Top Posts in 2021
The argument against relationships like sessrin being portrayed positively as a version of romantic escapism for young girls.
(AKA I’m back on my shit again with my long, big-worded essays under the cut.)
As much as I laugh along with the people who drag Yashahime as Sunrise’s lolicon fanfiction I know at the end of the day that sessrin was not featured in HNY as a fantasy romance for creepy older guys who are into little girls. It was made canon specifically FOR the target demographic of the show: young girls.
I can go onto Twitter right now and (had I not already blocked all of the sessrin squad over there) easily find at least 10 tweets in no time that mention either: “Immortal being falling in love with teenager is a common YA romance trope”, “Sesshomaru was my crush as a little kid, so of course I wanted him to fall in love with Rin because I identified with her”, or “Haven’t ya’ll ever read Twilight?” or any variation thereof. And yes they are right in one sense, but totally wrong in another.
At the end of the day who am I to begrudge YA Supernatural Romance readers of their favorite “16-year-old girl meets immortal vampire and falls in love” trope?
But sessrin is NOT this trope! Many of us against it have often said how we would have had NO PROBLEM with sessrin if either Rin was older when Sesshomaru had met her, even if she was 15 like Kagome, and married and started having kids at 18+, -OR- if Sesshomaru had ACTUALLY left Rin in that village to be raised by humans, (you know never sending gifts, or stopping by to visit), and didn’t meet her again and start a romantic relationship until she was an adult woman (and no I don’t mean feudal era adult, gtfo you bunch of smelly, basement dwelling, armchair anime historian weebs!)
Essentially Sunrise tried to do this trope but failed miserably, just like they did in almost every other aspect of this sequel. They didn’t give us a shaky timeline that leaves Rin at 14-16 at the time of giving birth to the twins because they are a bunch of creeps who like little girls, they did it because they thought their 14-16 year old female audience would like it.
But where they fucked up was in reminding us that Sesshomaru had a very large impact on this little girl’s life at an even younger age. How they reminded us in the very first episode that Rin was a little girl who “adored” Sesshomaru (a little girl who was approximately 12 at that time). They imported a character directly from the original that even younger girls (who are DEFINITELY IN THE AUDIENCE, AND WHO THEY MAKE NO QUALMS MARKETING THIER SHOW AND MERCHANDICE TOWARDS) can identify with, and then gave her a romantic arch with an adult man.
So what’s the difference between Sesshomaru being romantically involved in a 12 y/o vs a 16 y/o? Well honestly I would hope that anyone with a brain wouldn’t need to ask this question, but for the sake of being clear, what the difference is between them from a piece of fiction to be consumed by a target audience of between 12 to 16 is the audience perception at these ages.
By implying that a romantic relationship could have started at any time with Rin between the ages of 12 to 14 Sunrise is telling a very impressionable age range that an older man showing interest in you is not only possible, but can be totally sweet and romantic. Simply put, 10-12 year old's are at a much more impressionable age then 16 year old's, and this kind of relationship dynamic is displayed very PERSONALLY, about a character who is THIER age!
At the end of the day, don’t come at me with all your little cherry-picked examples of this trope done a million other times that people haven’t had any problems with because THEY AREN’T THE SAME AS SESSRIN!
Media and tropes are not black and white. We can’t evenly divide every piece of media into neat little “right” and “wrong” categories. There are many pieces of media that show a relationship dynamic similar to sessrin that is portrayed negatively. There are pieces of media out there marketed for adults that show similar relationship dynamics as muddy, and “maybe it’s wrong, but maybe it’s right?” because as the intended audience are all adults the POINT of said media was to make you uncomfortable, or to inspire the adult audience to dissect the themes in deep discussion to find deeper meanings.
But at the end of the day there can be absolutely no question that Sunrise screwed the pooch with their trashpile of a sequel by trying to include a trope intended to be portrayed differently and botching it entirely. There is no lesson for little girls that attention from an adult man is dangerous. And this show is much too shallow to keep an adults attention to excuse the relationship as a theme for discussion amongst a mature audience.
tl;dr Sunrise’s writing is shit CASH ME OUTSIDE!
129 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 04:09:04 GMT
“Japan LOVES sessrin”
So this argument is more popular then usual right now.

