Beyond The Spiderverse - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago


Summary: An assignment brings two different hero’s closer together as an unlikely duo, sharing deep secrets and everyday experiences, only to end up as lovers. The catch? They’re in two different time periods…

I know I haven’t writing for my hero in a while, so here’s one about Bakugou (my fave😋)

Other series dropping or being worked on:

SKUKUNA X READER (ANGST): reader falls pregnant and tries to keep the baby hidden from her cruel husband, knowing what he will do it he finds out

MIGUEL X READER (FLUFF): your tribes arrange a marriage for the both of you to strengthen their kingdom

GOJO X READER (FLUFF AND ANGST): the everyday challenges of a jujitsu sorcerer and his wife, and ordinary cilvilian

HIROMI X READER (FLUFF): teacher reader and new divorced father Hiromi. (He adopts a child so he’s not alone, and finds it more difficult than he anticipated)

You can request more tropes and characters, with similar or different stuff. I hope you guys are as excited about this as I am! Love youuuu🎀

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1 year ago


I WILL NOW AND FINNALY POST MIGUEL O'HARA FLUFF & SMUT (tbh i dont think i can even write smut or NSFW but ill try my best-)

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1 year ago

Thx for the love on the recent post!

i posted this at 12 and I woke up and saw how many people loved it, I was shocked! If you guys want another I can post tonight or tomorrow.

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Okay so I saw atsv recently and while I love reading everyone’s takes on the art styles, I have to bring up the music

I’m a pretty basic music nerd with minimal theory study, but I’ve taken to just playing the soundtrack. (I’m referencing specifically the Metro soundtrack, I prefer songs with lyrics, but I’m positive this will apply to the other soundtrack too, the crew of spider verse are that amazing) And in doing so, I just need to bring up how carefully these songs are constructed??

See, backing track songs need to be subtle. That’s what (in my experience) can make them boring or difficult to compose - how do you make something interesting but able to blend in? But these people, they’ve just - pulled back layers?? And spread them out???? Rarely is there more than about 3 things happening at any one point in the songs, and it means they can pack so much into them. And more than that, it gives them room to give every song a style, a reference and a character to link them to!

Take ‘Hummingbird’, for example: it’s the song that plays when Gwen opens the portal above Miles’ bed. Then compare it to ‘Sunflower’, from the original movie. The artists are completely different, the tone of the movie has changed entirely, but the songs mirror each other!! The way the vocals have a little flick (flick? Reach??) at the end, the bass and trap in the background, heck, even the emotions they convey! Miles, in each instance, is at a turning point, whether he is aware of it or not.

But the composers haven’t just decided to mimic Miles’ song from the original song - they’ve dampened it to fit the tone of the movie. The trap beat and pulses are muted, and the vocals are slightly subdued. And of course, the lyrics are very different. They are both about love, but one is optimistic, and one is resigned. GOD these people!!

And it’s like this with basically every song I’ve come across! While a lot of the characters have less (or nothing) to compare to, the composers have put bits and pieces in to make the characterisations and emotions peak through. Just look at the percussion in ‘Link Up’ (a mixture of the clicking from ‘Self-Love, which kinda was Gwen’s theme in the album, and the percussion from ‘Silk & Cologne’, which I think is supposed to be Miles’ family and their party (?)) which I took as showing Miles’ split between Gwen and the Spiders, and his family.

Just, this soundtrack has som much care and love stuffed into it. I don’t know how much this makes sense (It’s 3 AM), but I didn’t see anyone talking about it and that is a CRIME

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1 year ago

If Beyond The Spiderverse does not open up with

"I'm Miles G Morales

But you can call me the Prowler"

(Insert cool backstory montage here)

I will be surprised

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1 year ago


Beyond the Spiderverse Theory!!

contains spoilers for across the spiderverse

okay so in the next movie, beyond the spiderverse, i think miles’ dad will survive. somehow, someway he’ll be saved from his untimely death.

miles was told numerous times in across the spiderverse that he cannot have his cake and eat it too. and he retorts with “unless you have two cakes!” miles is unmoving on his belief of “spiderman always does both.”

