Incorrect Qoutes - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Fire Emblem Three Houses… Incorrect Qoutes.

Ft: My oc’s. (Ill post about them later :))

Bold= oc’s name

Vince: We all have our demons.

Vince, grabbing Caspar: This one’s mine.


Annette: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was changing their name to Felix.


Braelyn: Alright, listen up you little shits.

Braelyn: Not you Ashe. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.


Caspar: **Closes a cabinet,

a crash is heard behind the cabinet door**

Linhardt: What was that?

Caspar: The sound of someone else's problem.


Hapi: Who the fuck-

Constance: Language!

Hapi: Whom the fuck-

Costance: No.


Cerirn: Seriously, Hubert, how many people would you have killed if Edelgard asked you to?

Hubert: That’s not important

Cerirn: I DISAGREE!!


Hazel: Hey Ri. How long can someone breathe in a sealed box?

Ri: …

Ri: Where’s Lorenz…?

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2 years ago
Ik I Can Just Type It Or Copy Paste It But I Just Wanna Point Out, This Generator Came Bringing Qoutes

Ik i can just type it or copy paste it but I just wanna point out, this generator came bringing qoutes that works for the characters and— that’s one of them.

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1 year ago

Ya know what screw it, steven and gold incorrect qoutes time

Lost!gold: What? I'm not aggressive! Steven: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips? Lost!gold: Survival of the fittest, bitch.

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2 years ago

Eddie: and now sir Stefan you will face the most dangerous sceme of all… AN MLM

Steve: oh you mean like gays? I have to be gay?

Eddie: wait a minu-

Steve: is this like a support group thing? Or like gsa? Do I just have to date a guy? Can I do that?

Eddie: Stevie hold on-

Steve: omg can I be dating that hot rocker elf with curly hair? Actually can we be secretly married? Omg with a dog that I named after my hot rocker elf husband.

Eddie: no-

Steve: wait I can’t? why not?

Robin: yeah Eddie why can’t sir Stefan have a happy life with his husband? That’s seems kinda homophobic of you ngl

Steve: yeah Eddie! stop being homophobic and let me and my hot rocker elf husband live in peace!

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9 months ago

As my aunt once said: you will say no once twice thrice but you will say yes the fourth time...

The Cat King: Edwin is playing hard to get. The Cat King: Little does he know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.

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2 years ago

Today I offer some totally correct Candle Cove quotes. Tomorrow? Who knows.

Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.
Today I Offer Some Totally Correct Candle Cove Quotes. Tomorrow? Who Knows.

I love all of these ^^

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6 years ago

Thor: Loki, why is your selfie taped to the top of the Christmas tree


loki: Because I’m a star

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6 years ago

Hulk, furious: WHO ATE MY FRIES? I’M GONNA FUCKING KI- Thor: Sorry, I did. Hulk, tenderly: -kiss you and buy you some more. Do you want anything else?

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6 years ago

T’Challa: I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. Shuri: What? T’Challa: You are ten times smarter than any boy you meet. Shuri: You said it was a secret.

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6 years ago

Thor: you're cute when you're angry

Bruce: I'm always angry

Thor: I know



Bruce: oh...

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6 years ago

Scott: Dude, there was the biggest fucking nerd sitting in your seat yesterday.

Hank: That was me with my glasses on.

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6 years ago

Peter P.: Why is Thanos so mean?

Tony: I guess when you find something you're really good at you just stick with it.

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6 years ago

Steve: Call 911!

Tony: Steve , what part of this looks like authorities should be involved?

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6 years ago

Thanos: Why won't you stay down and die with dignity?!

Loki: I don't do anything with dignity!

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4 years ago

OC memes because fight me:

Mutant Hunter A: Alright, here’s your rights: you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used and-


Tip: *books it*

Mutant Hunter B: ...

Mutant Hunter A: ...

Mutant Hunter B: Does she?

Mutant Hunter A: I- NO! GO GET HER!


Maverick: Good morning everyone!

Maverick: God has allowed me to live another day!

Maverick: So I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.


Maverick, laughing: you’re- oh my god the big scary mutant girl is afraid of water! This is hila-

Tip: *shoves him off the dock, into said water*



Zinia, holding Tip above the water: See? It isn’t that bad.

Tip, holding on for dear life: I swear to god if you drop me-


Tip, after Zinia saved her life: Nice! Now You’re stuck with me!

Zinia: oh, cool, so what does- wait, what?

Tip: Oh, I’m your problem now! They wanted me dead, your gonna find out why. Don’t like it? Then kill me.



Mint: she don bite! :3

Tip, trying to stab Maverick: YES I F**KING DO!


Zinia: Look, we aren’t mad, we just need to know why you have a fake ID.

