Billdip - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
(I Have A Ko Fi Now So If You Want To Support Me Its Here, Feel Free To Request Some Art Too If You Want,
(I Have A Ko Fi Now So If You Want To Support Me Its Here, Feel Free To Request Some Art Too If You Want,

(I have a ko fi now so if you want to support me it’s here, feel free to request some art too if you want, I can’t promise I’ll do it but if it’s possible I’ll try ^^)

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6 years ago
Not Really Sure Where I Was Going With This Tbh

not really sure where I was going with this tbh

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6 years ago
Unotrashrat Said To Yumyjamy:i Actually Like That Idea, Lets See Art Of It :D
Unotrashrat Said To Yumyjamy:i Actually Like That Idea, Lets See Art Of It :D
Unotrashrat Said To Yumyjamy:i Actually Like That Idea, Lets See Art Of It :D
Unotrashrat Said To Yumyjamy:i Actually Like That Idea, Lets See Art Of It :D
Unotrashrat Said To Yumyjamy:i Actually Like That Idea, Lets See Art Of It :D

unotrashrat said to yumyjamy:i actually like that idea, lets see art of it :D

honestly same

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6 years ago
Today Is International Cat Day('')
Today Is International Cat Day('')

today is international cat day (ฅ'ω'ฅ)

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11 months ago

Something I haven't really seen explored in the Bill-Will-Kill-verses is their triangular shapes. Everyone kinda draws them as mirror images of one another, like, exactly the same, just with different colors.

And I think we could do more.

I mean, I know it's kinda died down in the past couple of years, but this is still stuck in my head: what if they were different types of triangles?

Bill is obviously equilateral, but what if Will was a right triangle? You know, as a play on being 'right'? Because he's always painted as this sad, sweet guy?

And Kill could be a scalene triangle, because he has an even more chaotic personality than Bill (scalene triangles have three different sides with all different lengths). Bill is still chaotic, but he's doing things more out of amusement rather than rage, so he's more contained.

I know right triangles can technically be isosceles or scalene, but in this scenario, we'll say Will is isosceles for the pun (Eye-Sosceles)

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

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1 year ago
My First Post Is Gunna Be Abt These Bitches Bc I've Been Obsessed With Them For Like 2 Years Now
cropped photos ig 🤷‍♀️

My first post is gunna be abt these bitches bc I've been obsessed with them for like 2 years now 😜😭

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1 year ago
Slay Mohawk Kween

Slay Mohawk kween ✨

And beware: my art style very inconsistennnnnt so the next thing I post might just look totttttallly different 😰👻 so spooky

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1 year ago

Okay, I'm gonna talk abt something serious real quick, so let's take a moment and just admire this beautiful cat:

Kitty cat lol

Okay, now that the cat has been shown, I have a question.

What does everyone here think abt the whole.... pro shipping thing?

I personally am kind of on the edge abt it, because on one hand, there are things that pro shippers support that make me feel real uncomfy, like incest or pedophilia. But on the other, antis really degrade people who age up characters for ships or create loopholes within a fanon/canon concept so that technically it's fine (which is what I do), and then put it all under one umbrella term of pro shipping.

Then there's the whole argument where "it's just fiction so it doesn't really matter," but I've heard of a couple of instances where a pro shipper has cooerced someone underage to do something they didn't want to do, which could totally not be related, but it feels like there's a connection between what those people are interested in and what they do. I just wanna seek some advice about it, I'm kinda new to the pro shipping concept, and some ships they support just make me feel like: 🤨😰😔

Just asking what y'all think :)

Thought I'd put a poll lol

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1 year ago

Um so like national park ranger AU??


Um So Like National Park Ranger AU??
Um So Like National Park Ranger AU??

Dipper is some sort of combination between his monster falls au self and just normal human legs 🦵

The animals are very worried that he's bouta get hunted (except for the squirrel who really just wanted an acorn smh 😔) but fret not bc it's really just Bill the park ranger who may not actually be any better than a hunter once Dipper really knows him.

