24/USA ~ 1 Story Posted A Week ~ Ask & Requests Always Open ~ Love Feedback- Hate Free Zone ~ est. 2017 - Now ~ Masterlist link ~ ( https://chloe-skywalker.tumblr.com/post/163977040588/masterlist )

957 posts

Exs And Jealously - Jason Dilaurentis

Ex’s and Jealously - Jason Dilaurentis

Jason x Fem!reader

Cody (EX) x reader

Warnings: slight mention of past manipulation

Word count: 891

Requested: Hi, can you please write Jason Dilaurentis when he saw his girlfriend talking to her first love after she ran into him & he gets jealous, please? - Anon

Authors Note: So I had written out the prompt for this month ago in my notebook but hadn’t written any more than that since. I wanted to finish it and post it and figured why not add a Christmas element in it and I can post it on Christmas. Now I want to post one on Christmas Eve & Day. So I made the party in this one take place on Christmas Eve. P.S for those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays!

I chose to do an Annual Christmas Party cause 1) why not? Lol and 2) in my family there has been an annual Christmas party every year since my mom was 1 year old. And this year with everything since there’s a lot of people that go that are late 60’s and up it didn’t happen this year. Which makes it not feel like Christmas in a way. 

Last thing, I didn’t realize that I accidentally named the ex Cody. But since I did that I’ll post a YAY! Congrats to Cody & Brandi Rhodes on the announcement for being pregnant. Congrats to Renee & Jon on their baby news! It’s going to be a girl! (Both Men + Brandi are wrestlers in AEW)


Holiday Imagine Masterlist

Pretty Little Liars Masterlist


Exs And Jealously - Jason Dilaurentis

“Why are you shopping for a dress here again?” Jason asked looking at all the rows of dresses.

“Annual Christmas party, remember?” Y/n reminded ‘her Jason’ as she calls him.

“Oh, yeah.” he mumbled

“Your coming, right? Please tell me your coming.” Y/n spun to face him with questioning eyes looking up at him.

“Of course I’ll be there.” Jason smiled down at her

“Thanks” she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

“So who’s coming to this?” he asked following her towards the dressing rooms.

“The usual.” Y/n shrugged

He hummed “Does that mean Cody will be there?”

“His parents are old family friends so probably.” she sighed. Y/n had no control over whether her ex was invited or not. His parents grew up together with hers. They’re known eachother since they were in the womb. An Y/n could tell it bothered Jason. “Hey.” Y/n grabbed his attention and reached up to cup the side of his face. “He may have been my first love. But I want you to be my last.” she stared up into his eyes with hers filled with adoration.

“I love you.” Jason stated, looking towards her with love-filled eyes.

“I love you too.” Y/n smiled

^        ^        ^

“Is everything set out on the table and ready?” Y/m/n asked her daughter as she got the drinks together on the bar.

“Yes, mom.” Y/n smiled having already put all the food out on the table.

“Good” Y/m/n nodded

“Hey, mom. Is Cody and his parents coming?” Y/n asked nervously playing with her fingers.

“Of course.” Y/m/n stated before the doorbell rang.

“This is gonna be fun.” Y/n let out a breath. Hoping tonight turns out better than she’s thinking it will.

Almost an hour later and most of the guests had arrived. Y/n was still waiting for Jason to arrive, she hadn’t seen him yet. She has seen Cody though. Y/n had been trying to avoid him but as she saw out of the corner of her eye him approaching her. She knew it was inevitable. “I look forward to this punch all year.” Cody stated as he poured himself a cup.

“Me too.” Y/n nodded politely, wishing to get through this conversation as quickly as possible.

“How’ve you been, Y/n/n?” he asked using her old nickname.

“Please don’t call me that.” Y/n tilted her head down not wanting to have this conversation.

“Why not? We’re still friends aren’t we?” Cody shrugged turning to fully face her with a sweet smile.

“Yeah, I guess. But not enough for nicknames.” She shrugged looking up at him.

“Come on, we loved eachother at one point.” he sat down his cup and rested his hands on her shoulders in what looked like a completely innocent act. But Y/n knew what he was doing. He always used touch to try and persuade her into something when they were together.