And besides the fact that anyone with two braincells that aren’t currently out on loan to a friend can see that that kind of blanket statement is obviously going to be wrong, it’s also incredibly racist.
Recently someone got an anon message that lead me on a google search that showed me just how incorrect this statement is however.
The anon in that post let @shinidamachu know that there is a large amount of Japanese fans calling Sesshomaru “ロリコン丸” or Loliconmaru. I was curious so I copied and pasted the kanji into google search, clicked the first link, and selected “English” on my chrome translator, and let me tell you friends, it was enlightening!
The website I’d found myself on was called animecomic-pass dot com, and it looks like your general anime and manga news/spoilers/discussion site, and the page I was on was a comment thread from back in May. The subject apparently the fact that Sesshomaru has kids. The thing I find the MOST interesting however was how many people A) were automatically assuming Rin was the mother, and B) seemed to be disgusted or disappointed by the fact.
Yeah there were a few comments that seemed excited, but most of the comments seemed to be negative, or mocking.
See the full post
164 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 05:58:16 GMT

166 notes • Posted 2021-11-23 04:44:33 GMT
If this isn’t the scummiest example of bullshit Gatekeeping I’ve ever seen.

I’m not wasting my time posting the entire thing, because the idiotic article misses the whole ass point of people who don’t accept Yashahime as canon.
Let me be clear: YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY IGNORE YASHAHIME AS CANON AND STILL BE AN INUYASHA FAN! Don’t let some jackass who likes to pretend he’s an authority on anything except pleasing himself with his waifu body pillow tell you otherwise.
If Avatar the Last Airbender fans can ignore the movie and graphic novels, we can ignore HNY.
If Harry Potter fans can pretend JK Rowling doesn’t exist, and say “Prologue, what prologue?” we can pretend Rumiko Takahashi doesn’t exist and say “Sequel, what sequel?”
If the Undertale fandom can take one of the shortest, most seemingly simple games and turn it into one of the largest sprawling, AU spanning multiverses with multiple different versions of “canon”, then what’s stopping the Inuyasha fandom?
And don’t even get me started on Disney canon vs Expanded universe canon in the Star Wars fandom.
Don’t you fucking even D A R E try to police what the fandom at large wants to consider canon or not.
Basically OfficialDumbass can choke on a cactus.
194 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 06:24:55 GMT

Someone take MS paint away from me.
216 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 04:02:23 GMT

“Japan LOVES sessrin”
So this argument is more popular then usual right now.

And besides the fact that anyone with two braincells that aren’t currently out on loan to a friend can see that that kind of blanket statement is obviously going to be wrong, it’s also incredibly racist.
Recently someone got an anon message that lead me on a google search that showed me just how incorrect this statement is however.
The anon in that post let @shinidamachu know that there is a large amount of Japanese fans calling Sesshomaru “ロリコン丸” or Loliconmaru. I was curious so I copied and pasted the kanji into google search, clicked the first link, and selected “English” on my chrome translator, and let me tell you friends, it was enlightening!
The website I’d found myself on was called animecomic-pass dot com, and it looks like your general anime and manga news/spoilers/discussion site, and the page I was on was a comment thread from back in May. The subject apparently the fact that Sesshomaru has kids. The thing I find the MOST interesting however was how many people A) were automatically assuming Rin was the mother, and B) seemed to be disgusted or disappointed by the fact.
Yeah there were a few comments that seemed excited, but most of the comments seemed to be negative, or mocking.

