Werewolf Dipper - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Moon and Stars- prologue

When Harry Potter sat down at the Gryffindor table, he was welcomed with loud, welcoming cheers. He shook hands with a red head and sat down next to him, a brunette girl, and a blonde named Draco Malfoy. He was across from a pair of identical twins, Ron, and a male brunette who's nose was buried in a book.

He greeted Fred and George, and watched as the older twin elbowed the brunette.

In return he was wacked with the book. Fred rubbed his forehead where he was hit and the male smiled at Harry. He stuck out a hand. "Romulus Lupin, but please call me Dipper."

Harry shook the hand. "Harry Potter."

"Why do you have so many scars?"

Dipper looked at Hermione. "Lots of paper cuts." He answers quickly as he drew his hand back and gripped his book.

Harry thought the reaction was abnormal, but ignored it as he talked with the group.

The blonde on the other side of Hermione was quiet, pale, and watching them quietly. The chosen one watched as Dipper swapped spots with Ron and began quietly talking to Draco. They seemed to be getting along well, and Ron looked concerned.

On their way to the common room, Harry approached him. “What was with you?”

“Draco’s a Malfoy, one of the most powerful pure blood families.” The red head told him hurriedly. “His whole family’s been in Slytherin, he’s broken the chain.”

Harry was surprised by the news, but didn’t say anything else as they were told the password to get into the common room.

Ron looked around their dorm that was shared with two other boys, Draco one of them, until two red heads walked in. Then he looked annoyed. “What do you two want?”

“Little Lupin can’t take a joke.” George started.

“It was just a little wat-” Fred was cut off by a loud shout.

“Fred and George Weasley! Get your arses into this room right now!”

“There are children!” They both called back as they left.

Ron looked at Harry and they both burst into laughter.

This should be a good year.


Chapter one is up!!! Sorry it’s so short, I’ll try and make the next chapter longer. And I promise you’ll get a better look at Dipper and the twins’ relationship as well as how the whole ‘Draco in Gryffindor’ thing is going.

I have a whole list of stuff that will be ‘canon’ in this AU, let me know if you want to see that be posted next, or if you’d rather it be a surprise as the plot thickens and more characters come in.

I’ll try and have the next chapter up by the end of the week.

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4 years ago

Information- Moon and Stars

Alright, so I’ve come to a decision about how I will right this story. Chapter 1 is now the prologue, incase you haven’t noticed. Chapter 1 and forth will take place starting in PoA. There will be flash backs to kind of show what happened in the past two books and Dipper and the twins’ first two years.

Next chapter will be coming out really soon, I promise.

Oh and I will start to make incorrect quotes for some of the characters in my story

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4 years ago

Moon and Stars- chapter 1

Harry smiled brightly as Ron and Hermione looked up at him. "Harry!"

Harry embraced them both in a hug before they sat down at one of the long tables in the leaky cauldron. Ron showed Harry and Hermione a magic picture.

"Egypt? What's it like?" The green eyed boy questioned his friend.

"Brilliant, bunch of old-" Ron was cut off by one of the twins.

"Not flushing that old clipping around again are you Ron?" Fred questioned.

"I haven't shown anyone." He told him.

"No, not a soul." George cut in.

"Much less you count Tom." Fred continued "The day maid."

"The night maid."

"The cook."

"That one bloke who came to fix the toilet."

"And that wizard from Belgium." Fred finished.

Ron scowled, "well where's your boyfriend huh?"

"Mornin' Ronald." A voice came from behind him.

Ron and Harry turned around to see Dipper standing there, a mug in his hand, book and chocolate in the other.


Dipper examined him for a moment, while doing so, Ron swore the male was staring at his soul. He relaxed when the brunette smiled.

Fred grinned. "Loopy! Good morning!"

"Don't you have to leave early today?" George questioned.

"That I do George."

Fred seemed lost in thought as George stood up. His twin noticed his cheeks were tinted pink, before he wacked the back of his head as he walked over to Dipper.

"Mister hot shot here is a Gryffindor prefect this year, shocking isn't it."

Fred rubbed the back of his head as he too stood up and walked over to their friend. "Truly a miracle. Now we have someone on the inside to cover up our tracks." He grinned.

Dipper rolled his eyes and the three younger teens noticed the dark bags under his eyes as well as a new scar over his nose. It was a large one and ran from over his nose and down his left cheeks and to his collar bone. "McGonagall trusts me, you wouldn't want me to be kicked out of the spot now would you?"