while reading out what he wants the bakery to write on the cake, he’s told it won’t fit on one. so he opts for buying two cakes, but while being spiderman, stopping a villain and swinging to his apartment, (aka: trying to do both) he’s late for his parents’ party, both of the cakes are ruined, he misses his dad’s heartfelt speech and then gets grounded. essentially the lesson from this is that he has to choose his battles correctly, that he cannot do both.

when miles finds out his dad is supposed to die, he tells miguel that he can save his father and save the city/civilians, because spiderman ALWAYS does both, but like we‘ve seen numerous times, sometimes doing both just isn’t possible. in order to have one thing, you have to give up something else. he’s told that this is what being spiderman is all about, that this is what he signed up for.

miles isn’t satisfied with this answer, and says he’s gonna do his own thing.

a good portion of the movie focuses on the development of miles’ and his mom’s relationship, while him and his dad’s is still kind of rocky. he’s growing up right in front of her eyes and she has to change the way she parents, but expresses that she’s scared of losing her little boy to the world, and that she just wants to protect him because others might not have his best interests at heart— and we end up seeing that later on. our focus is pulled from this when we see what miles’ canon event is supposed to be— his dad’s death.

where i’m going with this? the one you expect is never the one they take. usually the character who we think is the safest, is actually the one who’s in danger.

in miles’ comics, during the battle with venom, he saves his father from dying but while this happens, the police accidentally shoot (and kill) his mother, rio, when they were aiming for venom. and as she’s bleeding out in his arms, this is when he finally confesses to her that he’s spiderman (something he didn’t get to do at the end of the movie because he was in the wrong universe). more happens w this in the comics but we know sometimes movies don’t follow the plot to a T, and beyond the spiderverse is supposed to be the end to his story.

so let’s replace venom with another villain that we’ve recently been introduced to, the spot. another ridiculously powerful villain that the cops will stupidly try and apprehend with guns that don’t stand a chance like they always do.

that being said, i don’t think they’re going to kill off miles’ dad.

i think they’re going to kill off his mom.

Beyond The Spiderverse Theory!!

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1 year ago

Hello here's my little bit of spider Brainrot <3 brought to you by my thoughts at 4 AM

*movie ends, threat defeated, uhh Miguel either dies or gets redeemed(no in between. This MF can't just *live* the way he is). Things all chill. The spider band gets to reunite, etc. And they prepare to send Miles home to the right universe, at least for now.*

Miles: Wait! There's one more thing I gotta do before we go back!

Cue a small montage of the spider gang helping him make two cakes, it's a mess at first but they look good in the end. We don't see the finished product as the cakes are put neatly into two boxes.

Cut to a shot of Miles' house. Rio and Jeff are sitting anxiously at the table as the storm's just cleared up and they wonder when "Gwanda" will come back with their son in tow. There's a flash of colors and a portal opens up in the living room, with Miles stepping through, two boxes in his arms.

But he's not alone.

As he steps into his home, his real home, he's followed by none other than Gwanda. And then a kind-looking boy with a red headband and hair that looks amazing. And a ridiculously tall punk boy with a guitar over his shoulder. And a man with a baby girl strapped to his chest. And a woman with a baby bump. Each of them is holding something else food or party related, such as a couple of big bags of chips or bottles of soda.

Miles: I know I missed the first I wanted to make it up to you. And don't worry, I didn't forget the cakes!

Rio and Jeff embrace their son, and we finally get to see what's written on the cakes. It's read out loud as we see the party kick off, with the spiders socializing with Jeff and Rio.

Voiceover Miles says something along the lines of "Dad, I'm proud of you for how far you've come, because I can see all the effort you're putting in. I couldn't be more proud of you, and I hope you're proud of me too."

