cipherconstellation - Gravity fell on me
Gravity fell on me

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97 posts

Moon And Stars- Chapter 1

Moon and Stars- chapter 1

Harry smiled brightly as Ron and Hermione looked up at him. "Harry!"

Harry embraced them both in a hug before they sat down at one of the long tables in the leaky cauldron. Ron showed Harry and Hermione a magic picture.

"Egypt? What's it like?" The green eyed boy questioned his friend.

"Brilliant, bunch of old-" Ron was cut off by one of the twins.

"Not flushing that old clipping around again are you Ron?" Fred questioned.

"I haven't shown anyone." He told him.

"No, not a soul." George cut in.

"Much less you count Tom." Fred continued "The day maid."

"The night maid."

"The cook."

"That one bloke who came to fix the toilet."

"And that wizard from Belgium." Fred finished.

Ron scowled, "well where's your boyfriend huh?"

"Mornin' Ronald." A voice came from behind him.

Ron and Harry turned around to see Dipper standing there, a mug in his hand, book and chocolate in the other.


Dipper examined him for a moment, while doing so, Ron swore the male was staring at his soul. He relaxed when the brunette smiled.

Fred grinned. "Loopy! Good morning!"

"Don't you have to leave early today?" George questioned.

"That I do George."

Fred seemed lost in thought as George stood up. His twin noticed his cheeks were tinted pink, before he wacked the back of his head as he walked over to Dipper.

"Mister hot shot here is a Gryffindor prefect this year, shocking isn't it."

Fred rubbed the back of his head as he too stood up and walked over to their friend. "Truly a miracle. Now we have someone on the inside to cover up our tracks." He grinned.

Dipper rolled his eyes and the three younger teens noticed the dark bags under his eyes as well as a new scar over his nose. It was a large one and ran from over his nose and down his left cheeks and to his collar bone. "McGonagall trusts me, you wouldn't want me to be kicked out of the spot now would you?"

Fred sighed dramatically. "I guess not."

George grinned. "But you still have to help us."

"Fantastic." The brunette grumbled.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry made their way into the train, Fred and George already getting on to find Dipper, who should've been here by now for the prefect meeting.

The three looked in each compartment and eventually found the compartment that Draco was sitting in, but the was a sleeping man as well.

His cloak was pulled over him like a blanket, and his luggage on the floor next to his legs.

Draco smiled as they entered. "This is the only compartment that was empty besides him." He nodded towards the figure."

Hermione looked at his luggage. "Professor R. J. Lupin." She said aloud.

"Lupin? As in Dipper Lupin?" Ron asked.

Harry sat down across from Draco, Hermione sitting next to him and Ron sat by Draco. "Who knows."

It was only when Harry came too from passing out from the dementor attack, he saw the man's face. A piece of chocolate came into his line of vision. "Eat, you'll feel better." The man smiled.

Harry hesitantly took the piece and began eating it, but everyone looked over as footsteps came from outside their compartment.

A head poked into their compartment. Dipper furrowed his brows as he saw Harry laying on the ground, eating a piece of chocolate. He looked up and he was looking into the eyes of the man. "Hey tad." He greeted him as he entered, shutting the door behind him.

"Dipper." The man responded. "How was the meeting?"

"Long. Boring. Worth it. Any who, everyone in here ok?" He questioned.

Hermione nodded and Dipper left saying goodbye to them. "You're Dipper's father?" Hermione questioned.

The man nodded. "I'm Remus Lupin."

After that the man left the compartment with his stuff.

Dipper and the female prefect led the first years away to show them around Hogwarts before bringing them to the common room, and everyone else went on up.

Ron, Draco, and Hermione noticed how Fred looked more distracted than normal, and George would constantly break him out of his trance. Harry didn't notice.

The twins plopped down onto a sofa while the other four sat around them. "How was your train ride?" The twins asked at the same time.

Ron spoke up. "Professor Lupin was in the cart with us, and fought off a dementor."

Fred whistled. "Always seemed skilled."

