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Imagine Draco Malfoy Finding Out You Like Him
Draco: You? A Filthy half blood, like me?

Y/N: Sighing “I’m a pureblood Draco you know this... And honestly I also don't know what I see in you.”
Draco: Hurriedly “No you can’t take it back now.”

Draco turns around and starts shouting: “Y/N fancies me. She's asking me to go with her to Hogsmeade.”
Y/N: Facepalms “You know if you wanted to return my feelings and let other people know I'm taken, you can just say you like me too.”
Draco: But I have a reputation to uphold...

Alice Longbottom II was always considered extremely fun. She was horribly clumsy, played Quidditch like a boss, became Gryffindor prefect in her fifth year, and was always up for a good prank. Not to mention she became the youngest Hogwarts professor ever when she took over her father’s position as Herbology professor.

Gryffindor would have won the House Cup Albus’s first year, if it weren’t for James and Fred.

‘So this is love?’- Ron Weasley Headcannons!!
• Ron had met you since the very beginning of first year. He actually had met you on the train along with Harry and Hermione. You two were good friends from that moment on.
• He had asked you out in your 3rd year and shocking enough, you guys had somehow made it to your final year together. Now of course there were ups and downs and times you guys almost broke up, but there had always been something or someone to put you two back together.
• Ron was like your oxygen, and you were his. You two were never seen without each other, always attached at the hip. Along with the whole Lavender situation, she got the hint quite quickly that he was taken whenever she saw you with him time and time again.
• Him and the twins enjoy pulling small, stupid little pranks on you. Such as leaving a fake plastic spider in between your folded clothes and scare you once you go to put them on. Another thing they had done was swap you conditioner bottle and shampoo bottle.
• Him and his personality were quite easy to love. Now, sometimes not so much, but he definitely makes up for it when he is not entirely being a pain.
• His family quite likes you and wishes that you and Ron stay together and hopefully get married. His mother has always treated you as her daughter as she only has one and would have liked another after Ginny. Ginny likes you because you are another girl she can finally talk to about things and it isn’t awkward. She told you all about her crush on Harry and you pushed her to tell him about her feelings.
• You had been apart of the Weasley family the second you chose to be friends with Ron so expect the same treatment Ron and his other’s siblings get. George and Fred will prank you to no end, steal some food from your plate just to annoy you. Meanwhile Ginny and Percy treat you kindly. Percy doesn’t acknowledge you very much, but is still kind when he sees you around- giving a smile or a small nod when he walks pasts you. With Ginny however, it’s like your new sister. Makeup, Nails, hair, therapy sleepover sessions and all!
• Once Ron joined the quidditch team, you had shown up to every game he had played and he always wore a proud little smile every time he saw you with his jacket on.
• Smells like cinnamon, pumpkin candies, old spice and peppermint toothpaste.
Day 8: haunted house hide and seek

