Ravenclaw - Tumblr Posts
I can totally see this.

Hogwarts Houses common rooms in Halloween season
Hell yes to that.

RAVENCLAW: “I used to sleep with my books in piles all over my bed and sometimes they were the only thing keeping me warm and always the only thing keeping me alive. Books are the best and worst defense.” –Sherman Alexie (The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven)
Hello, Sass King.

“IRENE: Why are you always so suspicious? SHERLOCK: Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?”
–Simon Kinberg + Michael Robert Johnson + Anthony Peckham (Sherlock Holmes)

RAVENCLAW: “And that’s what a library is—a box of stories, old ones and new ones, true ones and made-up ones. Stories about how rocks are born and how men die and what stars are. Books let people see something bigger than they are, and we need that. They let us be bigger than ourselves.” –E. Jade Lomax (Sanders Grey: Remember the Dust)
Totally agree with Tris here.

“TRIS: I was reading. SANDRY: You’re always reading. The only way people can ever talk to you is to interrupt. TRIS: Then maybe they shouldn’t talk to me.”
–Tamora Pierce (Briar’s Book)

RAVENCLAW: “Once words and thoughts are poured into them, books are no longer just paper and ink and glue: They take on a kind of human vitality.” –Susan Orlean (The Library Book)

RAVENCLAW: “Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.” –Anne Herbert

RAVENCLAW: “The problem for a writer with a genuinely comic imagination is not "making things funny” or even locating enough funny things in the real world to write about. Rather, the problem – and it’s the same for any artist – is getting other people to see things as you do, to honor the truth of your idiosyncratic way of seeing.“ –Richard Russo (The Gravestone and the Commode)
Life At Hogwarts - Diagon Alley and Platform Nine and Three Quaters
This is part one but there is a prologue on my masterlist
notes: anything in italics is a thought and in bold is a reader’s note, I also apologize for any errors, I look forward to hearing any feedback!
Also I am staying close to the actual story with some minor adjustments. Stay tuned for more!!

