
108 posts

It's My Birthday Today, And Even Though Only One Person Attended My Party, That's Okay. Cause She's My

it's my birthday today, and even though only one person attended my party, that's okay. cause she's my very best friend and i appreciate her sooo much <3

More Posts from Clay-tries-his-best

1 year ago

silly scientist man is so underrated <3


clay-tries-his-best - clay

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1 year ago

recently exposed to scene kyle and scene tweek and i kinda like the clothing style...

is this my scene awakening

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1 year ago

! atsv spoilers !

a prediction for beyond the spiderverse!! ( i am so sorry if this turns out to be right and i ruin the surprise for you i kinda hope this is wrong so that doesn't happen ) you know that the spot is mad at miles for being the cause of his disfigurement and troubles, right? and that miles gained this power of absorbing power and repelling it entirely from right field, riiiight? well uh, what if during the miles / spot fight, miles apologizes ( or says something like "i may have created you, but i can beat you too" or sum ) for ruining the spot's life and fixes it by absorbing the spot's dark matter??? and then since he repells power, what if Jonathan ( i think that's his name sorry if it's not ) aka the spot is now repelled into the spotted dimension without a way to get out because miles absorbed all his power?????

i swear if im right i apologize profusely

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1 year ago

no bc peter b and miguel are literally dads and i love their dynamic so much???

i like to hc that peter b always fell asleep on miguels shoulders whenever hes tired and miguel would rolled his eyes but used to it

he probably help baby sitting mayday just for peter b can rest

and idk, when peter wanted to come miguel said no, i like to think its bc of mayday and he doesnt want peter b happening bad to him (plus mayday as well)

No Bc Peter B And Miguel Are Literally Dads And I Love Their Dynamic So Much???

i thought this was a really cute hc, thanks anon! i just had to draw it lmao. sorry for black and white, i don't enjoy coloring. also don't ask why peter b. is shorter when he's either taller or the same hight. he's uh, slanted. yeah. 😁

@probablydeadidk for the ship name ideas! (click for better quality)

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