Harry James Potter

‘Wow, I wonder what it’d be like to have a difficult life?’ said Harry sarcastically.
Model: Arun Gupta
Reference: X
Now I love both of my (scumbags) babies equally, but to this day I don’t understand for the life of me how the same act performed by Draco Malfoy and James Potter are perceived as the former being a coward and the latter being courageous.
After Harry Potter insulted Draco's mother to his face and turned his back immediately after Draco launched a hex that missed. In retaliation to this a Professor, imposter or not he was an adult with authority, transfigured and beat Draco to the ground multiple times to the endless amusement of his peers. The reasoning here being that to hex someone from behind their back was shameful and cowardly. Draco as a character was then portrayed by characters, fans and the movies as a shameless coward.
YET. James Potter who is fondly remembered by all (but Snape) for his courage and heroics, did arguably much worse.
Where at least it can be said that Harry should have seen the hex coming as he had provoked Draco himself, Snape was minding his damn business and didn't have James anywhere in his peripheral.
While hexing Harry from behind his back was a complete one off for Malfoy, Severus immediately turning around with wand in hand and alerted as soon as his name is called out from behind him clearly suggest these attacks are not out of the ordinary if not occurring regularly.
Furthermore, Draco was doing it by himself. Even with his posse behind him Harry barely registers them, cause there is no threat of any of them stepping in. Even if they did Harry had two skilled wizards and the Hogwarts faculty behind him at the very least.
Whereas Snape was caught by himself, and expected to fight off at least 2 more people if he did manage to land an attack James. The moment Lily draws her wand and threatens to step in, which still wouldn't have evened out the numbers, James relents.
Not to mention, Harry was up in his face just a second ago and Draco didn't miss a beat after Harry turned his back, and yet the hex somehow misses? Are we to believe that Draco's aim was so incredibly shit that he couldn't hit Harry from behind from thát close? It couldn't have been (fake) Moody cause Harry would've heard something and why the heck parry it slightly to Harry's side instead of putting up a shield. And I'm about to get angry cause WHY IS A GROWN A** adult causing bodily harm and publicly humiliating a child over something that more than likely was a warning or challenging shot!? Even if it's Malfoy, idc!
Continuing. My point is, the first hex was an invitation that purposely didn't land or cause harm. Harry was given the opportunity to accept the challenge or look like a little b*** with nothing but mouth by refusing, but the choice was his.
The first hex James throws is a disarming spell followed by a binding charm, after which he is choked by soap. Rendering him unable to magically, physically, or even verbally do anything to fight back his assailants. Then followed by levicorpus so on top of being unarmed, bound and coughing up soap, Snape now has blood rushing to his head and his organs pressing down on his lungs making it even harder to formulate thought and even breathe.
There was zero intent to allow Snape any glimmer of a pinprick of a chance to defend himself, let alone fight back. This was never leading up to a duel, but outright assault.
On top of all this while in Draco's case he is punished, and honestly he deserved something though not all thát, James is not. Instead the only one punished is Snape for saying a slur, washing away every act before and after the fact. The most James got was a light berating from Lily, with at least one prefect there at the scene.
The hypocrisy is overwhelming. Any act by a Gryffindor is painted as heroic while the same act by a Slytherin is demonized and shamed.
I say all this to say... idk exactly but noone talks about this and I needed it to be said. Draco didn't deserve all thát, and James ain't shit for what he did to Snape. Also Harry is a hypocrite and I'm over him keekeeing and supporting bullying/abuse as long as his friends are the perpetrators (Slytherins, Kreacher, Marietta and Fleur off the top of my head). Edit: add Graham Montague to the list.

I’ve almost finished the first part of the first chapter of my fanfic (yes, there will be chapters divided in parts because I am planning to make it a long one), but I’m really not sure about that. Like, there are a lot of mistakes (at least i think so) ‘cause English’s not my first language n stuff
Also, I have an idea of writing a fic with y/n and teen Severus, can you suggest me in which house I should put the reader for that one?
Ravenclaw pride 🦅

After finishing AFTG trilogy I'm convinced that Kevin, Tobio and Oliver are the same person in different universes

Library Convos: 1
Draco: So you used a polyjuice potion to turn into Crabbe and Goyle, of all people
Harry: That's what I said
Draco: And in the final battle everyone turned into you?
Harry: Safety in numbers?
Draco: Right right, how many people did you say drank the potion?
Harry: Um, seven?
Draco: and they all changed into different clothes, seeing [eyes him]... you?
Harry: Yes?
Draco: [gets up, about to walk out of the library without a word]
Harry: Where are you going?
Draco: to rip the tongues off of the people who saw my boyfriend of course.
Dense Characters Who?
Arthur: Merlin? A Wizard? he would have a higher chance of taking out a dragon
Adrien: Marinette's just a friend, yes she looks exactly like Ladybug, but so does Kagami, It's just a coincidence, she can't possibly be Ladybug
Draco: Harry? The love of my life? please, Malfoy's don't love
Harry: Fixed glasses? Don't know them
Catra: What, do you want me to say something? My undying love for Adora, and the pain I felt after she left me and I realized she was a princess, and my unhealthy way of using anger as a means to project it? That's preposterous
Ruby: A full proof plan? We tried that, it failed, so now we fail in style
Usagi(Sailor Moon): I wonder who Tuxedo Mask could be
All of the sailor scouts: Blonde hair, blue eyes, bunhead? the princess cant possibly be Usagi.
Bloom: [has fire powers]
the Winx: Ya'll see something?
Slytherin headcannons 🫶🏼
Remember, these are MY head cannons. It's okay to disagree, but don't hate me, please. Also, I'm new to this. It's my first post.
⚠️ I just wanna say that the slytherin boys are English aristocrats Purebloods, so I'm writing them like that, I feel like they have been too modernised and became really american. If you don't like it, just block me, I'm scared of getting hate, so please be nice.
Mattheo Riddle:

. He would be very reserved and quiet
. You have to be very close with him for him to be playful
. Does like to joke
. He gets into fights sometimes, but when he does, he uses his wand
. is actually insecure about his scars
. He thinks he'll never fall in love
.spoiled because he grew up with draco and gets everything
. Closest with draco but they pretend to find eachother annoying
. He gets angry easily and hates it
. Secretly likes muggle poetry
. Is a good drawer but no one knows
. Very private
. Not a f- boy, sure he does it sometimes, but he doesn't like being physically close with people. And most girls avoid him because he's scary
. He likes shy, sweet girls. He thinks it's cute to tease them. But because he is mean, he will scare a girl like that away on purpose because he feels like he's too bad for them.
Tom riddle

