Renee Paquette - Tumblr Posts
Ex’s and Jealously - Jason Dilaurentis
Jason x Fem!reader
Cody (EX) x reader
Warnings: slight mention of past manipulation
Word count: 891
Requested: Hi, can you please write Jason Dilaurentis when he saw his girlfriend talking to her first love after she ran into him & he gets jealous, please? - Anon
Authors Note: So I had written out the prompt for this month ago in my notebook but hadn’t written any more than that since. I wanted to finish it and post it and figured why not add a Christmas element in it and I can post it on Christmas. Now I want to post one on Christmas Eve & Day. So I made the party in this one take place on Christmas Eve. P.S for those of you who don’t celebrate Christmas Happy Holidays!
I chose to do an Annual Christmas Party cause 1) why not? Lol and 2) in my family there has been an annual Christmas party every year since my mom was 1 year old. And this year with everything since there’s a lot of people that go that are late 60’s and up it didn’t happen this year. Which makes it not feel like Christmas in a way.
Last thing, I didn’t realize that I accidentally named the ex Cody. But since I did that I’ll post a YAY! Congrats to Cody & Brandi Rhodes on the announcement for being pregnant. Congrats to Renee & Jon on their baby news! It’s going to be a girl! (Both Men + Brandi are wrestlers in AEW)
Holiday Imagine Masterlist
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist

“Why are you shopping for a dress here again?” Jason asked looking at all the rows of dresses.
“Annual Christmas party, remember?” Y/n reminded ‘her Jason’ as she calls him.
“Oh, yeah.” he mumbled
“Your coming, right? Please tell me your coming.” Y/n spun to face him with questioning eyes looking up at him.
“Of course I’ll be there.” Jason smiled down at her
“Thanks” she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
“So who’s coming to this?” he asked following her towards the dressing rooms.
“The usual.” Y/n shrugged
He hummed “Does that mean Cody will be there?”
“His parents are old family friends so probably.” she sighed. Y/n had no control over whether her ex was invited or not. His parents grew up together with hers. They’re known eachother since they were in the womb. An Y/n could tell it bothered Jason. “Hey.” Y/n grabbed his attention and reached up to cup the side of his face. “He may have been my first love. But I want you to be my last.” she stared up into his eyes with hers filled with adoration.
“I love you.” Jason stated, looking towards her with love-filled eyes.
“I love you too.” Y/n smiled
^ ^ ^
“Is everything set out on the table and ready?” Y/m/n asked her daughter as she got the drinks together on the bar.
“Yes, mom.” Y/n smiled having already put all the food out on the table.
“Good” Y/m/n nodded
“Hey, mom. Is Cody and his parents coming?” Y/n asked nervously playing with her fingers.
“Of course.” Y/m/n stated before the doorbell rang.
“This is gonna be fun.” Y/n let out a breath. Hoping tonight turns out better than she’s thinking it will.
Almost an hour later and most of the guests had arrived. Y/n was still waiting for Jason to arrive, she hadn’t seen him yet. She has seen Cody though. Y/n had been trying to avoid him but as she saw out of the corner of her eye him approaching her. She knew it was inevitable. “I look forward to this punch all year.” Cody stated as he poured himself a cup.
“Me too.” Y/n nodded politely, wishing to get through this conversation as quickly as possible.
“How’ve you been, Y/n/n?” he asked using her old nickname.
“Please don’t call me that.” Y/n tilted her head down not wanting to have this conversation.
“Why not? We’re still friends aren’t we?” Cody shrugged turning to fully face her with a sweet smile.
“Yeah, I guess. But not enough for nicknames.” She shrugged looking up at him.
“Come on, we loved eachother at one point.” he sat down his cup and rested his hands on her shoulders in what looked like a completely innocent act. But Y/n knew what he was doing. He always used touch to try and persuade her into something when they were together.
“Yeah, at one point. Not anymore.” Jason cut in pulling Y/n as gently as possible out of the blonde’s grip, and back into his chest.
“Who are you?” Cody asked in a calm voice but his eyes told a different story.
“He’s my boyfriend.” Y/n stated strongly leaning back into Jason’s chest.
“Jason Dilaurentis.” Jason introduced himself with a stoic face. Not liking one bit that this guy was going to be here in the first place, let alone talking to his girl.
“New boyfriend?” Cody furrowed his brow
“For a year and ahalf now.” Jason stated glaring slightly, trying not to be noticed that he was in fact glaring.
“Congrats.” he nodded giving the couple a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks” Y/n nodded, and with that Cody decided to leave the couple alone. “Are you ok?” Y/n asked turning around to face him, so he could check her over himself.
“Yeah” he nodded looking her in the eyes
“You sure?” she asked again looking directly in his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
“What are you saying?” Jason asked squinting his eyes
Y/n licked her lip before up at him, with a knowing smile “Jason. I know you’re not gonna like what I say next but, I think you were jealous.”
Jason shook his head “I was not-”
Y/n nodded confidently “You were. An I get it, it’s ok.”
Jason looked at her and sighed. “He just acts like your still together. Like nothing ever happened between the two of you.”
“I know. You have to understand though. We’ve known eachother since we were in diapers. There’s a big history there.” Y/n smiled reaching up to put her hands in his hair, bringing him closer to her. “But you also need to know that you are my future. You are my present and future. He’s the past.”
Jason nodded and leaned his forehead against her own. He smiled hearing Y/n state how she sees him as and in her future. “Merry Christmas, Baby.”
“Merry Christmas.” Y/n tilted her head up just the slightest bit so she could kiss him on the lips but not disconnect their lips in the process.
“You are my future too.” Jason stated before pulling her back into another kiss by her waist. What a Christmas Eve.

AEW x Reductress Headlines
whats wrong with some people ?
respect their wishes, please.

For those of you that have seen pictures of Jon and Renee’s daughter Nora. Please stop sharing them!!