Likes Undertale, FNAF, DSAF, SMG4, Deltarune and drawing / art :)(Has been in the SMG4 fandom for 8 years now, FNAF fandom for 10 years and Undertale for 9 years!!!) Cornetto triology nerd and fanShe/ Her/ Herself Goth AND I LOVE IT!!! Art In my PFP is done by @s0m3b0dy-u-kn0w!!! My Birthday is February 8th! :O
222 posts
Who Else Is Hyped For WOTFI 2024?
Who else is hyped for WOTFI 2024?

Zoomed in version:

Hope you guys enjoy this, I did this for a week straight 😭 but I am so proud of it since I used way different brushes than I usually do, and heads up if you message me, for some reason my messages are not loading so if I don't reply I'm sorry, it's my Tumblr acting up and hopefully it gets fixed!! For @glitchychara @k3nn13boisstuff @pugsandbrimstone
@alyafara-1 @colatheartz69
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More Posts from Choppedsouldreamer

I'VE BEEN SUBBED SINCE I FOUND OUT YOU HAD A CHANNEL!!!! Even before I met you I liked your stuff! :D
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
Latest chapter, KNG9 Lore time baby!!
Dragon Origins (Part 1)
The dragon slowly woke up, raising her head from the ground, her vision clearing and showing that the floor she was currently laying on was scattered with.. gold coins?... she eventually got her bearings and rose from the textured floor with the various precious objects, muttering under her breath...."God, where the hell am I?..." "You are on The Floating Palace!!" A joyful slightly high pitched voice announced, causing the dragon to jump and sneer "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" "LANGUAGE!!!" The purple jewel-like object protested then continued on with a slight calmer tone "Sorry, I should have explained, I'm Gem, your personal guide of existence! You are currently in a ship called The Floating Palace, where you will be travelling to your set destination!! It won't take long, and i'm a sentient gemstone! Thus Gem for short." And it sure was strange, only having little eyes but no mouth even if it could talk..it glowing slightly when it did talk. The dragon was stunned for a moment....a talking sentient jewel which floated and glowed while having round eyes but no mouth was a...very unusual thing to wake up to.."And......uh, what's my name?.." The dragon asked, still a bit cautious. "Oh! Your name you will be addressed by is KNG9! But your real name is Kin⬧︎♏︎⍓︎!" (hehe lore you have to solve) Gem answered helpfully, knowing how confused she must be at the current strange situation. KNG9 processed this new information and everything around her, the ship she was on looking quite fancy and royal..She started to put the pieces together then suddenly asked "Am I royal?" and Gem blinked for a moment at the quick question but soon answered again "Uh well yes, that is why you are on The Floating Palace after all, I'm afraid you may need to do duti-" "No" KNG9 quickly cut them off, she has only just woke up here and she has to do 'RoYaL dUtIeS' no way in hell. "BUT WHAT IF YOU ARE NEEDED FOR ROYAL-" "I said no" KNG9 cut in again, not at all caring, just wanting to live her own life and not have to do some crappy fancy duties just because she was made that way. "I....." Gem says trying to find some way to possibly convince her so just giving up and muttering "I suppose it's your decision, not mine."
Later when KNG9 was wandering around the ship and getting a tour from Gem she started to get tired of the simple white outfit she was wearing, I mean she felt like she was in an insane asylum thanks to it, giving Gem a small nudge to get them to stop talking, asking yet another question but a bit impatiently "Can I get out these damn plain clothes? They're pissing me off..." At this point Gem got used to KNG9's constant swearing so just let her be, replying "Sure! We can get you out of those!" "Thank god.." With a slight puff of clouds KNG9 suddenly had a Princess style dress on....being her most dreaded colour to wear....PINK... "I was thinking just in case you reconsidered-" "ABSOLUTELY NOT" KNG9 said in disgust, she didn't mind pink on others but bright colours were definitely NOT her style... "Oooookay...big no, gotcha.." Gem commented, then another puff of smoke KNG9 was wearing a much sleeker and stylish black dress, almost something you would see in a spy movie, with long black gloves, red and purple detailing around the waist and tops of the gloves, even matching heels. "Hm, much better...But I'm not planning on a damn fancy dinner or heist, I want something more casual and comfortable" "AHA! I have the perfect thing for you!!" There was another puff and KNG9 was in a pair of ripped black jeans, long purple boots, with a styled red belt like piece of cloth, a black jumper over a purple shirt underneath a dark-ish blue jacket with finger-less black gloves. "Now THIS is my style~!" KNG9 said with a satisfied grin "Glad you think so! It will work with the snowy terrain!!" Gem added, "W h a t" KNG9 with confusion and slight annoyance "Ah, right, I haven't said your destination yet! You're set to go into a nearby snowy area of land!! Nice views!" "I'M SET TO GO WHERE?!" KNG9 repeated angrily.
Will be updated with pictures/ drawings at some point!
A.... well......I'm sure I can piece this together somehow, damn is Tyler okay?.. I SAW MR PUZZLES IN THERE!! >:D
How about I trade you some lore? (ish)

Oh and here's me being even more like an ARG maker

I just love decoding hidden messages lol
I love Halloween. And Tyler. Hyped for her birthday ngl.
Idk what else to say man
lore?? maybe.

Deity of stretch.... what...WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!?

here's a random word generator--whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of
Theorising right now..
My notes:
Previous theory is close- Tyler probably is controlled, it fits too nicely
music- is not giving me too much but will listen to it properly
question marks on Tyler (spotify playlist pfp), that's a good sign for me, shows she isn't how she seems, the sad face on the middle character doesn't say much? upset Tyler either can't remember them or because she acts different??? the X could possibly mean the last character was maybe removed in some way, deleted, possible, dead? maybe
the "silly doll" post- not really just a "haha" post, it looks like a voodoo doll bro, ADDS TO MY POINT
JUST WOW- latest Tyler post has her HAIR as the static, its taking over? pink character with Tyler looks suspiciously like her, PAST TYLER??? probably not but still a possibility and shes in the Mr Puzzles outfit agaaaaaaain I'M GETTIN SOMEWHERE
Here's me becoming MatPat lol

I may have put some of my own lore in the picture, you just gotta look closely.... >:D