Hii! I'm Sam and I've had the itch to get into writing Fanfiction again recently! So this is for me to practice writing::3! Feel free to request it helps motivated me~
17 posts
Clumsy SO Getting Hurt UT,UF,US
Clumsy SO getting hurt UT,UF,US
Sans: Bro is not very good at dealing with injuries. He can bandaid it up for you and distract you from the pain with puns and jokes. Once it keeps happening he definitely teases you about it on occasion and has a few puns in store for when you trip or bump into things.
Papyrus: Handles it rather well. He's used to dealing with injuries while training and such with Undyne and the others. He patches you up and gives you a monster candy while looking around and seeing how he can secure the area so it's easier for you to navigate.
Red: He's used to patching himself and his brother up from their underground so his instincts kick in and he's straight to work at patching you up. He's reprimanding you while he does it asking how it happened and calling you stupid but he's just worried. Once it keeps happening he starts laughing a bit before helping you.
Edge: Also a great one at dealing with the injuries because of his training and position in the guard. He deals with it well and is worried at first but when it keeps happening he reprimands you. He does get a chuckle out of the more comical situations sometimes like you tripping over your own feet. He trys to stay close to you so he can catch you or move you out of the way of stuff.
Underswap:Stretch: He's a little clumsy himself so he knows how to take care of small scrapes and stuff. Not too panicked and keeps a level head while he's helping you out. Probably jokes about it and it becomes and inside joke between you two at some point with how often you guys get hurt from your clumsiness.
Blue: Used to Stretch's clumsiness and helping him, because Stretch constantly forgets to carry around supplies Blue does on occasion for him and will alot more for you. He's pretty good at helping you and also likes to stay close to make sure you don't get hurt more often holding your hand to lead you around. He kisses your scrapes and bruises all better too.
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More Posts from Cloudyskydreams
hey!! i see youve been posting about the sanses a bunch and i was wondering if you could write some cuddling headcanons? im mostly here for UF Sans but u can write for all 3 of them too if you prefer :o] whatever you want really
Hi thanks so much for requesting! I absolutely can do that for you I loved writing these so much, Red is absolutely one of my favorites he's sm fun to write I did end up doing all three cause why not ::3 Anyways I hope you enjoy!!

•Red is a clinger he loves touching you in any form and capacity and cuddling means he can press your bodies as close together as he wants.
•He's can big or little spoon both works for him. When he is big spoon he likes curling up around you holding you to his chest. It's reassuring, but ohhh when you hold his head to your chest and gently rub his skull and wrap yourself around him? He melts he loves being the little spoon it makes him feel safe and loved.
•He runs warm so I hope you're ready for some heated cuddles. He likes to run his hands up your sides and trace little pictures into your skin and his hand is always nice and warm when he does.
•Red gets a bit touchy while cuddling but that's part of the experience, he won't do it if you're uncomfortable with it too. Just squeezing your soft bits or more teasing touches if you seem into it. He doesn't even do it in a lewd way at first he just likes touching you but then his thoughts catch up with his actions.
•Sleep cuddler all the way, he loves being close to you in his sleep and him seeing you by his side when he wakes up from nightmares always helps calm him down.
•PURRING, I am obsessed with them being able to purr this man specifically. Imagine falling asleep with him in your arms while you can feel the vibrations of his purr on your chest. Be proud he feels safe and loved enough to be able to do that!
Small drabble because why not:
Today was not a good day for Red, everything that could go wrong seemed to and it had left him on edge waiting for the next awful thing to happen. You being the dutiful partner as always noticed his mood change 5 minutes into him coming home and called him over to the couch.
"What's wrong baby?" You ask gently looking at the skeleton in front of you. His shoulders are tense and he's looking at the ground his usual smile strained.
"nothing ta worry your pretty lil head over doll, jus a bad day." He grumbles out and you frown. You reach over and gently take his arm he looks up from the floor to stare at you in confusion as you gently pull him forward. He follows your lead and eventually the skeleton is sitting on your lap as you wrap your arms around him. His shoulders drop from their scrunched place and he looks into your eyes as if searching for something. After a second he seems satisfied and lowers his head to your shoulder resting it in the crook of your neck.
"It's okay," you say softly as you trace his spine through his jacket, he sighs contently and nuzzles into your neck cuddling close you"This will pass, it's just a bad day and it will come to an end and tomorrow we'll do better " you continue to reassure him as you rock him gently back and forth. You make no comment on your shoulder wettening or his hold on you tightening and simply hold your bonefriend close, hoping to be a comforting rock for him in tough times like these.
Undertale: Sans
•He likes to cuddle has no preference on little or big spoon besides little spoon requires less work and he likes that. He likes to hold and be held so it depends on whatever mood you're in.
•His cuddles are almost always sleepy and even if you aren't he's feeling nice and relaxed enough he'll probably be passed out within ten minutes.
•One of his favorite positions is him on his back and you resting your head on his ribcage, he'll run his hands through your hair or trace small hearts and doodles on your back.
•Likes to use your squishy bits as pillows especially your legs, he'll wrap his arms around your thighs and burry his face there and be out like a light within the next few minutes.