Fred sighed dramatically. "I guess not."

George grinned. "But you still have to help us."

"Fantastic." The brunette grumbled.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry made their way into the train, Fred and George already getting on to find Dipper, who should've been here by now for the prefect meeting.

The three looked in each compartment and eventually found the compartment that Draco was sitting in, but the was a sleeping man as well.

His cloak was pulled over him like a blanket, and his luggage on the floor next to his legs.

Draco smiled as they entered. "This is the only compartment that was empty besides him." He nodded towards the figure."

Hermione looked at his luggage. "Professor R. J. Lupin." She said aloud.

"Lupin? As in Dipper Lupin?" Ron asked.

Harry sat down across from Draco, Hermione sitting next to him and Ron sat by Draco. "Who knows."

It was only when Harry came too from passing out from the dementor attack, he saw the man's face. A piece of chocolate came into his line of vision. "Eat, you'll feel better." The man smiled.

Harry hesitantly took the piece and began eating it, but everyone looked over as footsteps came from outside their compartment.

A head poked into their compartment. Dipper furrowed his brows as he saw Harry laying on the ground, eating a piece of chocolate. He looked up and he was looking into the eyes of the man. "Hey tad." He greeted him as he entered, shutting the door behind him.

"Dipper." The man responded. "How was the meeting?"

"Long. Boring. Worth it. Any who, everyone in here ok?" He questioned.

Hermione nodded and Dipper left saying goodbye to them. "You're Dipper's father?" Hermione questioned.

The man nodded. "I'm Remus Lupin."

After that the man left the compartment with his stuff.

Dipper and the female prefect led the first years away to show them around Hogwarts before bringing them to the common room, and everyone else went on up.

Ron, Draco, and Hermione noticed how Fred looked more distracted than normal, and George would constantly break him out of his trance. Harry didn't notice.

The twins plopped down onto a sofa while the other four sat around them. "How was your train ride?" The twins asked at the same time.

Ron spoke up. "Professor Lupin was in the cart with us, and fought off a dementor."

Fred whistled. "Always seemed skilled."

Draco tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

George smiled. "Dipper's brought us over to his house a couple times and we've met Professor Lupin there," he stated.

"Also, he knows our mum and dad and comes to visit often, bringing Dipper along." Fred continued.

"Is he anything like the past DADA teachers?" Harry questioned suddenly.

The twins grinned. "Nothing like them."


First chapter is up! Next chapter will dive more into the twins’ and Dipper’s friendship.

Since Remus is Welsh, I believe Dipper would call him ‘tad’ instead of dad, because of the way Remus taught him to speak and read after he was adopted.

Story will begin to pick up soon, and relationships will be built.

Next chapter will be up soon, hopefully in the next few days.

Reblogs are appreciated

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4 years ago

Moon and Stars- chapter 3

"Well if it isn't Loony Loopy Lupin senior! Your son's done a great job, by the way, of keeping up the roll." He began singing 'Loony Loopy Lupin' repeatedly.

The class turned to look at Remus, wondering if he was upset or angry, but he was smiling. "This way class."

Once inside the professor pulled a tarp off of a wardrobe. The wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall. "Nothing to worry about." The professor said calmly after seeing a few students jump back in alarm, "there's a boggart in there."

Most people seemed to feel that this was something to worry about.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupin. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks — I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third years some practice. "So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a boggart?"

Unsurprisingly Hermione was the only student who answered the question. "It's a shape-shifter, it can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us the most."

Hermione glowed after the professor spoke. "Couldn't have put it better myself."

As the lesson went on, Remus had them practice the spell to change the boggart. "After me please, riddikulus."

"Riddikulus!" The class repeated.

"Good," said Professor Lupin. "Very good. But that was the easy part, I'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Neville."

The golden quartet watched as the shaking boy walked forward. "Right, Neville," said Professor Lupin. "First things first: what would you say is the thing that frightens you most in the world?"

Neville's lips moved, but no sound came out.

"Didn't catch that, Neville, sorry," said Professor Lupin cheerfully.

Neville looked around rather pitifully, then whispered, "Professor Snape."

Nearly everyone laughed. Even Neville grinned apologetically. Professor Lupin, however, looked thoughtful.