“Yeah, at one point. Not anymore.” Jason cut in pulling Y/n as gently as possible out of the blonde’s grip, and back into his chest.

“Who are you?” Cody asked in a calm voice but his eyes told a different story.

“He’s my boyfriend.” Y/n stated strongly leaning back into Jason’s chest.

“Jason Dilaurentis.” Jason introduced himself with a stoic face. Not liking one bit that this guy was going to be here in the first place, let alone talking to his girl.

“New boyfriend?” Cody furrowed his brow

“For a year and ahalf now.” Jason stated glaring slightly, trying not to be noticed that he was in fact glaring.

“Congrats.” he nodded giving the couple a tight-lipped smile.

“Thanks” Y/n nodded, and with that Cody decided to leave the couple alone. “Are you ok?” Y/n asked turning around to face him, so he could check her over himself.

“Yeah” he nodded looking her in the eyes

“You sure?” she asked again looking directly in his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.

“What are you saying?” Jason asked squinting his eyes

Y/n licked her lip before up at him, with a knowing smile “Jason. I know you’re not gonna like what I say next but, I think you were jealous.”

Jason shook his head “I was not-”

Y/n nodded confidently “You were. An I get it, it’s ok.”

Jason looked at her and sighed. “He just acts like your still together. Like nothing ever happened between the two of you.”

“I know. You have to understand though. We’ve known eachother since we were in diapers. There’s a big history there.” Y/n smiled reaching up to put her hands in his hair, bringing him closer to her. “But you also need to know that you are my future. You are my present and future. He’s the past.”

Jason nodded and leaned his forehead against her own. He smiled hearing Y/n state how she sees him as and in her future. “Merry Christmas, Baby.”

“Merry Christmas.” Y/n tilted her head up just the slightest bit so she could kiss him on the lips but not disconnect their lips in the process.

“You are my future too.” Jason stated before pulling her back into another kiss by her waist. What a Christmas Eve.

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More Posts from Chloe-skywalker

4 years ago

Stefan Salvatore NSFW A-Z Headcanon



A = Aftercare

Stefan is all about aftercare. Making Sure he didn’t hurt you at all. Even if you are a vampire or not. (unless his switch is flipped)

B = Body part

Stefan loves your boobs. (Ripper or not)

C = Cum

Stefan normally always pulls out (even though his stuff wouldn’t do anything) he likes to see his cum on your thighs or pelvis

D = Dirty secret

He loves to have very loud sex when he knows Damon’s home. Since Damon is always checking you out. It’s a claiming thing.

E = Experience

He’s over 100 years old. That speaks for its self.

F = Favorite position

Stefan loves to have you up against the wall

G = Goofy

Normally goofy moments happen after or before not during

H = Hair

Very well-groomed when he has the time to deal with it

I = Intimacy

Stefan is normally very intimate in the bedroom (again unless his switch is flipped)

J = Jackoff

He doesn’t have a reason to now that he has you

K = Kink

Stefan doesn’t have many kinks, being old fashion.  BDSM  for Ripper Stefan

L = Location

Being old fashion like just mentioned he prefers to only use the bedroom. (Ripper + = everywhere

M = Motivation

Anything you do but he can control himself 50% of the time

N = No

Anything that would put you in danger

O = Oral

He loves giving more than receiving but he wouldn’t say no. (he does say no sometimes)

P = Pace

Since he tries to control himself normally slow and sensual. Unless your both impatient. 

Q = Quickie

You don’t have many with him cause he likes to take his time with you

R = Risk

Damon walking in. Stefan doesn’t want him to see you like that but he never locks the door when Damon’s home.

S = Stamina

He’s a Vampire. Need I say more?

T = Toy

He finds them odd. They didn’t have them in his time, why would you need them now. (Ripper Stefan on the other hand enjoys using toys for torture teasing)

U = Unfair

He’ll deny you if it’s not the time or place just to get you rilled up

V = Volume

He’s only loud sometimes (refer back to D)

W = Wildcard

Mystic falls events are not off-limits. If they have a bedroom near-by.