. Dosent have any friends
. He only lurkes around mattheos friends when in the common room because his brother
. Would probably ignore you at first
. Really mean
. Teachers pet
. Pretends to be charming
. In result people actually like him, he just dosent like them
. He's convinced he's like his father and is not capable of love
. Germophobe
. Thinks muggles are pathetic
. He's sassy
. Likes quieter girls who don't party and be really loud, girls like that irritate him (sorry)
. Virgin. Did you think otherwise 🤨 who's he gonna be sleeping with?
. Insanely smart
Draco Malfoy

. Superiority complex
. Also really mean 😭
. Loves gatherings and lavish parties
. Is a f- boy
. Let's be real he's sexist (they all are a little sexist they are boys from the 90s...)
. Bragging king
. He likes girls who will feed into his ego. Pureblood and Sophisticated. He also like smart girls, he thinks dumb people are annoying
. He only hangs out with goyle and Crab because they feed his ego
. Mummy's boy and will compare you to his mum 😭 (well my mum does this... she does that...)
. He would hate you if you mention the ferret thing
. Dosent like sensitive girls because they can't handle his crule 'jokes'
. Idk why people are adding to his trauma and saying his father was abusive... It's mentioned so many times how his parents love him and spoil him so much
Blaise Zabini

. Quiet
. Stoic, but is funny
. Knows how to treat a lady because of his mum
. Dosent like how draco treats girls
. Is really sweet. He'll do cute things for your birthday and valentines
. Really good dancer
. Slight superiority complex
. Had a teddy bear from his mum in first year but got made fun for it so he hides it in his room
. Not on voldermorts' side or Harry's, he dosent want to get involved and dosent like what voldermort does
. Criticises the food all the time
. He goes to parties but will sit in the corner
. He's dated a few girls, but I don't think he sleeps around, maybe once or twice
. He likes girls who are more energetic than him, likes to listen to you rant about whatever the heck you do, and he does like girls who are a little weird and in their own head
Theodore Nott

. I do see him as Italian
. When he first came to hogwarts, his English wasn't very good, and draco and lorenzo taught him bad words but made him think they meant something else
. Introvert
. Gets exsited about little things
. Dosent talk about his mum
. Sleeps around but is quiet about it, he dosent brag
. He's kinda thick in the head, he has blonde moments
. Forgets a word in English and Italian, then gets really frustrated when people don't understand what he's saying (bilingual troubles)
. Thought Seamus was speaking a different language when he Sat next to him because he didn't understand his accent
. He likes girls who are really sweet and friendly and really good with children. He doesn't know why, but something about seeing his girl being really good with children makes his heart flutter
. Likes to draw but is really bad at it
. Really book smart, but without common sense
. He's really calm. It takes quite a lot for him to blow up surprisingly
.always eating, carries food around in his pockets to snack on, and gets in trouble for it
. Likes muggle music (David Bowie, Billy Joel, Harry nilson...)
Lorenzo Berkshire

. He gets mischaracterised the most
. He is really sweet, but he's also a player and the worst one for it
. Very cocky
. Bffs with theo and blaise
. Mummy issues
. He's the guy in the back of the class being loud
. He doesn't bully people but will make fun of them behind their back
. Friends with the Weasely twins (his dealer)
. He gets so excited about everything
. I see his personality really simular to mathew Grey gublers (if you don't know him, search him up, I love him)
. He likes girls who he can joke about with and play around, girls who are extroverted with loads of energy to match his freak
(If he was in this gen, he would speak brain rot)
That's it 🫶🏼 tell me your hc's

205 Live Hogwarts :3
Harry Potter characters as subjects pt.1
Harry Potter: Sports management / Army (would he go tho cause he didnt go back o school)
Hermione Granger: Law ( honestly can do anything (maybe take after her parents and become a dentist but i really dont think so ))
Ron Weasley: Culinary Arts (Again tho , would he go?)
Severus Snape: Chemistry /Neuroscience
Albus Dumbledore: Philosophy /History ?/Archeology . (I see him becoming someone like Indiana Jones tho)
Minerva McGonagall: STEM ( fight me )
Rubeus Hagrid: zoology
Draco Malfoy: Law /Political Science (my father is THE MAN )
Neville Longbottom: Botany
Luna Lovegood: Environmental science (but she runs a crystal ?/astrology workshop)
Ginny Weasley : Sports management (is pursuing a sport )
Fred and George Weasley - Entrepreneurship
Dean Thomas- The Space Between Us

