cloudychao - Angie

Edit Commissions (OPEN!!) [Video or Photo] DM about pricing. The egotiscal writer who needs to vent someplace about her OCs, personas, and games.

162 posts

I Realized I Cannot Talk About Any Recreated Fight Scenes Without Talking About The Cursed Protagonists

I Realized I Cannot Talk About Any Recreated Fight Scenes Without Talking About The Cursed Protagonists

I realized I cannot talk about any recreated fight scenes without talking about the cursed protagonist’s ultimate rival.

Not mentioned in previous posts, the protagonist’s biggest rival and friend in all this is the one cursed with a duck body like a swan. They both grew up in the same village together and the Swan took the same route as the protagonist in escaping. The Swan is mad that the protagonist left her and hid. 

She found herself sponsored by a rich family and goes to a rivaling private school. She is equal in strength and skills, but lacks formal training unlike the protagonist. The Swan doesn’t really care about it anymore as she takes up ballet, piano, and dance in her time.

The Swan’s debut episode is after the protagonist becomes a huge hit and defeats the biggest jock at their school. She catches wind of it and comes to check it out under the guise of wanting to confess to a boy. Upon seeing the protagonist, she is overcome with rage and doesn’t hesitate to attack them, no matter which form they are in.

The protagonist looks pretty much the same, but most differences is in the facial structure and body. As a male, the protagonist is taller, more muscular, and has a sharper jawline. His hair is slightly duller from the lack of care and straighter. As a female, the protagonist is slightly shorter, slimmer, and has very soft features. Her hair is a bit curlier, fluffier, and shiny from all the products.

Once attacked, the protagonist is overcome with fight-or-flight and doesn’t recognize the girl in front. Many people are booing them for attacking a girl in their male form, but its just an instinctual response. Not wanting to make a bigger fool out of themselves, the protagonist just restrains the Swan and gets her to talk. Realizing the Swan is their childhood friend who got abandoned, the air becomes awkward and the protagonist has to let her go. Angrily, the Swan leaves and is embarrassed about what they did.

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More Posts from Cloudychao

2 years ago
I Had An Old Idol Au Of Some Characters Awhile Back. I Have Been Really Getting Back Into The Genre So

I had an old idol au of some characters awhile back. I have been really getting back into the genre so I think it would be cool to talk about it.

I would like it to be pretty competitive and there are different genres to it. I really like when they’re on skates, hoverboards, or fighting. It adds something dangerous to the act, but I don’t want it too risky in this series.

Indie idols would be more exclusive to online and local places like cafes. They definitely would like being a virtual idol and doing vr concerts. The recruited idols would definitely have the bigger concerts and upgrades such as ice rinks, hoverboards, and cool theatrical acts. 

This mostly showed off the girls than the world they live in. I would think both virtual and real idols would both be equally popular. There would be an idol ranking to determine the best of the best. If indie idols are on the top rankings, they can be recruited by a company and get a higher pay. Idol competitions are normal. 

The plot of the series is an average girl who decides to become an idol after seeing a video of one. She is the bottom of the rankings and decides to compete in all sorts of idol activities. She gets into different things like a cooking show, parkour tournament, dance off, and ice skating. 

The main plot of the original series was that a deaf girl named Madison wanted to become an idol and join the ranks. She was able to audition and work her way into a famous group called the Dream Catchers.

The prequel of the series was the Dream Catchers breaking into a record company and being recruited as a girl group. They’re mostly a dance group who did not have a knack for singing. They discover they like singing a lot and dancing. They become an idol group afterwards.

I just really liked the members of the group and the outfits. The members were Madison, Ana, Csilla, Cassidy, Allie, and Crystal.

Madison likes dark royal idol outfits and looking very pristine. Her day clothes are usually business casual.

Ana is a free spirit who likes super whimsical idol outfits with bouquets of flowers. Her day outfits are very simple and flowy.

Csilla likes bows and very cutesy outfits, almost Lolita idol outfits. Her day outfits are usually just mostly street clothes since she likes dancing in parks.

Cassidy likes the punk style and a lot of black with red. Her day clothes are pretty similar to her idol outfits.

Allie likes animal and clown themed idol outfits. Her day clothes are usually whatever is on trend.

Crystal likes split color idol outfits and having an angelic-devilish themes. Her day outfits is usually just her uniform or exercise outfit.

I Had An Old Idol Au Of Some Characters Awhile Back. I Have Been Really Getting Back Into The Genre So
I Had An Old Idol Au Of Some Characters Awhile Back. I Have Been Really Getting Back Into The Genre So

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2 years ago
I Really Like The Tea Ceremony Martial Arts. I Didnt Enjoy How It Was Really Used, But It Was Interesting.

I really like the tea ceremony martial arts. I didn’t enjoy how it was really used, but it was interesting. Didn’t enjoy the episode though.

I liked how they used matcha powder as smoke bombs. Using the obi wrap as handcuffs was interesting. Using the roses as darts was amazing.