X = X-Ray


Y = Yearning

He has a lot considering he waited for you for a long time


He’s up for a while after you since he doesn’t get drained often

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4 years ago

Aggression takes a turn - Kol Mikaelson

Kol x Fem!reader

Warnings: death (kinda)

Word count: 1,690

Requested: Only if you want 2 do something like kol kills the reader and it goes 2 kols p.o.v and he starts having nightmares about when he killed the reader start haunting him just making him feel really guilty about killing her. The reader can turn evil. - Anonymous

Authors Note: I expected this to be short and it turned out to be 16 pages on paper. Thank you for requesting and sorry again that it took so long.


The Vampire Diaries Masterlist


Aggressiontakes A Turn - Kol Mikaelson

“I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me.” Y/n exclaimed at Kol. She didn’t get why he was so mad at her.

“How can you stand here and tell me that you don’t see how what you did was completely reckless?!” Kol came up behind her and spun her to face him.

“I was just trying to help. Geez.” she sighed. All Y/n wanted to do was help them, and she knew she could. So what was the big problem?

“You need to stop putting yourself in danger!” He stressed. Kol didn’t know what he would do if she got hurt.

“I was trying to help!” Y/n pleaded with her eyes for him to get where she was coming from.

“Then stop helping!” Kol raised his voice and turned to leave the room to calm down.

“No.” She stated strongly not wanting to back down about this.

“What’d you just say?” he asked turning around to face her alittle to calmly for it to be comfortable.

“I said No. I’m not going to stop trying to help. I’m not useless.” Y/n cried out. Why couldn’t he get that she doesn’t want to sit out and feel worthless when they are all out fighting the new big bad.

With that it set him off. Kolblacked out for a second and it cost him everything he cared about.

“NO! No, no no, no, no, no, no. Wh-What have I done?” Kol dropped to the floor, pulling his now lifeless girlfriend into his arms. Rocking back and forth. “Come on, baby. Please, please wake up.”

Needless to say, y/n was gone. Kol ripped into her neck in a moment of anger he killed the love of his very long life. Kol felt like he couldn’t breathe. What had he just done? That question kept running through his mind. That and the statement, ‘she’s gone and I killed her’.

^     ^     ^

“Get up.” Elijah stated as he barged into his youngest brother’s room.

“Get out.” Kol grumbled into his pillow, he’s been like this for a week.

“No. You are going to get up, get dressed and we are all going to the sweet girls’ funeral.” Rebekah walked in past her two older brothers. She yanked the comforter off of him.

“I’m not going.”Kol groaned not wanting to leave his self-served and sentenced isolation.

“Oh, you are going. We all loved that sweet, beautiful girl and you ended her life. You are not missing the funeral you caused.” Klaus stated with no room to argue. y/n had become family to them and Kol ending her life cause he couldn’t control his anger? That’s bullshit!

Once Rebekah and Klaus left his room Kol looked over to Elijah and spoke softly. “You know I didn’t mean to. Right?”

“Regardless you still did it.” Elijah answered before leaving and letting Kol get ready for the funeral.

Kol sighed and get up to make himself look presentable. He is not looking forward to this event.

#  #  #

“You killed me.” Y/n screamed at Kol following him around.

“I know.” Kol mumbled

“Why?” she asked raising her arms in the air.

“Because I was angry.” Kol answered her question not looking at her.

Y/n scoffed “Thats a horrible excuse.”

“I know! Ok. I know.” He yelled as he spun around to face her.

“Who are you talking to?” Elijah asked as he entered the family room.

“No one.” Kol sighed as he looked around. God, he’s going crazy.

^   ^   ^

“Do you even feel guilty?” Y/n asked sitting on Kol’s bed picking at her nails. “About what you did to me.”

“Go away.” Kol grumbled, he was ready to pull his hair out.

“No.” she stated with an unwavering look. “Now. Do. You. Ever. Even. Feel. Guilty about what you did to me?”