It is finally the day that you will get all the supplies you need for your first year at Hogwarts. You wrote a letter the day you were accepted to Hogwarts to Minerva McGonagall, the lady whose name was on your acceptance letter, explaining that you had no idea how to get your supplies and sent the owl back to her. You asked her for help and she quickly offered to meet you and take you to Diagon Alley to gather any materials that you might need.
Your father was out for the day so when you heard a knock at the door you knew that it had to be McGonagall. You raced to the front door, smoothed out your clothes to look presentable, and politely opened to door to greet your guest.
“Hello, my name is (Y/N). Thank you so much for taking me to get my books,” you rush out as you extend your hand to her. She takes your small outstretched hand in hers, her nimble fingers curling around your hand.
“My name is McGonagall. It is a pleasure to meet you” she replies politely her tall, elegant frame smiling down at you. “We had better get going if we want to get everything you need” she added.
As you walked through the bustling cobblestone walkway your eyes darted from one store to the next in fascination.
“I think we should begin by going to Gringotts” McGonagall informed me as you stared in fascination at this new world around you.
“Okay, what’s at Gringotts” you trailed after the elegant woman.
“Gringotts is the bank that all wizards use. It is owned and operated by goblins” she answered simply. You arrived outside a white marble building that towers above all the other shops in Diagon Alley. You and McGonagall climbed the white stairs in between the large marble pillars to the bronze door that is guarded by two goblins dressed in uniforms of deep scarlet outlined in the purest yellow gold. Once through the bronze doors, we found ourselves in an entry hall staring at guarded silver doors engraved with ornate writing that reads:
Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.
Once through those doors, we entered the marble hall with long counters on either side of the walkway. The counters had workstations every few feet with goblins carrying out different tasks. The room was light by candles in ornate holders and the crystal chandeliers hanging from the vaulted ceiling. As we walked, our steps echoed. The only other sounds in the room were the scribbling of quills and the ticking of a large golden clock that rested on a ledge above a door leading off to the right. We step up to a counter once a goblin become available.
“(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) would like to make a withdrawal” McGonagall states.
“Come with me the goblin” commands and walks away as you and McGonagall follow closely behind.
“I have an account here” you question McGonagall as you trail behind the goblin.
“You were your mother’s sole heir when she passed. Everything that she had she left to you” McGonagall stated giving you a solemn look.
“My mother was a witch” you turn on McGonagall with wide eyes, astonished with the new information.
“She was, indeed, an immensely powerful witch at that. Has your father told you nothing about her” she asked with a frown etched on her face.
“Only that it’s my fault she died” you mumbled but she still heard what you said. The goblin leads you and McGonagall from the beautiful marble hallways to a stone passageway dimly lit by flaming torches. We all three got into a cart that was on the mini train tracks, the goblin behind the controls. We descended into the tunnel at a rapid pace. The goblin drove the cart around turns as we soared along the track; McGonagall’s face remained stoic while you laughed as the wind whipped through your hair. The cart comes to a sudden stop jarring you a bit as it was unexpected.
“Vault 737” the goblin announces as he exits the cart. He walks up to the door and drags a finger down it and you hear a resounding clank as the door unlocks. You walk into the room followed closely by McGonagall.
“My mom was rich?” you asked as you looked around the room piled with gold, jewels, and artifacts.
“I would have expected nothing less from a woman of her standing” McGonagall replied calmly as she hands you a small pouch for you to point some coins into. You load the pouch with gold coins and hand it to McGonagall for safe keeping. After getting your money the goblin takes you and McGonagall to back to the stone passageway you came from. You exit the cart and walk back through the glorious entryway of the bank, out the doors, and onto the cobblestone walkway of Diagon Alley.
“Okay, the first item on the list is a wand” you read off to McGonagall.
“To Ollivander’s” she directs. As soon as you arrive at the narrow shop you see gold lettering above the door that is beginning to peel telling you that you are in the right place.
“While you get your wand, I will go get your books” she states and she hands you 7 galleons for your wand. You wave to her as you turn to enter the wand shop a smile on your face. An old man was behind the counter and wands were in stacked in boxes and shoved into cubbies all around the store. He lifted his head up from whatever type of wand he was looking at and his shinning pale eyes met your (y/e/c) ones in the dim light.
“Why, hello there” he starts. “Here for your wand already Ms. (Y/L/N). I remember when each of your parents came in to buy their first wands” he recalled. You felt the wind rush out of your lungs; my father is a wizard. You shook your head slightly and the smile returned to your face although this one didn’t quite reach your eyes. The man across the counter seemed to realize your change in expression.
“My apologies I shouldn’t have brought up you mother, it’s a terrible thing that happened to her” Ollivander rushed out offering you condolences. He pulls out a wand and hands it to you. You grip the wand and stare at it expectantly.
