Treasure Hogwarts Houses/As Hogwarts Students
Treasure Hogwarts Houses/As Hogwarts Students
AHHHHHHHHH I am so excited for this thank you @miffythoughts for the request!!! Very VERY long post so cut after the first image set lol get ready for even more SPOICY HOT TAKES
This took FOREVER I’m sorry but you’ll hopefully see why when you scroll through 😅😂

Hyunsuk- Hufflepuff
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More Posts from Chimchiekookie

Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks

Was It You?//JJK

Oneshots Masterlist
<Next Oneshot> Your Touch//KSJ (1/4)
Guardian Angel(?) AU
[What if Jungkook didn't tell the full truth about why he auditioned? What if the full reason was more... mysterious?]
In my opinion the ending is a little weak, I'll try to work on that next time. Enjoy!
2233 Words

5th December 2005
Jungkook kicked a small rock down the street. Just a few minutes ago he had been begging his mother to let him go outside, but now all his friends had gone and he had nothing to do.
He chose another rock and brought his foot back, taking a huge swing and kicking it far down the pavement.
He looked around for another victim. A bigger one. He found a huge rock, exactly what he was looking for. Closing his eyes, he took a huge swing, and kicked it!
He expected a loud thud on the pavement, but instead it was accompanied by a loud "OW!!"
Jungkook opened his eyes wide in shocked and saw a girl clutching her arm. She was standing at least a couple of meters away from Jungkook, which, he wasn't gonna lie, made him proud that his rock flew that far. But his first instinct was to go see if she was alright.
"오! 괜찮으세요? 당신은 다치게하지 않습니다, 당신은?[Oh! Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you]?" He managed to spit out.
He really was worried. He had never hurt someone else before (maybe apart from his brother), and he genuinely thought he might have hurt her.
The girl looked up and stared at him, confused. Just by looking at her, Jungkook realized she wasn't from around here. Maybe she didn't understand Korean...
As if she had read his mind, she quietly stammered out "한- 한국어 모르겠어요. 나는... 아직도 배우고 있다. [I- I don't know Korean well. I'm... still learning]"
He was surprised that she even knew any, but after seeing her worried face he smiled to show that he had understood her.
"괜찮아요. 당신은 다쳤어? [That's fine. Are you hurt?]" he made sure to pronounce each word really slowly, maybe she didn't catch what he had said the first time.
She started muttering under her breath. Seeing as she didn't understand him, he started pointing towards her arm, where he had hit her with the rock.
She frowned a bit, but her eyes lit up when she understood what he was saying. She started shaking her head and waving her arm around, showing she was fine. Jungkook smiled, relieved.
They both sat down together, leaning against a wall, and tried to hold a decent conversation.
"성함을 말씀해 주십시오? [What's your name?/Please tell me Your Name?]" he asked. "이름? [Name?]" he asked again when she didn't understand.
"제 이름은 정국입니다. [My name is Jungkook.]" He pointed to himself, emphasizing the word 'Jungkook'.
"Ahh!" Her eyes lit up. "Y/n! My name is Y/n." She pointed to herself and repeated it.
Y/n. It was a new name to him, but it must have been her name because she had been pointing to herself.
He was curious about her. He wanted to know where she was from, if it was any different from Korea. How did she even get here? Was she a tourist? But where was her family?
But he knew it would be better to start off with simpler questions.
"당신은 몇 살입니까? 저는 여덟 살입니다. [How old are you? I'm eight years old.]" Jungkook held up eight fingers and pointed to himself.
Y/n got the message and also held up eight fingers, pointing to herself. Jungkook was happy, now that they were communicating (sort of).
Like this they managed to have a small conversation. They could barely understand each other, but somehow they got by.
He wanted to ask her where her family was, but they both snapped their heads round as a voice rung out from down the street.
"정국아! 저녁 먹을 시간이야,지금 돌아와! [Jungkook-ah! It's time for dinner, come back now!]"
It was his brother. Jungkook frowned and stood up. He turned towards Y/n and pointed towards his house.
"우리 가족 보러 갈래? [Do you want to see my family?]"
She shook her head and pointed towards her ear, showing that she couldn't understand him.
He had learnt a little English in school. He racked his brain, trying to remember some.
"Do you... want... come? My house?"
Y/n's eyes widened and she smiled brightly, happy that she could understand him, but she shook her head again.
She pointed down the street and Jungkook assumed she was trying to point out her family. He nodded and was going to walk away, when Y/n stopped him.
She reached into her pocket and brought out two things. One was a piece of paper with a bit of Korean written on it, and the other, larger one, was... a piece of cardboard?
She gave the larger one to Jungkook and looked down at the paper. A few sentences were scribbled on and she tried to read them.
"이걸- 이걸 가져 가라 [Take- Take this]," she started hesitantly. "그것을 안전하게 지키십시오. 나이가... 나이가 들면 이해할 것입니다.... 그것을 선- 선물로 생각하십시오. 그냥 그것을 잃지 마십시오! [Keep it safe. You'll... you'll understand when you're older. Think of it as a- as a gift. Just don't lose it!]"
She stammered her way through the passage, making Jungkook smile. She had written all that and actually got through it, and he knew that must have been hard for her.
Jungkook nodded and clutched the thing closer to his chest. They walked away from each other, waving furiously till Jungkook's brother pulled him inside.
After dinner Jungkook finally took a good look at the cardboard piece.
He gasped when he saw the picture. It seemed to be some photocard from an album, but he had never seen this guy before!
The photocard was of a man. Jungkook didn't recognize him, but he had only one thought as he stared at him: He looked so cool!
He opened his secret drawer and slipped it inside. He'd definitely keep this. To remember the strange girl, and to find out whoever this man was.
Jungkook sat on his bed, shifting through the different business cards with a huge smile on his face.