Underswap: Blue
•Blue likes big spoon the best because it makes him feel bigger and like he's protecting you. He doesn't hate little spoon though and actually one of his favorite places to be in general is pressed into your chest.
•Another big purrer, his purr is loud and proud and he does it often when around you, especially while cuddling because he feels so safe and content.
•For videos where he doesn't have to show his face he likes having you sitting in his lap with his arms caging you in as he plays. He likes having you close to him while he works and plus a little extra motivation of having your partner in smooching distance for when you beat a hard boss is always nice. He likes having you sit like this for multiplayer games too.
•When cuddling he'll get the random urge to bite you and normally follows through with it by nibbling on your neck as he pins you down either with his body on top of you or arms wrapped around your waist. He attributes it to a form of cuteness aggression and being around you that close sets it off in him.
SO on period UT,UF,US,HT!
Ive had this sitting in my notes for awhile wasn't super proud of it still ain't but I wanted to post something, I just had to slap the HT brothers on and boom new post.
Also I've been wanting to write swapfell but I don't know the difference between that and fellswap or really their personalities cause it's so different for each fanfic so if someone could pls explain 🙏
Anyways here y'all go hope you enjoy!

Sans: I feel like sans is pretty knowledgeable so you didn't have to explain it to him. He takes it pretty maturely it's a natural part of life. The puns the horrible puns. He has so many specifically for this time of the month. He's always got your comfort snack on hand in his jacket pockets. He doesn't really change much he'll get off his ass if you ask him to but he sticks by your side mostly and lazes out cuddled with you while watching shows. Pretty good at getting products and snacks you might like he likes to get you some new snacks to try with him and he's good at guessing what you might like.
Papyrus: This man is prepared. After you tell him what it is he researches it and WOWIE he wishes he just asked you to explain but now he's over prepared with knowledge! He has hot water bottles and weighted blankets at the ready. Any snacks you want, heck you want a whole meal? He's on it and it's prepared with extra love. He carries around your products for you and always has pain medicine in his bags. Pretty good at picking them up from the store too and has no shame getting them.
Red: You gotta explain it to him and this man is bewildered for a bit. ya bleed from there for how long??? every month?! He's a little impressed?? Last he checked humans weren't supposed to lose huge amounts of blood but you're treating it like it's a normal thing. After he gets over his initial shock he'll try and help the best he can which is a little awkwardly. He makes a little nest for you out of blankets and pillows and makes sure you're comfortable. He and his magic run warm so he'll lay on your stomach and cuddle to help with cramps, pet his head and he might purr. He's pretty confused about products def one to send Babe what's your pussy size.
Edge: He's aware, he's done his research on his own when you were ovulating about the human "mating cycle". Not a fun experience but he takes it in stride. He listens to what you need and trys to deliver. Massages for sore muscles and heating pads for cramps. He'll make you comfort food while you relax watching a show and join you afterwards for some cuddles. He's pretty good at getting products for you and takes the ones you like into consideration but he's always looking for better healthier alternatives for you.
Stretch: Knows about it (blue taught him when he found out and Stretch showed interest in humans)and is a little awkward(traumatized from the talk with Blue). Hate to say it Stretch doesn't really know what to do he's not grossed out he just doesn't know how to handle it. He tries his best to be comforting giving snacks, heating pads, and cuddles. He's so awkward going to the store to get products plays it cool but has no idea what he's doing and definitely gets the wrong thing after his mind blanks while staring at all the products for too long. You just gotta train him he'll get better.
Blue: Also knows and he's handling it alot better. He takes it in stride and understands the biggest part is you're uncomfortable and he's going to do his best to help with that. He takes care of chores you don't want to do, makes you comfort meals, and always has a heating pad ready. Has so many two player comfort games lined up for you guys, he has stuff to do but most of his work stuff can be done at home! Which means he'll just be a shout away if you need anything . Pretty good at getting products and is one to carry some around in his bag just in case when you guys go out.
Axe: You have to explain it to him… Multiple times. He's confused as to why you smell like blood, he likes the smell but he's confused for a bit until he writes a note about it. He will not remember which products to get unfortunately. He's so confused staring at them you'll have to instruct him very clearly over a call and he still probably grabs the wrong one. Cuddles are supreme he's a giant so he'll engulf you in his form and his purrs practically shake your whole body. It's like a free massage chair whenever you want. He sticks closer by your side during this time of month knowing blood means your wounded and his protective urges flare up.
Willow: You'll also have to explain it to him and he's extremely worried when he smells blood. Even more so when he learns how long you bleed, he knows how much blood a human can loose and it worries him you're losing so much. After you explain it's a normal thing and a part of life he calms down slightly. He cleans and cooks a lot when stressed or worried so you constantly have something to munch on and you don't have to worry about any chores. He stays over stocked up on supplies, he doesn't like going out in public very often but for this he will because he deems it important enough. It's why he stocks up so much when he goes out. Mother hens over you hard and you might have to pull him into cuddles to get him to relax for a bit.
