100 Followers - Tumblr Posts

I just wanna say a big thank you for being a part of a fandom and making it wonderful each day and keeping up with my constantly changing artsyle aaaa 🥺🥺💕💗
Ik that crossing 100 followers isn't a that big of a deal BUUUT I am super grateful of anyone who takes the time to look at my posts!!
Thank you all so much!! (*´ω`*)
CONGRATULATIONS ON 100+ FOLLOWERS!! You deserve it and so many more <3
And YOU deserve more kindness 💗
A rushed smol Adrien but I hope you like it

this is absolutely insane!! i’m so sorry i’ve been away and neglecting you guys 😭 but i’m back! and i’m aiming to post (at least) once a fortnight, i’ll definitely have something by the end of the week posted in celebration! thank you for all the support even in my absence it means the world to me, fic coming out by the end of the week, love you all and make sure your staying well ❤️💋

Um... Woah. W-Where the hell did you lot come from??? And why are you here???? I really did not expect to be getting over 100 followers, especially after the major mess-up I did in October. Y'all are welcome here, by all means, but for the newcomers that just showed up, I dabble in mainly Thomas the Tank Engine stuff but have been trying to go onto other fandoms like Transformers as of late. I mainly make angsty stories that have less-than-pleasant topics, so this is NOT a PG-rated blog! If you find you don't like what you see I will not be offended if you unfollow me, just please keep in mind I have warned you. I will use the appropriate tags and mature content label when I do make those types of content, so please read them if you see them. Aside from that now, I welcome you, we try to have fun here, and I hope to keep that nice vibe going. Have a grate day/night, and stay safe.

p005tick5 have reached the 100 followers milestone. YAY
Just hit 100 followers! Thank you so much ahhh. It means so much to me and makes me so happy that people actually wanna read what I write, I though this would be a complete flop lol. Again, thank you so much! I love all 103 of you, and anyone who follows (or just likes and/or rbs) from now too :)
Officially at 100 followers!
Thank you everyone who has gotten me this far, I don't know what i would do without ya!
100 Follower special, here are the 10 questions from @chaselatte
If you could start a band with the others, what would you name it and what instrument would you play?
I don't know actually. Bass or drums
What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever pulled on Percy Jackson?
I once gaslit him into thinking bacon wasn't real
What genre of music do you listen to? Who is/are your favorite artist/s?
Rock. Green day
What do you genuinely think of the scar on your brother, Jason’s, upper lip? Funny, cool, etc? (LMAO)
I always get reminded of the incident, and how much my brother can be an idiot.
Would you rather ride a roller coaster or the swinging pirate ship?
Roller coaster I think.
What’s your go-to karaoke song when you’re hanging out with the Hunters of Artemis?
Basket Case, by Green Day
Does it ever get boring being immortal?
No, because there is always something fun or exciting or dangerous going on
If you could have a pet companion during your hunts, what creature would it be and what would you name it?
A Raven or another corvid, and I'd probably name them something along the lines of Knox, or Kaia, or Rowan.
If you had to switch powers with any other demigod for a day, who would it be and why?
Probably @the-ghostking-di-angelo, I could use that shadow travel on quests
Would you rather babysit Percy for a day or babysit Leo for a day?
@repairboyy, give him some Celestial Bronze and he'll make his own entertainment easily.
100! FOLLOWER?! (109)

I thank you guys so much for reading my stories even if I know myself i am not a good writer but it always a pleasure to put out my ideas with others. I am surprised to even see people stumble in my work and read it even when it is unedited and really bad.
I started writing because I felt alone and sad and well i like BTS but in my mind they are like the actors in my stories because I could never write about a real person unless it is a college report.
You guys made my night and I really wish i could give you better than I could but sadly this is all. I have been recently been feeling under the weather very depressed and sad but seeing people read my work put a smile on my face so from my broken heart I thank you so much sweet reader.
I hope you stay here in this wonderful journey with me.
Omg 100 followers hello freaks I love you I love you freaks 100th follower gets to cream pie me in hole of their choice in celebration!! 🎉 💖💖💖

100 seguidores.....!
100 followers DTIYS for @3dogbones

To celebrate the 100 followers I gained (I'm still surprised by this, I intend to do a small series with the reinterpretation of the myth of Hades and Persephone, However, I haven't decided who will be the protagonist yet, so vote for who you think would be a great Hades. The list won't be long because I'm still slowly working to expand the list of written pilots.
Alright... We have a new Hades coming *evil laugh*
To celebrate the 100 followers I gained (I'm still surprised by this, I intend to do a small series with the reinterpretation of the myth of Hades and Persephone, However, I haven't decided who will be the protagonist yet, so vote for who you think would be a great Hades. The list won't be long because I'm still slowly working to expand the list of written pilots.
Underworld Sun || LH44

summary: It only took an unpretentious visit to a local florist for all of Lewis's convictions to come crashing down, and finally the lord of the Underworld found what was missing in his lonely existence.
cw: dark content, slightly stalkerish behavior, nostalgia, pure smut, Lewis!dom x reader!sub, revelation, mention of magic, violence, outbursts of rage, (fake) naivety, devotion, deep love, soulmates, family interference, mention of kidnapping.
a/n: I know, I know it took me a while to post, I ended up getting distracted by short stories, but I'm not going to abandon Underworld Sun, I've already created an attachment to this story and I need to finish it (when? I have no idea) Anyway, forgive me for the delay and enjoy!

