Jason Dilaurentis - Tumblr Posts
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
Main Masterlist
by @chloe-skywalker
* = Requested

Jason Dilaurentis:
~ Run Into Eachother
~ Dad, no. Mom, yes.
~ Ex’s And Jealously*
~ Waking Up
~ Keeping Each Others Secrets
~ Pizza, Messages, Truth
~ We Gotta Know
Mike Montgomery:
~ It’s A- Isn’t it
~ Bestfriends Brother
Ex’s and Jealously - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!reader
Cody (EX) x reader
Warnings: slight mention of past manipulation
Word count: 891
Requested: Hi, can you please write Jason Dilaurentis when he saw his girlfriend talking to her first love after she ran into him & he gets jealous, please? - Anon
Authors Note: So I had written out the prompt for this month ago in my notebook but hadn’t written any more than that since. I wanted to finish it and post it and figured why not add a Christmas element in it and I can post it on Christmas. Now I want to post one on Christmas Eve & Day. So I made the party in this one take place on Christmas Eve. P.S for those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays!
I chose to do an Annual Christmas Party cause 1) why not? Lol and 2) in my family there has been an annual Christmas party every year since my mom was 1 year old. And this year with everything since there’s a lot of people that go that are late 60’s and up it didn’t happen this year. Which makes it not feel like Christmas in a way.
Last thing, I didn’t realize that I accidentally named the ex Cody. But since I did that I’ll post a YAY! Congrats to Cody & Brandi Rhodes on the announcement for being pregnant. Congrats to Renee & Jon on their baby news! It’s going to be a girl! (Both Men + Brandi are wrestlers in AEW)
Holiday Imagine Masterlist
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

“Why are you shopping for a dress here again?” Jason asked looking at all the rows of dresses.
“Annual Christmas party, remember?” Y/n reminded ‘her Jason’ as she calls him.
“Oh, yeah.” he mumbled
“Your coming, right? Please tell me your coming.” Y/n spun to face him with questioning eyes looking up at him.
“Of course I’ll be there.” Jason smiled down at her
“Thanks” she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
“So who’s coming to this?” he asked following her towards the dressing rooms.
“The usual.” Y/n shrugged
He hummed “Does that mean Cody will be there?”
“His parents are old family friends so probably.” she sighed. Y/n had no control over whether her ex was invited or not. His parents grew up together with hers. They’re known eachother since they were in the womb. An Y/n could tell it bothered Jason. “Hey.” Y/n grabbed his attention and reached up to cup the side of his face. “He may have been my first love. But I want you to be my last.” she stared up into his eyes with hers filled with adoration.
“I love you.” Jason stated, looking towards her with love-filled eyes.
“I love you too.” Y/n smiled
^ ^ ^
“Is everything set out on the table and ready?” Y/m/n asked her daughter as she got the drinks together on the bar.
“Yes, mom.” Y/n smiled having already put all the food out on the table.
“Good” Y/m/n nodded
“Hey, mom. Is Cody and his parents coming?” Y/n asked nervously playing with her fingers.
“Of course.” Y/m/n stated before the doorbell rang.
“This is gonna be fun.” Y/n let out a breath. Hoping tonight turns out better than she’s thinking it will.
Almost an hour later and most of the guests had arrived. Y/n was still waiting for Jason to arrive, she hadn’t seen him yet. She has seen Cody though. Y/n had been trying to avoid him but as she saw out of the corner of her eye him approaching her. She knew it was inevitable. “I look forward to this punch all year.” Cody stated as he poured himself a cup.
“Me too.” Y/n nodded politely, wishing to get through this conversation as quickly as possible.
“How’ve you been, Y/n/n?” he asked using her old nickname.
“Please don’t call me that.” Y/n tilted her head down not wanting to have this conversation.
“Why not? We’re still friends aren’t we?” Cody shrugged turning to fully face her with a sweet smile.
“Yeah, I guess. But not enough for nicknames.” She shrugged looking up at him.
“Come on, we loved eachother at one point.” he sat down his cup and rested his hands on her shoulders in what looked like a completely innocent act. But Y/n knew what he was doing. He always used touch to try and persuade her into something when they were together.
“Yeah, at one point. Not anymore.” Jason cut in pulling Y/n as gently as possible out of the blonde’s grip, and back into his chest.
“Who are you?” Cody asked in a calm voice but his eyes told a different story.
“He’s my boyfriend.” Y/n stated strongly leaning back into Jason’s chest.
“Jason Dilaurentis.” Jason introduced himself with a stoic face. Not liking one bit that this guy was going to be here in the first place, let alone talking to his girl.
“New boyfriend?” Cody furrowed his brow
“For a year and ahalf now.” Jason stated glaring slightly, trying not to be noticed that he was in fact glaring.
“Congrats.” he nodded giving the couple a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks” Y/n nodded, and with that Cody decided to leave the couple alone. “Are you ok?” Y/n asked turning around to face him, so he could check her over himself.
“Yeah” he nodded looking her in the eyes
“You sure?” she asked again looking directly in his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
“What are you saying?” Jason asked squinting his eyes
Y/n licked her lip before up at him, with a knowing smile “Jason. I know you’re not gonna like what I say next but, I think you were jealous.”
Jason shook his head “I was not-”
Y/n nodded confidently “You were. An I get it, it’s ok.”
Jason looked at her and sighed. “He just acts like your still together. Like nothing ever happened between the two of you.”
“I know. You have to understand though. We’ve known eachother since we were in diapers. There’s a big history there.” Y/n smiled reaching up to put her hands in his hair, bringing him closer to her. “But you also need to know that you are my future. You are my present and future. He’s the past.”
Jason nodded and leaned his forehead against her own. He smiled hearing Y/n state how she sees him as and in her future. “Merry Christmas, Baby.”
“Merry Christmas.” Y/n tilted her head up just the slightest bit so she could kiss him on the lips but not disconnect their lips in the process.
“You are my future too.” Jason stated before pulling her back into another kiss by her waist. What a Christmas Eve.
Keeping Each Other's Secrets - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!Reader
Ezra x sister Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 548
Summary: Being Ezras younger sister and finding out about him and Aria. Well Aria finds out about you and Jason.
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