Obviously the translation isn’t perfect, but if nothing else was translated correctly, you can’t tell me those emojis were mistranslated at least lol.
So this gives us two really interesting pieces of information:
Japanese fans have been calling Sesshomaru “Loliconmaru” since before the sequel even aired.
Japanese fans are JUST as polarized about this pairing as the Western audience is.
This gives me a little hope that it’s possible the “teaser” that makes it look like Rin just gave birth to the twins might be fabricated to drum up outrage views. As they say, there is no such thing as bad publicity.
More importantly however, CAN PEOPLE PLEASE STOP INSINUATING THAT SESSRIN IS SUPER WELL LOVED BY THE ENTIRE JAPANESE AUDIENCE? Not only are you clearly wrong, but you’re also a racist asshole who makes assumptions about an entire culture based on your own biased perceptions.

Hogoshamaru Week DAY THREE: Gifts
Another redraw today! Papamaru may not have been her biological father, but here he gives baby Rin the gift of life
ok I mean, he technically did take that life from her in the first place but you know, he made a mistake and he’s learning from it and Rin forgives her papa
Appreciate your support on ko-fi if you like my art!
Do not repost. Do not tag as sess/rin.
Taglist below: (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
@hogoshamaruweek-2021 @stillunderyourbed @neutronstarchild @anisaanisa @ge–yo @divine-entertainment @lady-of-disdain @theinuyashareader @inuflwr @ravisk @superpixie42 @fawn-eyed-girl @kaqura
I just looked up the trailer for the next episode...
First, Why is shippo still so young? Oh right, I forgot...Sunrise wants to tell us, that he's 18 as well. My mistake.
I can't see Sesshomaru in the Trailer, So I guess he's finally dead.
But let's talk about that brat Rin.

Who do you wanna fight you tiny chicken wing?

I guess her life is in danger again *acts shocked*
I don't care about that girl or what happens to her.

Her talking to Kirinmaru gives me these pick me girl vibes, who says to a murderer "No you can do this, you are not like this and this is not you🤡" God this is so cringe.
K: "I will kill you."
R:"No this is not you, you can do better than this!" *Forgets the rest of her text* "Lord Sesshomaru!"
K:" you're right, what was I thinking! See, there's a butterfly and the weather is so great!"
God this show pisses me off and they made noting up with the reunion of Inukag and Moroha.
And why does Rin looks like a 🐴?
I think after last week's Yashahime episode anyone who was on the fence about Sunrise's poor handling of sessrin has now been shown undeniable evidence of it. Rin doesn't look like a grown woman. The image of the two standing beside the God Tree fridge is disturbing.
Way to go Sumisawa!
And before any pin-head comes screaming in my notes about infantisizing short or petite women -- You're wrong. Rin isn't short or petite. She was designed to look small and child like despite being described as a grown woman.
Oh there sure as hell is a fetish here however. Designed by perverts for the consumption of other perverts.
Look, there are fan artists who did a much better job for this ship. Support them and not this shitty cash grab of a show.

father-daughter bonding!! he can’t be there for her all the time but he’s trying more than his dad did
(sessrin shippers if you even LOOK at this post i will maul you)

¡Yo! Ésto me tomó más tiempo del que esperé, pero luego de ponerme al día con Spy x Family, no pude evitar hacer éste crossover, basado en un arte oficial de ese anime. Espero les guste. 🥰
Como de costumbre, un poco de contexto. 🤭
En un mundo donde humanos y yokai han logrado coexistir mediante una tensa tregua, la tentativa paz se ve amenazada cuando una facción radical del bando de los humanos empieza a conspirar desde las sombras.
Con el objetivo de mantener la paz entre naciones, las tierras del Oeste asignan a su mejor agente yokai a infiltrarse en las tierras del Este, con la misión de mezclarse con los humanos y descubrir los planes de ésta facción radical.
Viéndose obligado a asumir la fachada de padre y esposo para alcanzar su objetivo, el agente asume el alias de Sesshomaru Taisho y adopta a una niña llamada Rin para, posteriormente, desposar a Kagome Higurashi, una joven de carácter fuerte pero amable.
Lo que Sesshomaru ignora es que, tanto Rin con Kagome guardan sus propios secretos y que ninguna es lo que aparenta.
Y así, cosas que se me ocurren en las noches de insomnio. 🤣