Q!pomme - Tumblr Posts

My take on all egg designs ! Some of which changed since I began these but I got too lazy to change them and for some, even totally finish :v but here goes ⭐️ It was sooo much fun

The server being so unfriendly to the French that they LITTERALLY just created lore on the spot instead of just using what was already written is crazy
(On a side note depending on who wrote this lore I have several questions honestly because if this was written by according to Antoines lore the federation directly attacking pomme like this would’ve probably let up to an immediate fallout in the federation power structure. Though I would have to check the dates on when Antoine said he sent his lore over and when the A1 stream happened. Also this would’ve also probably led to aypierres/baghera lore too since they were also kidnapped/raised by the feds and Pierre was even killed by the federation at some point.)

the fact that purgatory isnt used for more angst settings is honestly a net loss
Thinking about how Pomme is q!Antoines only child. Baghera has Dapper and Tilin, Etoiles has Dapper and Pepito, Aypierre has Richas, Bad has Dapper, but Pomme is his. He's a half crazed past scientist and possible god but he is also a father to one child and one alone. That is how much space in is his heart. And what experiments did he even do? Why does the Federation consider them a failure? Was it his "failed" research that was an overture for the eggs? What about Baghera? Was she created before or after his work? Did he know? And what about Aypierre? They were watching Pierre for years, did he know then? How long has this gone on? How long does the betrayal backlog? How long has Pomme been an only child? In the Watchful Scribes library at The End of The World there is no place for her.
(this post is brought to you by this clip that still drives me crazy to this day.)

this moment was so cute to me. pomme is so real
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The eggs are still missing. Let's take a break from the angst with some memes and humor. I'm aware that these memes are from the election arc.

Below are Image IDs.
[Image ID 1: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring FoolishGamers in his QSMP elections minecraft skin and Pomme the French egg. Foolish is wearing a green shirt, brown pants, green suspenders, a yellow tie, and sunglasses. Pomme has red and blue marks on her face and wears a black beret. The text under Foolish says "A Living Totem of Undying." The text under Pomme says "A French child with a laser gun." ]
[Image ID 2: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring Baghera and Etoiles in their QSMP elections + Mike's haircuts minecraft skins. Baghera is wearing a black suit with black shorts, white shoes, and is sporting short pink hair. Etoiles is wearing a full black suit, sunglasses, and earpiece like a personal bodyguard. He is sporting white hair. The text under Baghera reads "A Swiss duck with a laser gun." The text under Etoiles reads "A cucumber who is boss as security."]
[Image ID 3: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring 2 Code monsters and Etoiles in his QSMP elections + Mike's haircuts minecraft skin. Etoiles is wearing a full black suit, sunglasses, and earpiece like a personal bodyguard. He is sporting white hair. The 2 binary entities are floating green numbers in a cylindrical (crooked) shape. The text under Etoiles says "A cucumber who lives for fights." The text under the Codes says "2 strange cylinders made of numbers." ]

this moment was so cute to me. pomme is so real
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