Mint: *incoherent mumbling*

Forest: Speak up, Mint.

Mint: You need to be at least eighteen to hold the puppies in Crater View...

(They give him his ID back and make him promise to get the others some, dogs must be pet!)


Daisy: Uhh... mom? I think I might be... a lesbian?

Zinia: ...

Zinia: Hold on, I support you a %100 percent, just give a moment.

Zinia, after leaving the room: Do I need to buy her a Pride flag? Would she like a pin more? Oh! Maybe a pendant-



Maverick: So, Daisy’s a lesbian?

Daisy: sounds about right

Maverick: And Tip’s bi?

Tip: Bicurious, but yeah.

Maverick: ugh, is there anyone here who JUST LIKES GUYS?

Forest, raising his hand: That would be me.

Mint: And me!

Maverick: *incoherent sputtering*


Maverick: I hate everything you stand for.

Tip, without looking up: Then kneel.

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Kano: If you got heartburn, I'll tell you what. You need to get Prilosec. Git er' done.

Kabal: that's shockingly like what it's like.

Kano: *laughs*

Kabal: I mean, almost word for word.

Kano: I eat ribs everyday and I love it. But I'll tell you what about how much ribs I eat. A lot... I'm Larry the Cable Guy.

Kabal: *laughs*

Kano: eat Prilosec.

Kabal: eat Prilosec?

Kano: CoNsUmE pRiLoSeC! *Laughs*

Kabal: I'm almost positive he doesn't phrase it like that.

Kano: if you go to a football...sports game and you run out of chips, eat Prilosec. It'll bring you joy.

Kabal: that's brilliant. That's a brilliant f*cking thought.

Kano: it's got loads of calories.

Both: *laugh*

Kabal: and it'll give you heartburn like crazy.

Both: *laugh harder*

Kano: Bye! Sell! It's a bare market on Prilosec!

Kabal: this is your elder god.

Kano: *laughs* PrIlOsEc Is WhAt YoU wOrShIp!

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Kitana, playing shao Kahn's Mario maker level: *dies* elder God's da- your f*cking hammer with your tight a** hammer, your stick!

Mileena: *laughing*

Kitana: *making random noises*

Mileena: *laughing*

Kitana: *dies* what the f*ck!!!...*making more dumb noises*

Mileena: *laughing*

Kitana: no. Bowser, Why you gotta be like that? *Screams of mental pain* just had to get that out my system.

Kitana: alright. *sigh* my f*cking head hurts.

Mileena: I can't even see straight. I can no longer visually take in this level.

Kitana: f*ck this. F*ck this sh*t.

Mileena: you're going for it.

Kitana: this is so stupid! This is so stupid!! F*cking stupid!!! Ay-ay-ay chi mama!!!

Mileena: *laughs*

Kitana: No. No. No. No. No. No!!!!

Mileena: welp,this was fun. I think we should call Dad in here.

Kitana: so you beat it with a fire flower?

Shao Kahn: yep.

Kitana: then that's cheating!

Shao Kahn: it's not cheating. It's a secret.

Kitana: it's not a secret, it's cheating!

Shao Kahn: secret cheating.

Kitana: I knew it! I knew you couldn't beat it!

Shao Kahn: secret cheating

Kitana: *hands over remote* Here! I wanna see you beat- here, take it. Let's see you beat it without a flower!

Mileena: do it father.

Shao Kahn: *dies*

Kitana: have you ever beat it without the fire flower?

Shao Kahn: no

Kitana: Then f*ck you!

Shao Kahn: *laughs and leaves*

Mileena: *dies multiple times* I feel bad for the next person I fight. This anger is coming out in kombat.

Kitana: I'll prepare myself.

Mileena: *laughs*

Mileena: ok, here comes the part that nobody has ever beaten.

Kitana: *laughs* there's probably a f*cking-

Mileena: *dies* come on. *Sputtering* you gotta bounce off the turtle shell so why- *angry sputtering*

Both: *laugh*

Kitana: *playing* just gotta believe in myself. This is how it works. Just gotta hype yourself up.

Mileena: *quietly* I surrender.

Kitana: hype man. Gotta feel it in your bones.

Mileena: my bones are telling me to f*cking leave the room and cry. That's what my bones want me to do.

Kitana: my bones are telling me,"please, I need more milk. Why do you do this to me?"

Mileena: "I need calcium"

Kitana: "it's been so long since I've felt I've had proper sustenance"

Mileena: okay.

Kitana: "stop it with the pizzas!"

Both: *laughing*

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4 years ago

Soren: *sniffing some magical flowers*

Kasef: What are you doing?

Soren: Just smelling a rose?

Kasef: Weird *whispers* I wish I was that rose.

Soren: What?

Kasef: *hurriedly* I said you’re gross!

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