Exploring the cool way of life with Ceylon Cinnamon. For Health.For Cooking. For Living.
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I Got My First Covid-19 Vaccination (Pfizer) Two Weeks Ago And Going For The Second Shot Soon. As A Consummate
I got my first Covid-19 vaccination (Pfizer) two weeks ago and going for the second shot soon. As a consummate hypochondriac who has never had a flu shot or taken any medication for 11 years now, I don’t leave anything to chance. First, I exercised to get my body in supreme form but stopped a few days before the vaccine. This ensured the body was calm and not distracted rebuilding muscle tissue when the vaccine entered the body. Alcohol and OTC pain medication dulls the immune response system. This can result in antibodies that are not as strong. My fasting diet was halted and replaced with three full meals days prior to the vaccine including a nice breakfast a few hours before the vaccine. While fasting is good, when we begin to fast, the body initially breaks down a number of immune fighting white blood cells. I was building reserve fuel so my body had all the resources to build the best possible antibodies as soon the vaccine entered by body. The vaccine process was pretty simple. I was out of there in all of ten minutes. Wow. Did I tell you I hate needles? Of course, I took the opportunity to do some binge eating. I got myself a nice steak, a generous helping of vegetables, fries and bread. Got a large chocolate cake too. Yes, sugar is the fastest energy source. Admittedly it is a dirty fuel but, in this case, it gets the job done. It was only for a few days. I really was tempted to pour myself a nice brandy to get the arm pain to go away. It would have gone down well with the steak. The next day the arm pain was a little worse. More irritating than painful. Again, I resisted the temptation to take some Ibuprofen or Advil. You see pain killers tell the body it’s not that serious. The higher the pain the better your body is triggered to mount a robust immune response and build antibodies that can machine gun any Covid-19 vermin that come its way in the wild. Get plenty of sleep. I took the opportunity to binge watch some movies and eat like a pig. It was rather fun. Anyway, that is the story of a hypochondriac getting a vaccine. But I am looking forward to another round of binge eating for the second shot. Apparently, you get the chills for 24 hours so the thermal blanket is ready. Besides I have my Cinnamon ginger tea which we know warms the body. So, all set.
#Covid-19 #vaccine #antibodies #protocols #preparation #alcohol #medication #otcmedication #sleep #sugar #fasting #dieting #immunity #antigens #immunity #virus #coronavirus #exercise #chills #armpain #advil #ibuprofen #chills #fever
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The fears of the Covid vaccine is understandable. Marcus Aurelius the Roman emperor known as the good emperor said “It is not death that a man should fear, but never beginning to live”. We will all die, but should we live in such fear that we forget to live? The benefits of the Covid vaccine at least the Pfizer vaccine more than outweighs any risks. Getting together with family and friends becomes normal. Even the most reclusive of us need people. If there is an elderly relative or a young child you reduce the risk of infecting them if vaccinated. Wearing those troublesome masks will become a thing of the past. Many employers especially in critical industries will not offer you employment. You get to travel freely. If you are single you can date again with less fear. And should something go wrong the United States government has the Counter Measures Injury Compensation program that takes care of you for any possible side effects caused by a Covid vaccine. Now that is a good guarantee. We are so lucky to have the best vaccine and insurance while other countries are crying for any vaccine. I got mine and nothing has fallen off yet. I would rather live well than die slowly from fear. Sometimes we have to have a little courage and be pragmatic. Life never goes according to plan.
#covid #vaccine #mrna #getvaccine #pfizer #benefits #dating #masks #travel #rewards #employment #family #friends #courage #countermeasuresinjurycompensationprogram #insurance #vaccineinsurance
For years I used to make vegetables wrong. Overboiling, frying the hell out of it and even steaming it all wrong. But having lived in Hong Kong for a period of years I got an appreciation of the benefits of making vegetables perfectly so it tastes beautiful while losing very little of the nutrients. Take this Gai Lan also known as Chinese broccoli, which funnily enough originated in Europe. All you need is to immerse this in boiling hot water for three minutes are you are done. It comes out tasty, crunchy and with a bit Sesame oil it is fantastic. And it has plenty of fiber to feed your good gut bacteria. Did you know that good bacteria feeds on fiber while bad bacteria feeds on sugar?
#gailan #chinesebroccoli #cooking #recipe #sesameoil #gutbacteria
Einstein was right. Knowledge is limited. Imagination is everything. Take Ceylon Cinnamon. First it was used a preservative because in ancient times we didn’t have refrigerators. Adding Ceylon Cinnamon allowed people to keep food from spoiling for longer. Then people discovered mixing it with citrus like orange, lemon and lime added a wonderful taste combination. More imagination and experimentation led to the discovery it works very well with spices like ginger, cumin, coriander, anise #cloves #cardamom, turmeric and nutmeg. Creating recipes with deep multi layered flavors. In Mexico they started combining it with chocolate and started making Cinnamon stick tea. And more imagination lead to the discovery it has powerful health properties. People in cold climates discovered it keeps you warm in winter. Others discovered the scent of Ceylon cinnamon Bark Oil improves the mood and reduces irritability. More imagination led to the discovery that Ceylon Cinnamon is a wonderful sugar substitute, negating the need to use so much sugar. What can your imagination discover about Ceylon Cinnamon?
#imagination #einstein #quote #knowledge #ceyloncinnamon #cinnamon #chocolate #orange #lemon #lime #ginger #turmeric #sugarsubstitute #cumin #cardomom #corainder #cloves #anise #staranise #spices #bloodsugar #health #cold #winter
For years I used to suffer from a rumbling in the stomach commonly known as IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. When you have it the first thing you have got to do is carry out a process of elimination. For me it was chocolate and coffee. That combination was fabulous but came with a constant feeling being unsettled in the stomach. For many it is dairy products. Taking any form of tablet be it a supplement or medication is another trigger. We were not meant to eat tablets except for a short-term duration. If you do this month after month, year after year it is going to corrode your stomach lining. Sugar is of course the elephant in the room. Many people have bad gut bacteria which feeds on sugar. That includes fruit which is sugar. And artificial sweetness like Stevia. Not a fan of store-bought probiotics many of which like Yakult have sugar in them. Kind of defeats the purpose. Take it out completely and introduce a variety of pickles like Sauerkraut, Lime pickle, Kimchi. That is a real priobiotic you can make at home and save money. The more variety of gut bacteria you have in your stomach the better your stomach will feel. Of course, certain vegetables and grains like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and beans make things bad too. Consider minimizing these until the situation improves. And add some Ceylon Cinnamon and ginger which is well known to settle the stomach. Have ever wondered why when you get sick the body craves some simple chicken noodle soup or a rice congee? It’s telling you to avoid the food triggers.
#ibs #dairy #Broccoli #cauliflower #cabbage #chocolate #artificialsugar #sugarsubstitutes #stevia #fruit #coffee #processed food #beans #alcohol #fatty food #spicyfood #supplements #probiotics #medication #gluten