I think this could be some items and a style good for the ram rival. 

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1 year ago
I Just Remembered I Had A Concept For Jewelpet (and Took Some Ideas From Shugo Chara).

I just remembered I had a concept for Jewelpet (and took some ideas from Shugo Chara). 

I wanted the jewels and the jewelpets to either represent the person or the person’s dream self. It would be a bit of a magical girl series because when the jewelpet and the person are in sync, they get to transform to a more powerful version of themselves. 

I like when they get a boost of magic from their partners too. The jewel charms are obviously too heavy and large to be a hair accessory so I think when they glow on their pockets or shirts, the user is in sync with their partners and can do magic. They also will act differently too and whatever the jewel represents.

I really liked when they went to school so I will let them go to school with their jewelpets. They are the student council of the school and protect them from evil magic and getting their energy drained. 

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1 year ago
Let Me Talk About The Best Arc In The Series. They Put The Girls In Skates And It Was Magical. Wish They

Let me talk about the best arc in the series. They put the girls in skates and it was magical. Wish they kept that.

This time, the five girls are doing their solo careers and the protagonist stumbles upon ice skating idols. She goes to join them, but is unable to skate properly. A new friend helps her with training.

The protagonist is starting a new career and it is going well. Skating idols typically have a better reputation because their fanbase is not as toxic. The witch title still looms over her. 

The leader of the group is having the best time because a lot of the fans like her and her music.

Her two co-leaders are doing pretty good too. One decided to become a streamer and the other decided to do more acoustic covers for now.

The last person is not doing ok though. She has been the weakest link in the group and it is showing. She is lost in what to do and does not know what she wants. 

The protagonist has her join skating for now until she can find out what she wants to do.

Let Me Talk About The Best Arc In The Series. They Put The Girls In Skates And It Was Magical. Wish They

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2 years ago
I Wrote A Digimon Series Back In The Day. Im Here To Rewrite It In Canon With Data Squad. When I Wrote

I wrote a digimon series back in the day. I’m here to rewrite it in canon with Data Squad. When I wrote this, I made the cast very young but it doesn’t make sense as getting a government job definitely is an adult thing. The cast will be adults and have varying ages. This takes place in America and years into the future where Digimon are starting to become a mass issue again.

Neptuna is new to town who can’t seem to get along with her peers. One day she encounters fugitive BlackKudamon who escaped the Digimon War. DATS’ youngest member, Jacob is assigned to capture her. Before he could, a rabid Guilmon attacks them both. BlackKudamon protects her and Jacob isn’t able to evolve Koromon to help out. Right as he is calling his team, BlackKudamon evolves from the strong gratitude from Neptuna.

Neptuna is arrested by DATS’ Robert and Thistle. They also scold Jacob on not calling sooner at the dangerous scene. BlackKudamon escapes again, leaving Jacob feeling angry at how weak he is. Koromon gives his wisdom and calms Jacob.

While at DATS, Commander Mackenzie and Felix assess the situation and order that Neptuna be used as bait for BlackKudamon then have their minds wiped. Neptuna and BlackKudamon resist which makes the Commanders reconsider their decision. They decide to allow her to join DATS alongside Jacob and the others.

I have a brief characterization of everyone I wrote a few years back.

- Neptuna Foreman is shy, quiet girl who is cowardly. She has a fear of fighting and stressful, situations. She’s insecure in her abilities. Her best trait would be her huge empathy for others. She is perceptive of others’ feelings and sensitive to strong emotions.

- Jacob Jennings is is a very serious and quiet guy. He may come off as overly cocky but he wants to achieve greater than his seniors. He has a fear of failing. He doesn’t want to disappoint. He has an inferiority complex and doesn’t want to feel smaller than others. He is conscious of his height.

- Thistle Briggs is a happy-go-lucky girl. She tries to please everyone around her. She is very positive and tries to cheer up her team. She loves cooking and sewing despite her being super clumsy and airheaded. She is oblivious also and doesn’t notice subtle hints. She is overly affectionate and very overbearing.  

- Robert Potter is a know-it-all nerd. He is informed about everything and makes sure everyone knows it. He just wants to keep everyone safe and alive. He has trouble with trusting his coworkers. He is pretty scared of Digimon and animals despite working with them for awhile.

- Demi Flores is a sassy, reserved type of girl. She won’t accept insults or bullying. She can be very pushy with her friends and honest to a fault with them also. She doesn’t notice the harm it does to them until they tell her upfront. She can be oblivious to how popular she actually is and to others’ affections.

- Mona Lisa Clark was abused as a child and lost all emotions because of it. She doesn’t understand happiness or sadness. She feels obligated to the point of care towards Eric. She imitates an older sister figure for Eric and they end up having a brother-sister dynamic.

- Eric Dennis is a very intimidating guy. His resting face is scary to some but really he is aloof. He doesn’t care about anything. He usually gets irritated with Lisa’s antics and with her imitations. They argue like real siblings sometimes.


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