It cuts to the other cake, which has frosting letters on it in Miles' own handwriting, and it just says "p.s., I'm spiderman. Love you!" Or something like that

(that's it that's the end of the movie. Sony you can hire me whenever 💖)

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8 months ago

*deep breath*




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6 months ago

Yeeees yes yes yes to all of this!!! I’m for Gwen being happy but man she doesn’t need a relationship rn 😭

How do you feel about flowerbyte and ghostflower? (Miles x Margo) and (Miles x Gwen)

Tbh it’s hard for me to be invested in anything to do with Margo because she’s just unfortunately another ATSV character that we see so little of.

Therefore, purely off the fact that I know so little about her, I’m not sure if I can say I actively ship Flowerbyte. In the face of Ghostflower however? I root for Flowerbyte all the way 🫡

As I’ve said before, I’m not here to debate or hurt feelings. With that said, as I’ve also stated before, man oh man I do not like Ghostflower :((

We truly do not see enough of Gwen and Miles in my opinion for romance to be established. Friends? Sure! Absolutely! Give me a main character pair of male female friends where no romance happens cause god we don’t have enough media of that! But romance? I wholeheartedly do not buy it, especially on Gwens end. Miles? Sure, he’s a silly teenage boy, I can see him falling easily, but definitely not Gwen.

Thanks so much for the ask though! I super appreciate it and would love to answer more!💕

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6 months ago

Ahh i wanna write about him so bad I have so many ideas but i dont think i can nail his character! But i am now encouraged 🫡

I have come to a conclusion that we as a fandom need more Morales twins fics/headcanons/theories ANYTHING BECAUSE BTSV ISN'T COMING OUT FOR A GOOD 4 YEARS!!!, writers, I call you to write anythinf you have, you think it's cringe? WRITE!! you think it's ooc? WRITE THAT TOO!!!

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5 months ago

There is small, evil little part of me that wants to see ghostflower become somewhat canon in btsv but they fumble it even harder than they did in atsv, or they just show how ghostflower couldn’t realistically work in the movie, so the rest of us can just sit back knowing we were right the whole time hehe /lh

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5 months ago

woke: being spider-man is a metaphor for being queer

bespoke: the idea/feeling of being in the closet is not unique to being queer, but can in fact be relevant to various aspects of life, both in fiction and in reality

broke: SPIDER-MAN ISNT GAY 😭😭😡😡😡

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5 months ago


There’s only 3 things that’ll make me like btsv

1. Miles not accepting anyone’s apologies

2. Tiana Toomes introduction

3. FlowerByte canon canon canon confirmed

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5 months ago

For like 12 minutes once a day, I actually really like Gwen, and recently during one of those moments I had this really fun idea with her-

Imagine the Gwen Stacy we know from spider-verse having to attend some kind of ceremony with her dad like in tobey maguire spider-man 3; obviously it’s a great set up for a classic spider-man action scene, but also I’m so obsessed with punky-teen spider-verse Gwen being like “I don’t wanna do this, but I’m the police captains daughter, so I gotta 🙄”

Am i cooking or no?

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1 year ago


It’s called beyond the spiderverse because earth 42 doesn’t have a spider therefore it’s outside of the spiderverse

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1 year ago

(Sorry in advance for my bad english.)

I personally think he will have a larger part in BTSV because of the Chekhov's gun principle.

(Sorry In Advance For My Bad English.)

The Chekhov's gun here is the watch that he gave to Gwen. The fact that he's literally from the 70's and that he was able to make a watch with a technology way above his time raises some questions. How did he make it ? Did he study advances technologies at the HQ ? How did his recruitment in the HQ went ?

And we had great introductions of Gwen and Pav's universes while with Hobie, we only had crumbs. We have an idea of his universe and its graphic style but the viewer didn't travel into it like with Gwen or Pav. He had an introduction like the ITSV gang and because of the questions that this questions raised, an introduction of New London is expected. What if the introduction of New London in the next movie is like the introduction of Gwen's universe in ATSV ? And then we get to know how he met Gwen and Pav ? Therefore more ✨lines✨

Plus, we'll probably see him in the battle against the Spot (a battle is expected right ?)

I'm curious, do you think he'll have more lines?

Do you think we'll get to see New London?

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