Congratulations Philza Minecraft!!!
Congratulations Philza minecraft!!!
He survived past the season 2 record. I will now go past out because it’s way to late.
icyfox17 liked this · 9 months ago
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More Posts from Cr0wfeathers

My take on all egg designs ! Some of which changed since I began these but I got too lazy to change them and for some, even totally finish :v but here goes ⭐️ It was sooo much fun

Mumbo, desperate to feel normal for once, releases dirt on his fellow hermits and asks the community to rank their weirdness.

in honor of richas here are some of his most iconic signs (as many as i could fit in a single post)
One thing that gets glossed over in the tubbathon is that during modcasts the mods have access to everything on tubbo’s pc. Instead of doing any malicious with this ultimate power the mods just put silly little things on screen because the chatters are silly little creatures who need constant visual stimuli. Every time I think about this and I gain more respect for the mods, and a little bit of fear that one of them will go rouge.
recently i’ve had so much stress about posting specific things to a specific blogs because i feel like that’s what i should be doing. then i started thinking about how dumb it is that these stupid made up rules are stopping me from enjoying something. if someone truly wants to see specific content the they can use tags. i shouldn’t be stopping myself from enjoying things just for the happiness of other people, especially if doing that thing doesn’t hurt anybody. this is a long winded way to say that this blog will now be a mesh of whatever is on mind with little regard to consistency.
the main things that will be here are hermitcraft, MCYT, magnus archive/magnus protocol, and autism.
Ps. I am very dyslexic so there will most likely be spelling and grammar errors on my posts.