prologue | chapter one |
Everything was converging into chaos and Lewis was feeling on edge. He knew the walls of Tartarus were weakening, his powers were too and Lewis had no idea why. The twin gods looked at him, trying to understand what Lewis was thinking, but he remained with a stony expression, he gave no clue as to his thoughts.
"Are you going to talk to Zeus?" Fernando asked, seeing Lewis give him a death glare.
"Zeus does not need to know everything that happens in my domain, let that be clear" he retorted bitterly, no matter how much Zeus had changed in the last millennia, he was still Zeus, the arrogant king of the gods who thought he could stick his nose wherever he wanted. He definitely didn't need his brother giving his opinion on what was going on in the underworld.
He waved the twins away, ignoring their whispers.
He sank into the armchair, feeling like Atlas holding up the vault of heaven was something common for him. Lewis closed his eyes tightly, trying to give his body some serenity and calm, but it had been millennia since he had known what rest was.
A knock on the door brought him out of his self-pity session and he saw Tisiphone enters with a bouquet of flowers in a vase.
“Where do I leave it, sir?” she asked. In the vase, the bouquet of flowers looked bigger and more beautiful. Lewis indicated the sideboard behind his desk, which had a privileged view of London and the flowers there would make the view even more pleasant.
“Is Alecto back yet?” he asked, turning his chair to look at the bouquet, hoping the flowers would end his problems like a miracle.
“She is on her way, she was intercepted by Hermes, he seemed very interested in her itinerary” if Tisiphone wanted to know where her sister was, she didn't show it. That was one of the things he liked about the creatures who worked for him, there was no gossip, everyone was too focused on their work to want to interfere in other people's lives.
“I would like to understand why the Olympians are so excited to get involved in the interests of the Underworld. No one wanted to take the wheel when Zeus offered, but everyone wants to know what happens here.” He grumbled. “Bring the Fates here, Tisiphone, immediately and cancel all my appointments, I will be available only to Alecto.”
“Of course sir, excuse me” she left, leaving the echo of her heels spreading through the room. The soft scent of flowers emanated throughout the room, keeping the memory of the French florist alive, Lewis could still hear her voice and even feel the static from when he touched her. That girl shouldn't be on his mind, he shouldn't even know her name, but he sent Alecto after information about her. Lewis wanted to know everything, even how many vaccinations she must have had.
Before the knock even sounded, he waved his fingers so the door would open.
“The Fates, sir.” Tisifone said before closing the door, Lewis kept his back to the entrance, but he heard similar footsteps approaching his table, footsteps that followed the same rhythm, but so different.
“Boy, you wouldn't call us here to keep your backs to us,” he heard a drawn-out, tired voice scold him.
Lewis turned around and found three identical, yet completely different women. Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the living personification of the destiny of men, gods and beasts. Even Zeus surrendered to the power of those women.
Clotho was young, her appearance hovered between fifteen and twenty years old, thick and wild brown hair, intense green eyes and an enigmatic smile, she loved to speak riddles. Clotho was the spinner of fate and together with Artemis and Ilithia, she cared for women in labor.
Lachesis was a mature woman, in her forties, with a few gray strands in her brown hair, wrinkles around her eyes and a deep voice. Lachesis decided the fate of creatures as she pulled and wound the thread of their lives. Lewis was usually with her, assisting in that duty along with Tyche and Moros.
Atropos was the last woman, a wise old woman. Her hair was completely gray and full of wrinkles, her body was tired and bent with the weight of age, her green eyes conveyed the wisdom of ages, Atropos carried ancient knowledge that he could not even imagine, she cut the thread of life, flanked by Thanatos and Moros.
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos were the same woman at different stages of life, marking youth, adulthood and old age. The spinners of fate who kept the wheel of fortune turning forever and ever until the end of time.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your time, I know the wheel can’t stop,” he said, keeping his tone pleasant, Hades didn’t cultivate respect for many individuals. In fact, he hated most of them, gods and humans, he made no distinction. Gods for their arrogance, pride and cruelty, humans for mirroring the examples of divine beings so well. “I have just one question to ask”
“Is this about the little French girl from this morning? She’s adorable, a beautiful smile,” Láquesis said, despite the clear mockery in her voice, Lewis knew she was sincere.
“No, it’s not about her,” he waved his hand in the air, dismissing thoughts of her. “I need to know how to hold Tartarus, the world will not endure a second Titanomachy, Cronos cannot be released, ever.”
Not that he cared about humanity, but Tartarus was closely linked to the Underworld, and Hades had a hand in his father's downfall, Being very selfish, he already had enough problems to want to face family shock therapy, his contact with his brothers and nephews was already enough. He didn't need to include his father in this.
“You need to find what you lost, boy,” Clotho said, playing another one of his riddles.
“If Tartarus is falling apart, it’s because something in you is dying, you need to remake yourself to keep the Titans’ prison whole, boy,” Atropos said, raising her skeletal finger.
He frowned in confusion.
He didn't remember losing anything, everything was in its place, he waved his hand to make sure his invisibility helmet and fork were still in his hands. So what would he have lost?
“But how will I know?”
“Follow the flowers, boy, they always know,” the three said before disappearing. Lewis put his hands in his pockets and began to pace back and forth, the conversation that should have cleared up his doubts only fueled more questions. He prided himself on having a good memory, nothing went unnoticed by his mind.