“Whens. Your. Sister. Coming Over?” Aria asked in between kisses.
“Around 5.” Exar answered.
Little did the couple know it was already 5 past 5. So when a knock sounded on the door it made both of them jump.
“What time is it?” Aria pushes him back a bit.
“5 past . Shit.” Eaxar curses.
“The knocks were a warning because I do in fact have a key.” Y/n walks in having used her own key when no one answered. Y/n smirked at seeing their predicament on the couch. “Maybe I should knock harder next time.”
“It’s not-” Aria stuttered but she couldn’t find the words for an answer.
“We weren’t -” Ezra was at a loss for an explanation as well, it’s exactly what it looks like.
“Look guys. I don’t care. If your both happy. And you treat her right.” Y/n pointed at her brother. “Then your secrets safe with me. Because I do imagine this is a secret. Right?” She asked about the obvious age difference.
“Yes.” Aria and Ezra answer at the same time.
“Okay. Just be more careful, k?” Y/n said, wiggling her eyebrows.
Y/n, Aria and Ezra spent the rest of the night hanging out and having fun.
^ ^ ^
“Where are we going Jason?” Y/n asked, confused.
“You’ll see.” Jason smiles excitedly.
“High School?” Y/n raised an eyebrow. “Wow, I haven't been in a highschool since I graduated.” She said looking around.
“That was like a year or two ago.” He laughs.
“Oh hush.” Y/n laughs as well. “But why are we here? It’s closed.”
“I have a key.” Jason dangled the keys before walking them in.
“Ah perk of working here I guess.” Y/n flicked her brows up nodding her head impressed he’d use his work key this way.
Jason led her to a door and opened it, as they walked through the doorway Y/n laughed.
“The pool.” Y/n turns to Jason with a mischievous look. “Oh I know that look, what do you have planned Mr. Dilaurentis?”
“Let’s go swimming.” He smirks, excited.
“I’m in.” Y/n smiled.
As the couple enjoyed their secret swim. Little did they know they were being watched. Aria had been sent to the school thanks to -A. Who wanted her to see her boyfriend's sister and Jason together.
^ ^ ^
“Hey Aria, what’s up?” Y/n was surprised to see her brother's girlfriend at her door.
“I have something I need to share with you.” Aria tells her as Y/n lets her into her home.
“Okay?” Y/n was deeply confused now.
“I know.” Aria gave her a serious look as they both sat facing each other on the couch.
“About what?” Y/n furrowed her brow, confused by what she could have met.
“You and Jason.” She clarified.
“oh…How?” Y/n nodded and then tilted her head curiously.
“I saw you both the other night at the high school.” Aria explained sheepishly.
“Oh, Aria-” Y/n was blushing now considering they were practically naked that night.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Aria was returning the favor.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled gratefully. “You wanna stay for pizza?” She asked.
“Absolutely.” Aria smiled, the two hanging out all night at Y/n’s place.
Taglist: @padawancat97
Waking Up - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 227
Summary: Waking up next to Jason and feeling safe.
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