After auditioning for Superstar K, he had gotten requests from lots of different companies. He hadn't auditioned for any of them yet, he wanted to make sure to choose the right one. He didn't want his dreams to end up in the gutter.
He sighed and looked through them once more. They were nearly all located in Seoul. Truthfully, he was scared. In his mind, 13 years old was too young to be living at the dorms with other trainees, but it might be his only shot!
"Mom!!" He called from his room. "Can you take me to Seoul tomorrow? I want to take a look ag the companies!!"
His mother agreed, although a little hesitantly.
Jungkook opened his draw and took out an old, battered photocard. He held it tightly in his hands for good luck. Hopefully he would find the right company and be able to achieve his dream.
They had been looked at quite a few of the entertainment companies, though none of them really caught Jungkook's eye. His family were suggesting they should go home, but he begged them to try one last company.
"Bighit! Please, let's try Bighit!!" he pleaded.
They sighed and drive him to the Bighit building. He wanted to go see it himself, so they parked the car and waited for him. He looked up at the building and bit his lip, thinking.
He was about to turn round and go back in the car, but he saw a man walking into the building.
The man couldn't have been that old. He looked like he was still a teenager, but Jungkook did notice that he was pretty tall.
That wasn't the only thing he noticed.
He dug his hand inside his pocket and fished out the photocard he had brought with him. It was a little worn out now, but he was sure of it. The man he had seen walk into the building was the same one on the photocard, albeit a little younger.
Jungkook gasped and ran back to the car, too excited to explain everything.
"I'm auditioning for this company!!"
His parents exchanged glances. "Are you sure, Kook?" His father asked. "It's not very well known, at all actually. You could audition at another company. How about the one we saw before we came here? That looked-"
"If he wants to do it, let him do it!" Junghyun, his brother, cut in. "You are sure about this, right?"
Jungkook nodded impatiently.
"Well then, go ahead." his mother smiled. "Tell us how it goes."
Jungkook nodded and rushed into the building. He ran up to the first staff member he saw and took out the Bighit business card he had.
"I'dliketoauditionplease!!" He managed to ramble, and I'm sure you know the rest of the story.
Of course, Jungkook passed, and he nearly fell over when he met Namjoon.
He nearly passed out when he debuted with him.
And he really did cry when Namjoon became like a father to him.
Through all the years, he clung onto that one photocard. It was the reason he had auditioned here, and without it he wouldn't have become so successful.
Without that one little photocard he wouldn't be here right now, standing on stage, crying with the others. He wouldn't be here, hugging his six brothers who had practically raised him. And not once did he forget about Y/n.
When he was asked the question for the first time, 'Why did you audition for Bighit?', he actually contemplated telling them about the photocard. But would they believe him? Of course they wouldn't. It would be more awkward than anything.
So he told a twisted version of the truth.
"I saw Namjoon walking into the building, and well... I thought he looked cool so I auditioned."
Namjoon had been so proud when he heard this story. Jungkook never told any of them the truth, never even bothered to show them the photocard.
But he did have one wish. He wanted to see Y/n again. He wanted to ask her where she got it from, and if she had known. He was scared of her, but he wanted to meet her more than anything.
So one concert, he clutched the photocard in his hand as he spoke to the ARMY's in the crowd. He looked around, trying to make eye contact with as many people as possible.
It was then that he found her.
Standing in the middle of the crowd with her ARMY bomb held high, there she was. He couldn't forget her e/c eyes and h/c hair. She still had the same glint in her eyes that he had seen over ten years ago.
As the concert came to an end, instead of going backstage like normal he pulled his hoodie up and ran out the back door.
"JUNGKOOK!!" Seokjin screamed when he saw him head towards the dispersing crowd. "What the hell is he doing!? He could get mobbed!!"
Jungkook didn't care. He looked around frantically, trying to find Y/n. She couldn't have gone far yet, she couldn't have.
He felt a tug on his wrist and turned around to see a girl smiling up at him. He tensed, but nearly cried when he realized it was Y/n. He pulled her into a hug. It felt like he had known her his whole life,
"I'm not supposed to be talking to you, so let's make this quick," she said.
"You learnt Korean?" Jungkook asked, surprised.
"Yes, now listen to me. Go back to your members! You could get mobbed or- or worse! What the hell are you thinking!?" Her tone changed immediately as she snapped at him.
"I just want to know." He took out the photocard from his pocket. "Where did you get this from? Why did you give it to me?? How did you even know!?"
"That's not something you should be worrying about, Jungkook. Just think for a second, you did it! You made it!! Look where you are!"
He looked down. "I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the photocard. It feels like cheating..."
"But it's not. You got here by your own hard work. You deserve every bit of this, all I did was give you the first push."
He looked at the worn out photocard and bit his lip. Before he could say anything else, Y/n glanced to the side and sucked in sharply. With one last glance she ran away, leaving Jungkook standing there in the crowd.
Jungkook looked down and stayed silent. He didn't want to tell them about the photocard. He didn't think they would believe him anyway.
"I'm sorry... I just saw someone I recognized and ran without thinking. It won't happen again."
Namjoon sighed and shook his head. "Come on, get changed. It's been a long day."
Jungkook never told anyone the truth. It was a secret only he and Y/n would ever keep, and he'd make sure to take it to the grave.
The small photocard always stayed with him wherever he went. Though he never saw Y/n again, he never forgot her.
And you never forgot him.

Oneshots Masterlist
<Next Oneshot> Your Touch//KSJ (1/4)