Also shout out to Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer who was most definitely an inspiration for this 😌 (although Dip's nose wasn't like that already he's just obviously head over heels the second he sees Bill because if it's not self-indulgent then what's it supposed to be?)

Anyways this took way too fucking long and I've also stared too long at it so now it looks like disgusting potato soup leftovers 🤮. The lizard is the most only thing I like now 😃👍

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1 year ago

Happy (late) New Years omggg!

Happy (late) New Years Omggg!

I really needed Dipper to wear that hat, trust me it's crucial.


Happy (late) New Years Omggg!

Bill thinks Dipper's New Years resolution should be to not point out extremely obvious things lol

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1 year ago

Omggg this series is literally so good it's made by this one YouTuber called umami and it really gives off billdip vibes and I think everyone should watch it (there's also a part two). I really project the roles of dipper and bill onto the main characters, and trust me you'll know who is a lot like who if you watch it it's so obvious.

But yeah you HAVE to check it out it's one of my favorite films/series (I really don't know how to categorize it) and there's also so much more amazing content on their channel, so please show this guy some support he does really cool shit 😃👍

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1 year ago

Been seeing everyone yassifying dipper lately, here to join in on that :)

Been Seeing Everyone Yassifying Dipper Lately, Here To Join In On That :)

I personally believe dipper would SLAY bell-bottoms you guys‼️‼️We need to put this man on some hippy stuff asap cuz he'd just look so 😳

Here to spread the word of pearl necklace-wearing dipper everyone

Also tagging this billdip bc fuck it all my posts so far are tagged that even if bill ain't in it 😭

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1 year ago

Omg, I absolutely love the zombie Dipper AU @thatonegayship made, and it reminded me of this ref sheet I made for an undead(ish) dip. Literally keep forgetting to post stuff tho, like srsly I have amnesia or smth 🙄

Omg, I Absolutely Love The Zombie Dipper AU @thatonegayship Made, And It Reminded Me Of This Ref Sheet

Idk where the image went for the inspo pic but I don't feel like finding it tbh

So, he's just like a decayed corpse and his skin kind of cleared for a reason I have not yet figured out? like this idea is critically unfinished y'all 😔💔 I'm sorry not sorry for only having scraps of an idea, but I'll definitely add to it cuz I just love the aesthetics of it :)

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3 years ago

Billdip pirate au Ok so this randomly came to mind dipper is on bills ship for whatever reason and he hasn't been there for long and the rest of the crew and bill don't know that dipper is bi so whenever dipper tries to check bill out( dipper doesn't have a crush just finds bill attractive) pryonica walks in front of dippers line of sight and whenever this happens dipper just glares or gets this offended look on his face so at some point dipper finally tells pyronica in a annoyes/offened voice that, " You aways do that! Every time and it's annoying. If you were ever somebody's wingwomen you would do a terrible job just STOP! Please just stop." And the whole crew being confused just stare at dipper until pyronica ask what he is talking about so dipper explains that she is always in the way or walk in front of bill when he is trying to look at him. Then like 4/5 of bills crew agree that when they used to or still do look at bill pyronica does that. So yeah just wanted to share that cause I thought I was funny .