After a short discussion about Neville's grandmothers fashion choices Lupin instructed Neville to concentrate on them when he faced the boggart, thus creating an amusing image of the Potions Master.

"If Neville is successful, the boggart is likely to shift his attention to each of us in turn," said Professor Lupin. "I would like all of you to take a moment now to think of the thing that scares you most, and imagine how you might force it to look comical..."

The door opened slightly and a brunette walked in, shutting the door behind him. "Ah, Dipper!"

"Hello tad!" He called back as he walked up to him.

"Let me ask you a question real quick, you've faced a boggart before correct?" Remus questioned his son.


"How did you react?"

"I was scared, because if you don't think of what fear you're going to use, it basically chooses one. Best way to react is to just stay calm and confuse it."

Remus pat his back lightly, noticing the slight wince from the younger.

"Everyone ready?" said Professor Lupin. "On the count of three, Neville," said Professor Lupin, who was pointing his own wand at the handle of the wardrobe. "One - two - three - now!"

A jet of sparks shot from the end of Remus' wand and hit the doorknob. The wardrobe burst open. Hook-nosed and menacing, Professor Snape stepped out, his eyes flashing at Neville.

Neville backed away, his wand up, mouthing wordlessly. Snape was bearing down upon him, reaching inside his robes.

"R- r- riddikulus!" squeaked Neville.

There was a noise like a whip crack. Snape stumbled; he was wearing a long, lace-trimmed dress and a towering hat topped with a moth-eaten vulture, and he was swinging a huge crimson handbag.

There was a roar of laughter; the boggart paused, confused, and Professor Lupin shouted, "Parvati! Forward!" Parvati walked forward, her face set. Snape rounded on her. There was another crack, and where he had stood was a bloodstained, bandaged mummy; its sightless face was turned to Parvati and it began to walk toward her very slowly, dragging its feet, its stiff arms rising —

"Riddikulus!" cried Parvati.

A bandage unraveled at the mummy's feet; it became entangled, fell face forward, and its head rolled off.

As class went on, more students got to face the boggart. "Alright Harry, you next."

Harry stepped forward, wand at the ready. His friends watched  as the boggart shifted shapes and a dementor hovered in front of Harry.

Dipper watched in shock as he father rushed in front of Harry. "Here!"

The boggart shifted once more with a 'crack' and a sliver orb was in front of him. Dipper was still as he stared at it. Remus lifted his wand. "Riddikulus!"

The moon turned into a balloon and flew around the room before it stopped in front of Dipper, who frowned confusedly.

It morphed into a large, dark, snarling wolf, who's eyes cut into anyone it looked at, which was Dipper.

The male was frozen as he looked at it. Remus was about to run over, but Dipper lifted his wand. "Riddikulus." He said with a shaky voice.

The wolf turned into a small puppy, who scampered into the wardrobe. Remus shut the doors and turned to face his class. "Class dismissed."

Harry turned his head to look at the father and son as he left and he saw Remus setting a hand on Dipper's shoulder asking him something.

Dipper ran a hand down his face and nodded, saying something back to him.

Weeks passed slowly and most of the third year Gryffindors would only whisper about what Dipper Lupin's boggart was supposed to be.

Dipper ignored the whispering and glanced as he carried on helping the two Weasleys pass their classes by helping them on their homework.

"No it doesn't-"

"Shhh, just let me do it."

"You have to do it carefully-"

"I know that."

"Bloody hell!"

George sent his twin and best friend a look. "Shut it both you. If you two keep up the bickering I’m going to get the wrong message."

Dipper flushed red as he took off his cloak, ink stain on his shirt. "Oh shut up George.” Fred spoke up, “you’re just jealous.”

“Why would I be jealous if Dipper likes me more?” He smirked and his twin gaped at him.

The werewolf rolled his amber eyes and waved his wand at his parchment, the ink clearing off of it and leaving the essay in perfect condition. “You know I like both of you equally.”

Fred seemed to frown a bit at his statement, but huffed in annoyance. “You’re lying.”

Dipper raised his eyebrows. “You think so? Ok then. George, mind walking with me down to the kitchens to ask for hot coca?”

George grinned up at his brother. “Sure little wolf.”

Dipper smirked at Fred as the two walked out, the red head wrapping an arm around his friend’s shoulders.

Ron sent Fred a knowing look. “You know he’s just teasing you, right?”

Fred slumped down on to the couch. “Both of them...”

