Wrote A Fic Based Off The ISWM Ending.
Wrote a fic based off the ISWM ending.
Spoilers ahead.
Didn’t he realize that destroying the warp core was for the best? Or Did he not have no faith in his beloved captain anymore?
“I don’t know if you’re evil or stupid, but if I’m not back there to fix it..”
You watched Mark look back at the machine that he sacrificed so much effort and time to fix. His expression becoming more confused.
“..if I’m not back there…”
The more Mark looked towards the machine and saw that you were still there with him and that the universe wasn’t going kablooey, you realized that maybe, just maybe holding on to him was the right choice. Maybe, just maybe, there is an end to all of this.
“If I’m not back then, the warp core is not back…”
He walked closer to the buttons that controlled that machine. How many times has he pressed all of these buttons and prayed that something -anything- would fix things. He lost count.
“I thought– I thought–” His face went from confusion to sadness and regret.
“I thought I rebuilt it cause you destroyed it.”
Both of you were slowly beginning to realize that Mark was the real reason why everything went to shit and it hurt.
“Unless……I built the warp core? I sent it back?”
He couldn’t believe he was the cause of all of this.
“I built it” He let out a painful laugh. “I built it.”
He didn’t want to believe that this was all his fault. This was a joke right? It’s not like he did this on purpose. He didn’t know what would happen. How much pain and destruction he would cause.
But no matter how much he didn’t want to believe it, he had to. What is done, is done and he had to accept it.
“It was all my fault.”
The realization that Mark was behind everything was overwhelming to you both. This was just as much as a shock to you as it was to him and you tried your best to process this.
He was why everything happened? He was all those lives were lost. It was all his fault but you got the blame for it!
You should be furious at him. Wouldn’t that be how most people would feel at a time like this?
But you just couldn’t. You couldn’t be angry. Especially not at Mark. Not right now anyways . You couldn’t feel much right now. You were tired. So very very tired.
But, as you saw Mark now sitting there next to you, with a defeated expression that matched your own, you knew you had to try. You couldn’t give up on him right there. You placed your hand on his shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze.
“I’m–Captain, I’m tired.”
You gave his shoulder another squeeze, speaking for the first time since you made that choice to hold on to him.
“I know. We’ve both been through hell.” He closed his eyes momentarily trying not to completely lose any composure he had left.
“I don’t know when the last time I slept was…I don’t know if I’ve even slept at all.”
You nodded in understanding. Mark looked beyond exhausted. Hell, you did too and Mark must have noticed this because he asked “Have you?” You shook you head.
Mark knew that your exhaustion was his fault. This whole time you were trying to fix a problem that he unknowingly caused. You did everything in your power to find a solution. Literally everything. You went back and forth countless amount of times and yet you found nothing but more death and despair. And all of that was blamed you because you were the Captain. You saw your own crew give up on you. You saw everyone lose faith in you. Even Mark. He was certain this was all your fault. But he was wrong. So very wrong. And that pained him more than anything.
You were always there for him and he had the audacity to blame you for this. The guilt he felt could be measured. He had to make it up to you, or at least try.
“I’m really sorry, Captain”
He knew he owed you an apology and an explanation. It was the least he could do.
“I thought the only way to stop this, was to stop you, stop all this from happening in the first place.”
He held back his tears and continued on. Restating the sad truth that was discovered earlier.
“But it was me.” He said as he let out another shaky breath.
“It was me. All those mistakes. All those lifetimes. All the people..”
Images of all the different lifetimes you lived through flashed through you mind. It was…alot.
“..I guess I lost hope…” Mark said, continuing once more. He had this immense pain in his eyes that you felt as well. You both were so tired.
“…But you didn’t”. He smiled genuinely at you as he said this.
The moment you decided to hold onto him and not let him go was the moment he realized that you are the best captain that could have been on The Invincible II.
“You never did.”
You both felt rumbling. You weren’t sure why exactly. Maybe cause this was all finally over?
You hoped so.
Software Update Complete.
Initializing Wakey Wakey Protocol
Current ship status is: Nominal
You did it. You actually did it.
No more deaths. No more huge universe shattering mistakes. No more wormholes.
You couldn’t believe it.
Your crew was okay? And they were proud of you? All the colonists made it safely too?