“YES!” he screamed. Kol has Never regretted anything more than killing the love of his life. “Yes! Ok?” Kol stressed. He sighed exhausted with how much he beats himself up over what he did. “Every God damn day.”

“Good. You should feel guilty.” Y/n nodded staring at him with a empty look deep in her eyes. “You claimed you loved me and yet you were the one to end my life.” She started with a shrug and smirk.

If it wasn’t bad enough that he was beating himself up over what he had done. He has her ghost haunting him it could be worse and it’s his own mind tormenting him more. At this point, Kol chose the ladder.

^    ^    ^

Kol woke up gasping, sitting up in his bed. Another nightmare, figures. He’s been having them since the incident almost every night. 

“Nightmare?” Y/n asked laying down next to Kol on the bed startling him.

“Kol sighed resting his head in his hands. “God. Don’t you have anything better to do.”

“No’p’e” she smirked, popping the ‘p’ for emphasis. “You seem to have them a lot lately.” Y/n stated referring to the nightmares.

He scoffed “Oh, and you care?”

Y/n smirked sitting up to look him directly in the eyes before saying. “No. I don’t. Thanks to you.”

Kol squinted, what did she mean by that? “What do you mean by that?”

Y/n smiled sweetly at him but anyone could tell there was nothing sweet behind her eyes. “You’ll find out in time, sweetheart.” She kissed him on the cheek before she disappeared again.

#    #   #

There were a lot of people at the funeral. The turn out was great. Kol and others in his family did speeches, even the Mystic gang said some words. During the funeral Kol happen to just feel the need to look off to the left, and when he did he saw y/n. Standing off the to side watching him and the ceremony. After the funeral was over she seemed to approach him after everyone else was gone.

“Nice speech.” Y/n complimented as she walked up to him. “Maybe if you hadn’t killed me I could really appreciate it.” she shrugged

“Your not really here. Your just in my head.” Kol shook his head. Maybe he should find a witch to help with this hallucination problem.

Y/n smiled darkly “Wrong. Nice try, I did always say you were crazy.”

“Then your a ghost and your haunting me. An for good reason.” he concluded

Y/n let out a laugh, looking down in the grave at the coffin. “Wrong again, but I mean I would totally haunt you if that were the case.”

Kol sighed looking at the sky, frustrated at her actions and clues that make no sense. “I- I don’t understand. You gave me like all these clues, b-but they don’t make any sense.”

“They will. All in due time.” Y/n smiled walking behind him, running her hand along his back.

Leaving Kol confused more than ever. She has to be made up from his mind. There’s no other explanation for only him seeing her and being able to feel her tough just seconds ago. 

^    ^    ^

“Another nightmare?” Y/n asked one of her now usual questions, but this time Kol was expecting her. 

Kol sighed shaking his head, looking her in the eyes. “Look, I’m extremely guilty for what I did to you. I hate myself for it. I wish I had fed you my blood or-or anything that could have saved you. Anything other than what I did.”

“That is so sweet. I hope one day that little speech means something to me.” Y/n smiled at him, closer to her lover and murder. Y/n placed a hand on his leg like she use to do when she was alive.  “What’s wrong, baby?” she asked seeing his face change.

“You can touch me, a-and I can feel it.” Kol stuttered a bit in shock and confusion.

“Uh huh.” Y/n nodded

“How?” he asked

She smirked leaning in closer. “I told you thatit wasn’t your mind. I also told you that me haunting you wasn’t the case either.”

“I-I don’t understand.” Kol couldn’t Understand what was happening. This shouldn’t be possible.

Y/n rolled her eyes, she leaned towards his ear. “I’m not dead genius.”

Kol stood up and looked her up and down confused. “H-How’s that possible? I held you in my arms for hours after you died. Y-you were gone.”

“Well, it was a shock to me to. Apparently when we were making out before everything happened that day. I bit your lip hard enough that you bled. Evidently, it was enough vampire blood in my system to work its magic when you killed me. It just longer.” Y/n explained with a nonchalant attitude.

Kol stood there just trying to process and wrap his mind around what had just been relieved. Her actions lately don’t add up to the Y/n he knows and loves. Then it hit him. “So if you’re a vampire now, the reason you’ve been acting like this is cause you flipped your switch.”

