crystalthevampirate - Crystal the Vampirate
Crystal the Vampirate

writer | sleeper | learner ♥️ a sucker for good food & entertainment

156 posts

Bonus: Unlike Many Languages, Finnish Has Names For Eight Points Of The Compass Instead Of Four. So Between

Bonus: Unlike Many Languages, Finnish Has Names For Eight Points Of The Compass Instead Of Four. So Between

Bonus: unlike many languages, Finnish has names for eight points of the compass instead of four. So between cardinal directions (pääilmansuunnat) we call ordinal directions (väli-ilmansuunnat) NE, SE, SW & NW by their very own words.

'Ilma' means 'air' and 'suunta' is 'direction', so literally these are called 'air/wind directions', or 'directions of (the) air'

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    shadyglitch liked this · 2 years ago
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    marysmirages liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Crystalthevampirate

2 years ago

I have no idea how to keep it neat with so many wildly unrelated things going on.. I've decided to try something before it gets out of hand, so some of the tags in the pinned are pretty deserted to start with. I'm gon' do whatever for a year or so, see what sticks. getting a ware-overdo, so hopefully I'll at least be getting back into music & some edits soon :)

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2 years ago

tags to reach, tags to file (even if The System only makes sense to you) & tags to scream -not like on the post, but On_the_Post can, and do coexist

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2 years ago

left - vasen right - oikea

I write with my left hand. Kirjoitan vasemmalla kädellä.

Turn left at the corner. Käänny kulmasta vasemmalle.

Do I sit on their right? Istunko hänen oikealla puolellaan?

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2 years ago

art films, thrillers, camp horror: this is what's wrong with the world

us, the children of that world: um, yes please?