The bright sun entering through the blinds slowly woke Y/n up from her sleep when she noticed a certain someone already awake and staring at her adoringly.
“Hey.” Y/n greeted stretching out to shake off the sleep.
“Hey.” Jason greeted back in a gravely morning voice.
“Good morning.” Y/n smiled
“Good morning indeed.” Jason smiled back leaning over her to kiss her.
“Hmmhmm, what do we have to do today?” Y/n hummed looking up at him.
Jason brushes her hair out of her face. “As far as I know nothing.”
“Good.” She smiled at him happily.
“You wanna stay in bed all day?” Jason laughs though he loves the idea.
“Maybe.” Y/n shrugged playfully as she ran her fingers through his hair before sitting up and resting her hands on his shoulders. “I like it here. In your arms. It feels safe.”
“I’ll always keep you safe.” Jason states to her seriously.
“And I believe you.” Y/n nodds rubbing her fingers into his shoulders.
“You should.” Jason starts kissing her neck to her shoulders.
“After everything you’ve been there for, how could I not.” Y/n said, pulling his head up to look into his eyes before pulling him into a kiss. He’d been there through all the -A crap that’s gone on and she knows he’ll continue to be there.
Taglist: @padawancat97
Pizza, Messages, Truth - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 467
Summary: Getting -A messages and not telling Jason and you leave your phone with him while going to pay for pizza. Jason finds all the messages. Your gonna have to explaining to do.
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

“Did you order the pizza?” Y/n asked as they both entered her room.
“Yup. It should be here any minute.” Jason nodded.
And just like he said the doorbell went off not even 2 minutes later.
“That must be the pizza.” Y/n leapt off the bed.
“Here.” Jason handed her the cash for the pizza.
“Thank you. I’ll be right back.” She kissed him on the cheek in thanks, before going down stairs to get their dinner.
While Y/n was gone doing that her phone went off on the bed. Jason picked it up, deciding to check it to make sure it wasn’t anything urgently important. But that quickly changed when he saw that it was a message from -A. Jason found a ton of other messages from -A.
Y/n re-entered her room to see Jason holding her phone, and the smile fell off her face.
“I thought you said this stopped?” Jason didn’t even look up at her as he continued to read past texts.
“I didn’t want you to worry.” Y/n looked at him guilty, she didn’t want to keep it a secret but also didn’t want to worry him.
“Y/n these are threats!” Jason exclaimed looking up at her with serious eyes.
“I know . Trust me.” Y/n let out a shaky breath.
“Why would you tell me they stopped when they didn’t?” His eyes wide with concern and worry now, maybe even some betrayal.
“I didn’t want you to worry. The threats have escalated.” Y/n told him in a quiet voice.
“That's a reason to tell me.” Jason scolds her, how’s he suppose to protect her if she doesn’t tell him.
“I’m sorry.” She whimpered. Y/mn wasn’t scared of him but she understood where he was coming from but Y/n was also terrified of -A.
Jason approached her and pulled her in close, cupping her cheeks in the palms of his hands. “I don’t want you to be sorry. I just want to be able to protect you. Be your shoulder to lean on. For now on please tell me. Let me in.” He pleaded with her.
“I will.” Y/n nodded
^ ^ ^
“Thank you.” Y/n said later that night as they lay in bed watching t.v. . He had really been there for her, more than normal.
“For what? Never giving you your personal space?” Jason joked letting out a laugh at his own teasing. Even though he had been more protective lately.
“Being there for me. Wanting to protect me from the sadist that is -A.” Y/n looked up at him from her head's spot on his chest.
“You don’t have to thank me. But you're welcome.” Jason smiled down at her and placed a kiss on top of her head.
Taglist: @padawancat97
We Gotta Know - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 662
Summary: The liars forcing you to go out with Jason after he asks. Hoping they can figure out if he’s -A. They don’t know you already dating Jason and have been for a while. So you tell Jason when you both go out.
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