Y/n clapped smiling at him. He finally got it. “Yup. I flipped the switch. Turned off my humanity.”

“Why?” Kol never thought if she ever became a vampire that she’d EVER flip her switch.

“Isn’t it obvious? The love my life, my forever. Killed me. That was enough heartbreak just to hurtful to live with.” a flash of a solem look crossed her face just as quick as it came it left. But Kol caught it. That told him she wasn’t completely gone.

Kol walked around the bed, approaching his girl. He raised his hands, cupping her face gently in his hands. It was a relief on so many levels to know not only was she alive but there was a chance to bring her humanity back. “I’ll get you back. I’ll get you to turn it back on. I promise you, and I’ll fix everything when you do.”

“Good luck with that.” Y/n scoffed and was gone in seconds. But Kol is not going to give up. Ever. She’s the love of his immortal life. He will get her and her humanity back.

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4 years ago

Separated - Peter Pan (4/6)

Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader

Peter Pan x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 557

Summary: Peter finds a way to comfort the reader about who she misses most.

Authors Note: short but this is gonna hit to what Peter’s bigger plan is.


Once Upon A Time Masterlist

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



“Love” Peter called out sweetly

“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed

“I have something I want to show you.” He said as he came up and hugged her from behind. Peter gently started tugging her in the embrace into a room in his treehouse that Y/n had never been in before. Infront of her was a large mirror with a swirl of mist like magic moving around inside of it.

“What’s this, Peter?” Y/n asked turning her head slightly to look at him for an answer.

Peter smiled at her with excitement in his eyes. “I was able to find a way to let you spy on your father wherever he is.”

“Really?” Y/n’s face filled with excitement and shock. “Thank you. Sooo much.” Y/n jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck. Showing him her gratitude.

“Just want you to be happy, Love.” Peter stated in a mumble into her neck. Hugging her right back. He was happy that he could cheer her up.

“You didn’t have to do this for me. Thank you so much. Really, thank you.” Y/n spoke into his shoulder. Willing herself not to cry.

“No, problem Love. You’re welcome.” Peter smiled leaning in to give her a kiss ok her forehead before moving over to use his magic. Peter waved his hand in front of the mirror and behold, it appeared with live images of her father. Showing what he was doing at this exact moment.

Once he saw how happy this plan of his had made her. It made Peter feel very warm inside. Pan decided to leave her alone to watch her father and see that he’s ok. Peter left the room and left the treehouse as well. Once outside of the treehouse Peter approached Felix. As both watched over the rest of the lost boys who were dancing around the fire.

“That was a nice thing you did for her. Although I imagine it’s head. For her to see him and not be able to talk to him or touch him.” Felix spoke from beside Pan.

Peter glanced towards his friend and second in command. “I’m glad I could give her this, to help. But I’m also worried that this will hurt her more. Just in a different way.” Pan sighed, thinking about how this might effect Y/n in a way that he won’t be able to fix as easily.

“What’re you gonna do?” Felix asked. Also worried about the girl who had become a good friend to him and the other lost boys over the time she’d been there.

“I have an idea.” Peter stated with an face that no one could read.

“What’s this idea entail?” Felix wondered out loud. Prepared to help in anyway he may be needed.

“A lot of searching on my part.” Pan smirked looking directly at Felix. “I’ll need you to watch over the boys more often.” He asked of him, knowing that searching for what he’s thinking of will take  most of his time up.

Felix nodded in agreement. “No problem. Peter Pan Never Fails. Don’t want the first time to be for a girl he seems to really like.”

Peter glared at him playfully. “Shut up. An your right Peter Pan Never Fails and this is not gonna be the thing that breaks my streak.” He winked.

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4 years ago

1 Question = 1 Kiss - Stiles Stilinski

Stiles x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 679

Requested: Hiii! I was wondering if you could plz do a Stiles Stilinksi imagine where the reader and him are dating she’s s helping him study and uses the 1 question answered correctly = 1 kiss method and they end up making out. Tysm - ANON

Authors Note: Basically took the title from the request


Teen Wolf Masterlist



“Stiles! Stop!” Y/n whined annoyed at her boyfriends antics to get out of studying.