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3 years ago

I just had an idea what if instead of making dipper magical with suppressed poweres or maybe really strong in a world of magical people dipper. dipper instead just has a really low amount and considered weird but at one point something happens like the magic school or a group of people at the school and dipper get attacked by a monster and all the magic users are weak and don't have much magic left cause the monster was to strong or something along thought lines maybe when they attacked the monster they didn't work together and use their magic wisely so they got tired and couldn't use that much but dipper finds book that had a spell that could banish the creature but it was dangerous because it needed a lot of magic from the earth so much that if someone tried to take that much they would explode or something because they had to much magic in them but sense dipper has little to no magic he is able to do the spell but he is so tired from it he falls asleep for centuries and his magic is the only thing keeping him barely alive( and his magic type is something along the lines of immortality or maybe health type oh or maybe he has earth magic and in this au if you have earth magic your soul will be used to please some type of God and the God nows its not his time to die or knows if he is patient he could gain a lot of entertainment from dipper in the future or maybe it's some type of forest spirit that befriended dipper and saw this as a opportunity for dipper to make some friends when he does wake up in the future) and then when he finally awakes everything is so different and people who don't have that much magic isn't as belittled as they once were and since dipper didn't finish school he starts back up( he didn't age when he was asleep) and this is when he meets bill and his friends and dipper is showered in love or whatever and a lot of people look up to him and he notices there is actually a class where people with little power learn how to do spells so dipper does the class and his body starts getting use to using earth's magic( and maybe since he used that huge spell in the past his body while sleeping/healing like adapted(?) Or something so he while still having to take baby steps and gradually build his magic using ability up so he doesn't pass out again he can surpas all of the students that are like him at one point and maybe even surpass people who use magic on a daily basis( I'm thinking in his world people have a certain amount of magic he can store and use without hurting themselves and) dippers body like I said adapted or whatever and now can store and use a lot more magic than a lot of other people who have a decent amount of magic but he has to take it slow because even if his body CAN use a lot of magic there could he consequences if he uses to much to soon and that what I mean about taking baby steps and gradually getting his body use to using certain amount of magic.

My minds imagination surprises me sometimes. Not complaining about it though I like how I can think of this stuff in one sitting(even though I had to get food)

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3 years ago

Imagine witch dipper but he's like one with he forest or something like the forest dies he gets so weak till he dies and he can communicate kinda with the forest and turn wood grass ect and the actual forest into creature things like the possessed tree thing you sometimes see just stuff like that but he has to use souls from people who died around or in the forest and with the souls he makes the wood/grass ect creatures and if the creature dies the soul has a chance of getting damage or get killed again(?) But it could also escape without injury and he is basically a forest spirit/god/protector/guardian but he's a witch he just is similar to those things. So he protects a village in his forest and has a cottage in the forest but the towns people don't know this and luckily hasn't gotten him or really tries ( a few did and more in the past tried but their attempts were useless) and also a kinda Hansel and Gretal(that how you spell it?) Thing is going on and bill and will(or Jill anybody really) are abandoned and come across the cottage but dipper instead dof hurting them actually help them and after a while when they get stronger and are able to leave(not to much stronger they where only there for a few weeks two months at the most and they basically just get some experience in living in the forest and fending for them selves in a village cause dipper doesn't go into the village anymore) so a long while after they are adults and come back to the village and don't remember to much about dipper they just know he was a witch a male and was nice(maybe a few ideas on his looks) and they they meet up after so long. One way they could meet up is the village was attacked by witches to try to lead dipper out and kill him cause he protected humans and was a really strong witch compared to most. But bill and will was there and like Hansel and Gretal they are witch hunters but they try to only go after ones who go after humans which is most and they are really good at their job. So the whole village isn't slaughtered in minutes some still died but bill and will helped lowering the numbers by a lot. Imagine the town was on fire and witches were everywhere like in the movie. Dipper does come though and fight against the witches which surprised the humans and bill and will cause they didn't recognize him(also they are fighting kinda hard to get a good look) dipper also has his forest creatures and SURPRISE he can even turn some into actual flesh creatures but not all cause it takes a good bit of magic. dipper defeats the witches and collapse bill or will go sees if he is okay and the other follows. They then recognize each other and sadly have to part for sometime again only a few days or a week and half cause dipdop gotta rest and the village gotta fix well the village. They then meet up to you if you want it or not but either bill or will starts dating dipper and yeah.

Got inspired by a story called follow the bread crumbs on manta. The story is a comic and is more of a girl eats a cake gets put into a world where she is the witch and meets Hansel and gretal takes care of them and that is all I was inspired about. Also it's totally free don't even have to make a account(not all stories are free some you get a few chapters then you have to pay a 3 or 4 dollar sum subscription to read the rest but only for well.. I think most stories you have to pay but trust me there is a lot of good stories that you don't have to pay for!

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3 years ago

How did I manage to read this angst billdip story and only have my eyes water and heart broken into germ size pieces?? Like I wanted fluff not this apocalypse sadness?!?!? I'm so sad like no plz make it be a dream.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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