Ron sighed he knew Fred was about to go into his ranting mode, so he mentally prepared himself for the long night ahead of them.

When the two appeared again, they had a mug for Fred and Dipper yawned tiredly last he sat down next to his friend, George sitting in an arm chair next to Ron.

Fred watched Ron stand up and walk away, telling them goodnight. The older twin took a sip of his hot chocolate.

He unfortunately spilt the warm liquid down his chin and on his shirt when he felt something land on his shoulder.

He already knew it was Dipper’s head because of the soft, fluffy hair that rubbed against his cheek. He turned his head slightly to look at the brunette when soft snores came from him.

“I think he’s asleep Georgie.”

“I’ll go get a blanket.”

Fred was taken aback by the sudden statement. “What do you mean ‘go get a blanket?’”

George raised an eyebrow. “If you move him to his bed, he most likely will wake up then not be able to go back to sleep.”

The older twin watched as the younger walked away. Fred glanced down at the sleeping brunette and smiled lightly.

He got comfortable and relaxed knowing he was going to be here all night.


Chapter 3 is up! Next chapter will be out soon. Reblogs are appreciated

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4 years ago

Moon and Stars- chapter 4

Halloween came up quickly, and so did the feast. Dipper seemed distracted throughout the feast, not even scolding his best friends about some of their jokes.

Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were deep into a conversation about how their trip to Hogsmeade was and what Harry did when he stayed at the school that day.

"Professor Lupin made me a cup of tea in his office. And then Snape came in and gave him a goblet with something in it, and Lupin drank it."

"Lupin drank it?" Ron gasped. "Is he mad?"

Dipper paled a bit when he heard that, but turned around when he heard Snape's monotonous voice. "Mister Lupin."

He smiled. "Professor Snape what can I- oh!” He pulled a vial out of his robe pocket. “This must be what you came for, here you go.” He handed it off to the professor.

He brightened a bit and fished around his robe pockets once more until he pulled out a sickle. "Here," he placed it into Snape's hands, "for you."

Snape looked at his hand then back down to the werewolf, who was grinning at him as he grabbed his goblet. "What is the meaning of this?" He questioned.

"The bet. Turns out I'm not allergic to anything so far." The brunette stated as he eyed the liquid.

Fred and George were watching with grins on their faces while the golden quartet were wide eyed.

"Except for silver." The professor told him.

Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Ah yes, my weird allergy to silver. Anyways," he raised his goblet that was filled with his drink to the greasy haired man. "Cheers."

Once Snape walked away, Harry began examining him. "What the hell Harry? Is there something wrong?"

Harry seemed to relax a bit. "What did he give you? Did he poison you?"

Dipper opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with something, but Fred and George beat him to it. "Pompfrey was out of the type of medicine he needed." The younger twin started.

"So Snape kindly offered to brew some." The older twin finished.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "But Professor Lupin also drank some."

Dipper cut in. "We have the same 'sickness.' We take the medicine once a month, but if we don't take it, something serious could happen."

Hermione looked like she was about to ask a question, but Dipper beat her to it. "Bloodline. It's a disease that comes from Wales."

The female blinked. Dipper yawned before taking a bite of his food.

After the feast all of Gryffindor walked up to stairs to their common room, but they all stopped.

"What's going on?" Draco questioned, Harry trying to see up to the front.

"Seems like Neville's forgotten the password again." Ron muttered.

"Hey!" Said boy shouted.

"Oh~ yeah." Ron turned away with a small smile.

"Let me through, please," came Percy's voice, the prefect pushed everyone aside throught the crowd,"What's the holdup here? You can't all have forgotten the password - excuse me, I'm Head Boy -"

But there only silence. A chill seem to spread all over the corridor. And Percy yelled to the rest of the students, with a sharp voice"Somebody get Professor Dumbledore. Quick."

A few minutes later everyone was clearing a path as Dumbledore walked towards the entrance, Dipper and the other fifth year prefect trailing behind after him.

The fat lady had vanished from the painting, and the portrait had been slashing hard. Dumbledore took one quick look, before turned around to see Professors McGonagall, Lupin, and Snape hurrying toward him.

"We need to find her," said Dumbledore. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"You'll be lucky!" said a cackling voice.

It was Peeves, looking delighted as always.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" said Dumbledore calmly, and Peeves didn't have the gut to taunt the greatest wizard of all time.