Dean Thomas
Sixth Year at Hogwarts
After a long day of classes, dinner time had finally arrived. Having dropped off my books and parchments in my room, I made my way down to the Great Hall, eager to get some food in my stomach. Upon arriving, I scanned the Gryffindor table for Seamus and Dean, looking for the seats we usually occupied. Spotting one of my friends, I continued over and sat down across from him. Seamus looked up, and upon recognizing me, he gave a nod of acknowledgment before taking another bite of his meal.
— How was Herbology today? Did you have any luck with the Snargaluffs? — he asked after a few minutes, giving me a chance to get some food.
— No. Honestly, I think I’ve realized that I'm just not good at that subject, and that’s not going to change. — Seamus laughed mockingly, making me roll my eyes. — Anyway, where’s Dean? He was supposed to help me with an assignment after dinner. —
— I don’t know. — He shrugged, tossing a piece of almond into his mouth and catching it. — Probably in the dormitory, wallowing in his sorrows or something. Nothing new, really. —
— Did he fight with Ginny again? — I deduce within seconds, and Seamus nods, munching on another sugared almond. — Merlin... Never let me get into a toxic relationship like theirs. —
— I don’t think you have to worry about that as long as you’ve got your eyes on him. — He commented casually, causing me to look at him immediately, feeling a pang of discomfort. —
— Stop repeating that stupid thing. — I clenched my jaw, making him smile again. Seamus loved provoking these reactions from us for his own amusement. —
— Before I stop repeating it, you’ll have to accept what’s pretty obvious. Honestly, I’d rather have him with you than with Ginny. She’s great and all, but listening to the constant fights and complaints is getting old. Don’t you think? I say you’d make a perfect match. Don’t worry about the height difference; nothing we can’t fix. —
— Okay, Seamus, enough already. — I got up from the table with a complaint, quickly grabbing some portable food. — You can’t even let me eat in peace! —
— Oh, please, don’t be so dramatic. — He laughed even more, watching my actions. — Where are you going with all that food? Going to find Dean? — I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before turning my back and walking out of the Great Hall. — Tell him to enjoy his meal from me! —
I huffed at that last remark and continued on my way until I reached the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. After reciting the password, I walked in and stood there for a few seconds, debating whether to look for Dean or not. I hated that Seamus was right about my feelings for our best friend. I had tried to push them aside a million times, distance myself from him for a while, ignore the fact that he noticed someone else and that he hardly spent time with us anymore because he was chasing after Ginny Weasley. Yet all my efforts had been in vain, and here I was once more, setting aside my feelings to worry about Dean Thomas.
With a sigh, I continued up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. When I reached the door, I knocked a couple of times but got no response. I waited a few seconds and knocked again, but still, no one answered. I hesitated for a moment about whether to leave, but before doing so, I decided to open the door just a crack to make sure Dean wasn’t inside. I scanned the beds quickly and saw him sleeping in his bed, still in his uniform. I opened the door all the way, trying not to make any noise, and approached, placing the food I had brought on his bedside table. I wiped my hands and then took the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered him up. Once I had finished covering him, I took one last glance before turning to leave the room. However, I couldn’t do so, as I heard his groggy, sleepy voice calling out to me.
— (Y/N)... Is everything okay? What time is it? — I turned to see him sitting up in bed, yawning, and still covered with the blanket.
— Sorry... I came to bring you some food since you didn’t come down for dinner. Seamus said you’d probably be here. — He nodded, looking at the food and then at me.
— Thanks... You didn’t have to do that. Come, sit down. — He gestured with his head towards the bed, so I walked over and sat down beside him, leaning against the headboard. Dean reached for the two pieces of pumpkin pie and handed me one, which I accepted before taking a bite. He mimicked my action, and now that we were closer, I could see that his eyes were puffy as if he had been crying recently. I swallowed hard, feeling a tightness in my chest, but chose to remain silent for the next few minutes so we could eat in peace. When we finished, he took another piece of food while I hesitated about whether to speak or not. What was the right thing to say in a situation like this that hadn’t already been said?
— So... Are you okay? — Dean hesitated for a few seconds when he heard me speak, and I could feel his gaze on me. — It looks like you’ve been crying... I want to know if everything is alright. —
— Hmm. — He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. — I’m fine, nothing to worry about... —