He was getting ready to leave when Alecto showed up, he ordered Furiæ to come in, she was carrying a small yellow folder and looked a little angry.
“Sorry for the delay, sir, I was intercepted by Hermes on my way back,” she apologized as she closed the door, the only sign of her evident anger flaring in Erin’s fiery eyes. Alecto's whole appearance was the picture of calm, except for her eyes. “I got what you asked for, but it was a bit of work” She handed the folder to Hades, in fact there weren't many pages in there, which was strange, considering the girl must have been between nineteen and thirty years old. There was nothing in his life?
“Please give me some information in advance, Alecto,” he asked, pointing to one of the chairs, which she did immediately.
“Y/N Y/L/N is an orphan, sir, she was found on the steps of the convent in Paris, where she lived until she was eighteen, when she entered the faculty of biology in Lyon and moved to Avignon to work in a flower shop specializing in organic cultivation”
He opened the file, finding just over a dozen photos of her, Y/N as a girl, surrounded by other children in the convent's orphanage, another of her as a teenager, holding a huge sunflower vase and a first place trophy. Others of her in college. After that, no other photos.
"Social media?"
“She has a YouTube channel where she teaches how to grow plants, other than that, nothing.”
Lewis was even more intrigued, and left the file on the table. “Okay, that’s all Alecto, you can go, thanks.”
“It was nothing, sir... Excuse me.” She stood up to leave, but paused halfway. “May I have a word of advice, sir?”
“Sure, talk”
“Seek Hecate, she can help you find answers.” With that, Alecto left, leaving Lewis to his ramblings. He had many questions, but no answers. Apparently that was the day to mess with Hades' head, for Rhea's blood.
He read the document, Y/N had graduated with honors from the University of Lyon and had been part of a research group at the university for a year after graduation. She would soon graduate with a master's degree in botany from the University of Avignon. She was an intelligent girl, but shy and withdrawn, with a very small list of friends and only two emergency contacts: the mother superior of the convent in Paris and a friend in Lyon. There was a copy of her orphanage registration and her school records.
No information beyond that.
He turned on his laptop and opened the browser, searching for her YouTube channel, it was active and had a little over 150 thousand views on the entire channel. Y/N updated it every week, posting about the progress of plant growth, recommending plants for different places or just giving growing tips. Lewis watched the vast majority of the videos, Y/N was sweet when she spoke, she showed patience and loved what she did, even though gardening was not one of her interests, he noticed that she had a natural gift for captivating people's attention, no matter what she was talking about.
This only piqued his curiosity further and he decided to leave early, he would follow Alecto's advice and look for Hecate, the goddess of witches and lady of the crossroads would certainly have answers to your questions. When passing by Tisiphone, he reinforced the request to cancel all his commitments.
“What if they ask for you?” she asked wisely and Lewis smiled, putting on his sunglasses.
“To anyone who asks, tell them I’m dead.”

“You assured me she would stay hidden! Now everyone on Olympus knows Persephone is alive and it won’t be long before Hades finds her!”
“You are worrying for nothing, no one will find Persephone, if not even Apollo who sees everything and Athena with her magic mirror managed to find her, Hades will not be able to do so.”
“Are you sure about that?"
“As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, you are worrying for nothing, Hades will not find you, the walls of Tartarus will fall and you will have your revenge, I assure you”
“You better be right, Hades can’t find Persephone.”
“And he won’t, my lady, believe me.”
“When can we plant doubt in Zeus about the integrity of the Titans’ prison?”
“Soon, we will let the gods enjoy what remains of the calm before the storm.”

Thank you guys so much for 100 followers, you guys have inspired me to be myself and to be more confident. I've had so much fun making girly girl, Gossip girl, Vampire Daries, Stranger Things, and love aesthic post! I can't wait to make more post and get more involved with my followers. Thank you guys for 100 followers it means so much!!💕💕💕

GUHH?????? THANK YOU??????????????????????????

Can I cry? I really hit 100 followers about 3 or 4 days ago, but I was indisposed as to thank you correctly. Thank youuu!!! TT I didn't think I'd recieve so much support when I began writing! In fact, I was nervous when I first did. Thank you soso much! TT
I didn't really know what to do as a gift, cause I suppose some of you follow me because of the drabbles, others because of the Seongjoong content I write, so yeah. I decided to instead open my asks! You can send anything in: requests, any type of thoughts, or maybe just leave a message cause I don't bite. :D
Thank you again!
I got 100 sad followers yay
Also today was shit I wanna die but thanks for 100 followers!

This picture is to remind me never to postpone a milestone -post again 😅