“Well give it a wave” he orders and your face heats realizing you had been standing there looking foolish. You wave the wand and boxes start flying out of the cubbies behind Ollivander and you gently place the wand down. You and Ollivander both clearly surprised at the result.
“Different than your father then” Ollivander thinks out loud. Different indeed, you agree internally.
“Perhaps this wand will do the trick” he announces as he hands you a different wand. You wave this wand and the boxes of wands you had previously pulled out of the cabinets swirled around smacking you and Ollivander and you set that wand down as well a confused look crosses the man’s face briefly before he grabs another box.
“And different from your mother” he adds as you pick up the third wand. You pause slightly before waving the wand and you glow under the wand.
“Very nice wand Ms. Barnes. Vine wood with a phoenix feather core 10 ¾ inches and unyielding flexibility (this was the wand I got on Pottermore if you would like to insert your own wand here). I believe that you are capable of greatness, use it well” he advises as you pay for your wand. You exit the shop and find McGonagall waiting for you with all your books in hand. You quickly take the books from her, so she doesn’t have to carry them and thank her for picking them up for you.
“So, my father is also a wizard” you start as you and McGonagall walk to get your robes from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions.
“Yes, he was” she replied curtly, not offering you any more information than you already had. You arrived outside the purple shop it also has gold lettering, same as Ollivander’s, and it has a rounded display window that is currently showing off robes for students. You go into the shop and quickly get fitted for you robes. You buy the three sets of plain robes you need as well as the protective gloves, black pointy hat, and the winter cloak. You rush out of the crowded shop and breath a sigh of relief and McGonagall shoots you a small smile. The next place on the list is Potage’s Cauldron Shop. You and McGonagall walk to the northside of Diagon Alley to the shop. There is a sign outside advertising the different types of cauldrons available. You open the burgundy door and head into the small shop expertly finding a pewter size two cauldron. You make your purchase and leave ready to check off another item on the list. Mr. Mulpepper's Apothecary is the next place on the list you dip into the store and buy your set of phials that your required to have. The next stop is Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment where you buy your telescope and your brass scales. You saved the best shop for last; you are allowed to choose on pet an owl, a cat, or a toad. You decided that you wanted an owl, so you and McGonagall walk to Eeylops Owl Emporium. There are owl cages hanging outside of the dark shop. You entered the shop and were instantly fascinated by all the owls. The shop had Barn owls, Brown owls, Screech owls, Snowy owls, Tawny owls, and Barred owls. You practically bounced from cage to cage entranced by each owl until you came across a small female snowy owl that looked up at you with its wide eyes and you immediately knew that you wanted that owl. You paid for the owl, the cage, and food for the owl while grinning and McGonagall couldn’t help but laugh quietly at the sight. As you left the Owl Emporium you noticed the shop across the walkway, Quality Quidditch Supplies. You wove through the crowd of people and stood in front of the shop looking at the brooms they had on display in the window.
“First years aren’t allowed to play quidditch,” McGonagall informs and your smile drops, “but you can always try-out next year.”
“Yeah, next year” you mumble to yourself as you keep your eyes locked on the brooms.
“I think we should eat, get your bags, and head to the train station” McGonagall plans and you nod in agreement. You turn to leave Diagon Alley but you turn back to give one last glance at the brooms, little did you know McGonagall watched you with mischief in her eyes but it was gone the second you turned back around.
You and McGonagall arrived a King’s Cross Train Station. You had all your things piled on a cart.
“Here is your ticket” McGonagall states as she hands you your ticket.
“Thank you.”
“Now remember you get to platform 9 and ¾ by walking through the wall that separates platform nine and platform ten,” she explains once again, “I have to go back to Hogwarts, I’ll see you when you get there.”
“Okay, I’ll see you at Hogwarts” you repeat, and she walks away leaving you to board the train. You walk through the station searching for platforms nine and ten. You find the platforms and more importantly the wall that separates them. After you take a quick breath you walk into the wall just like McGonagall told you and when you come out the side of the wizarding world you are met with a black and red train as well as other students. You board the train easily and you hear the whistle blow. As you walk down the narrow corridor of the train you look for a compartment with other people that look friendly. You walk up to a compartment just as the trolley lady is leaving.
“Hi. Do guys mind if I join you” you ask looking between the boy with black hair and glasses and the boy with the red hair.
“No. Come on in” the dark-haired boy answers. I sit beside him, and I notice his lap is filled with sweets. I guess I know why the trolley lady was stopped here so long.
“My name is (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N” I introduce smiling at both boys.
“I’m Ron Weasley” the red-haired boy states.
“And I’m Harry Potter” the raven-haired boy adds.
“Nice to meet you both” you answer.
“You too” they both reply.
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. nerdy!reader⋆.˚⊹
✧˖°. masterlist