— Alright. — I sighed, looking up at the ceiling to diffuse some of the attention between us. Then I stayed silent for a few more minutes, unsure of how to articulate my thoughts. — Listen, Dean, if this is about Ginny again, then you should think carefully about what you’re doing... I know you like her a lot, and that’s understandable. But if you’re going to be fighting every week over trivial things, then maybe it’s not worth being in a relationship. Seamus and I believe... — My sentence was cut off by Dean asking me to be quiet.
— That won’t be a problem anymore. — He cleared his throat while running a hand through his curls. — Ginny and I broke up today. —
— Oh... —
— Yeah. — He sighed, rubbing his eyes repeatedly without looking at me. — I think I'm finally done. Everything I did was wrong. If I tried to help her, it was a problem; if I acted a certain way, it was also a problem. I’m tired of competing for Ginny’s attention. She never takes her eyes off Harry. It’s like I’m just there to get his attention when she feels like it or to fill the void Harry left in her life. I don’t want to be second, (Y/N)... —
— I’m glad you made that decision then. — I smiled faintly, though it ended up looking more like a grimace. I took his hand, intertwining it with mine and giving it a squeeze. I then rested my head against his neck, and within seconds, I felt his head resting on mine and his hand holding mine affectionately. — You deserve to be loved the same way you love others, Dean. Ginny is an amazing person, but she doesn’t seem to be the right one for you. And that’s okay. We’re young, and we’re supposed to go through heartbreak and disappointments. I know it hurts right now, I do, but in time it won’t matter. — Dean sighed, closing his eyes and taking his time to process the words I was saying.
— I don’t know what I’d do without your advice and your affection... You’re too good for me. — I laughed at that and pushed him away slightly.
— It’s not that big of a deal, Thomas. I’m your friend; that’s what friends are for. —
— I’m not exaggerating. — He smiled wryly and tousled my hair, causing me to complain. — And I hope whoever you like is someone who truly deserves you. Never settle for less than you deserve, (Y/N). —
— Whoever I like? — I frowned, fixing my hair back into place. — I don’t like anyone. Where did you get that idea? —
— Seamus. — He shrugged nonchalantly, making my eyes widen and causing me to cough in surprise. — Relax. — He laughed loudly, seeing my reaction, and placed a hand on my back to soothe me. — It’s not that big of a deal! —
— What else did Seamus say? Did he tell you who the person is? —
— No. — He squinted at me. — He just said that you had your eyes on someone and that this someone was apparently too stupid to realize. —
— Oh... — I sighed in relief, feeling color return to my face.
— So... Are you going to tell me who the blind idiot is who hasn’t noticed you yet? You know we can do something about it if you want. —
Oh, Dean... If only you knew that you are the idiot.
— No. I don’t need help because Seamus is just being silly. I only said a guy was cute, and he’s made a big deal out of it. — I rolled my eyes and started fidgeting with my hands nervously.
— Sure, whatever you say. — He raised an eyebrow, watching my nervous hand movements, and then stopped them by taking both of my hands in his. — Anyway, I’ll find a way to figure out who it is. Whether you like it or not. — He smiled. — And if they’re not worth it, I’ll scare them off. We don’t want bad prospects in your life. Learn from me. —
— Since when do you have the right to scare off my romantic interests or whatever you want to call them? — I raised an eyebrow, and he laughed even more, moving a bit closer until our foreheads were almost touching and our breaths mingled. Dean, what on earth are you doing?
— Since the day you decided to call me your best friend. — He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose. The gentle contact sent a shiver down my spine and a sudden rush of warmth to my cheeks. y heart raced, and a mix of surprise and turmoil surging through me. Why on earth would he do something like that? Did he even know the impact his actions had on me after so many years of being by each other sides? — Now stay a bit longer with me; I could use a distraction. —
He pulled away from me as quickly as he had come, and I stayed where I was for a few seconds, not moving. Dean settled back onto the bed, propping a pillow behind his back, and gestured for me to lie down against his chest. I looked at him for a moment, took a deep breath, and then accepted his invitation, resting my head on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat and the warmth radiating from his body. As much as I tried to resist, I couldn’t help but wish that every day could be like this. Him and me against the world. Together, holding each other, expressing our affection even in silence where words were unnecessary.
But even as I basked in this fleeting sense of intimacy, a sharp pang of reality hit me. Was I setting myself up for heartbreak by letting this continue? The more I allowed myself to be close to him, the deeper I was digging my own emotional hole, one that would likely leave me bruised if he never saw me the way I hoped he would. And even though the affection wasn’t the kind shared by two people who loved each other romantically, I was content knowing that Dean Thomas cared for me and needed me in his life as much as I needed him in mine.

when you're alone it's always cold...
Headcanon: Fleamont Potter and Alphard Black were quite good friends, idk why but it makes sense to me-