"Ashamed, Your Headship, sir. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful," he said happily. "Poor thing."

"Did she say who did it?" said Dumbledore quietly.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," said Peeves,"He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see." Peeves flipped over and grinned at Dumbledore. "Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black."

So later that night, they all have to sleep in the Great Hall and so did the other three houses. And before they slept, Dumbledore had a little speech.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," the old wizard turned to the Percy Weasley, looked pround"Send word with one of the ghosts."

He paused.

"Oh, yes, you'll be needing..."

With one casual wave, all the tables disappeared and instead hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags appeared before their eyes.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him.

Students summoned their pajamas, and began changing. The rest of the prefects didn’t bother to as they walked to the entrance. Fred caught Dipper’s arm.

“Fred? What’s wrong?” The werewolf questioned.

“Just... be careful.” The red head finally decided on.

Dipper smiled kindly. “Of course.”

Fred watched the younger walk away to the front of the room. He knew Dipper was exhausted, the full moon was the night before, but it had gone better than previous times.

Everyone eventually fell asleep.

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3 years ago

Moon and Stars- chapter 5

All Gryffindors were thrilled when the portrait was fixed, but not so much when Sir Cadogan and his fat horse took over.

Dipper didn't mind the riddle like passwords once or twice a day, gave him something to look forward to. Fred and George on the other hand... they hated it.

"He's a lunatic!" They exclaimed together.

Dipper sent them a pointed look. "Be nice," He scolded, "he was the only one who was brave enough to take the position." He yawned. "Be grateful."

Fred rolled his blue eyes while George pouted. "I just want to get into the common room before a quidditch match." He whined.

Dipper sighed. "I understand, but soon it'll all be back to normal."

The weather had unfortunately worsened steadily as the first match came near. They had all been training hard and on their final training session before the saturday's match, Oliver gave his team some news.

"We're not playing Slytherin!" he said. "Flint's just been to see me. We're playing Hufflepuff instead."

"Why?" chorused the rest of the team.

"Flint's excuse is that their Seeker's arm's still injured," said Wood, "But it's obvious why they're doing it. Don't want to play in this weather. Think it'll damage their chances..."

Strong wind and thunder rumble the sky.

"There's nothing wrong with their seeker's arm!" said Harry furiously. "He's faking it!"

"I know that, but we can't prove it," said Wood bitterly, "And we've been practicing all those moves assuming we're playing Slytherin, and instead it's Hufflepuff, and their style's quite different. They've got a new Captain and Seeker, Cedric Diggory -"

The girls gigled.

"He's that tall, good-looking one, isn't he?" said Angelina.

"Strong and silent," said Katie, and they started to giggle again.

"He's only silent because he's too thick to string two words together," said Fred impatiently. "I don't know why you're worried, Oliver, Hufflepuff is a pushover. Last time we played them, Harry caught the Snitch in about five minutes, remember?"

"We were playing in completely different conditions!" Wood shouted, "Diggory's put a very strong side together! He's an excellent Seeker! I was afraid you'd take it like this! We mustn't relax! We must keep our focus! Slytherin is trying to wrong-foot us! We must win!"

"Oliver, calm down!" George exclaimed, "We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously. Seriously."

And the days for the first Quidditch has finally come, but the weather according to everyone else, was the worst. The twins and Dipper sat in the Great Hall, all eating breakfast, the noise of the strom getting louder and louder. Then the rest of the team turned up.

Hermione, Ron, and Draco all walked in and Dipper ended up sliding to sit by them while the quidditch team chatted.

"It's going to be a tough one," said Wood, who wasn't eating anything.

"Stop worrying, Oliver," said a player, Alicia, soothingly, "we don't mind a bit of rain."

"Yeah well, I'm more worried about the lightning." said George.

But it seem the storm didn't stop the whole school from watching the match. And just before they entered the locker room they all saw the two Slytherins, Carbbe and Goyle, laughing and pointing at Harry from under their umbrella.

They all changed into their scarlet robes, and they waited for a speech from Wood, but it didn't come. Althought he tried a few times, made an odd gulping noise, then shook his head hopelessly, and beckoned them to follow him.

The wind was so strong, making them staggered on their way to the field. And thunder roared above their heads, making some look up, worried. The Hufflepuffs approached him from the other side of the field, in their yellow robes. The two team captain walked up, shaked hand. Madam Hooch spoke."Mount Your brooms."

