He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ || Early 20s || Credit to the people of the artwork/gifs || Requests and tags are open

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What Are You Doing?

What Are You Doing?

Pairing: Jensen x GN!Reader

Summary: After you and J2 are done with the episode, they go their different ways. Jensen wraps his arms around you and you question what he's doing


You, Jared and Jensen finish up doing the last scene for the episode. The three of you head out whilst having a conversation.

Jared goes off to his trailer with Jensen going to your own. Jensen stops walking and stops you by dropping his head onto your shoulder. He shifts his head to have his chest against your back. "What are you doing?"

"I'm tired." His voice comes out muffled. "Then go to your trailer and sleep." you raise your arm up to rest rest hand against the back of his head with a groan escaping from him. "I can't be bothered."

"Well, I'm not carrying your ass all the way there, Mr. Ackles." His arms wrap around your waist. "You might need to, future-to-be-Ackles." you roll your eyes, pressing a kiss his cheek. "Funny, but no. You have working legs and you know how to use them." you move your arm to rest it next to your side before you start to walk with Jensen waddling behind you, his arms still around you.

You stop in front of his trailer, opening the door, stepping in and walking over to his bed. You turn around and lay down before disconnecting his arms from your body. He groans as you stand up from him and to the trailer door. "Shut up, you big baby. Go to sleep."

You close the door behind you once you exit out of it. A loud groan comes from inside of it. "No! Go to sleep!" you walk away but stop with another groan coming out from the trailer. "Ugh." you walk back to go back in with the door being closed.

You settle on a side of the bed with Jensen crawling up to rest his head on your chest, his arms on the sides of your body. "Big baby." you rest your hand against the back of his head with soft snores escaping from him.

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More Posts from Cuddly-dean-baby

4 years ago

Storms - Sam x Reader x BestFriend!Dean

Let me know if you’d like to have a BSM version with you being a kid Summary: You wake up to the storm outside. You walk downstairs in one of his flannels to see both the Winchesters looking out at the storm


Sam’s POV Footsteps grab Dean’s and I’s attention to the stairs. We see (Y/N) wearing one of my flannels. She mumbles, “You were gone.”

“I’m sorry.” I wrap my arms around her shoulders and hers around my middle once she got in front of me. “Out of all the things, you’re scared of storms.” Dean crosses his arms. “You’re scared of flying.”


(Y/N) buries her head further into my chest. I bend down a bit to grab the back of her knees. She moves her arms to rest on my shoulders and her legs wrapped around where her arms previously was.

“Fuck storms.” (Y/N) leans her head against my shoulder with her forehead against my neck. “Thought you’d only be fucking Sam.” Dean comments.

In response, (Y/N) twists her upper body around a bit to whack the back of his head. He groans, rubbing the back of his head. “After the storm, the first thing that will be fucking is the shovel I’m going to have to dig a six feet hole in the ground. So, I’d be careful if I was you, Winchester.” She rests her head on my shoulder again.

“I’m so going to bury him after this fucking storm.” She mumbles tiredly. “I know.” I look down at her asleep before looking at Dean. “I’m gonna take her to bed. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Dean says good night as I waddle upstairs. “She okay?” Jody asks tiredly as she walks out of her room whilst rubbing the tiredness from her eyes. “Yeah. Storm scared her. And I guess she couldn’t stay asleep.”

“Obviously ‘cause every time there’s a storm that involves thunder and lightning, who would be able to sleep through that?”

“Good night, Jody.”

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4 years ago

You’re So Stupid - Sam x Reader

Summary: On a hunt, you go out to stand on a frozen lake, but only to fall in. Sam dives after you and you both get told off by Dean once you get back to the motel


3RD POV As Dean and Sam dig up the bones of the ghost to do a quick salt and burn, (Y/N) walks off to find a frozen lake. “I’ve always wanted to try this.” She gets a running start before skating across the ice. A couple of giggles come out.

Yells of her name makes her turn around once she stops. Cracks underneath her makes her move her attention go to the bottom of her feet.

Once Sam gets closer, his girlfriend falls into the freezing water. “(Y/N)!” He dives in after her, the eldest Winchester calling for both of them. His younger brother manages to get (Y/N)’s arm to bring her body up as he starts to swim back up.

Dean pulls (Y/N) out of the water before doing the same do his brother, both of their bodies shaking and looking quite pale. Sam struggles to kneel next to (Y/N)’s body as she’s on her side, glaring up at him. “Y-You’re so s-stupid.”

“Both of you are.” Dean helps the both of them to stand up before walking back to the Impala. Dean sets out blankets all over the back seat and handing one each to the couple. The three of them hop into their seats, Dean and (Y/N) being in their original seats.

A wave of warm air starts to fill the Impala. (Y/N) leans against Sam’s side with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. “You are so stupid coming after me.”

“It was either I did that or let you drown.”

“I was starting to swim back up.”

Dean pulls up to the motel. The three of them go up to the room. Dean instantly flops on the bed his bag is on. “Both of you are stupid for going into that water.” He sits up. “What were you even doing on the lake?”