Draco tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

George smiled. "Dipper's brought us over to his house a couple times and we've met Professor Lupin there," he stated.

"Also, he knows our mum and dad and comes to visit often, bringing Dipper along." Fred continued.

"Is he anything like the past DADA teachers?" Harry questioned suddenly.

The twins grinned. "Nothing like them."


First chapter is up! Next chapter will dive more into the twins’ and Dipper’s friendship.

Since Remus is Welsh, I believe Dipper would call him ‘tad’ instead of dad, because of the way Remus taught him to speak and read after he was adopted.

Story will begin to pick up soon, and relationships will be built.

Next chapter will be up soon, hopefully in the next few days.

Reblogs are appreciated

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More Posts from Cipherconstellation

4 years ago
Umbrella Academy Aesthetic

Umbrella Academy Aesthetic

(I hope it does them justice! This is one of my absolute favorite shows! I’ll probably do another one for them in a couple days. Also for any aesthetics I have posted so far I can post them without overlaying effects and stickers if requested.)

(All pictures in collage belong to original owners)

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Marauders Aesthetic

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4 years ago

Dipper: just because I'm smiling doesn't mean I like you, I could be picturing you on fire, you'd never know

Bill: ...Pine tree... we're married

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4 years ago

So basically, my last post is a teaser for a story I’ve been working on. It’s a crossover with Harry Potter and Gravity Falls.

Anyway, onto explaining what happened in the little ‘teaser’ story.

So basically, when Dipper was born in 1992, he was born the newest member of the Pines family in Piedmont California. Something happened and the newborn ended up in an orphanage in London.

This orphanage was made for strange children, and they took Dipper’s birthmark as an abnormality. Unfortunately, the orphanage was a hotspot for werewolves to attack, and Dipper was bitten by the one and only, Fenrir Greyback. Even if he was young when the incident happened, he could still remember the event, and it haunted him his nightmares, never letting him forget.

Remus Lupin stumbled across the orphanage and that’s where he met the little werewolf. He instantly adopted him.

The part of the bite mark that was visible on his arm was the deciding factor for the elder werewolf.

When James and Sirius met the little werewolf for the first time, it was on a full moon. They fell in love with the two year old with a head full of brown curls. Peter didn’t really like to get around the little boy, after he almost ate the rat animagus.

Lily was thrilled to see that Dipper and Harry got along well when they introduced the two to each other.

Then October 31, 1995, James and Lily Potter were murdered by Voldemort. Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban for selling them out. Peter Pettigrew was killed by Sirius Black.

Eight years later Dipper Lupin gets his letter to Hogwarts, which is shocking because, like the teaser said, they never got mail.

Dipper goes to Hogwarts after going on a quick trip to Diagon Alley, just to go to Gringotts and a few other shops.

The sorting ceremony took place on September 1, and Dipper was sorted into Gryffindor.

That’s all I have to say right now about this, first chapter will be coming out soon.

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4 years ago

The young male blinked as he noticed the owl sitting at their opened window. He hesitantly walked over, careful not to scare away the animal.

When he reached out with a scarred hand and began stroking the bird with his knuckle, he watched an envelope fall from its beak when it chirped happily.

They never got mail.

The bird flew off when he bent down to pick up the paper. He glanced over it, it was directed to him. "Tad!" He called out into the two story cottage, his thick British accent reaching up the stairs, the Welsh accent layered onto his other accent.

His father didn't respond.

When he saw the seal keeping it closed, he froze.

The Hogwarts crest was imprinted into a crimson wax. He was accepted into Hogwarts.

Dipper Lupin would've thought that was all a dream, but the fact that he was sitting on a stool in front of every student in Hogwarts made him think otherwise.

The sorting hat was placed on his head by the elder witch, it instantly going quiet.

Then his breathing was cut short as the shout echoed through the great hall.


This is a teaser for a story I'll be working on, 'the Moon and Stars.' I'll be posting again about some of the plot and what's going on in the teaser.

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