Once they were all set, Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and they all rose fast, up in the sky.

Only in a few minutes, both teams were already soaked with water. Fred and George managed to knock the bulgers away a few times, and before they knew it, Wood signal the whole team to get down the ground.

"I called for time-out!" Wood roared at his team. "Come on, under here -"

Harry took off his glass, wiped them.

"What's the score?"

"We're fifty points up," said Wood, "but unless we get the Snitch soon, we'll be playing into the night."

"I've got no chance with these on," Harry said desperately.

But that very moment, Hermione appeared at Harry's shoulder, holding her cloak.

"I've had an idea, Harry! Give me your glasses, quick!"

Harry handed it to Hermione, and she tapped it with her wand and said "Impervius!"

"There!" she said, handling it back to Harry "They'll repel water!"

"Brilliant!" Wood called, "Okay, team, let's go for it!"

And for the look, it seem Hermione's spell work perfectly. Dipper, Draco, Hermione, and Ron watched as Katie recieved the Quaffle from Angelina, Katie looping around, causing two Hufflepuff chasers crashed into each other, and before she was blocked, she made a shot, and scored.

"10 POITNS FOR GRYFFINDOR!" shouted the commentator.

And the match continued.

"Harry!" Fred looked back to see Wood shouting "Harry, behind you!"

Cedric was gaining his speed, and Harry threw himself down, right after Cedric to get the Snitch. But there was this silence fill the whole field.


And Harry was falling throught the icy mist. He was no near stopping, or even slowing down. But Professor Dumbledor has stop Harry from hitting the ground.


"Lucky the ground was so soft." said George.

"No, lucky Professor Dumbledore was fast enough." Dipper commented.

"I thought he was dead for sure." said Fred.

"But he didn't even break his glasses." George pointed out.

Harry slowly open his eyes.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life." said Hermione.

"Harry!" Exclaimed Fred "How're you feeling?"

"What happened?" said Harry, sitting up.

"You fell off," said George. "Must've been - what - fifty feet?"

"We thought you'd died," said Alicia, who was shaking.

"But the match," said Harry. "What happened? Are we doing a replay?"

No one said a thing.

"We didn't - lose?"

"Diggory got the Snitch after you fell. He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square...even Wood admits it." Angelina told him.

"Where is Wood?" said Harry.

"Still in the showers," said Fred. "We think he's trying to drown himself."

"C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before."

"There had to be one time you didn't get it," said George.

"It's not over yet," said Fred. "We lost by a hundred points."

"Right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin..."

"Hufflepuff'll have to lose by at least two hundred points," George told him.

"But if they beat Ravenclaw..."

"No way, Ravenclaw is too good. But if Slytherin loses against Hufflepuff..." Fred said.

"It all depends on the points - a margin of a hundred either way -"

"The point is," Dipper cut in, "the chance for you guys to win is still there, just slim."

Harry just lay there, not saying a word. And after a long ten minutes, Madam Pomfrey come to tell the team to leave.

"We'll come and see you later," Fred told him. "Don't beat yourself up. Harry, you're still the best Seeker we've ever had."

The team and Dipper left, all but Draco, Hermione and Ron stayed behind with Harry. They moved nearer to Harry's bed.

"Dumbledore was really angry," Hermione said,"I've never seen him like that before. He ran onto the field as you fell, waved his wand, and you sort of slowed down before you hit the ground. Then he whirled his wand at the Dementors. Shot silver stuff at them. They left the stadium right away...He was furious they'd come onto the grounds. We heard him -"

"Then he magicked you onto a stretcher," said Ron. "And walked up to school with you floating on it. Everyone thought you were..."

"Dead." mumbled Draco. But it seem no one notice what he just said. Harry looked at the three.

"Did someone get my Nimbus?" Harry said.

The three looked each other.

"Er -"

"What?" said Harry, looked worry.

"Well...when you fell off, it got blown away," said Hermione hesitantly.


"And it hit - it hit - oh, Harry - it hit the Whomping Willow."

"And?" said Harry, but it seem he already knows what happened.

"Well, you know the Whomping Willow," said Ron. "It - it doesn't like being hit."

"Professor Flitwick brought it back just before you came around," said Hermione.

"It broke into pieces made," said Draco, "sorry mate."

And Hermione reached down her feet for a bag, turned it upside down, and tipped dozens of splintered wood and twig down onto the bed.

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