“I was bored.” (Y/N) shrugs before motioning to the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a very long shower to warm up.” She walks to the room with some warm clothes. The door closes behind her with the shower running. “And I’m not going to warm up that way, you nasty, Dean!” She gets a laugh from both the brothers.

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4 years ago

Hold Up

Pairing: Conner x GN!Reader

Summary: Conner reads a book as you do some gymnastics. You get his help and continues to do it

A/N: I know the one doing the splits is Tim, but imagine it’s you instead


Your hands grip the back of the couch to lift your body up to do a handstand. You fall back onto the ground to walk to the kitchen. “Want a drink?!” you call out to your boyfriend.

"Water, please!” Conner calls back.

Strolling back in the lounge, he blindly grabs the chilled bottle into his hand as in his other is a comic, which his eyes are fixed on.

Taking a quick drink, you walk to the back of the couch whilst pulling Conner’s free hand out and leaving it up. “Hold up?” Conner doesn’t leave his attention on the comic. “Hold up.” you confirmed.

Placing your right hand on his outstretched one, you heave yourself into the air, your legs standing straight. Your legs separate into the splits, your left hand stretched out for balance.

Conner move his hand in front of him to be face to face with you. “Hi.” He smiles at you, making you have a smile in return. “Hey.”

“Want take out tonight?”

“I have a feeling we’re gonna have the group here and you’re gonna ask Dick to get the food.”

"Yup.” He pops the ‘p’ as his lips press against yours.

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4 years ago

Finding A Job - Eddie x Reader x Venom

Summary: You come home from work to see Eddie on the couch trying to find himself a job. He gives you cuddles with the symbiote coming out too


3RD POV (Y/N) closes the door behind her as she dumps her backpack, her shoes and slips off her pants as she walks to the shared room to put on a pair of shorts and a jumper from Eddie. “Still finding a job?” She wedges through his arms and legs to rest her head in the crook of his neck.

“Yeah.” He rests his arms on her back and continues to to go through the newspaper. “Just come and work with me.”

“I’d love to, but-”

“But you gotta find a job that will be quite good so you can still talk to the parasite.” The symbiote forms his head out to glare at (Y/N). “I’m not a parasite!” (Y/N) nudges his face with her index. “I know. But you’re a good parasite.”

Venom transfers himself to (Y/N) so he can rest on her lower back. “I’m somehow the one ending up to be a bed.” Eddie comments. His girlfriend and the symbiote agree.

Eddie puts the paper and pen down on the table to play with the hoodie (Y/N)’s wearing. “Why’d you steal my jumper?”

“Why not?” She tugs the sleeves down to cover her hands.

Venom glides along her back to rest against (Y/N)’s shoulder. She pokes her index out to start poking him. “Why are you poking me?” He asks. A shrug becomes his answer.

Venom moves himself to rest in the hoodie. He moves around and finally lies down after getting comfortable. 

After a few moments of silence with the TV going, Venom breaks it. “Can we go ou-?”

“We’re not going to go eat bad people.” The couple say in unison.

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4 years ago

How In The World? - BSM Winchesters x Reader

Summary: When you and the brothers were younger, Dean managed to do push ups with both his siblings on his back (obviously. Where else would they sit? His head?). Now when they’re older, you and Dean gets surprised as Sam manages to do that to you two in return


Age: 8-9 Sam - 13 Dean- 16 3RD POV Sam walks out of the bathroom to see his little sister on the back of their older brother’s back as he’s doing push ups. “Hi, Sammy.” (Y/N) waves a hand towards his way. He returns the greeting. “Dean, why is (N/N) on your back?” He asks.

“Because she was bored and saw me doing some workouts.”

“Which he needs from eating all that pie.” (Y/N) adds. “Hey!” Dean exclaims. Sam walks over and sits on Dean’s lower back. (Y/N) shifts to lean in between Sam’s legs as they’re now hanging on both sides of Dean, who continues to do push ups.

“Baby sister, you’re getting a bit tubby from eating those chocolates.” Dean says. “Not my fault you buy them for me.” (Y/N) pats his back. “And you’re getting a bit tubby yourself from eating those pies.” Dean hushes her.

~10 years later~

(Y/N) walks into the library to expect Sam researching for another hunt, but only to see him doing push ups. She walks towards him and sits on his back, giving him a small fright. “Hey, Sammy.”

“Hey, baby sister.” Sam continues to do his push ups. Dean walks into the bunker with plastic bags in each hand. He sees his two siblings talking to each other as Sam does his push ups.

“Got food.” Dean announces as he sets the bags on one of the library tables. “Did you get my chocolate?” (Y/N) looks up at the eldest brother. Dean rummages through one of the bags and throws a block of chocolate towards her. She thanks him as she eats a row of the treat.

Dean walks over and sits behind (Y/N) on Sam’s back. Both the siblings are surprised as Sam continues to do push ups. “How are you even doing this?” Dean asks. “I’m Batman.” Sam replies. Dean grumbles as (Y/N) chuckles.

After a few seconds of silence, Sam breaks it. “You guys gotta stop eating pies and chocolate.” The two siblings tell him to shut up in unison.

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