“Stop what?” Stiles played coy

Y/n laughed sarcastically “Oh, you know what.”

“No, I don’t think I do. Wanna tell me?” Stiles snarked keeping up with his little innocent act.

Y/n sighed “Stiles, I’m trying to study for our big upcoming test in Econ. Like you should be doing as well.”

“Hmmm” he hummed

“I thought you called me over to help you study.” Y/n raised her eyebrows in question but she still had a smirk on her face.

“I did” Stiles nodded, not lifting his head from sucking a hickey into her neck.

Y/n gasped dramatically “Stiles Stilinski are you just wasting my time?”

Stiles chuckled into where her neck and shoulder meet. “Judging, by the way, your bodies reacting to my advances I’d say no time has been wasted.”

“Stiles!” she squealed wiggling away from him

“Ok, ok.” he conceded raising his hands in surrender

“What if we make a deal?” Y/n sighed hoping that her new idea will work. For her benefit and his.

“Hmm, what kind of deal?” Stiles questioned curiously as to what she might come up with.

“For every question you get right, you’ll get a kiss from me.” she suggested lifting her arms up in the air and dropping them back down dramatically.

Stiles smirked raising an eyebrow in shock “Are you trying to bribe me?”

Y/n nodded with a playful look. Teasing him. “Yes. Do you feel offended now?”

Stiles drained shock, but I’m liking the deal.”

“Then get to work Stilinski.” Y/n snapped her fingers at him. She let out a laugh at how fast Stiles got up and grabbed his back.

“Love it when you take charge.” Stiles leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek as he growled playfully.

Once he sat down and opened the book, Y/n got back to studying now pest free. In the meantime. Although it wasn’t longer than at most maybe 15 minutes later Stiles jumped up off the floor.

“Done.” Stiles exclaimed

“What?” Y/n asked, looking up shocked as hell

“I said, done.” Stiles smiled smugly

Y/n’s mouth dropped in chock. How in the hell did he finish it that fast? “You finished the whole thing.” She stated even though it sounded a lot like a question.

“Yu’p’” Stiles nodded smirking

“All 15?” She questioned in complete shock. Leave it to Stiles to have an intimate reward and get done within a matter of minutes.

“Yes. What don’t believe me?” he placed a hand over his heart. Again pretending to be offended.

“No, no. I’m just shocked.” Y/n shook her head. It’s not that she didn’t believe he could do it, she really did. Just not that fast. “Can I look it over?”

Stiles nodded “Sure.”

“Holy shi-” Y/n started the colorful words but didn’t finish them.

“You did promise some kisses.” Stiles reminded her, rocking on the balls of his feet.

Y/n scoffed “That’s all you need for motivation?”

“Apparently, yes.” he nodded again with a shrug.

“Fine.” she shook her head with a cross between annoyed and an amused smile.

Y/n set her stuff aside and cupped his face. Bringing him closer to her. The two started making out and Stiles got on the bed, kneeling one knee between her legs and the other still on the floor, helping him to push her to lay back.

“What are you doing?” Y/n asked as she felt him start to unbutton her flannel shirt.

“You said a kiss for every question.” Stiles stated

“Yes, and?” she let out a laugh, questioning his actions.

“Well, 15 questions means 15 kisses. We might as well, you know.” he shrugged and winked at her. Obviously suggesting what she thought he was. Not like his father would be home soon. He had just left when she got there earlier.

“Your impossible.” Y/n laughed out but leaned back onto the bed anyway. Smiling at him.

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4 years ago

Hi! I really love your blog and I was wondering if you would take a request for a Hermione Granger x female reader?? Where the reader is a Slytherin and Blaise decides to flirt with the reader and Hermione comes over is like “Back off my girlfriend, yeah? Thank you.” Thanks in advance.


I don't normally do female x female writings so this'll be new.

Thank You for requesting and your welcome lol.