“Come on Y/n.” Aira pleaded to Y/n. They really needed her help on this.
“We gotta know if he’s -A.” Hannah pointed out their main reason for trying to get her to accept Jason's date. They had overheard the two talking and Jason mentioned their upcoming date. Since the girls don’t know they’re dating they believe he was asking her out.
“And this is the perfect opportunity.” Spencer added. She had planned it all out.
Y/n looks at them in shock. “You all are using me as a way to find out if Jason is -A. Okay one I could get hurt if he was, two Jason is not -A.”
Emily furrowed her brows. “How do you know he’s not.”
“Ali was his sister. Sure they didn’t get along but he wouldn’t kill her.” Y/n tells them what she thought should be good enough reasons.
“We have to know for sure. So please do this.” Aria pleads one last time.
“Fine.” Y/n gave in. They wouldn’t leave it alone and she couldn’t tell them the truth. They’d freak.
Later after messaging Jason back and accepting the date, the two made plans for going to see a movie and walk around for a while and get dinner.
“Hey Jason.” Y/n greeted him with a hug and a smile.
“Y/n/n” Jason smiled as he escorted her to his car and they headed off on their date.
They went and saw the movie and had a nice time. Now the two were just walking around through the strip mall.
Jason noticed how she seemed a little on edge, and it worried him.
“What's on your mind?” He had noticed her odd behavior and Jason really felt like he needed to say something.
“Huh?” Y/n looked at him in confusion.
“You're slightly distracted, looking around like we’re being followed or something.” Jason added before noticing how even after mentioning it she’s still acting that way he asks. “Did -A message you?”
Y/n shook her head, she had to tell him. She wouldn’t keep it from him. “No. It’s the girls.”
“What do you mean?” Jason furrowed his brows. Why would the girls be making her act this way?
“They think your -A.” Y/n admits looking at him with apologetic eyes.
“What?” Jason was in shock and couldn’t believe it. The girls thought he killed his own sister.
“They think you could be -A so when they overheard us planning this date, since they don;t know we’re dating. They thought it was a perfect chance to see if your -A.” Y/n told him, explaining the situation.
“I can see why you don’t want to tell them.” Jason grimaced, god this situation was so messed up he thought.
“I tried telling them you're not -A but it’s hard to go to the extent of doing it when I can’t tell them how I know.” She gave him a sad smile.
“I appreciate it.’ He gave her a small understanding smile before sighing. “Me and Ali didn’t get along but I wouldn’t kill her. Or threaten you guys.”
Y/n nodded and scoffed. “I know. Ali wasn’t the nicest person. Honestly half the time she was a bitch. To everyone. But you wouldn’t do any of this.”
“So are you worried their watching us?” Jason asks, looking around himself.
“Possibly. I don’t know.” Y/n shrugged nervously. She didn’t know if they were but she wouldn’t put it pass them. She was nervous the whole time and had been slightly distant from him the whole night because of it.
“Wanna run to the car and get outta here and be alone? If they are following us and watching we can lose them.” Jason smirked at his girl as he grabbed her hand in his.
“That sounds amazing.” Y/n smiled up at him.
“Let’s go.” Jason grabbed her hand and they bolted to the car laughing.
taglist: @padawancat97
need sb to write a jason dilaurentis smut asap and tag me in it i need that man like i need air i fear

me in that guys car after complaining to my friends about him

blah blah blah proper name place name backstory stuff
Jason DiLaurentis i love you
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