You walked closer to the window and looked at the planet your crew we’re going to be habiting in awe.
After everything that you went through, seeing everything going this smoothly felt off. You heard Mark saying something about the crew being excited to get to ground but you couldn’t focus entirely on what he was saying.
It was over. It was all over. Things were going to finally be okay.
“And thank you” Mark said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“for uh… not giving up on me” You looked back at him, returning a smile.
“Of course. I mean, I think I would make a pretty terrible Captain if I gave up on my favorite cremate.” You told him honestly.
He smiled again and nodded at you. “Thank you”.
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More Posts from Confusedriftin
First day on parole!
Yancy x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Todays the day. He was finally getting parole. And even though you were waiting in your car to pick him up for parole you couldn't help but hum the song that was about him not wanting to make parole. It was a catchy song though that's for sure though. You were told earlier by the prison guards to park your car in the lower parking lot next to the release area and that's what you did.
'He should be coming out any minute now' you thought to yourself. You've been waiting there for what? 15 minutes now? You didn't mind waiting for him of course, you were just really excited to see him again.
Another 10 minutes passed and you saw him being escorted outside, with a guard following him close behind. You saw a pile of cards and notes in Yancy`s hand. He kept every single one you gave him. Well, you kept all the gifts he gave you too of course.
Once you saw him and that guard getting closer you got out of your car and started walking towards him to hug him. As soon as he saw you, Yancy basically sprinted towards you and gave you the biggest hug he's ever given anyone.
"Oh I've missed youse!" he said tightening his grip, scared that if he lets go he'll never see you again.
You peaked over his shoulder and saw the guard happily walking away. The guards loved Yancy and they were happy to see him this happy.
Yancy released you from his crazy tight hug suddenly and put his hands on your shoulders. "I've got so much to tell you and the rest of the gang misses youse too, y'know."You smiled as he said that, excited to hear whatever prison stories he has. He looked towards your car "but uh, let's get outta here first"
"THIS IS WHERE YOUSE LIVES?" Yancy said very loudly as he walked into your home. It wasn't anything too fancy but Yancy was impressed by it nonetheless.
You giggled at him as he started looking around at all the decorations you had around your living room. As he was doing so, your cat came running out to greet him. Yancy looked down and immediately starting petting it.
"Aww I didn't know you were one of them cat lover types." You shrugged and smiled joining Yancy in petting your cat. "Well, I kinda had to be after this one followed me home while I went a walk. Now he goes on every walk with me." You said scratching your cat's ears.
"Well, what did you name him?" Yancy asked you, still petting the now purring cat.
"Illinois. A fitting name for a little adventurer like him". You told him.
"Huh. Okay." Yancy didn't understand how you pulled the name Illinois from an adventurous cat, but he wasn't gonna question it. He watched as your cat walked over to the couch and laid on it.
"I'm guessing that's where I'll be sleeping for now?" He asked you, hoping you'd let him crash there cause he had literally no where else to go.
"What? No, Yancy I'm not gonna let you sleep on my couch." He looked hurt for a moment so you quickly continued. "I mean I have somewhere more comfy and with less cat hair that you can stay."
"You do? Where?"
"Follow me"
You led him to the extra bedroom in your small house. The room was now decorated with stuff Yancy would like: a desk to write songs and such at, a couple microphones, and even some cool led lights, and a disco ball. Perfect for making musical numbers. Yancy was looking around the room in awe. He's never had anyone do anything this nice for him.
"This used to be my old roommates room till they moved out., But its yours now I suppose." You told him as he started playing around with the lights. But he turned them off and looked towards you again. "You did this for me?" He then hugged you again, muttering something about how he doesn't deserve someone as kind and thoughtful as you. You told him to shut up and he did, accepting the love you were giving him.
Being your roommate was gonna be fun. Yancy had so many plans with you already too. He couldn't wait to write songs with you and dance with you and hopefully not get sent to prison again because he had to admit, being free wasn't all that bad, especially with you.

for the love of god please listen to old users when we say this site works differently. that you can’t just sit around with a blank blog. make posts or reblog, but do something at least. this site works because we don’t have an unavoidable garbage algorithm forcefeeding us posts based on our likes. we do not need another fucking twitter, tiktok or instagram.

every time i have salmon it's like. bears are right. i would also stand in a stream for this.