nerdy!reader can often be found in the library or in front of the Great Lake, reading through her stacks of books. she is often deemed unapproachable as many are afraid of bothering her, but she is very open to helping others study and do their school work. although blessed with the luxury of being well off, most of her designer clothing are simply gifts from her parents as gracious awards for her academic prowess.
nerdy!reader is your typical overachiever; avid tennis player during the summer back home, an excellent swimmer, and she can be found playing wizards chess with Ron in the Great Hall after classes. she is known throughout the school for her exceptional talent, yet does not show any interest in being overly sociable.

Scenarios/Ideas to script in your Hogwarts DR —
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*
> Playing Hide And Seek around the castle with your friends (group)
> Pranking Filch 🫢🤭
> Dancing to your song with your S/O
> Karaoke in your dorm w/ your dorm mate(s)
> Swim day at the black lake with your friends (or date w/ your S/O 😏)
> Hunting for potions ingredients in the forbidden forest w/ Luna
> Helping Hagrid with magical creatures
> Put puking pastels in peoples drinks in the great hall
> Play music during Umbridges lesson when she’s not looking
> Write love notes to someone pretending to be someone else and drop/leave it somewhere random
> Race Oliver Wood around Hogwarts on a broom
> Confuse your friends/CC/ S/O with slang, saying, trends or inside jokes from this reality
> Bully Crabbe and Goyle 😇🤫
> Speak in another language for a whole day to your S/O or CC
> Jinx Draco with a dancing jinx
> Play Gobbstones 🤷♀️
> Start a prank war with other houses or your year level
> Duel a Professor and try to beat them (Professor Snape 😬)
> True or Dare with truth serum (Bit basic but classic 👌)
> Have a bonfire at night at the black lake with your friends, CC(s) and S/O
> Have a band at Hogwarts that play at house parties or special occasions/events
A/n: Let me know if you want me to do more or if you have any ideas you want me to write. This is my first post and I hope you like it 🫣😅
Being in the Pinterest part of the HP fandom I understood, that there's only 4 types of Ravenclaw posts:
1. How they don't study as shit even though they're the "smart house"
2. How they're sooo tired of studying that they curse out the house painting.
3. "Study like a Ravenclaw"/"Ravenclaw aesthetic 💙🔵 🐦⬛🐦⬛ ✨ 📖📚"
4. Murder with Slytherins.
All of the posts fall into either of these. No more no less.
Hey Everyone!
Once again I came across a random thought. As a Harry Potter fan, I was wondering how the Moon Knight system amongst the four Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Using the MCU’s version of the character(s), here’s how I would see them:
Steven Grant=Ravenclaw

While some people may say Steven is Hufflepuff due to his honest and loyal nature, I would say he aligns more closely with the traits of Ravenclaw: intelligence and creativity. This can be seen in Steven’s studious nature in his interest in Egyptian history as well as the fact that he was able to help Marc and Layla figure out the constellations 🌌 by simply making their map into a star. Something that was outside the box thinking.
Marc Spector= Gryffindor

Though this one is kind of a given, let me explain this one. Marc aligns closely with House Gryffindor due to his brave, daring and adventurous nature. Like all Gryffindors, Marc can also be pretty stubborn and reckless as he feels that he needs to handle everything alone and be able to meet the hero expectation and not let anyone down.
Jake Lockley= Slytherin

Just because I put Jake in Slytherin for this scenario doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad guy. In fact, the few seconds that we had seen Jake show him to be very resourceful and shrewd as he adaptive to the situation of being the third alter by staying hidden from the rest of the system and only coming out when necessary. However, since Jake is the aggressive parts of Marc’s nature, this has led him to be manipulative and vindictive. This can be seen throughout the two times in three show where Marc thought Steven had killed those they were fighting against.
Do you agree or disagree with these thoughts? Please feel free to leave your opinions.

„At the lake, their love finds its place,
A testament to love's radiant grace“
My first Pandalily drawing!! So excited to share this one.

I made keychains with these cute ones. What is your Hogwarts house?
Imagine Draco Malfoy Finding Out You Like Him
Draco: You? A Filthy half blood, like me?

Y/N: Sighing “I’m a pureblood Draco you know this... And honestly I also don't know what I see in you.”
Draco: Hurriedly “No you can’t take it back now.”

Draco turns around and starts shouting: “Y/N fancies me. She's asking me to go with her to Hogsmeade.”
Y/N: Facepalms “You know if you wanted to return my feelings and let other people know I'm taken, you can just say you like me too.”
Draco: But I have a reputation to uphold...

Got crafty this evening, making ministry of magic memos.

What hogwarts house are you in?
I'm a hufflepuff
I saw a TikTok about how someone couldn’t decide if Carnival would be the hype song for Gryffindor or Slytherin but like guys it’s def Ravenclaw. Like come on, “head so good she honor roll”!