UT,UF,US Sleeping positions

Sans:A1, B1,B6, the occasional D2 during nightmares
•Bro sleeps like a log and does not wake up easily. He normally starts straight and shifts slightly in his sleep but doesn't move around alot unless his dream is a bad one. If he is having a bad dream he thrases around alot and has woken up from them by falling off the bed a few times. Likes cuddles and will go either way on big or little spoon but prefers little more. Will use anything as a pillow.
•Bro is stiff in his sleep. Like if you didn't know him and you found him while he was asleep you would think he was an actual corpse. I feel like he doesn't move around at all maybe kicking his feet out and occasionally shifting his legs. Likes cuddles but wakes up pretty early so you'll be woken up too if you fall asleep in his arms. Prefers big spoon because his height. Isn't a very heavy sleeper and wakes up fully aware like a weirdo. Uses one or two super soft pillows.
Red:A2, A4,B3, C2
•This man moves around A LOT. He's constantly switching positions he's a very active sleeper good luck sleeping next to him and not being kicked. The only thing that really stops the activeness is cuddles wether with a pillow or a person. He's a big cuddler and 100% prefers little spoon. Being held with his head against someone's chest is one of his favorite places to be. Pretty heavy sleeper but wakes up to loud noises. Jumps awake if woken up and his normally frantic when he does searching the room for threats. Pillow King he has so many pillows.
Edge:A5, C1, B2, B1
•A pretty average sleeper he doesn't move around too much but shifts every now and then. He's normally most comfortable sleeping on one of his sides and he uses a single pillow. Isn't big on cuddles but if you're super close and have been in a relationship for awhile he is the big spoon no argument. It makes him feel like he's protecting you in a way. A light sleeper he wakes up periodically throughout the night over little things. In his part of the underground you had to be on edge constantly.
Stretch:B3, B4, B6
He moves around in his sleep but he's not as active as some of the others maybe switching positions completely every few hours. I feel like he'd lay on his non-existent stomach and sleep that way alot. Loves cuddles and is half and half on big and little spoon he doesn't really care. Loves to hold and be held he just wants them cuddles. He has 3 pillows two soft and one hard. He's a decently light sleeper and has nightmares as well that keep him up often so some days when he's asleep he's actually passed out no waking him up but generally a decently light sleeper. Is groggy when he wakes up and doesn't talk much.
He actually doesn't move around that much in his sleep but when he does he MOVES. Goes from one position to the next in seconds and then is like that for the next fews hours till he moves again. He enjoys cuddles a lot and will move alot less when cuddling but still somehow turns himself completely upside down while holding someone/being held. Prefers big spoon as it makes him feel bigger but he likes being held occasionally too. He's not a heavy sleeper but he's on the harder side to wake up and is a little out of it when he does.
S/O falling asleep on him UT,UF,US
Sans: He does this all the time to you. Doesn't really mind and will pull you close making sure you're nice and comfy before taking a nap himself. He loves this if it's a common occurrence.
Papyrus: Depends on how common the occurrence is. If it's an all the time thing he'll let you nap 30 minutes tops before he has to get up and do something. If you're just super tired it's more like an hour and a half because he's a little worried and you probably nodded off mid activity with him.
Red:Pulls you close and might grab the squishy bits a little "on accident" but he's not gonna really perv you up in your sleep unless you're into that. So he settles for some nice cuddles, running his fingers through your hair, dedicating every facial feature to memory, thinking how lucky he is you chose him.
Edge: Thinks it's cute and will hold you for a while gently tracing shapes in your skin, he has a scheduled day though and stuff to do so he'll gently move you off and let you continue napping while he goes about his business.
Stretch:Oh he loves this, lazy days with you are great. He snuggles up with you curling up around you and def squeezes the squishy bits and probably leaves his hands there as he's cuddling. He falls asleep pretty quick and sleeps pretty good which he's thankful for.
Blue: Thinks you're adorable and takes a picture of you and then you two together. The latter becomes his phone background. He works on editing some videos for his work so he can feel productive and his phone is full of those ad games ,he can't help himself when he sees them especially puzzle ones. He doesn't start fidgeting after a bit and accidentally wakes you up at some point.
Hello Tumblr!! I used to write on here a long time ago and gave it up because life happened and now I'm back and more motivated than ever! This is mostly for practice while I post more serious fanfics on other sites but I plan to have a ton of fun on here!
Sooo here's what I write for!:
Undertale,Underfell,Underswap,and Horrortale
(will grow as I feel more comfortable with the other aus if you want to see a specific au pls request and I'll try my best it'll be good practice for me!)
Homestuck and Hiveswap! (I am a old fan lol)
John doe, Sunny day Jack, Your Boyfriend
The list will grow as I get into more stuff! My current obsession is undertale and it's au's and my hyperfixations run hard my friends so that's what I'll mostly be writing for now!
For requests there's hardly anything I won't write if the request makes me uncomfortable I might not write it but that's a hard feat lol. So feel free to bring all your little daydreams and fantasies to my ask box and I'll try my best to write them out!
Anyways that's all have a lovely day/night!!